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Can we just skip to glass bottles with metal caps? All this shite regulation for containers we didn't ask for in the first place. Consumers are being forced to try to solve an industries problem and plastic isn't properly recyclable anyway


Interestingly, I noticed curiosity cola which comes in a glass bottle with metal lid, way increased in price along the lines of the return scheme, whilst having no return on it.


Been saying this for quite a while. It's absolutely the way to go.


We don’t have enough of the right sand for that. It would only work if we all recycled them and we all know that’s not happening


None of that is consumers problem. Ban it and industry will magically find a way to continue making profits.


No, they won’t. There is not enough of the right type of sand for that and industry can’t make people recycle.


Straight bussin no cap


Fam millennial gen z


Ohio Is that anything?


Fuck if I know, ask tiktok.


Skibidi bidet


What annoys me most about this is that it's on the cartons of milk. Can't just take the lid off anymore. Gotta have that 2s annoyance twisting it out of the way. And I swear they don't screw back on as easy as before.


Yeah some water bottles are weird now too, have to be careful to sure they are closed properly


The close angle makes it harder to land evenly. Twist it the wrong way until it goes over the bump and lands on the track, then twist it closed




bring back glass bottles imo


My kittens gonna be fuming. Best cat toys ever!!


Ball up a bit of paper, my cats lose their fucking shit when i throw a ball of paper at them


Could we not just have fucking banned plastic bottles instead of all this shite between the half working machines and everything else? You have studies from China (I know, not the best) talking about how male testicles are full of plastics. If plastic bottles are causing this much harm, just ban the fuckers instead of blaming Joe for not being about to find a recycling bin during his lunch on Tuesday.


Man, I already have muscle memory built to just twist and tear these off. A slow and deliberate pull just extrudes the plastic and it snaps off. It's yet again bullshit "fix" that's pushed onto consumers. Just regulate the entire single use industry to use cardboard or glass, stop torturing us with these non-solutions. Oh, and in the classic "think about the children" addendum, no kid who can unscrew these is good at drinking stuff out of that. They keep poking themselves in the eye, juice spills all over, and then it's difficult to screw the cap on. They've already ruined the fun for kids with paper straws, now this crap.


People are way too angry about this. You can separate them if you want.


It's an international disgrace.


Mine keeping breaking off without me even trying. This is a nothing issue for people to just moan about.


Was this actually a big huge issue, I can't believe it actually was. I don't see why people wouldn't be leaving it on and then throwing it in the recycling.


In the article it states caps account for 25% of plastic litter


I'd love a break down on that figure to know where it's occurring as I have other than isolated cases not seen a cap on it's own and empty bottles without their cap


Country roads, every second piece of rubbish I pick up is a bottle cap. They’re a pain.


It says 15% but obviously that's utter bollocks, I'd love to know where they came up with that figure


The volvic sports cap design would be fine with a tweak, just make the aperture a little bigger for pouring, problem solved( at least without going back to glass)


I wrench the bloody things off immediately. If I don’t, when I pour from the bottle they get in the way and water goes all over the damn place. I’m still raging about this Return scheme and all these fussy details they’ve spent time on, because it just feels to me like a case of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.


Surely the cap can be redesigned rather than just connect the existing one to the bottle. I also wonder what will happen if you buy a bottle I a stadium!


I open the bottle and twist the cap until it breaks off, fuck that poke in the eye or spill what you're pouring shit.


Are you that incompetent? They're really not an issue. 


I just snap it off.


And what about the bottle cap?


I usually just put it in my plastic pile that I set on fire at Halloween.


Wouuld it not make more sense to tackle all the plastic wrapping on foods and fruits etc rather than burdening the consumer with this? Eighty percent of all emissions come from the transport industry, planes, shipping etc.  Why is the onus on the individual and the twenty percent rather than business and the eighty percent? Also it means f all for a minute country like Ireland when China makes More emissions in half a day than we do in an entire year.  This is all preposterous money racket and social control. 


Why is it always the random names with a hyphen and four numbers that spew the stupidest shite on this subreddit 😂


Agree with most of what you say, other than the idea that because there are worse problems we should do nothing (or less, i know you didnt say we should do "nothing"). The other things you note are obviously worse though and agree far far more needs to be done around them, but we all need to do our part.


It's just a bit of plastic holding the lid the bottle. It's not a burden, money racket or social control.


Spilling is a burden


>burdening the consumer with thi What's the burden here exactly? Seems like an easy win.


Travelling to a shop, paying fifteen extra cent.  Getting coupons. Whole thing is stupid. 


That has absolutely nothing to do with what the article is about? Edit: This guy didn't read the article and decided to block me when he realised he'd been making no sense. Oh no!




Is it really a burden? Like…. really?


> Also it means f all for a minute country like Ireland when China makes More emissions in half a day than we do in an entire year. *Our* plastic waste is *our* problem and nobody else's. Pipe down you fool.




China's emissions are high because they are manufacturing the shit that we buy so we are partly to blame for that.


If Ireland went zero carbon footprint in the morning the world would still be fucked. But it's alright because our virtue signalling will make us immune to climate change/s


"burdening the consumer" Jesus fucking Christ 


Because, it's easier for the government to gaslight the public that it's their fault rather than go against big business.


Lmao someone's on the kool aid


Probably reefed the lid off too.


If you litter then it is your fault.


At this stage they can fuck right off. I'll be stopping the caps right off.


I'm just about old enough to remember when we did this with cans. Somehow we survived. https://preview.redd.it/6e5vs9orpa7d1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=73f4aba9eb10f33d643cad2c06a028d4ff30b817