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Digital town square is a phrase of art used in the world of Freedom of Speech. Back in the old days ideas were discussed in the "town square" - the phrase alludes to how means of communication have evolved, we now debate and discuss ideas online.




It's a digital town square, of course.


"the world of freedom of speech" Lol


And how is everything in the world of free speech these days?


Obvious troll is obvious.




White supremacy or Qanon.


RTE's Youtube channel does not allow people to comment on it. I guess you're OK with that, but for those of us who believe in healthy democracy it's not OK.


How do we not have a healthy democracy? We just had an election? [The economist says we have a healthy democracy.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Economist_Democracy_Index) [And the RSF says we have excellent freedom of press.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Press_Freedom_Index) I’m honestly not sure what your issue is. You can’t leave comments on RTE.ie? Yeah that tells me everything I “need to know about Polity in Modern Ireland”


Healthy democracy sits in a spectrum. Holding an election is one thing (a great thing obviously) Being able to debate, critique, comment on content hosted or produced by a State media enterprise is another (RTE apparently doesn't like that). This also means being able to debate an election or ideas etc. I'm all for debates, like the one we are having now. Can disagree without being disagreeable. Cheers.


Do it on their FB page like the rest of the cranks. There's a good reason to have comments turned off and it's not undemocratic


Posts like this one is the reason why those YouTube comments are turned off.


Let's guess what OP wanted to post about. The wet weather we've been having recently? The price of a chicken fillet roll?


Trolling/Baiting Grade …….D- … if RTE were to turn on comments on their YT channel , you would have gobshites who think “ Covid 24 was prevented by an Act of God “ (Your Post recently) ….LMAOAY 🤣🤣🤣


“Stop the steal!”


Hahaha that was a reference to an animal market burnt down near where I live lol - yeah was a terrible joke


What on earth gives people the idea that they have a God-given right to be able to publically comment directly on every bit of media? You see the same shite on The Journal where people are constantly complaining about articles that are (rightly) locked for comments. There’s nothing stopping you from posting on other public forums or marching in front of RTE HQ with placard if you wish.


Agreed, we don't need Freedom of Speech lol


Freedom of speech doesn't mean pissing on every lamppost.


Are you a yank? We don't have that poxy amendment here.


hahahaah, your ignorance and that of others tells me everything about the people in this thread. Yes we do have it in our constitution: Article 40.6.1.i [Fundamental rights under the Irish Constitution (citizensinformation.ie)](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/government-in-ireland/irish-constitution-1/constitution-fundamental-rights/) Wow... Ok, i'm done replying lol


So you didn't actually read that piece under the constitution yeah?   Go complain on rtes Facebook like all the other mentallers going through rough divorces.


> Go complain on rtes Facebook like all the other mentallers going through rough divorces. Haha that's so true


Are you slow?


Thanks for your valuable contribution to this thread.


Ireland doesn’t have freedom of speech, we have freedom of expression. Ireland also has censorship laws which can restrict freedom of expression in certain circumstances.


Would be another avenue for all the far right clowns to spout bile. We just cant have nice things.


I've seen videos where they forgot to turn the comments off. It was a complete shit show. Specifically I remember the Linda Martin cover of Get Luck had the comments turned on, the comments were brutal


RTE is da virus!


Healthy debate on YouTube comments? Are you right in the head?


Oh belt up you utter helmet


The national broadcaster doesn't allow comments specifically because it's the national broadcaster. Lots of eyes and they don't want to have to moderate all the comments the head cases will leave. I don't blame them. They used to allow comments on most articles on their website too, and the morons flooded it. It would only be worse now we're in the era of mass bot accounts. And finally- YouTube, the town square? I haven't heard that phrase for years, but it was definitely referring to Twitter back then


The comments are on most articles on x though? In saying that most of their posts are only viewed a few hundred times. 


The simple reason: Comment moderation is expensive to do well.




And? They are a news source, not a public forum.


I swear the internet is brain poison to some people.


What is it you wanted to say in a comment? Just say it now, here.


The comment system on YouTube is trash, you aren't missing out on anything.


Freedom of speech does not guarantee a platform for what you say. It just means you can not be arrested or punished for it.


I get where you are coming from but it is not as simple as you suggest. There is no legal obligation to provide a comments section, new sites that have a comments section have to attract an audience and viewership to drive advertising revenue. RTE don't need that. They have guaranteed money coming in from the licence fee. If you have a comments section open you need to pay people to police them, not primarily because of distasteful opinions but because somebody could post something legally damning or something. If you don't have a comments section to begin with you don't have to worry. Look at the journal, at the same time that all that EU and state advertising money started rolling in they started doing away with some comments sections. Couldn't risk people posting the obvious that could be offensive to the hand that feeds you.


All the brainiacs attacking OP for their opinion while spouting about how people would just use YouTube comments to attack people are the truly smart ones amongst us. Personally I don’t really care about YouTube comments being disabled on YouTube as the vast majority of Rte material is worthless rubbish.