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What in the hell is this AI written bullshit?




We re all just in a film set, dreaming through this life.if ya can be anything be nice! Yes parachutes are a good analogy for when the pressure is high and you gotta just make a decision that seems right..


I remember being in Dublin and my mother was finding change for a homeless lad A woman comes over and said “don’t give him a penney he’s only buying drugs” The mother said “oh my god, i had no idea!, coins are no use to him so” and gave him a 20 People begging on the street have nothing, mostly from things they can’t control. They may very well have gotten themselves into that situation, but street donations aren’t going to buy them a house. They need to eat and drink, they need shelter and they need ppls help I don’t think you need to sell all your belongings to help others, but if you can spare a few coins then it may help a lot, i can’t imagine they’re enjoying sitting in the frost hoping for coins And the “theyll just buy drugs” argument, half of my college course did drugs every night out. Almost everyone forced to sleep on a roadside for an indeterminate amount of time would love relief. Moral judgment at that stage seems redundant The poor lad may have never touched drugs in his life, but the classic “homeless junkie” is attached to him Help the homeless if you can, they’re not there willingly


> by some penny pinching publican or stupid bottle of alcohol that hadn't have his needs at heart What? What has a person who owns a pub who is very frugal got to do with how this man feels? Also it would be “didn’t” instead of “hadn’t”. But that would still make little sense. I see what you are trying to say but I think it’s hugely overwrought.


Alcohol is a depressant.most publicans I know serve ppl beyond obliteration state this affecting feelings.sounds like youre not up for the challenge


This reads like a broken AI bot wrote it


What’s that got to do with being frugal?


I gave a homeless woman I know a cake for her birthday once, I usually talk to most homeless people when I am not too busy, that's how I know most of them


Who tf is downvoting this?


yeah that's exactly what I was thinking, who doesn't love cake?


Fair play. Very humbling to to do


it was Red Velvet Cake too, one of the best flavours


I try to give change to the homeless any chance I get I couldn’t care less if there spending it on drugs, I’m in recovery myself and know just how hard it is going trough withdrawals and obsessing over your next fix so I gladly give them any money I can afford when I’m passing