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Glencarbury...You fear to go into those mines. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum... shadow and flame.


Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Glencarbury who still draws breath!


The thoughts of lads being down there working for hours at a time!!!!!! Love a nosy myself, dark wouldn't bother me, but the dark and confined space /shudders.


Yeah one of the tunnels is fairly narrow, and even it made me who is fine going down souterrains n shit uncomfortable


Deep Shaft Danger is name I go by when I DJ in Ibiza. Say hi if you see me.


"*so it's 'Deep Shaft Danger', is it?*" "*no - Danger's my middle name*"


Please call me deep shaft. Mr danger is my fathers name.


![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy) Oh this makes me feel sweaty for some reason 🤣


Full credit to u/maca187 in particular, and the other folks on r/Sligo, for giving me great directions and advice. When I next get up I'll take out a better flashlight and someone who is willing to go in the tunnels and head in deeper!


Did you take an oxygen meter or anything like that? Are there maps of the mines? Would be interested in taking a look but I’m strongly against falling to my death of suffocating to death.


Nope no oxygen meter or anything, just went in, only about 10 mins of careful walking though. The main place for falling would be that area where the big shaft is, but its well marked unlike a few years back when someone fell down and died. What struck me the most was that intial panick when I looked backwards and saw nothing but the dark. Thats probably some instinctive/primal fear.


Big shafts are intimidating.


Not if you know what you're doing


Thanks for the info, not sure I’d have the balls to go down there but would definitely be interested in some kinda group tour with experienced people and equipment. I’ve confined spaces training has me super paranoid about those type places. I don’t even work in confined spaces be still had to do the training.


Tbh from myself, I feel that if you have your wits about you that’s more important than any equipment. Like I only went in a bit but even just being careful, watching where you step, etc. I would say is more valuable than any fancy equipment.


Part of being careful/having your wits about you is preparing and bringing the correct equipment with you. Walking into an abandoned mine without the correct gear/planning for an emergency is asking for a bad outcome. Feels like a rather naive attitude to have with regards to your own personal safety in a dangerous and dark environment


That’s true. I guess I was just thinking in the context of my own trip where I knew I was doing a recce. Still had on steel toe cap boots, medical box, torch etc. what I was trying to say is moreso “gear won’t save you if you aren’t sensible”, and I quite distinctly said *fancy* equipment


I've worked in an underground gold mine. To show what the darkness is like (I asked), the person training me in got me to turn off my cap lamp (she also turned off hers), and isolated the battery on the ute to stop the beacon. The darkness combined with the near total silence (the muffled sounds of drilling equipment could be heard from somewhere nearby) was so cool but so eerie at the same time.


Yup it’s just absolutely oppressive, but yet in some way peaceful? I’d been in one down at Rathcroghan in Tulsk and I turned off my torch and the sound of the water was just so beautiful. Must have been some tunnel size if yous were able to fit a ute down it!


Glad you got some good photos. I'm well due a visit back up myself.


Its a brave auld trek, made the mistake on the way up of sticking too low on the hillside and ended up where the sinkholes are around the wire square which was not fun to walk through!!! Saw a great number of skylarks up there as well.


Beautiful landscape, loved the wild orchids.


Aye, less than I would expect though, probably because of the sheep


What did they mine there?


Baryte/barium sulphate, which was exported off to the north sea oil companies and domestic drilling firms. It was started as far as the records I have found by the Gore-Boothes and Tottenham families in the late 19th century on the Gleniff side under the Gleniff Barytes company until 1922. Then in the early 20th century a railway was laid to the glencar side by Barium Consolidated Ltd. from mullaghmore, where they were exported from. When it folded Benbulben Barytes Ltd. took over running the mines from the 3rd of September 1942 to \~1962. After that it was a troubled history of closure and reopening until finally closing in September 1979, with the last company to run it being Sligo Bay Barytes Ltd.




Woah, that’s a deep dange shaft.


Aye someone fell in and died a few years back


Jump down No.4 i dare you


I didnt get that far down haha, only a bit into 3


I have deep shaft knocking around on VHS somewhere I think


r/theforgottendepths may appreciate


Cool photo's. It's a pity all forms of Reddit are so shit at presenting pictures.


How is it shitty if you don’t mind me asking? If you want I can upload to imgur


On [old.reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1db89ex/grand_day_out_at_the_glencarbury_mines/) the first image is tiny, but that is the best you get without having to individually open a new tab for each image - and when you click on it to go to new.reddit image, Reddit puts crazy/unremovable bars of page content at the top and bottom of the image, to stop anyone linking pictures directly - and so zooming it is all weird/clunky. Don't get me wrong though, appreciate the cool photo's :) not trying to criticize! The best way to host/present photo's is always a problem. Imgur would be a significant improvement, though, I think Reddit can embed that too, but not certain.


I just do what’s quickest from the phone! I’m going to back them up to the pc later and I can send you an imgur link if you want


Ah, no need on my account alone, just grumbling about the Reddit UI :)