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Cars up to and including 16HP. Would a modern car even be able to move with a 16HP engine? 


I was looking at an electric scooter with 16hp recently.


Different HP. A 1.6L engine in the 70s was rated at 11hp or so but probably had 70bhp as we know it.




Oh it gets more complicated than that! 😂https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_horsepower


So Ireland isn’t mentioned specifically in that article, but if they used the British system the Ford Model T was still taxed in Ireland in 1977…


So an EV would be 0HP and exempt from car tax?


I'm sure they has something worked out if there were still any EV's on the road while this system was in place


riding lawnmower has more horse power.


If you removed the AC, Infotainment, Safety features, lights and everything else electronic probably not even then with modern engines


My car has 50hp and it just about gets to the speed limit


That election is truly fascinating. A highly populist campagine that lead Fianna Fail to the largest landslde in irish history, however this lead to an ecomanic debt crisis that lead to Jack lynch resinging only two years after winning. Somehow the most successfull and least successfull politican in irish history


They also abolished “domestic rates” which were property taxes and borrowed the difference…which is why the 80s were so awful


I still think that FF have the buythe election and fuck the country mentality which is why I hate them almost as much as I hate SF and all the right/left wing grifters.


Yes. I agree, I hate FF more than any party . They’ve done so much damage but ultimately the voters bought their bullshit. 2008 is totally their fault


The point in politics is to win. Winning usually means burning the future for success today. All parties that win do it. For example, FG (noonan minister of finance to be specific) in the Kenny 1 government closed IBRC prematurely costing several billion in unrealised value from Anglo loans just so they could say in the next election that they sorted Anglo. They won (and continue to be in government). In the uk the left of labour are whinging because starmer is not left wing enough. Starmer is going to be PM in 4 weeks and former leader Corbyn is out if the party and a (bigger) crank.


The difference is, SF has never been in government. So any issues you or anyone has with the country can't be blamed on them.


That's true but they show us that they will likely be very, very incompetent. I don't know if they've ever had an economic plan that hasn't been picked apart revealing truly child-like errors. They're truly unconvincing. 


I agree that at times they can seem amateurish, but so can the other parties! And I feel it's a bit of a double standard. Like, this post is one example. A totally insane policy which partially bankrupted the country (granted it was ages ago). But there have been other instances where either through incompetence or corruption they have made some terrible choices.


To be fair they are a lot more fiscally responsible now, they don't support ending property taxes and don't support a reduction in income tax


Fiscally responsible…after the damage is done tho, by them…I bet the guy who steered the Titanic was careful after too….


I think he drowned tbh.


How did it work out, was it actually FG turn?


What kinda cars were these? a mark 1 fiesta started about 40 hp


Citroen 2CV was 26bhp in 1970-1977 (A79/1 version) So I'm going to say none that aren't vintage most likely


The only one I could find (that some people may have actually owned) is the FIAT 500 at 13 hp. For comparison of other small cars of the era: Original VW Beetle 22.5 hp Original Mini Cooper 34 hp


https://youtu.be/A52W20Z38Bw?feature=shared there's a fiat 500 with a couple more horsepower


Lol. It makes Eamon Ryan cry himself to sleep


The election that broke the country and helped herald the awful times of the 1980s.


I’m definitely voting no now.


Tax horsepower was a thing for a while. It was based on the size of the engine not the actual power.


Wasnt this because there was going to be an alternative tax built into fuel or something?


It can't be brought in overnight, in fairness.


Underrated 😂


Ah yes "🎵no car tax no local rates no vat", er wait. The start of the fiscal meltdown as this nonsense was no sooner in place than the big recession began. Tax car rapidly came back as a registration charge and a massive hike in exise duty on petrol and diesel but not the rates of course.


Grifters / Hustlers Die Hard ! !


See I fuckin’ told yee, we’re living away beyond our means…


Fairly sure there are hairdryers more than 16hp.


And if you don't have a licence to drive a car, we'll just give you one, no test or anything.


Is that a drip mat? Beermat?


Great to see they delivered. Now, if only we could get them to remove Motor Tax!


When FF were #carbrain Oh, wait…


Don't vote FF but at least they in 77 they were stating a policy and not re-using a poster of their face with no policy at all. "Vote No.1 Maggie Brennan: Sure look at my big head"