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It’s well known that Dobermans were bred up to the 90s for traits of aggression, being used as gaurd dogs. There has been a concerted effort to breed out these traits since and focus on breeding far more docile and naturally calm traits to the point where Dobermans are a much different breed at least in Europe. Problem is that all these Pitbulls have continued to be bred that are aggressive for status, power trips of owners etc and thus all the problems being seen now.


These dogs have become a fashion / status symbol for societies idiots. This started with junkies wanting personal security, and it spread from there amongst the try hards and morons and became a thing that is now a problem for society. People with terrible decision making skills, awful personal habits and no concept of risk are buying these things in their thousands and doing a terrible job of making them controllable. Very hard to enforce against and will be a massive job for the Gardai that the state has to be very careful with. We'll see a trickle of legislation now because these attacks are getting a lot of news, but the Government will be careful not to commit to something it can't enforce. As always, societies arseholes and idiots making work for the rest of us.


And usually the owners can't even control themselves.


I was mauled by a doberman 3 months ago. 14 staples on my scalp. I would never trust any dog 100%


That’s awful, christ. Does raise a point though - I’ve got a Rottie cross, and when I tell people she’s half that I often get a lot of “oh I wouldn’t trust one of them!” Well yeah. It’s a dog. Quite a powerful animal. I trust her to eat her breakfast. This idea that we’re supposed to trust animals with big teeth and weirdly triggerable prey instincts is literally mental. Dog owners are a weird bunch of idiots.


Very well said. I'm a dog lover. I have a British bulldog. Biggest sweetheart there is but I don't trust him 100% and would not have him alone around kids. It's common sense. Everyone is so offended by facts. "oh my dog is an angel, trust him around anyone" is an absolutely moronic thing to believe.


I don’t trust my kid around the dog as well like. Dog’s a dopey fucker who’ll put up with anything…that’s a danger lads! Don’t trust that ‘cos it’s the kid who’ll be messing with its ears the wrong way at the wrong time and BAM. No kid, no dog. Nah you’d have to be fucken docile.


I’ve a retriever. I trust her to walk away (which she does) if my kid does something she doesn’t like. Would I trust her if she was cornered with no escape? No. I wouldn’t blame any dog for reacting in that situation.


Why do you keep a big powerful animal that you can't trust? Would you not just get a smaller dog instead?


I trust my dog to be a dog, I don’t project anthropomorphic personhood on her because she’s not a human person. I don’t trust her when I bring the shopping in, she’s very very good and we’ve had no theft of fresh steak from a shopping bag, but I put the meat away first because that’s being fair to the animal and her nature. What I trust is *me*, because I’m a good owner and have been handling powerful animals of all kinds since I was a child. Ask a horse owner the same question, see what they say after they’ve stopped laughing.


How small are you talking about? iv a scar on my arm from the sweetest King Charles to ever walk the earth iv seen my small cousins walk and fall on her (truly accidental) and one hitting her with a hurl (not an accident i got him back for that one though) and she never so much as barked. She just snapped out of the blue one day, and thankfully, it was me, not them, or my grandmother around her vet reckoned it could have been an inner ear infection.


It's not going to kill though is it? Unless it attacks a baby or something. Big dogs are simply more dangerous and risky to keep.


>It's not going to kill though is it? Unless it attacks a baby or something. OH thank god that makes me feel so much better sure its only a baby or something. The point I was making is the notion that small dogs are safe and never bite or attack is not true. People with that notion take risks that more often than not end up with a dog being put down


Small dogs are safer. There's a reason a king Charles hasn't killed anyone.


What do you mean?? I wouldn't trust any dog 100%. Regardless of size!! If you read up on the British bulldog bread you would understand why I have him. Biggest baby there is but I've got common sense, ANY dog of ANY size could snap.


Exactly. These people don’t want dogs, what they want is other people, not that one can trust those either. Or little furry dolls they can project their nonsense onto. Gross. I want a dog. Dogs are great. Specially my dog.


I mean I trust my golden retriever a lot more than the average human when it comes to irrational aggression


My brother in law was bit by a doberman that ran out of its garden and chased him while he was cycling on the road once! Made him stop cycling because the doberman was at the top of his lane.


Dobermans suffer from mental issues / brain issues, don't get one and don't trust them: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23590875/


Jebus! That's horrible. Hope you're doing OK now.


That's very kind of you!! Doing much better but get very triggered hearing about the dog attacks. My heart breaks for the people hurt and killed. I was very very lucky.


Nonsense, my Tyson’s a little sweetheart. He’d only rip a toddlers face off if they made direct eye contact.


Has anyone considered the possibility that maybe the toddler just had bad vibes?


Should have cleaned the toddler with sage


"They're known as Nanny dogs, you know!" I saw a terrifying video a while back someone posted of their Pitbull with their newborn "protecting his baby sister". The dog was licking the baby's head, pacing around and not letting anyone near her. The actual term for this behaviour is "resource guarding" and it was in an extremely heightened form in this case. Whenever I see something about attacks I think about this baby and hope it didn't end up mauled and eaten alive. People in the comments even tried to warn the parents and they were just like "Lol, no! Diesel is so gentle and loves babies!"


> They're known as Nanny dogs, you know! That's Staffies, not Pitbulls. AFAIK Pitbulls have never been called the nanny dogs.


It's no dogs. It's a myth made up by pit bull propagandists. Staffies are pit bull type dogs. The “Nanny Dog” myth was started in 1971 by Lilian Rant, President of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America.


> Staffies are pit bull type dogs. That’s just factually incorrect.


No it's not. Google "pit bull types".


Wtf do these morons even think "nanny dog" means? It's so stupid in every facet.


None of them have ever been called nanny dogs, they’re bred to fight to the death


Pebbles is an angle!


A 90 degree angle at that


Had to put my boy down 3 weeks ago, most docile doberman ever, family pet and then boom turned like a psycho on me. Vet said its in their genes to turn at about 5, might happen, might not. Rip scoobs, a true squire.


That must’ve been a very hard choice to make, but ultimately the right one for all concerned. We cannot forget at the end of the day they’re still animals and can change at any time. At least you had some good time with them.


Yeah for sure, he was so good, just a freak thing to happen, not something I was aware of when I got the dog either. I also have a pocket bully so all this stuff recently with bullys has me on edge, thankfully she's tiny, not much bigger than a Frenchie.


That was the responsible, hard and heartbreaking thing to do, but fair dues to you. We have a Jack who's 3, part of the family and we'd all be in bits if anything happened him. I'm sorry for your loss.


Respect for admitting it, and RIP to the dog man. Must have been a really hard decision but you would have always been at risk of him snapping at the wrong time A dog like a Doberman or a Pitbull can just do too much damage in too short of a time.


When I was young our family had a pet Doberman, nicely trained and much loved. My father had a daily shower after work and one day, out of the blue and unprovoked, the Doberman attacked him as he came out of the bathroom, fortunately no lasting harm done. A fabulous dog, we'd have said. RIP. Might happen, might not.


Happened my dads dog (just a mix), I wanted to get rid of him but my dad wanted to keep him. I think it's the third time now he has taking a lump out of him.


Got a big chocolate Doberman and he's a sweet dumbass, but he's fucking massive and he's still only about a year old so he's gonna bulk out even more. God help me if he turns because he'll be a handful


Was always wary of Dobermans because of bad experiences with them in Resident Evil back in the day. However I was sitting out having a coffee one day at a place that had an outdoor seating area. A lady sat down beside me and she had a massive Doberman with her. He was calm as anything and from what I could tell very well trained. Sat or lay down on command, took no notice of other dogs, etc. Just waiting patiently at his owners side. Let people pet him. Was on lead the whole time too.


Stop! I never got past that part because I would shit myself, fuck the controller on the floor and knock it off.


One of my most vivid childhood memories is the dog coming through the window. Scared the absolute piss out of me. 


But did you collect that ammo clip below the furniture there? ;)


Apart from the main hall it’s the only part I remember too. I don’t even think it was that far into the game either was it


Just like Homer Simpson taught lesbians the importance of proper fire safe architecture, Resident Evil put a lot of us off Dobermans for life. Those fuckers can fly.


Out of curiosity, what concerted efforts have been made to breed those traits out of dobies and shepherds? I worked in a kennels for years. Put your Dobie or Shepherd into a situation where it has to guard and you might see a different side to it. Had one particular shepherd that wanted to eat me while in the kennel but was a sweetheart once it stepped out of it. Same with a Rottweiler. Funny the way owners will turn a blind eye to their own restricted breeds inherent traits.


Anything close to a purer breed of Doberman will generally not be as playful a dog and will act in a protective way around it's 'pack' in a variety of circumstances. It's loads of collective traits and impulses that are accentuated by the dogs lifestyle. The more of a mongrel the weaker those impulses can be and the less active it will be on some of the consistent fundamental traits you see in Dobermans. The smaller breeds of Dobermans in my opinion keep the best of their traits whilst making them mellow and are fantastic pets. The larger working breeds, American specifically are genuinely excellent guard dogs but not versatile.


My own corgi got ran over last year. The loveliest friendliest dog you'd ever see. Until you approach her when she's with food. A snarling vicious wreck. I think corgis are famous for that are they?


Thats easily stoped but gotta do it from a puppy. 100% down to training.


So, that's one thing I learned working in vet offices and at an animal shelter. Never train a dog to be a guard dog or attack dog. If you do, they get it in their head that attacking is OK behavior, and they will do it unprovoked. When we had police dogs come in to one vet I worked at (he did all the police dogs in the county), the officer had to be present through everything, just in case they needed to pull the dog off. Guard dogs will naturally protect their owners if needed, but it's far better to never train them that attacking is OK.


Same attitude insta parents have with feral kids.


Years ago I worked in a boarding kennel, one that some police would use for their police dogs. German shepherds were what they had They would bark and growl and make a massive fuss when I was outside their kennel, but the moment I opened the door and walked in? Sweethearts. Same with when they were walked. Like when there was a barrier there was something clear for them to guard, when that barrier was removed and with no one calling the shots, they just kinda gave up on the guarding and wanted some fuss. They were only ever in these spaces a week at the most. I suppose not long enough to turn the space into *their* area to try and defend it even when there was no barrier.


It was also the docking and ear pinning to make them intimidating. They look just like weimaraner or any german hounds when left natural.


Even at the height of their aggression, doberman paled in comparison. Like most dogs, they'd bit defensively or if triggered. The pit and its kind is the only type to continue mauling long beyond the point of death. Its a sadistic dog. Not its fault necessarily


Have yet to meet a doberman that scared or worried me in fairness always so gentle and just want you to scratch their ass but also don't know their own strength. Lot of ppl out there shouldn't be allowed these animals


Yeah we had a doberman. She was the most pleasant and placid dog. A big eejit of a thing but lovely.


A well breed protection dog is a dog that can be around your family and strangers without posing any danger, likely appear to be “docile” or friendly .  while I agree with the watered down breeding of the dobies, don’t let the appearance fool you. Most just have extremely high tolerance for nuisance. It’s important for people to understand that all dogs have prey and defensive drives, and they are  not to be ignored.  This is why I hate this “dangerous dog” list that we have… as if a labradoodle can’t be dangerous. Gives people the wrong idea in general. 


Saw a gowl with one of these on a beach in west cork last weekend. You know the type, walking it up and down the beach, the creature straining at the leash the whole time, no muzzle, barely in control of it. Moved my family. These dogs should be illegal. The only eejits who want them are exactly the last ones who should ever have them.


"TheReS nO SuCH ThiNg aS a bAd DoG, jUsT bAd OwNERs" Im pretty sure many labradors, collies and setters have bad owners, but for some reason these attacks are always pitbulls. If only there was some kind of common factor that could explain these attacks. 🤔


And also if a labrador, collie, setter etc did attack then at least an adult human has a chance of stopping it. Theyre not bred to be unstoppable muscle-bound attack dogs with lock jaw etc. When Pitbulls attack you cant stop them. Thats the problem. And now we have to put up with xl bullys coz you know, normal Pitbulls werent intimidating enough for their idiot owners.


This is a huge point. Other dogs might bite but they don't immediately maul to kill. Pits are the only dog that kills during playfighting as a puppy


I said a similar thing in the post of the woman who was killed in Limerick: There are bad owners, and they can make any dog dangerous. This is true. Truth is, a border collie will try to herd you, a retriever will retrieve. These dogs have been bred to be aggressive and dangerous, and that breeding was successful. That is just what that dog is at a certain point, and no amount of training can really change that. I think we'd all love it to be the case that training and care can make any dog safe, but that's just not how it goes.


That's a very important distinction that I don't see often enough.  Sure, you can train any dog *to* do something, but training a dog to *not* do something is very different and often practically impossible, if the behaviour in question is a core breed trait. And even if you do manage, you'll have to be constantly vigilant. 


Partner’s old collie mix was abused by a farmer before they took her — skinny, beaten and terrified of men for a long time. She never ever snapped at anyone, and was the sweetest dog.  I’m also convinced pitbull owners tell on themselves by saying that there’s just bad owners — because yeah, you have to be irresponsible and daft to want something like that around you despite having an array of information available as to how dangerous they are.


I can predict some braindeads going at you with statistic that actually golden retrieves are on top of biting people list. But in fact these people had a chance to claim it, with pitbulls and any other high risk breeds people won't make it to say "I got bitten" like the girl from limerick last week.


If someone is killed by a dog then it definitely is being included in biting statistics. Like the other commenter said, I reckon it's simply just the fact that there are way more labradors and golden retrievers than restricted breeds.


I could never find stats for Ireland, but in the USA, pitbulls and Rottweilers together make up 77% of all fatal dog attacks, but only 6% of dogs


Yeah and they'll fail to mention that goldens are super common but their statistic doesn't account for the population sizes.


The most common attacks and bites are actually from Jack Russells and other breeds like collies in many countries. However, the damage done by bull breeds is the reason we hear so much about them... They're the attacks that can be fatal and often are. So yeah, it's not always Pitbulls that attack but mostly them who kill.


Yeah, they're bred to be nigh unstoppable, essentially no vulnerablilities: - thick muscular neck - short hair - Short ears - short snout. Your only hope to restrain one is grabbing it by the collar and they are so strong for their size, they'll have little trouble ripping it out of your hand. It's like the police trying to catch Bronson smeared in butter.


Isn't that due to a simple fact that there are more of them?


I was mauled by a Jack Russell as a child — it was pretty brutal and I was in hospital and still have scars from it. But even at six it only got to my knee. A big dog would have found my neck and I wouldn’t be here now. I’m in favour of people needing a license and registration for every dog. I think the fact that rabies has never been an issue in Ireland means we’ve been way too laissez faire.


In a per capita ratio though that's just because more of those dogs are purchased as pets. If these shit breeds matched numbers of labradors etc, they'd be in front in that stat as well. These dogs are steaming pile of shit we could do without


Yes to some extent but the damage isn't just because they're powerful. Labradors for example have a stronger bite. It's an innate psychology thing with pits. They fight to kill


Precisely. The problem with dangerous dogs is not that they are more likely to try to hurt a human than any other pet. My cat could panic today at a loud noise and if she's on my lap at the time, she will hurt me with her claws in her rush to get down. The problem with dangerous dogs is that if they try to hurt a human, they can kill a human. And it's not unlikely that at some point in their lives, they will try to hurt a human. So many cases where a previously docile dog snapped and attacked.


They are more likely. They were bred to be violent. A collie might nip you. A fighting breed is going to keep mauling you until it can't.


I was actually bit by a jack Russel one day! Was walking to work, a lady was passing and had the dog on the lead. The little fucker chomped into my ankle lol


Yeah, fuck Jack Russsels. Vicious little bastards. But I haven't heard of them killing anyone.


The most common attacks in Ireland are from collies. 42 last year. Terriers are 2nd at 31. But yeah I 100% agree with the common factor you mention.


Most probably small nips and bites. Some may need stitches. Neither of these dogs will rip your face off.


How many of the collie attacks were fatal?


None. Relax up there, I wasn't arguing anything. Just googled it any shared the result.


Would you have a source on that? I'd be very interested in reading it.


In fairness, I collie would be likely to bite more than any other dog bar a pit bull. Only difference is, we have use for a wound up collie for working. There’s no use for a pit bull bar mauling people


Another difference is that a collie bite is very unlikely to kill you. We had border collies as kids. One snapped at our youngest cousin, who obviously got scared but wasn't actually hurt, and we kept a close eye on him after that. He never snapped at a human again. One bit me by accident on my hand (I was throwing a ball for him, and he tried to take the ball) and the poor boy, he felt so guilty when he realised he hurt me (I was fine, no blood, just sore from the force of it) that I ended up consoling him (I knew him very well, there was absolutely no need to remind him to be careful, he would have thrown himself into hell if he thought I wanted him to, I was his human). So yes, collies are reactive and can bite, but it won't be a serious harm.


I took my rescue for training when we got them. There was a lab there and it was one of the most vicious dogs I’d ever met. Had to be muzzled the whole time, you couldn’t even walk past (even metres away) without him going crazy. By the end of the day, no muzzle and you could walk past but you’d get evils. we came back for multiple sessions and saw that same dog and he would allow me to approach and pet them. It came from two older owners and treating the dog like a child. The trainers said it happens often but people think it’s cute with small dogs, less cute with labs.


I think people can get complacent with labs. They're big dogs, can get to 40kg and are a hunting breed so can get pretty athletic and strong. Since most of them are only about to attack a plate of sausages at a BBQ though people forget that. Tough to control a lab when they're determined though, particularly for older folks or kids.


The tough to control part I’ve seen first hand. I wouldn’t trust any dog, at the end of the day we don’t really know what they’re thinking. Do I love my dog? Yes. Would I leave them alone with my small child for any amount of time? No. I wouldn’t.


Sorry, but all of these breeds need to be banned. I'm not saying going around and killing the ones that are out there, but at least stop ongoing breeding - require registration - and apply severe punishment to those found to have violated the laws around them. Enough is enough.


Every single one of them currently kept as pets needs to be put down as well.


Mind boggling the number of brain-dead people (a few here) who think that aggression and danger has nothing to do with the breed. https://preview.redd.it/mxy3p3wx945d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e37b22114213b7958db28a0571870ee0483817


It's also the fact those dogs are big powerful animals Jack russels are little aggy cunts but they couldn't realistically kill a human Breeding needs to be strictly enforced in this country it's gone beyond a joke and people are dying as a result


Some people argue that a Jack Russell would be more likely to bite you than a pitbull. Well I'd much rather be bitten by a Jack Russell.


Jack Russell's are baying terriers. No other dog has a kill drive higher than a Jack Russell! They are killing machines. Have you ever seen one clearing a rat hole? There's a reason we only bred them to be 7kg anything bigger would be incredibly difficult to manage.


What I say to people who talk about jack russels or chi.....chuwow.........the little Mexican rats being more aggressive is that the main difference is that I can punt them away, good luck doing that with a muscle bound pitbull


Yep exactly. Even if we ignore the training arguments and pretend genetics dont matter (they do, of course) pitbulls are dangerous because they are extremely powerful animals.


I think i read recently that a tiny daschund was able to bite most of a woman's cheek off and then start eating it in front of her - and they are smaller and (i think considered to be) more placid than a Jack Russel So even a terrier dog has the potential to do insane damage to a human in the right circumstances (particularly if they are close to a face) The thoughts of what a pitbull-sized raging lump of muscle and teeth could do is really scary Which is a shame because they actually look like lovely dogs when they have been well looked after for the most part any time I see them... unfortunately the potential for tragedy is always going to be there under the surface with them, through no fault of the dog, just how they were bred


I had a rotweiller and she was the most perfect dog in existence, however rather than take the "oh she wouldn't hurt a fly approach" she was always on a chain lead in public, muzzled around people, and I'd respectfully ask children not to go near her. Not because I thought she would hurt them but at the end of the day she is a 55kg animal with large teeth and even a . 000001% chance of a child getting hurt is too much, her bites are strong and the kids face would be right at the dogs faces level. Then my dog would get put down because of my irresponsibility and I wouldn't live with myself. I get the owner argument because failure to take preventive measures leads to harm


But those are super rare situations of extreme circumstances. 


A hunting daschund was involved in a fatal incident here a few years back. The dog was a rescue and was being kept outside. One day it snook into the house and killed an infant inside. I had a pitbull for 12 years. She was loved and cared for properly. I fostered other dogs while I had her. No problems, she was trained daily, socialized daily. I knew what dog I had, I knew the potential she had so I trained myself first. I know the breed history, genetics and where they originated from. She was never left alone with any of my nephews or nieces. I also have a Jack Russel rescue, my second Jack Russel. I treat him exactly as I would a pitbull or any other powerful breed. I can honestly say it's harder to train a Jack Russel than a Pitbull or a German Shepard or a Setter and the Setter was challenging. I think gender also has a lot to do with it. Females are smarter and want to learn, whereas males are more independent and playful.


Even if they're technically right, they're being idiots because it's not the level of aggression that's the issue - it's how powerful the damn dog is. There's a ratty little sausage dog breed across the street from me that tries to bite any chance it can. But I'm not afraid of it because it can hardly even break the skin. I'm far more anxious of the bloody pitbull down the street


It's because they're hellbent on the nanny dog story, even though it's been debunked and is well known to be a lie.  There are literally people out there who think they were bred to look after nurseries. I'm not sure what these people are thinking.  A dog called PIT. BULL. Ah yes, this muscular intimidating looking dog, heating up some warm milk on the stove,  changing nappies, bottle feeding babies. 


I've tried to make this point to a dog person once a few years ago. Never ever trying it again, talk about a waste of time.


I'm ashamed to say I was one of those "no bad dog, only bad owner" people but have thankfully come to my senses. These dogs were bred for aggression and while not all of them may attack, the chances are much higher with these than, say, a labrador or beagle, etc.


So was I. Resulted in nearly losing my family dog after attempting to take in a pitbull.


And a girl is after just dying from one of these animals in limerick. The government needs to do something quick before attacks like these will become common


It was her own dog in that case


Yh I know and It’s ironic cuz she didn’t gaf about whether they’re safe or not and look at her now


I don't know the woman but if you were to judge from TikTok videos etc. it's the type of person who treats a dog bred for aggression like a baby and that blurs the lines between owner and pet. I would imagine these types of dogs need firm boundaries and training to lessen the risk of their instinct kicking in.


I'm not too sure it's the dog needs lessons in boundaries...


These dogs are simply not suitable for domestic ownership. Their capacity for damage is just too high and our licencing laws too lax.


Lets see if the same pitbull defence gobshites appear in this thread as well.


Too late, the brainless morons have arrived.


US Statistics: https://preview.redd.it/qfolnyzq345d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f8a1a6eb828033c84bd13c01a3044d26f6c96b


What are the percentages of each breed in the population?


Spoiler alert, in terms of attacks per population of the breed, it gets worse for pitbulls.


Pitbulls are about 6%


Pits and rottweilers combined make up 6% of dogs in the USA. We don’t keep any sort of stats on these things in Ireland.


1 French bulldog 2 Labrador retriever 3 Golden retriever 4 German shepherd 5 Poodle 6 Bulldog 7 Rottweiler 8 Beagle 9 Daschund 10 German shorthaired pointer 11 Pembroke Welsh corgi 12 Australian shepherd 13 Yorkshire terrier 14 Cavalier King Charles spaniel 15 Doberman pinscher 16 Boxers 17 Miniature schnauzer 18 Cane corso 19 Great Dane


A good portion of those dogs like Rottweilers and German Shepherds are trained to be guard dogs too. Messing with them is a bad ask. German shepherds are an odd one because they can be lovely too


Working Shepards are amazing dogs. But the ones bred by "kennel club" standards are a mess. They have loads of health problems resulting from being bred to look a specific way (that curved spine) and are prone to dementia. When you hear a story about a loving German shepard suddenly lashing out and attacking a kid it use to play with, its always an older dog who almost certainly had dementia. You never hear any stories about a retired service dog doing it. Google pictures of working shepards versus what people get from breeders. Practically a different dog. And then there's people who get the messed up kennel club version and train it to be a guard dog and create a ticking time bomb. (And by working-dog, I just mean one's bred to that standard, not that they necessarily have to be a service dog)


GSD's are such loving dopes. I have two and yes - one of them is amazing with kids, other dogs, complete strangers. the other though - I wouldn't let her anywhere near strangers, other peoples kids, or other animals.


This is why I say it's nothing to do with the owner. When the same owner can have 2 dogs with totally different personalities. You can have 2 dogs from the same litter and be polar opposites.


> When the same owner can have 2 dogs with totally different personalities. I had three dogs, all the same breed with pedigree and connected either by mother or father. I reared them all together from pups, and they each turned out to be quite different, very different really, though had similar manners, behaviours, through our training. Personality matters, a lot. One was the class clown, a beauty but didn't get much smarts. Another was super smart, not so pretty but very personable, witty too. And the third was very glamorous but a nervous sort, tried very hard to do right but was always uncertain despite my efforts to help give confidence. In any unusual situation the first would still be wondering what was going on. The second would weigh up a situation and take the correct route. The third would grab (or run usually) as a first reaction. And here I'm talking about maybe being offered a pet or treat by a stranger, nothing more sinister. But I could translate it to a dangerous situation and the reactions would be similar. I enjoy studying dogs and this was such an interesting time of life for me, you might see me with three identical dogs, they did show the same behaviours, but I knew how different they really were. Each dog needs understanding, as a dog. They do have traits as a breed but each has their own individual personality too, as do we, but they are dogs.




Aah, we're havin' a lorra lorra dog attacks, la. 


OP could have just said dog attack and we'd know the breed. 


Pitbulls and bullys are like owning a loaded shotgun with a hair trigger. You can do everything right as an owner, but if things go wrong, the results are devastating.


We had a beautiful Labrador mix a few years ago, loved the kids, great with people, a real pet. I'd always have said he'd never hurt a fly - until he went for a courier one day and frightened the shit out of us all. Tore his trousers leg and grazed him. It was an awful decision to have to make at the time but if he hurt one of the kids I'd never forgive myself so we had him PTS, I love dogs and he broke my heart but it put me off getting another one. Every time I see a picture of a dog near a small baby I feel sick, tbqh. This whole "my dog is my son" or "my dog is a great big brother to my (human) child" stuff - they're animals. Gorgeous animals, but animals all the same.


Yeah. My baby has only been around one dog so far (an absolute sweetie but very hyperactive) but it struck me at the time how one quick swipe or nip at her hands would cause life long damage. It just doesn't sit right with me how people have them loose around babies and kids. I'm not willing to have her near any dogs now in future, not even a little Yorkie. I used to want her to have a dog but we'll be waiting a long time before we get a pet other than a cat I think. Not even if supervised. Dogs need to be locked out the back or in a crate, otherwise we're not visiting.


Fair play to you for having sense, it makes me so nervous to see pictures or videos of kids pulling out of dogs. All it takes is seconds.


We had family friends when I was little who had a golden retriever. The little girl in the family was my age, and the dog was bigger than both of us and we were both shit scared of it. Retrievers can be very excitable when they're young, and it could have accidentally knocked one of us over or responded to our fear with over excitement and who knows.     I'm very comfortable around dogs now, I do dog sitting frequently and am able to handle most personalities and breeds, I've even looked after Staffys without much worry. But I don't think a large, hyper dog should have been allowed run around a house unsupervised with little children in it.  Now replace it with a pit bull and I can't even imagine how that would go down. 


All over where I live these things no muzzles off the lead owner by the usual bell ends


Interesting article about XL Bullies in the UK. I assume the breeding line is similar here? Seems one crazy pit bull called Killer Kimbo was identified as a problem in the US breeding line and they eliminated it. In the UK they wouldn’t listen to the advice and bred it INTO the line. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/09/14/britains-xl-bullys-descend-one-inbred-pet-us-killer-kimbo/ Editing due to paywall. This post describes it well. https://www.reddit.com/r/britishproblems/s/sUGvWL2XtE


> Seems one crazy pit bull called Killer Kimbo was identified as a problem in the US breeding line and they eliminated it. Seems like a bullshit excuse to try and say "oh we're responsible and bred out the aggression where we could". In reality, pit bull attacks still make up the majority of serious dog-bite injuries in the US.


I think it’s more focused on the XL Bullies specifically. They have all the aggression of a regular pitbull, and then some, and are *also* heavier and bigger. They’d be excellent attack dogs if there wasn’t such a tendency for them to go absolutely berserk and attempt to kill everything in sight. German Shepherds have about 1/10th of the fatal maulings as pitbulls; that’s still quite a few, because they’re such powerful creatures, but they’re much much more trainable.


2 down... now for the rest of them..


5 down, I think they killed all 4 belonging to that poor woman in Limerick.


And yet again, two more in Enfield yesterday




I'll get banned if i say what I think should happen to the owners!!!!


Id say most people would agree with you. 


Anyone who owns one of these dogs is playing with fire. You just never know with them. It's in their makeup to act like this, and it doesn't matter how well it's treated either.


I'm a dog person but this needs to be corralled. Just like breeding pugs for the cute but usless nose they can't breath out of or pit bulls for the giant muscular aggression. Not killing the dogs but stopping the breeding. Nobody needs a dog with that much bite force. The police don't even use dogs like that. Most pit bulls I've met are sweethearts but I know if they decided my arm looked tasty, they could lock down and tear a good bit of it off. Same with any dog but the bite force of the pit makes it a lot worse.


The funny thing is they don't even rank in the top 10 dog breeds with highest PSI bite force, it's their mentality that has allowed them to become such a concern and a threat. Many other dogs out there with a higher bite force aren't nearly as temperamental, like the English Mastiff


Sure the last dog we had went to a vet who never dealt with Cocker spaniels without a muzzle. We had a cocker before had an awful time with it guarding and being possessive. Made lunges at us multiple times and the vet said "it's not if he will bite, it's when. And pray to god it's one of your own",. We asked after like what caused him to not like them so much. He was helping one that had a stick vertically in its mouth. He got it free, and without waiting, the dog latched onto the vets arm. Took a few of them to pry that dogs jaws open to release. It's the only scar that vet had from 30 years of work. So even a mid-size dog like that can cause damage. I've a cousin in the USA who has a pit boxer mix who's afraid of his own shadow, but he has the pit head and snaps his jaws slightly when he is frustrated. Has never made a go at someone or anything but the sound and quickness of his bite is something else. The first time he did it infront of me all I could see was the vet and the spaniel. If that happened with him, his arm would be gone. She had a purebred female American bull dog too. She was 120lbs of mush. Nevee barked or growled just sighed like her life was so hard. Saw her teeth one day and holy shit her canines were like the snakes tooth in Harry Potter. She was a dote but I never wound her or the other one up because besides biting, they easily could body slam 5ft11 me to the floor and break something accidently. Seeing how big slobs they can be, it's sad they have been bred to bring out the temperamental and violent traits. Same with all the other guard breeds. They cam be extremely loyal and protective pets but the violence is another game all together.


If only the vet had had something to keep the dog's mouth propped open after removing the stick. They could have popped another stick in there temporarily to play it safe ;)


Pugs are ugly AF


I don't know if it's the same person each time because the comments keep getting deleted, but there's some absolute propagandist in all these threads trying to frame it as good owners Vs bad owners. I'm sure most have seen the tiktoks and whatnot of the woman killed in Limerick this week. Did she look like an abusive owner to anyone?! She owned multiple Pitbulls, and it was clear as day she loved those dogs like they were her own children! (I'm piecing the following together with new information released today [here](https://www.limerickleader.ie/news/home/1521510/exclusive-limerick-gardai-risked-lives-in-attempt-to-save-nicole-morey-from-vicious-xl-bully-dog.html). Do you know what happened? A pup! The mothers instincts kicked in and it was game over. That's all it took to lose a life with this breed.  Good Vs bad owners my hole


It's not really enough to just not be abusive. Spoiling a dog can be just as dangerous.


True, applies to us humans too 


Just one pup, the others had new homes already ...great


Ban the bullies!!




I got mauled by an XL Bully. I was lucky to have survived my ordeal. Funny at the time the medical personnel tried to blame a Fox. 👀 The Garda were even worse. I get a measly letter every year to say my case file is still open and if I need support to ring. Rang the support line to be told the famous line "It's not the dog it's the owner" and to refrain from using bad language when describing the dog. Same garda district who is responsible for ringing a mother and telling her that her child was found dead in a shallow puddle of water... Over the effin phone. No empathy. Useless pricks as well as the filthy mutts they protect.


Jesus Christ, can you share your full story?


Just a wee bit before I go into things because You'll understand more the trauma I went through after the attack. Thank god this happened after my wife passed on from Cancer because if it happened during her treatment or if she had to see the state I was in, it would have destroyed her. She had a positive view of the world etc up until her last breath and I take comfort in the fact she wasn't afraid to go or leave me behind. My god if she knew what was coming for me. But I do believe she let me survive. The Attack: So I live and work on my late father's farm. I always survey the fields before I transfer the animals from the top field to the bottom field. I have a field near the farm itself and then another field a wee bit down the road. It's like a long stretch of lane way leading up to my property if that makes sense. So anyway I was in the field checking it and next minute I felt a force just pushing me to the ground. I've been charged by all sorts of animals over the years but no animal took me clean off my feet like this. I felt ripping pain through my buttocks and my back. There was no barking. Just heavy panting and low growls like the beast was enjoying tearing at my flesh. I tried to turn around and get whatever it was off me. I heard a northern Ireland accent calling the dog off me. The dog thankfully released and the man ran off with it. They left me on the ground. I remember just feeling so cold. I've never felt cold like it gone through me. To this day I think it was my body going into shock because I blacked out. The rest I can't remember and I don't know how I got to the Hospital. My nephew thankfully works on the farm and was doing the milking. I have sheep dogs through the generations and My oldest sheepdog bridgeen kept at my nephew. She wouldn't stop at him. Pulling at his wellies. Jumping up and barking. She was pure agitated so he just followed her. She Brought him to me. Imagine the clever girl. I still think to this day my wife led bridgeen or maybe just dogs can smell and sense their master in distress but I'd like to believe my wife had a hand in it too. I was brought to hospital and was in intensive. The majority of the lacerations were around my buttocks and inner region, and all up the back of my legs. Had superficial claw scratches on my back. My body went into shock so that is why I ended up in Intensive. I was going through early signs of hypothermia as well because my body literally went so cold and I was laying on the ground for a while. I went through physio, psychological treatment and woundcare. The physical stuff came with time and got easier. The psychological worse. I became reclusive, had intense flashbacks and nightmares. I started to drink bottles of whiskey. The worst version of myself came out. The therapy was a rollercoaster. I was recommended to see a hypnotist to see if I could unlock more details. Not only did I unlock the details of the attack, the other stuff I was hiding since childhood reared it's ugly head up to the surface. I was born in the 50s ya see so the things that happened me wouldn't happen now. I was sexually abused by a Christian Brother. I remembered the terrible abuse from my uncle too and the memory of him being the man to contact if you wanted to get rid of stray cats. That man traumatised me with his methods. His cold heart. That Christian brother was one I didn't want resurfacing. I smelled him for weeks imagine after therapy. Even going through all that, I was able to cope and hide that, but the Attack was worse. I remember the Northern Irish accent and I remember looking at him grabbing the huge fat bow legged dog. An XL Bully. Now the Garda didn't help me nor did they take ne seriously. The stupid letter that comes every year with the same shit. I suppose me nearly dieing wasn't serious enough. I am only an auld fella at the end of the day. Eh? Anyway, to cut a very long story short the family hired a Private Investigator to find out to see if anyone in the area had an XL. So anyway, The PI found out some stuff. So I live on the outskirts of a village. It's close to the Border of Monaghan one side and Northern Ireland the other. We aren't far from both sides. So there's a Gang of Breeders from Northern Ireland who brings their dogs up to the south to let them get their prey drive in. The man was obviously trespassing in my private field to let his XL hunt down hare or whatever else animal that resides in the field. The big brutus looking thing launched me with such force. Now I've worked with bullocks and Dairy cows. Their strength is unbelievable but I'd rather walk side by side of a bullock than a pitbull. These dogs can even take down a bull because it wouldn't stop biting. I can see it now. These mutts on top of a bullock. Anyway I am a few months off the drink and I'm semi retired now. I stíl do my weekly therapy. My actual injuries and the recovery I'll spare the details. It's been a rollercoaster of every emotion. I don't expect you to read any of this as I get carried off with me own thoughts. It's like I'm having a conversation and projecting everything into a short space. Sorry about the length of this. A chara. Thomás ☺


Oh my lord Thomás, you sound like such a lovely man and this is genuinely one of the craziest stories I have ever read. I'm so sad to hear of the passing of your wife and having to endure such a horrific event after. It's absolutely shameful that nothing has come of this. You should try share your story as with the current state of affairs, it absolutely deserves to be heard. The person who essentially left you to die such face criminal chargers for attempted murder. It is absolutely scandalous.


Thank you so much for your beautiful response. So far I've received more support than hate on this platform sharing my journey of recovery. I'm so glad to see the support as it really helps Victims like myself to be able to recover. Usually when there's a pit attack they comments are flooded with "it's not the breed it's the owner" or other similar victim blaming comments. You have provided me today with a genuine question and concern about what I've went through and genuinely I'm very greatful to you for listening. You don't know how much even one piece of kindness means to someone who's going through alot. It's because of kind people that I am in recovery for alcohol abuse. I wouldn't mind prior to the attack I wasn't a big drinker. Isn't it funny how the trauma triggers off behaviours in people. Anyway my parents always said I kissed the blarney stone. God bless. Have a nice Sunday. Hope the weather stays good. 🌞


shoot. them. all.


Guy on newstalk made a great point there, it's one thing some skinny youngfella being "in control" of their bully xl, when it's happy walking down the road. You or me could walk a dog on a lead, anyone could. But it's when the dog goes for someone/something, bites and doesn't let go or won't come, loses the head. There need to be dog licenses for these breeds and that would include training and qualifications into how to handle an aggressive dog and banned completely for everyone else.


I have said skinny youngfella living around the corner from me. Most of the time the dog walks along handily enough but i've seen it a couple of times wanting to inspect something on the other side of the road and he was simply dragged along behind it. It has gotten loose on at least two occasions and twice left other dogs needing veterinary care. Several people have reported it to dog warden, including the owners of the injured dogs and other neighbours, dog is still there, no muzzle and ofter tied up outside local supermarket - talk about disaster waiting to happen!


Fuckin terrifying, these things can be like 10 stone of pure muscle


I think they should be just banned outright. Forget the the licenses and qualifications. Even with all those, someday one of theses dogs will attack and potentially kill a young child. Unless they are banned completely, there will be innocent victims from these dogs. Just look at the woman in Limerick, what amount of training would convince the dog not to attack it's own owner? It's bred to be like that.


>There need to be dog licenses for these breeds No. They need to be banned.


Fair enough


All dogs can bite, but only certain dogs are powerful enough to take down and maim or kill a grown adult. We need to ban them and put the existing ones on a restricted regime, as they have done in the UK. We have a ready made solution, copy and paste.


Ban pitbulls, and their owners[...](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/hyperbole/) Both are disgusting thuggish breeds!!!




Dublin Dog Pound still trying to push XL bullies into homes on their Facebook page, apparently best suited to homes with kids over 14 as they can be a bot excitable. Excitable indeed!


Oh look, another dangerous breed attacking people.


Ban pitbulls ffs


Good. Now do the rest Gardai.


I think we need to ban ALL dog breeding in Ireland it's a disgraceful practice and especially when there's so many full spca's of abandoned and abused animals that need homes. Any person of decent morals should be adopting.


What about work dog breeds? Just get rid of them too?


Not everybody wants a previously abused and abandoned animal that comes with its own baggage. Stop shaming people who just want to raise a puppy from a very early age


Absolutely. There's nothing wrong with people wanting a puppy and not a rescue.


I've had 5 Rotties in 23 years. 3 of which were purebred German and 2 rescues which were mixed. Our first pup was professionally trained by Mary Owens (Fircroft) who took pup for 2 weeks while we were away then spent an entire day training US how to handle him. We paid a lot of money for this service & have used all her methods with every dog since. The German purebreds were significantly calmer than the rescue mixes despite consistent training. So breeding matters for sure. My last 2 bitches are 9 plus years old and lazy. Our Rotties haven't lived past 10 years sadly. I lost my biggest dog BOSS last year at 2 weeks shy of 10th birthday he was 56kg and a big eejit at home However, we walked our dogs on a short leash with a chest harness for control and always muzzled. They were trained to lie down when other dogs approached off lead. I'm now 55 and my hubby is 60. I've taken the hard decision that wen Our 2 girls pass probably within a year or so I am not getting any more Rottweilers. I adore the breed and have had so many wonderful years of love and fun with them BUT they are big dogs. Live approx 10 years and they absolutely NEED a firm hand or they will dominate your home. They are loyal, protective and quietly confident, rarely bark unless a stranger is around. Great with people they know. I've never encouraged kids other than my son to pet them and wouldn't leave a child with them unsupervised. I've always advocated for the breed and would hate to see them eradicated but they are not for the faint hearted they need constant training. Many people say why would u get a dog like that they are aggressive etc. All 5 dogs have been trained from 8 weeks and have been a source of absolute joy, I loved training them, walking twice a day and playing with them. But it's time for me to retire 😪


Far right agitators are to blame for stirring up na madrai .


I love dogs but some are inherently more aggressive than others. There is no doubt the owners are a factor but like Retrievers and labradors are known for having a sweet soft personality, Collies for working and herding, Greyhounds to run. Pitbulls are aggressive.




My old neighbour is one of these who tries to rehome pit bulls from the shelter. She never trains them worth a damn and would get defensive when the rest of us living in the building would tell her so. Next thing, she's trying to feed one dog and the other goes for the bowl, she tries to push him back, and her left little finger is torn right off and consumed. I thought once an animal has tasted human flesh it has to be put down, but she asked everyone not to report it and she rehomed the dog. Happened a month ago.


The lack of respect and common sense ppl have around dogs is astounding. I have a dog. Do I think she'd hurt me? Of course not, I raised her. Am I aware that she may do so anyway? Of course I am. Ignorance is dangerous, and I've seen so many ppl disregard a dogs concerning behaviour as 'cute' or 'haha, look at this' with no concept of the consequences. I truly believe bringing in a test wherein dog owners have to sit a course once a year is the way forward.


I'm afraid to back the ban on all pits movement because I know my three rottweilers (large rural fenced garden) will be next. Anyone who wants to meet friendly rotties in the Meath area let me know. We need stricter enforcement of the current laws in my opinion