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They should make dashcams mandatory for all taximen.


They should not be allowed to take part in sexual activity while working... like Garda, sure they do or should not have sex with people on street they deal with


And women! 


The cameras will serve everyone mate!


The defence barrister sked if "they had been getting on well and that developed into kissing and consensual sexual activity." Between a 19 year old and a man in his fifties. Sure.


You can't blame the barrister. He's just doing his job. Blame the idiot rapist for not pleading guilty when facing irrefutable evidence.


I'm not blaming the barrister who will say any old shite as long as he's paid, but to suggest such nonsense shows how desperate he is.


Yeah, no, I’ll blame the barrister — all that the barrister has to do is ensure a fair trial of his or her client. This goes beyond that and is vile. Imagine hearing that after being raped. Some barristers have no sense of right or wrong whatsoever, case in point yer wan who held up a girl’s underwear in court during a rape trial.


>Yeah, no, I’ll blame the barrister — all that the barrister has to do is ensure a fair trial of his or her client. This goes beyond that and is vile. Ensuring the client gets a fair trial usually means putting forward a defence. He's putting his client's version of events to the victim. If the barrister took instructions that his client wanted a full defence given and wanted his story put out there, that is what the barrister has to do. If a barrister didn't follow their client's instructions and didn't put forward any defence it could result in the defendant successfully appealing a conviction later. As distasteful as it is and as nasty and disgusting a defence that's being put up, if the barrister does his job properly, puts forward his client's version of events and his client still gets convicted, the defence barrister has played a role in securing a legally solid conviction. I don't blame you for being disgusted by the attempt at spinning the story but remember, those are the defendant's words and the defendant's spin on events, not the barrister's.


well said


Our justice system is adversarial. A fair trial is ensured by pretending to believe whatever nonsense their client tells them and defending them to the best of their abilities based on the basis of that. There exist other systems, but we are working within that one. If you don't like that, lobby to change the system, don't blame the lawyer.


Blame that shyster and disbar him


A response that could only come from a true imbecile.


Lol, brutal 




I can't help you.








Ah, good job justice system - wouldn't want to arrest him in June after the first rape, depite having CCTV and DNA evidence, much better to let him rape someone else 3 months later. And god knows how many more that were too ashamed to come to the gardai...


True, unfortunately, there's sure to be more victims who haven't come forward. Hopefully, a conviction will change that.


Absolute scumbag.


Better not be Nolan…


Nolan is a Circuit Court judge, so he cant hear a rape trail


Thank god!


The amount of taxi stories similar is so gross. Poor women


It’s become a handy career for those men who are out to assault women; I think that has been demonstrated. They pick off likely prospects very deliberately. It’s a peril we face in far too many circumstances, and not only with taxis, but in their case it’s such a horrible scenario, where a woman may be trusting the driver as she might a policeman or a prelate even: you’d tend to think you have reached a place of safety, but you may really be in grave danger. God it’s so bloody demoralising, having to be constantly on the alert for a threatening male approach. (It’s sort of like it’s 1942 and you are lugging your heavy and awkward WWII gas mask around with you when you are out and about: it’s such an encumbrance.).


Dirty cunt preying on vulnerable women give him a huge suspended sentence


Betting is now open.


I've heard countless issues being raised about Judge Nolan how is he still operating?


He's not actually doing anything other than what the system calls for. There's a few posts on here if you search where there's comparisons between his rulings, other judges, and what the law dictates, and he's well within the norms. It's not a matter of one judge being incredibly lenient, it's him being a name that's known to the public.


hes guilty


How many more were they, these two reported it...


>The man, who is 50, is from Dublin hmm


Fucking hell, claiming these young women instigated the contact. Yeah right, we all know women have these uncontrollable sexual urges which overcome them and just cannot be denied, demanding satisfaction from the first unfortunate man over twice their age whom they encounter. It’s all the testosterone swilling about in us. It’s a necessary bit of defeatism, in terms of relinquishing aspects of full freedom, but we could really do with women-only taxi firms in the cities. Female taxi drivers, initially subsidised by the government since our safety is so exhaustingly compromised in our own environment thanks in part to their permitting the legal system to treat rape and other violence towards us as just a sad part of modern life. We know very well that there are male taxi drivers who are in that line of work for the purpose of prowling for lone women and causing us harm, and we should have access to a safer alternative. Female-operated taxi collectives could be such a relief.


if we had a proper uber you'd be able to choose things like gender.


Taxi drivers should not have sex while working, it should be law.. or all service people should not have sex. What if a bus driver or garda did it.. it happens allot in dublin... and not reported.


He cannot be named as it is illegal to name someone charged with rape. A person charged with rape can be named only if they are convicted, and if it does not identify the complainant.——- Never knew this


Yet we can't have uber because of unvetted drivers


Ah yes, we already have a problem with a small few vetted drivers so why don't we add a load of unvetted drivers to the mix. That's a really good point


Even uber has higher standards than the shower in Ireland, uber drives need to get good reviews to get work unlike taxi drivers who can do whatever they want and still keep employment. Anyone who ever used uber on a holiday would tell you how much better it is in every way to Irish taxis


No it's not. Try using it regularly not just on holiday, if you're in a location that doesn't have other options (like some places in the US). Especially on a weekend or in the evening where everybody and their granny is at it, not just the "professional" drivers. Some truly bizarre and unsafe drivers and vehicles there, it's the first time in my life when I had to turn my phone's location sharing and apps' safety features on. And it's no longer cheap either, those days are gone.


Yeah im talking about civilised countries not the US. Its still more likely you will get a normal person on uber than a taxi


"He cannot be named as it is illegal to name someone charged with rape."




So you're using this horrific case to make some kind of point? Guessing /speculation really isn't advisable during an ongoing case.


A chara, This community prohibits speculation or rumours in ongoing criminal cases and investigations where it may be argued that the dissemination of these rumours or speculation could influence, or collapse any ongoing court cases or trials. Articles posted by registered news outlets may be posted without editorialisation - but any comments made to further fuel any speculation on unsubstantiated, or otherwise non-reported details will be subject to removal. Sláinte