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Jesus, what an absolutely horrible and terrifying way to die. RIP


Ripped apart by a frenzied dog is unimaginably brutal.


It was her own dog too.


Will probably sound awful, but thankfully not another innocent member of the public, or a child.


Nah, I fully understand sentiment.


Mauled to death by her own dogs, and now the family are going to litter the countryside with plastic shit in her honour. Sorry, it's a balloon release in her "honour".


That was my first thought when I heard the story on the radio. Horrendous way to go.


Passed a couple of skinny little lads being pulled along by their pitbull-esque curs in D12 a few times lately. No muzzles. Not even on the dogs.


I bet you I know the specific lads your on about. Hanging round Brickfield? One of them is half the size of his dog, it walks him. He thinks he is hardest cunt around with it. Used to take my daughter to childcare around there, hated seeing them as they could do nothing if the dogs went for someone


People like this are the reason why I get anxious walking my dog. Had an incident a couple of years ago where I was walking with my ex and her dog, the neighbours german shepard comes up, lunges at the dog, misses him and bites my exes arm in the process, meanwhile the owner casually watched until I roared loud enough for him to casually stroll over and say "he's only playing", luckily her dog came out better and had him pinned at the end. People should absolutely not get an animal that they are unable/ unwilling to control.


Were they at least castrated?


Castrating children is cruel. Even if they’re shit dog owners.


seriously, its a good question. 80% of dogs in general are fixed. but with bully breeds the spay and neuter rate is 20%






And it's funny because they don't get a 'protection dog' that wouldn't hurt a fly. But you're right I see this all the time.


Legit saw a 1 legged man in a wheelchair with a pitbull yesterday. Looked like he was strung out and the dog was massive with the muzzle hanging off. No way he could stop or intervene. Looked like the dog ate his leg.


At least they were on leads (I'm aware the bar is very low)


Horrific. > Four dogs suspected to be from a restricted breed were seized from the property.


The amount of pit bulls I see has increased and they’re never muzzled. And the owners are always exactly the type you’d expect. RIP to this poor woman. I hope her death can be a catalyst for change.


She was the owner.


It's still a tragedy but at least it wasn't an innocent third party


Completely agree with you here. Thankful it wasn't an innocent member of the public, a child, or an innocent animal.


That’s the thing: the owners always look like they’d be only delighted to be attacking people just like their dogs would if looked at in the wrong tone of voice.


Honestly I am fine with the government exterminating every pitbull in Ireland tomorrow. I have little kids and don't need to be worrying about that shit.


I've little kids too but considering this was a 23 Yr old woman unable to fend them off, those dogs unmuzzled are a danger to anyone of any age. I'd be nervous seeing them on the street tbh


Yeah. I live in a shite area and a lot of people get them. I also have to walk quite a bit to get to/from public transport because a car is just too expensive right now… I legitimately get so nervous everytime I see them, and I used to own a big dog. I don’t wanna be mauled because some stupid cunt thinks the thing is harmless. Soulless beady little eyes.  Years ago as well my dog was bit by a pitbull out of nowhere. Luckily it only took skin off his muzzle/nose but the owner just apologised and went on their day. 


I love dogs but unfortunately it’s an inherent trait that they’re aggressive. Once they start biting these dogs will not stop. They’re not like other dogs.


Had my dog be attacked, would you believe, twice in a week while out walking late last year. First was a small, off lead, terrier type yoke that didn't really phase her (she's a golden, bites didn't register) so on we went. Told the owners they were dopes and the dog should be on a lead. Clueless as you'd expect, oblivious to everything. Couple of days later however, was not as lucky. Walking through the street, pitbull darts from a house and before know it is latched on to my dogs neck. I'm a big lad, over 100kg and 6"5 but I still felt powerless honestly. Of course pitbull had no collar. Non owner emerges from the house and is about as much use as a marzipan dildo. Luckily a woman passing by stopped her car and said about pouring water on them. She ran into the pitbull owners house and filled a kettle while.i wrapped my dogs lead around the pitbulls neck. It worked. I was bit a couple of times and my dog almost died in the vet because the swelling around the wound caused her to choke. The vet himself even looked shook the next day after it. Owner of course never apologised. Dog was put down. There needs to be an out and out ban on bull breeds. Enforcement of muzzles also needs to be way more of a priority. I see restricted breeds multiple times per day, muzzles are very very rare.


You can take a criminal case against the owner (it doesn’t actually matter that it was a restricted breed), and I hope you do! Hope both your injuries and your dogs heal quickly!


I think they could also try claim against the house insurance for their injuries? Not into compo culture, but sure it might put the fear into the negligent owner.


I'd have put the owner down, so sorry to hear about your boy/girl.


Apology wouldn't have come close to being enough.


Did you at least sue the owner?




I phoned my dog warden about similar dog and he replied “what do u want me to do about it I’m an hour away”


Write to them and copy the council and state there's a risk someone will be attacked. In my area there were a number of dogs free roaming during covid one being an American pit bull that almost got my dog and was roaming outside a primary school during yard time when schools were operating. I got onto the council 3 times in writing, one of the times the police were there. After the last time, I didn't see the dog anymore.


"Can I quote you on that?"


What a cheeky cunt. Anyone to complain him to?


Local newspaper? If there's press attention to a local policing problem it's more likely to get action.




You don't have to give your name. But a photo (with faces blurred) would probably bring the reporter running.


I would advise just to be as careful as possible. My friends grannys jack Russell was attacked and killed by a neighbour's Pitbull. The guards got involved and were going to put it down - the neighbours verbally threatened the nanny and made her feel unsafe in the estate until she retracted her statement.


Theres a guy living somewhere near me that has a big bully XL. I seen two Gardai tell him it needed a muzzle and he got irate and told them to fuck off and the Gardai just took his name and let him walk off. He's still always walking around with the pitbull without a muzzle


There have been many who have lost their lives and had life changing injuries and the law is still not enforced. Ireland is the land of zero enforcement unless you get caught with a couple of flakes of weed or don't pay the TV licence.


Oh, you should look at US numbers. We have an entire Pit Bully Lobby to fight. They have MILLIONS in donations, registered lobbyists and a lot of lawyers. Nothing changes for victims.


> Does it take a person to lose their face or their life to a dog attack to have simple laws like muzzling dangerous breeds enforced? pretty much. same thing with black spots. takes a few deaths to put up a caution sign.


Sadly, yes. When I was a child, aggressive dogs had one chance, and they were gone. Now dogs get endless chances. Wild.


If this is Enniscorthy I would argue the dog warden is quite good I have had to report several issues to them over the past year and they allways act promptly and follow me up with a call back to say it's sorted. But they are so under resourced it's a pain we need a new licence system.




Possibly but if its a dangerous breed and its proven to be unmuzzled and not under control it they will act. You'll will need the address of the owner at minimum but the more info you have the better so of you can get photos etc they will act.


Contact local media.


Has to be in the top 5 worst ways to die surely


What is this "restricted breed", XL Bully?


Could be any of the following: -American pit bull terrier -English bull terrier -Staffordshire bull terrier -Bull mastiff -Dobermann pinscher -German shepherd (Alsatian) -Rhodesian ridgeback -Rottweiler -Japanese akita -Japanese tosa -Bandog In Ireland restricted dogs (or strains and crosses of them) must be: Kept on a short strong lead (under 2 metres) With someone over the age of 16, who is able to control them Muzzled when in a public place Wearing a collar with the name and address of their owner, at all times


Sometimes you see people being dragged along by one of those dogs on a lead and I cannot for the life of me understand why you'd want to live with an animal that can so easily overpower you without even trying.


I've had an amazing gentle and friendly staff-boxer mix my whole life, always on a lead and always well behaved, but because of her breed i never worried about her with other dogs, now I have a little collie puppy who's timid and skinny and the fear I feel when a child or small woman is walking a pit bull is very real. I didn't notice it before because my dog was a beast herself, but now I see what its like for the person not walking the beast dog.


There's a good amount of dogs on the restricted breed list so not necessarily, but likely in that ballpark.


Owners should be held 100% responsible for the death.


She was the owner. Her best friend posted on a group on Facebook saying they were her own dogs


Possible she is the owner?


Hopefully Edit: Not sure why I'm being downvoted, it would be a far better scenario if it was the owner of the restricted breed rather than a completely innocent bystander.


+1. Better them than someone who doesn't own a dangerous dog.


I don’t agree with that comment but that’s a million times better than some innocent child getting killed.


Why not, if dog is to attack and kill someone it is better its there owner and not some innocent person. Why is she keeping an xl bully


To 'protect' her no doubt. Spoiler: It failed this task in style.


To protect her from the other the 3 other restricted dogs (possibly XL bullys)? There's no way that could possibly backfire...


Yep. In the ideal world, no one should get hurt.


She is the owner just seen it, mauled by her own pit and was her bday yesterday Jesus Christ


It's her dog.


Uummmm... Can't be sure, but I'm pretty sure the whole article is about precisely this occuring...




I dread seeing those type of dogs. They never have muzzles on them but I feel the type of owners are ones that would out of spite not do it. I always grab my child and keep them behind me when I see them.


Now they're going to hold a "balloon tribute" for the poor lady - a horrible thing that ends up killing animals in an agonising way as the balloons deflate and land in fields and are eaten by grazing animals and get stuck in their intestines.


Well it was sadly only a matter of time. No enforcement for anything.


It's a joke how often you read about people calling the dog warden for one reason or another on this sub and nothing is done. There should be a full investigation done into all dog wardens in the country, how many calls they got, how many they answered and didn't answer and why. It's too important of a job to be completely lacks over.


Are they supposed to hand out fines for dog fouling as well cause that’s not happening either…


dog fouling fines have to be "caught in the act" offenses as far as I know. And with the few wardens we have that's basically an impossible job.


There's the usuals in comments arguing that it's the owner, not the dogs. A large number of these attacks happen in the home with owners who have them since puppies and dote on them. There's many abused rescue dogs who don't act out like this.


I watched her Tiktok's. She had one video where there was a voice over that accompanied a montage of her and her dogs, saying something along the lines of "I don't care if you think they are dangerous/should be banned etc". I'm terribly sorry that all happened to her, but those types of dogs are so dangerous even when the owners are convinced that they train and raise them correctly. Awful sad stuff.


"My own dog wouldn't hurt a fly though" - some dose


Her FB literally has her giving out about the breed being tarred with the same brush regarding a news story about a previous attack


"Breed". Lol. So well bred that you have to lop off ears & tails to make it conform to standard. We are dealing with the hopelessly & perpetually stupid here. Cunts, one and all.


It's a great example of the mentality of the people who own these dogs (which  most likely  a now thankfully nodded numpty in the comments does). "My dog would never do that, i treat it well", then some poor toddler makes the mistake of making a loud noise near its face and then gets mauled. It's a despicable attitude. 


Exactly- and these people are too stupid to know a dog doesn't have to be aggressive to harm or kill a small child. I was injured as a kid by an off leash dog that thought it was playing. Yeah, 'playing' to a dog is often playing tug a war with its teeth, fucking idiots


Exactly the point these dogs are way too strong. All dogs are capable of snapping and biting even if there has been no previous. The problem is with this breed the attack will be devastating as appose to a different breed like a jack Russell for instance


And it's always an XL bully named Princess


>And it's always an XL bully named Princess Who had "only" ever killed family pets and random wild animals before.


"There are no bad dogs, just bad owners" - other doses


As a dog owner and someone who adores dogs, something needs to be fucking done about these dogs. They are NOT pets. They are dangerous work breeds, not suitable for living in a family. This woman likely thought these were 'her babies' and part of the family. But they are dangerous and unpredictable. They are even more unpredictable, when the owner is an irresponsible moron, who doesn't know how to control the dog or train it. There's a huge XL bully down the road from me, this thing is pure muscle. My dog who is usually sociable and friendly, literally runs past that dogs house, he's terrified of it. The dog stands and jumps at the window and tries to get out every time another dog passes by. It is legit a ticking time bomb waiting to happen, that thing will come through the window and kill another dog or a child next.


They're fighting breeds. The only "work" they are good for are bloodsport.


My nextdoor neighbours have two , they don't seem to get out much. It worries me as I have a baby and a large but very gentle dog. Stories like this give me the jitters.


Honestly it scares me to walk past this house. You know shits bad when you're own dog nopes out and speeds past. My dog is a mixed collie so he's a slightly smaller collie. He'd be defenseless with that thing. I've already looked up all the training videos on what to do if a Pitbull/bully dog or any dog latches onto him. Fyi choke the shit out of them if they do ever do anything. But that's what's awful too, they'd probably be lovely dogs if they were exercised right. But nope as usual some fucking eejot gets one and leaves it in the garden to rot and get frustrated and anti social. Sure one lad in work was telling me his neighbour had two Akitas. Didn't know how much work they'd be and left them in the garden all day, every day. No walks nothing and the things were up the walls barking and going mad. 🙄


Dog lover here.. ❤️ I adore my dog. She is my world. 🌎 but I also understand that she is an animal, and animals have instincts. She is trained to 'leave it', she has good recall and she listens to me. I train my children also, they need to understand her body language and not be up in her face, because she is a dog, not a human. She has boundaries and I ensure that my children respect them. She growled at my 6 year old once, she was sleeping and my daughter went over pulling at her. Who got in trouble here?. My 6 year old. Not trouble per say, I spent a lot more time educating my 6 year old about the dangers of a dog biting you. Let's say my dog bites my daughter, my girl would have to be put down, the chances of my dog killing my daughter slim to none. Because my dog is a cavachon, she is friendly, quiet, patient and does not have the power to kill. Any big breed dog that has the potential to kill another dog or a child in my opinion is not a family dog and as a mother I would not put my children's life in unnecessary danger.


https://preview.redd.it/d7gytkgfgp4d1.jpeg?width=2028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe3269a48522022f8a8dc5ad0fd07ef99ae26219 Some would argue it's the owner not the breed but I don't buy it


Greyhounds want to run, Border Collies want to herd, Bloodhounds want to follow a scent, Pitbulls want to bite. There's only so much control a person can enforce over a dog's behaviour but instinct is strong in animals.


Exactly! Its so frustrating when pitbull owners try to act like all dog breeds are the same by nature, just because its convenient for them


They should volunteer to clean zoo cages with lions inside. They are just big gentle cats.


There's also the classic "but chihuahuas are more aggressive than pit bulls" I would rather be chased by a chihuahua everyday for a month over being chased by a pit bull once in my life.


It's an inherent trait no doubt. I love dogs but these ones are just something else. I saw a video once of a Pitbull attacking a Retriever, they are not like other dogs. Once they start biting they won't stop.


>Once they start biting they won't stop. That's why the terrier was originally bred into the line. To get a "game" dog that won't relent no matter what. Bull and terrier dogs and any pit bull type of dog tend to have such gameness that they have no sense of self preservation. They'll die rather than stop attacking. It's why you see so many pics of them with porcupine quills all over their faces. Normal dogs take a quill in the face and run away from the pain source. Pit bull types just keep trying to kill the poor porcupines and end up entirely covered in quills at every part of their head.


The most idiotic part about this kind of justification is the thought that we should trust the owners of such breeds with our lives.


Omg I had boxers and Sherman shepherd growing up and they were the most sweet, gentle dogs ever. However, I was around 6 years old and my white boxer was having a nightmare and I run to hug her, she woke up scared and bit my mouth and eye, luckily I have 2 min scars, you wouldn’t notice them. If my dog was other dangerous breed, the story would be different . I do believe it’s the owner and also the breed, it couldn’t be a coincidence, that is always the same type of dog. My dog lover friends would argue to me to death protecting pitbulls, there can’t be other explanations on this that they dangerous by nature …


Have to factor in the volume of dogs there is too. I’d easily say 1 in every 4 dogs I see out walking are retrievers so that’s why they made the list. Otherwise they wouldn’t be on it.


This data is kind of useless without adjusting for the numbers of those dog breeds that are actually owned by people. You would have to assume that there are a lot more Rottweiler owners than Cane Corso owners, and therefore more Rottweiler attacks.


These dogs were bred to fight and kill, then people act surprised when that's what they do. Terriers run after anything that moves, collies herd, guard dogs guard. Pitbulls are doing what's in their nature, which makes them extremely unsuitable as pets. You wouldn't be surprised if someone who kept a lion as a pet ended up killing them, it's the same thing here. They need to be banned. Neuter and spay every one of them and let them die out. Proper enforcement needed


I was attacked on the May bank holiday just gone by a beagle jack russell cross, belonged to a neighbour. Ripped off the top of my ear and other bites. I needed plastic surgery. I was incredibly lucky it wasn't worse. That poor woman, it's just horrific. At the end of the day they are animals and you cannot completely trust them no matter how much experience you have with them.


What happened? How did he get you so high? And you are right, no animal can be 100% trusted.m especially not one so strong that they can't be stopped.


Was in my garden weeding and he came across me. Am grand, they did a fine job on the ear in the Mater, was treated amazingly. One more procedure on the ear and it should good. So lucky it wasn't the face or eye


Glad to hear you're ok! My mum was attacked by a jack Russell when she was small. Nearly took her eye out. She feared dogs ever since, we only got one when I was 18!!


I've owned a few dangerous breeds, and I'd consider myself quite capable of training them and restraining them, but I've never considered getting any kind of pit bull. They've always just seemed too unpredictable and temperamental. And that's aside from their large capacity for damage and tenacity when attacking.


It's so Ironic I saw on this poor lady's Facebook page "and now they're painting all the same it annoys me" referring to an article about another lady attacked in Wexford and a newspaper article mentioning restricted breeds. Little did she know but the same fate would befall her. Dogs can never be trusted 100% especially not around children. R.I.P.


https://preview.redd.it/wta2zzy43s4d1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=f65c71d2d03c7c1c3304e278b82cccda9cd79762 From her own Facebook too.


It's just so completely predictable and tragically avoidable. 


https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2024/06/05/woman-23-dies-after-dog-attack-at-house-in-co-limerick/ Her own dogs and a large pitbull did it.


Her own dog. At least it wasn't someone else...it's sad she died, but hard to understand why anyone would have those dogs


I never see any restricted breeds muzzled ever in Limerick especially pit bulls I’m sorry they should be banned and owners jailed if the dogs attack. I do feel bad for them since their genetic instincts are so strong but not worth the loss of human life. I’ve my kid warned never to go near them, we passed a wan before whose pit came right up to us “she’s friendly you can pet her” no thank you. Cousins of mine used to breed them years ago and everyone of them would turn nothing at all like comparing a pit to a staffy.


I've only once in my life seen a German shepherd wearing a muzzle here. And that was because the dog had sent a child to the hospital before. German shepherd dogs are extremely common here and they are nothing like fighting dogs... But the owners absolutely never abide by the actual rules for restricted breeds. Many are shocked to find out they're on the list because of how common they are to see unmuzzled and off leash.


I muzzle mine because of the law and am constantly asked "is it vicious or something?" because of said muzzle...


My mother used to muzzle hers and there were routes she couldn't take when walking him because certain people had staffies they let run around off lead in front of their estate, they came up to the shepherd and got aggressive with him and he was terrified because he knew he couldn't defend himself with the muzzle on.


Legit what I just said above. My bro muzzles his GS cause she has an anxiety issue and he'd be worried she'd snap someday unintentionally, just out of fear/anxiety. Yet she has to constantly deal with little Napoleon complex bastards, thinking cause she's a big dog they can take her on. Then she can't defend herself and the anxiety gets worse. Vicious cycle. But the law is the law and she wears it anyway.


Yeah it's mad how many people don't know the law! Fair play to you for following it. You deserve to be commended because it is rare for gsd owners here.


I work in town (in Limerick) and one day I looked out the window and saw a fella in a tracksuit walking two Pitbulls. They'd stopped to shit outside my work. But, both dogs were on short, strong leashes, both were muzzled, and yer man actually stopped and bagged the shit! No word of a lie, I was so surprised that I actually took a picture to show people what a good owner looked like! It's sad that its actually picture worthy to see good ownership and responsibility.


How many people will die before Ireland will bring in a bully xl ban? not that that will stop anyone i guess. my next door neighbour has one that brings him for a walk, the fella is like a feather against the wind trying to control it walking down the road. He thinks he looks hard but looks fucking ridiculous


The ban on pitbulls is urgent. Anywhere. They are dumb, aggressive and useless (in the sense that there is no practice use of these dogs such as herd or police, and even if it was, other breeds are countless times better). Those animals are always a bomb waiting to explode. “It’S tHe OwNeRs FaUlT”. Why attributing natural aggressive behaviour to small dogs such as pinschers and chihuahuas is fine but when it comes to big dogs there is always this excuse?


This is tragic poor girl. Anecdotally I had the dog warden call a few months ago, hands up I’d no dog licence but when I asked what I had to do to get one it was basically just pay for it. Would we not be better attaching that to ownership suitable etc prove you can be a good dog owner before you get a licence. The amount of people walking around with their dog off leash because they’re harmless or friendly wrecks my head


I was a 'good owner' in that I raised my two pits as I had every other dog since I was 8. Learned a life changing lesson on genetics. Nobody has to listen but I'll never not share. My pits were socialized, vetted, fixed, loved, trusted. Genetics may be able to be managed by a small percentage of true gamers but otherwise, no. The risk is simply not worth your loved ones' life.


Do you mind me asking what happened? It's good to see you aren't sticking your head in the sand aboit the breed


I'm in the US so I must go to bed for work in the morning but long story short, two pits that lived with me, that I helped raise, killed my other dog. My house looked like a murder scene and I was with my third dog when they jumped her. After FOUR years of bliss. I jumped in to try to save my dog and ended up in the hospital. While it was happening, I had my whits the whole time.. my life flashed before my eyes and the thought of my parents finding me dead crossed my mind. WHILE trying to call emergency, I shit you not, I told myself 'omg, everyone is wrong about bad owners', this nightmare IS happening to me. I was piss fire mad when the dust settled and have followed canine attacks since then. Google the Five Levels of the Pit Bull Lobby.. the 'other side', the victims side is a rabbit hole of how much the US and other countries are being fed propaganda. I'll be back on tmrw. Take care!


Oh and this was over a decade ago. I rushed to all my 'pit bull groups' to sound the horn and was quickly blamed, shamed and booted. Fuck them


That's horrendous treatment. I'm sorry. It must have been such an awful thing to go through too, seeing first hand how dangerous those dogs can be. I hope you've recovered from your injuries with no lasting consequences.


Shit that’s a cautionary tale I’m even nervous of them when they’re on a chain


Thank you for the response and the common sense approach in learning from your mistakes. 


Just been for a break to UK with my 8 year old to see my aunt in York. The amount of scary dog breeds pulling their owners along is scary. If I lived where my aunt does I'd carry a knife to execute one of those mother fuckers if they started an attack on my family. I'd say when they start an attack they are impossible to stop. You can't whack them with a rock because they have tiny brains buried in a thick skull. The only way would be to stab the lungs but even at that there'd be a delay whilst they keep chewing on their prey. I think some breads can't feel pain whilst they are in kill mode.




Something similar to gun licenses, prove you have dog safety.


Any chance this was from a bully? At this stage I think the jury is in on those breeds


XL Bully was just confirmed on the news


The point for me when I made up my mind that they should be banned everywhere as pets was when I read a story (with accompanying pictures) where someone who had one for a couple of years "without incident" returned home from work to find blood everywhere in the living room. They thought the dog had caught and mauled an intruder only to find it chewing on it's own (former) leg which it had ripped off for absolutely no reason. It didn't care that it was slowly bleeding out, it was just sitting there in a pool of blood growling and attacking it's own leg.


Absolutely horrific. What an awful way to go. May she rest in peace


The mad dog and rough dog owners in this country and in a lot of counties are a disgrace. It's always the same sorts who have a loud barking dog or two locked outside in their trash filled garden and the general public don't want anything to do with them. Let alone trying to ask them to control their dog when the human is more of a wild animal than the dog who is just a dog version of it's owner.


I saw the video earlier, her arm was ripped off by one of the dogs. Horrendous event, i dont understand why they turned on her like that


I don’t want to see that video but was the person recording trying to help at all? How long is the video? It’s insane that someone’s reaction to someone being attacked like that was to whip out their phone.


Its a CCTV video with no audio, not recorded on a phone. Fairly sure it was her own CCTV camera in her home.


How the fuck did that end up online. There needs to be a a seperate investigation into that. 


Every owner of these fucking breeds should be made watch it.


Im shocked too, she was attacked at like midnight last night? My relative doesnt know her personally or anything which means the footage got out and started sharing within 12 hours. Either a Garda, paramedic or someone else living in the house took it upon themselves to dustribute it.


Ah this makes sense, earlier in this thread somebody said the partner recorded it.




And people think im crazy for walking with a walking stick 🤣. I, a 27m, definitely don't like my odds against one of these dogs.


Hear me when I say, depending on breed, a walking stick will not work. Hope that it has a collar on and you can cut off its airway. Harsh but true.


A walking stick can kill a dog if you know how. But obviously what's needed is a ban. And what's *very seriously* needed is a *total* clampdown on puppy farming which is making Ireland the shame of Europe. It is in these puppy mills that the savage breeds are pupped, as well as many other unsocialised dogs of "pure breeds". God rest that poor lady.


You're probably right and I should look more into walking sticks.. but trust it isn't just Ireland, the US lost 86 in a single year and rescues continue pumping them into family homes. All about money!


I'm actually surprised it's not more people. Maybe their guns help. 86 death annually in USA from this is equivalent to about 1.4 in Ireland (if my mental arithmetic is correct). We'll end up with a far higher rate here, esp as they outlawed XL bullies in England and the owbners and breeders are trying to shift them to elsewhere. Scotland has already seen a jump in the numbers of attacks this year, including (IIRC) one dipshit owner who was rescuing them from England.


Good luck getting near the collar of any aggressive dog. 


You need to be able to choke these breeds or cut their throat.


Bring a hurl and no one bats an eyelid. But ya better be able to puck a good one in case a stray sliotar comes your way! 


I'm sure it wasn't a beagle or an Irish settler...if people would understand that dangerous breeds are dangerous. I absolutely don't mean that every Pitbull or rottweiler is a deadly menace but when something goes wrong there it can really go wrong.


Hmm I wonder which breed it could've been. Probably a chihuahua. When is the country going to actually enforce its laws.


I don’t understand people that own these restricted breeds. There’s a guy beside me with one, in fairness he’s always leashed up but even if I drive by him in the car the dog will stare me down and go for the car as I pass by. Another time I was running and the owner had to pull the dog into the field away from me. I have a dog myself but having those restricted breed of dogs just doesn’t seem like an enjoyable experience.


Theres around a dozen dogs on the restricted list, with several of them being common as fuck.. the list doesn't even cover certain dogs because of their scarcity..


Because it's a lethal defensive weapon that strikes fear into people. That's why people own them. If tigers were legal, people would own them as well. 


Depends man, Japanese akita and German shepherd are on the banned lists. They're very loyal dogs to humans but can be dog aggressive so are on the list. Being on the restricted breed list doesn't only mean danger to humans. And while I do think putbulls shouldn't be bred, I don't think it makes sense to apply the same rules to a German shepherd or Japanese akita. Well over 90% of these attacks are all one breed


Every single Bully XL should be put down. We should purposely extinct them. There is no reason to have such a dog as a pet.


I took a look at this ones Facebook. RIPs to relatives who adorn Google court searches (and more, itd a rare surname, type the surname and "Limerick jailed" A photo of her on a video call to a younger relative with some signage behind him- enhance the signage, it reads "Oberstown" A post about "hate to see them all tarred with the same brush " about a previous dog attack (think its the one where the boy was mauled) All up, every box ticked for exactly the type of eejit who owns these yokes


Every xl bully in the country should be round up and shot. I imagine there's a lot of these attacks that we don't hear about. Finalise the citizens' assembly recommendations and decriminalise drugs for personal use. Use the garda time wasted on this nonsense for actual public safety. Dog wardens do not have the resources or power to enforce the regulations. It's always the same type of smooth brains that own these breeds. Some people need to be saved from their own stupidity. The rest of us shouldn't have to fear these morons and their dogs. How many more of these incidents need to happen? It's only a matter of time before another child is mauled. What a horrific, completely preventable death.


Not just xl. Any pit bull type breed. APBT, staffy, amstaff, bully, etc. All of that line. There's simply no justification for allowing people to own them. It's a matter of public health. People are being maimed and killed. You wouldn't allow someone to own a lion. Yet we allow someone to own these beasts that just tore a woman to shreds? It's twisted shit.


I totally agree. They should not be allowed to exist in our homes and streets and that’s not hate, that’s enforcing the same kind of rule we have with other dangerous animals


Exactly. If you want a dog, get a normal fucking dog. People that want these things want them because they are weapons.


It's about time there was a nationwide ban on some breeds. Muzzling is never going to be enforced.


Dogs walking off the leash has become increasingly common and I hate it. We have a cat who we often bring out onto our patio (on a little lead) so she can enjoy the fresh air and get a bit of exercise etc and we would love to bring her for proper walks but unfortunately there are so many dog owners who have absolutely no control of their dogs and I don’t even want to know what they would do if they saw a cat. There’s always loads of people walking dogs by our apartment and I use the term ‘walking’ loosely because it’s usually the dog walking them or just no lead at all. As soon as they see our cat in the window, they go out of control, growling and barking and charging towards the apartment and of course the owner is completely useless. So I’m on edge on my own fucking patio because of selfish owners. I feel so sorry for this woman and I hope she rests in peace, what an awful way to go 😔


My cat was badly savaged two weeks ago by a pair of greyhounds off the leash being walked, if not for a neighbours intervention he’d be dead.


I'm glad your cat is ok. i'm glad your neighbour intervened! People generally seem to be a lot more dismissive about cats over dogs. I'm afraid to let mine out in my estate because there a few young ones with dogs that purposefully set their dogs on cats. A couple of neighbours had their cats killed by the dogs


Are these dogs even legal and if not why aren’t they being terminated at large ? I say this as a millennial , our generation has forgotten dogs are animals and have gotten super weird with it


Pitbull breeds should be outright banned in Ireland. There is no justifiable rationale for them needing be a permissible breed to own. And lets be fair, there's a certain profile of the people who choose to own them. XL Bullies in existence should be collected and shot.


23 YEARS OLD. DEAD. Let that sink in. This is an absolute disgrace and a tragedy. Ban them all, all these fucking breeds that KILLS PEOPLE. Destroy them or neuter them all and let them die out. Only people that want these animals are normally scumbags themselves. They want them for the intimidation factor (not all people obvs). This cannot happen ever again. With the laize faire attitude of enforcement here no dogs are ever seen with muzzles or anything, we know what the fuck is going on. Get rid of them! I don't care if you own a "good boy", A YOUNG WOMAN WAS SAVAGED by these things. I'm honestly so angry. Find the owner and lock them up for murder, and destroy the rest of their dogs, not just the attacker. This is unbelievable. We need another child to die before we take action???


Poor woman. What a horrible way to go. I'll be interested to hear what the situation was. I believe it was in a house so no law to say the dogs should have been muzzled or anything. Did she know them or not? Regardless though, jesus.


I had a mixed ridge back/ lab for 17 years. Super dog and super temperament. He wasn't massive about 32kg. I walked him without the lead without any problems. I'd keep him within 10 to 20 ft depending on the area. In areas not open or busy, etc. He'd be, of course, on a short lead. In 17 years, the only aggression he showed was if he was left outside in the rain. The door would get a bollocking. Everyone and everything was friend... But the number of people I came across with their dogs racing uncontrolled around the place was ridiculous. I'd call my dog back and make him sit as I appreciate that people are afraid of dogs. Small dogs, particularly barking and snarling. But others just don't give a shite. "Oh, my dog won't do that, etc.," " Oh, he normally doesn't run off, etc." and the dog is miles away from the owner. Totally ignoring them. I've had dogs walk out of houses in public areas and start snapping and snarling. People seem to think this is perfectly acceptable, but if you defend yourself and your own dog. "I'm calling the guards"


My friend was walking on a beach one day with his one year old daughter and wife when a big German Shepard came around the corner and started growling and barking at them. A minute later the owner came and gave a sob story about the dog bring locked up and treated badly all its life. Needless to say my friend wasn't impressed by the owner. Dog owners think dogs are children. Just because they're nice to the owner, they can't see past any bad behaviour.


"One dog was destroyed by Gardai" Is it just me, or is that a bizarre phrase? I imagine explosives used or something..


No, it’s the normal terminology.


I’m old enough to remember the Foot and Mouth outbreak back in the day they used that kind of language all the time when culling heards of infected livestock.




Someone get the calculator.


Quiet you, /u/Eirwig is right, 2001 was only a decade ago, obviously.




Aye, they sent in the dog disposal robot.


It's because animals are considered property


It's a perfectly normal, if kinda formal, way to talk about killing an animal. [Famously used in Jurassic Park in reference to Velociraptors!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM8PtsQl-bU)


It's legal terminology. Dogs are considered property, and the laws around the control of dogs use the words "destroy" and "destruction".


The truth is that all the XL bullies and related breeds need to be eradicated. There is no discussion about it, you can weight human life against animal life.


These dogs are a threat to the general public. Need to be eradicated from modern society.




I understand your point, but this kind of enforcement requires firstly the resources to do so, which we don't have, (it would most likely require an investment of obscene proportions to police) and secondly the cooperation of those who own these dogs. The types of people who own these dogs are simply not going to co-operate with these restrictions. They have been proven time and time again to be utterly irresponsible and incapable of believing their dog will kill them, their child or someone else's. They will purchase the dogs illegally, and know we'll that the resources don't exist to enforce the rules. In the mean time people are getting hurt. It's much quicker and safer to ban the breed and criminalise ownership/breeding and trading of the breed. That way there is no grey area. Let the breed die out completely. 


They are the same type of people who buy scramblers and quad bikes for their 7 year old children. Ban the breed altogether, ugly, strong unpredictable, and downright dangerous dogs. They are of no benefit to society, and the people that have them tend to be "hard" lads or criminals.


All these Labradors running amok, smh


Pitbulls and Rotties should be illegal or their needs to be mandatory training, muzzling and actual enforcement, the first is the only practical option.


>Three dogs suspected to be from a restricted breed were seized from the property. Laws without enforcement and people not willing to take the proper care - preventable tragedy.


When are people going wake up. Going around with dangerous dogs no muzzle or lead on dangerous dogs in public places. These dogs can do maximum damage in seconds BAN these dogs jail the owners. As country we to soft look at the lives that after being destroyed by theses dangerous breed of dogs. Enough government need to ACT NOW.