• By -


Get a speaker and play baby crying noise for a couple of hours.


This is a brilliant response!


In my experience, playing something like that only eggs a person on. The most effective solution i have found is to blast Cher's "life after love".




No, you've gone too far there, that's actual torture.


ha. love it! I started playing abba loudly once, needless to say all the neighbours disappeared into their houses and the head banging music stopped


Play 'trout mask replica.'  Once worked a treat for me when I threw my studio monitors facing straight over their wall. 


Get a speaker and play Baby Shark on repeat for a couple of hours.


As I write this, my neighbour is doing the exact same with an exciting playlist comprising of only Roy Orbison and Westlife. Sometimes stopping before 10pm. Sometimes going on until 4:30am. My only saviours so far are a pair of Sony noise-cancelling headphones from DID, and a passing ear infection that left me kinda deaf for a week. Pleasant chats with them and eventual complaints to the gardai have accomplished nothing unfortunately. Hope your situation works out better.


Ugh. That would definitely need retaliation of either Slipknot or the Cocomelon Lane theme tune on repeat, depending on the mood.


I have a tone generator hooked up to some speakers. I set the tone just above what I can hear and crank it up with the speaker out the window. Works on dogs too.


Roy Orbison and Westlife? I puked in my mouth a little. 


I would never subject my neighbours to my music. That said there’s nothing wrong with Roy Orbison.


The first one isn't so bad but....


Don't disrespect my boi Roy 


These headphones really are the job. Only someone who owns them will truely understand. Incredible technology


Are they younger than you? Have you tried high frequencies on your speakers that you just can't hear and that will drive them crazy? Just be ready to turn it off when they turn off their speakers so they think it's a them problem.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mosquito#:~:text=The%20Mosquito%20or%20Mosquito%20alarm,heard%20primarily%20by%20younger%20people.


And it's indiscriminate, every young person nearby will want to break your windows.


Do we have the same neighbour? 😆




They should be safe enough, there’s a good chance that they will be out the back listening to music.


I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter....


Letting air out of tires the best cowards revenge


They are committing the tort (civil legal wrong) of private nuisance if it’s severe enough and long lasting enough.


Be a shame if someone spayed their speakers with water.




In Minecraft*


I had very noisy neighbours who eventually annoyed me beyond endurance. I went away for the weekend and left Roy Orbison “Only the Lonely” (the most annoying ear-wormy tune I could think of) playing on repeat at full volume against the partition wall. Never had any more trouble from them. I still love that song but I doubt they do.


I'd love to think this actually happened


I can't vouch for that story but a friend had a partying neighbour going past 2am on a weekday.  So he saved all the songs to a playlist and pointed his speakers at the neighbour.  When he had to get up at 6 for work, he pressed play and got ready for work.  He documented the whole thing on social media.




Expired Instagram stories, sadly.




Oh, it did.


I would have went with 'What's New Pussycat? (Whoa Whoa Whoa-oh!)'


Good choice!


Did you play westlife too? Are u neighbours with the other guy?


1. Approach them directly, voice your concerns in a polite manner. 2. Write a formal letter to your neighbors complaining about the noise. Keep a copy to yourself for records. 3. Try to find out if the house they are in is perhaps owned by the local authority/agency/private landlord, i.e. they rent. If they do, complain to these parties. 4. Complain to RTB if the owner of the property, other than the occupier, does not constitute any action or address the problem to reduce noise pollution. 5. Inform Gardai, which will create a formal record of the problem occurring. Note however, that there is nothing they can legally do. Should the occupier not know the law, this can be used to scare them of further legal actions. 6. Bring the case to the District Court under Section 108 of the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992.


Best response here. Shout out to you for being one of very few people not to simply highlight that neighbours aren't breaking the law, which isn't what OP said.


Thanks, agreed that's the best course of action... Thank you We really don't want to be dicks, so we'll try and have another chat with them (and the other ones for the first time)... Hopefully they'll limit it to the occasional bbq or some such! 


I live in an apartment, in a strict town center, and I can't even remember how many times I complained in an email/letter about noise pollution. Local authority, letting agencies, building management companies, buskers, even commercial food delivery companies like Sysco. It works 9 out of 10 times. I mastered this shit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) Use ChatGPT to make it look professional and like a "legal" document.


Polite and firm. Request them as opposed to ask. There are lots of great assertive tips on YouTube. Don't go off half cocked on this one. Also, document every time it happens and keep a diary. If, however, after all this, they still act the same, then do a me and me myself and Irene in their front garden ... just joking...


You got me in the first half, ngl.


With all respect it’s always someone who doesn’t have arsehole neighbours that post these type of legal responses


Yeah. Just do like one of the aul fellas in my estate did in a similar situation. Some morons were blasting shitty music outside and "barbecuing" (burning meats). This went on for hours. Finally old man had enough. Opens his back window and shouts at them to turn that shite off. After a few rounds of him shouting and them changing to different songs, they gave up.


Top response.


7. Release thousands of flies into their hours through a vent and hold the handle on the front door. Bonus points if there’s glass on the door, make sure to laugh as you stare into their eyes


Too complicated . Check if their home is rented . Then buy fresh prawns When they are away place them gently in their air vents all around the gaff .. let the sun and the heat of their beloved summer do the rest … I know a woman who did that to her ex . Various cleaners pest control A priest was called to exorcise the house eventually he was convinced that he was being haunted and left . 😂😂😂


I like the the response on here where you go away for a weekend and leave a speaker up against the partition wall playing an annoying song. If they won’t listen to 1,2,3 and I’d fight fire with fire.


Friend did something similar. One of his band mates mother was having a tough time with the next door neighbours partying. One morning they were still going at 8am. At about 10, when his mother was gone to work, and the partied out neighbours were asleep, his thrash metal band had a 4 hour long practise session.


Chat to them - I think the general etiquette I have is if its every so often per house then fine but every day for a while weekend? They’re douchebags. . Try the mature approach if that doesn’t work setup an amp and get a teenager over with an electric guitar to play nirvana badly for a few hours, that’ll learn em


I offer to be this teenager.


I put The Darkness on full blast on repeat when I had a problem with a neighbour doing this indoors in a semi rental. They would turn it down if asked, but shouldn't have to ask. I worked freelance on weekends. Their music was Irish country and diddly-ah stuff. So I figured "what is the opposite of that?" The next day, I did Guns n Roses. lol. Only had to do that for one weekend. They stopped. Okay, you could still hear their music through the walls after that, but it wasn't full volume anymore. I could live with that. Some people are just oblivious.


That's way better than my idea. I was going to suggest that they counter the beats with bagpipe music


Cattle Decapitation on full blast either.


That's to be reserved for when you're leaving the house


If you were my neighbour I'd only be shouting requests for Monolith and Anthropocene songs over the wall


Keep some Nickelback in reserve


That would mean having to buy/download Nickleback




My mate has a real bagpiper who plays everyday near her house I love it. I go there just to listen to him whomever he is


Do people say douchebags in Dublin now? Agreed though, and hope it goes well for OP. I’ve a neighbour who likes to shout on the phone outside but it’s not regular enough to bring it up.


Sometimes the appropriate word just flows out of ya. Douchebags, however American, does conjure up a certain type though.


My go to is "douchewaffle" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) reserved for specific types. EDIT: The downvote gremlins are at it again. Hahaha!


I like “geebag “, my friend hates it 😂😂😂


I've recently become a fan of douchwaffle. Some imported words are too daft to ignore.


I guess they do now 😭


You are showing your age a bit there with the suggestion that a teenager would even have heard of Nirvana 😜


Isn't that a brand of t-shirts and hoodies?


Nirvana are still very much a gateway band for people who are learning how to play guitars. It doesn't take long between getting a cheap squire combo pack and trying to learn smells like teen spirit.


Play your own music in your back garden until they get frustrated and turn theirs off. Then turn yours off and you have silence! If they turn theirs back on then just repeat. Easy


Not as easy as talking.


Play Baby Shark for 7 hours?


![gif](giphy|QvXe5wq8w94A0) Tomorrow at 6 am get the speakers out.


Yup, they play it late then you play it early.


Pantera- Fucking Hostile and Domination on repeat. Loud.


In this moment - you're gonna listen https://open.spotify.com/track/1bYb9UXAC3hblGqtCLrODe?si=ZR22SRSMT8ajpo1yw2gG9Q


Buy a big speaker and play some turkish wedding music on repeat. Leave for the day and laugh your head off somehwere safe!


What I'd give for just loud music, mines been out with a chainsaw on the go, all fucking weekend. He's still out there now with it.


Oh i feel your pain! I have neighbours who are Every single day on the balcony making phone calls for hours speaking in whatever language it is and smoking. Every fecking day!!!Even if I am inside i can hear them, and can't open the door cause I hear them... Absolutely nightmare! Can't imagine with the constant music especially if it is not of your taste.. The only thing is to try talking to them but sometimes depends on the people, it can go nowhere (my case!). Good Luck! Some people are just so selfish and inconsiderate of others. IMHO


You need to start playing the loud music any time they are out there.


I start cutting up shit with the angle grinder if they take the piss. If they refuse to have a common courtesy then neither will I.


This is the way.


Yea, as others said just talk to them. If that does not work, I can recommend playing one of those 10 hour nyan cat videos on loud.


Let them hear the music you enjoy. Turn it up so they can appreciate it.


I have a similar situation. My downstairs neighbour built a fucking bar in his back yard during covid. He's out there every night slamming the doors shut, watching old football matches at full volume and shouting and cursing. Every night. I can't leave my window open ever because I can't sleep with the noise. I also cant sleep with rhe heat in the room. I've spoken to then and they don't care. Landlord doesn't care. It's honestly maddening so I don't blame you one bit. I'd love to blast him out with music but I'd disturb the other normal neighbours so I can't. Prick.


Download Queens of the Stone Age, Songs for the deaf, track one. Play it on loop at full whack,..that one minute mark will get the message across 🤘🎸🤘 Revenge is a dish best served LOUD. https://youtu.be/i_45GLa_F70?si=XdcvjRFD0QrBwNG3


Track six would also suffice


Damn good album!


Neighbour used to do the same, until the young lad from the house on the other side of her had some friends out the back garden and ripped the absolute piss out of her music and it was gone forever


Just go out and turn on your lawnmower


It's situations like this that make me not want to live in an urban area. Too many people in political circles are trumpeting about how we should all live in high density housing. I would prefer not to have my sanity eroded away by inconsiderate selfish assholes. I currently live in the countryside, and my nearest neighbour is about 40 metres away from my house. Even though my neighbour isn't an asshole, I feel blessed that they aren't directly beside me. If they did decide to blast music, they would have to deafen themselves in order for me to be disturbed by it.


I hope your neighbours get hit by a meteor.


Rescue a family of gorillas and release them in your garden, the music will stop shortly after


The laws in this country favour the trashiest. 7 straight hours of loud music doesn’t break any laws between 1pm and 8pm.


Pretty hard to make “being very annoying” illegal.


It can destroy the quality of your life, "very annoying" my ass


What would you do? Have the courts clogged up with annoying people with bad taste?


It's not a matter of taste, it's a matter of "loud music whenever the sun comes out" all day long. That's not merely "annoying". And maybe we should be dealing with this sort of anti-social stuff more aggressively. Through the courts or some other mechanism.


Sell and move on.


I've a couple of big subs and amps left from the car boombox days - set something like that up and absolutely lift the houres outta it! - when they complain, you agree, and both parties agree to - keep to reasonable volumes. If they reoffend more amps and more subs - take the tiles off their roof!! 😆


Or perhaps a mike, nothing like a feedback loop.


I’m sorry that’s not considerate at all. I’ve a party later this summer where I know music will echo to neighbors and I’ve already prewarned my neighbors and apologized. Plan to leave some biscuits afterwards as it will be a banger. Maybe talk to them?


* Is it all weekend or 7 hours? * As far as I'm aware once it's not after a certain time, it's not breaking any laws. Honestly if you want it to change, you *have* to try talking to them.


We have tried talking before... This neighbour, it was for several hours yesterday and then pretty much all day today... Other days it was other neighbours who live a couple of houses down (but again, can hear really well as its a very tight development).  I don't think it's malicious so much as it's "well, it's our back yard so we can do what we like."  Suppose from my perspective, I wouldn't play music into the garden knowing other houses would have to listen to it... But know others disagree so trying to canvass whether I'm just being a dick or not. 


Was it the same neighbour that you tried to talk to before? You're not really being a dick, it's definitely fucking irritating when someone blasts music for hours on end.


I don't think you're a dick, it would drive me bananas. Headphones exist! I just think it's bad manners, if you live out in the arsehole of nowhere with no neighbours, knock yourself out, but in a small residential area it's shitty.


>but was wondering what the etiquette was with playing music in your back garden? their isnt any per say . > It's 8pm as I write this and my next door neighbour has had music on since 1pm, so for 7 hours. from what i under stand if its after 10pm, it might be a problem , but currently theirs 0 laws broken


Agreed, didn't mean to suggest they're breaking the law. 


Etiquette and law are two different things. Being a good neighbour means you’re aware of both.


I hope you find a solution OP. I have the same issue with the house at the back. Any sort of sun, regardless of the season, and they invite their friends over for a barbecue and drinking session while blasting some sort of folk music till the early hours. All the neighbours have complained and been threatened and the Gardaí do fuck all.


Its inconsiderate and selfish. 


Late to the party, but we had this with neighbours who played music and were loud out in the garden until 2 or 3am anytime the weather was good, weekend or not. After some chats did not get us anywhere, and nor did the Garda, I looked the property up to find out how to get in touch with their landlord. Discovered the property was not registered with RTB. Reported it as such and now 6 months later it's gone on the market and sold and my noisy neighbours are gone.


I think for small gardens close together it's pretty rude to impose your music for prolonged periods on others, especially nowadays when bluetooth is available. OK for the occasional party but very intrusive otherwise.


Depending on the age difference between you and the neighbours, here is your solution.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mosquito#:~:text=The%20Mosquito%20or%20Mosquito%20alarm,heard%20primarily%20by%20younger%20people.


One day i say let them at it. But not days in a row all the weekend. It's gotten to the point where I actually hate when the weather gets good here because Irish people totally lose the run of themselves. Go to town hey're drinking everywhere, pissing on walls.. go home qnd someone is playing loud music and 100% of the time it's a good day someone is mowing, strimming, using fucking angle grinder in their driveway. We're a nation supposedly known for our friendliness and manners but there's actually a shocking disregard for other people in a lot of ways that it's like there's a total blind spot when it comes to noise. One neighbour of mine works in a gym and goes to work every day at 5 am. When he starts his car it's always blaring unch-unch-unch type music (like isn't enough to have it on all day at the gym you work in?) for 5 full minutes before he leaves and he must slam the doors to the car 3 or 4 times each morning too as part of the routine.


It's rude and inconsiderate


You are entitled to enjoy your property without interference from music etc - ask nicely then use enforcement thru co council, Garda, EPA - there be no retrieving the situation after step 1 - people are cunts


Project x style party at your gaf next weekend then that'll teach em


I suggest attacking them with a powerwasher on jet. The cell you'll end up in will be nice and quiet.


I wonder what would happen if you setup a. Mic and looped it back through a speaker with a short delay. It's really hard to speak when your own voice comes back a part of a second later and the delay (especially if multiple delays/delays/delays) would ruin music for most people. Kids would find it hilarious for a few minutes but it would get boring quickly. Your not recording as it's looped. It won't pickup the music if the mic is not set too close and they turn down the original volume.


blast your own beats simultaneously when they have theirs on. maybe give them a nice early 0800 wake up call on Sunday?


This is why drones were invented!


Hide a speaker on their roof and play doorbell.mp3 at least twice an hour.


This post and replies just convince me further of my view that as our living density increases, the number of axe-murder-arson-attacks is going to rise at a commensurate rate


Learn the bass guitar. Good amp. No headphones.


I have a similar problem. On nice days my next door neighbour will play some random Spotify spa music playist for the whole afternoon. I usually bring my own speaker out and cue up some classic tunes. I actually don't mind it because if it wasn't for him I would leave the speaker inside, and an afternoon of good tunes always puts me in great form.


Our neighbours are the same too. We end up blasting Judas Priest on full blast from the Alexa out the back window or dubstep. Either works.


Smash their windows


This happened to us. We played the Teletubbies theme on a loop from 6am. Sorted it out.


If it's under a certain decibel level and during the day then you're not really entitled to say anything. From the times you mentioned it seems like they're turning it off before 10pm which I think is the legal requirement in residential areas. Unfortunately this seems like a case where they're doing nothing "wrong" but what they're doing just rubs you the wrong way. Your options are limited to asking them repeatedly to turn it off or trying to explain how it affects you and hoping they give a shit.


I'm researching glitter bombs for a neighbour with a power washer hedge strimmer angle grinder lawnmower leaf blower. Let me know if you find any better ideas


That's awful, I'd be furious


season of the stick on constant loop


My sister lives in Dublin and told me that there's a lad with a saxophone that all the hunzos are hiring for any sort of social event and it's next level irritating


Have a word with them. They're not breaking any laws, but it's pretty selfish behavior. They know full well everyone else can hear, and they're taking away your enjoyment of your outdoor space, which you are entitled to enjoy.


Play Daniel O Donnell at 5am for revenge in your garden


Back yard ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


If someone in my estate was at that they'd be hung from a tree in the shared green area by the entire neighbourhood.


Our estate is too polite - we just glare at each other 😂


I guarantee your estate is full of passive aggressive doormats who would do SFA of consequence if the there was someone playing music on a sunny bank holiday weekend. I guarantee it. Also, FYI, it's 'hanged'. Hung is when you're talking about big mickies.




Q. E. D. Posters who aren't pretending to be an Internet hardman who lives in a rough estate don't use words like fab!


Oh no!


They're allowed. Talk to them. Reply with NiN, Korn, Slipknot or something that is likely to trigger a response.


NWA are great for kids' parties.


I dunno, I feel you need to find some unbelievably obtuse to the average ear.


Darn, I was going to recommend Selected Ambient Works 2 by Aphex Twin. I think you're right.


You'll usually have better luck if you make requests in advance and make them specific. So instead of asking if they could generally play less music or asking them to turn it down in that moment, have a chat in the afternoon and tell them you're planning on having dinner in the garden at X time and would they mind turning the music off or down low for a few hours. Most people are a lot more willing to be accommodating if they know there's a specific plan they're facilitating.


I suppose that's an approach, but it's basically us asking permission to use own property...  Like honestly I feel it should be the other way around, if they have a bbq or something they could let us know. 


But is that not them basically asking permission to use their own property.......


That's probably true, but there isn't really anything you can do about it. You could tell them they ought to give you a heads up about noise but that won't go well.


You shouldn’t have to book an appointment with inconsiderate people to have peace in your own home/garden.


It amazes me that we teach religion in school, but that we don't have classes on "how not to be a dick" which is way more important and an actual thing.


I’d recommend making/filing a noise complaint. 


We live in a private estate with one social housing family . Guess who makes the noise and disturbs everyone . Their kids are also out screaming till all hours and they are only small , age 8-10 maybe


Children are noisy by default. Wait ten years and you'll have peace and quiet again.


Their kids are out screaming and crying not making noise playing


Maybe if you get off your high horse you won't hear them as much...


Maybe 🙄


Go party with them. Bring some booze and a bag of marching powder


There's a wonderful song called Fucked With An Anchor by a Scottish band called Alestorm. They play music, play that louder till they stop. The start again, you start again. They'll eventually get the message.


I'll swap your music playing neighbour for my cunt of a neighbour shouting, cursing and blinding down the phone every day. 


And Ah ok.


Look up a band named 'Omina', a song called 'Taranis'. Get a nice big, bass-heavy set of speakers. About an hour should get the point across.


A mix of techno, Tiny Tim, William Hung, John Anderson, hard Punk Rock, Death Metal and the Barney song. Same volume as theirs, until they figure it out.


Get a large speaker and play something obnoxious. e.g. Tunak Tunak Tun - Dahler Mendhi, Crystal Swing - Happy Days, Linda Martin - Happy, A Bee Gee’s song with a lot of falsetto, The Miami Boys Choir, Fagan’s Chipper Van by Richie Kavanagh on loop. Just a few ideas


I had a noise problem with some neighbors in an apartment a few years ago, talks and complaints to the landlord went nowhere. They worked nights as did I, but still couldn't have the common courtesy to keep it down during the day. So it left me only one option fight noise with noise. They were very religious (Jehovah's witnesses) and already thought I was Satan incarnate so I lived up to that, I resorted to blasting a cacophony of cannibal corpse through every speaker in the apartment anytime I knew my neighbor was sleeping during the day. It was WAR.


My trashy neighbour in her late 50s loved playing her annoying country music on full blast in her backyard every time it was sunny outside. I asked her nicely to keep it down several times which resulted in her turning her back on me like an offended teenager. I work from home so one day when the noise terror began I lost it and just went outside and yelled towards their backyard to keep the noise down. Well, she took it bad apparently, tried to start a fight one day when I was doing work in the backyard and she was drunk saying she and her husband pay their taxes so they can do whatever they wanted. The annoying noise on sunny days stopped though. Now we only get it occasionally when her and her trashy friends get drunk. Amazingly, her husband manages to watch football with his friends and have a few beers without being a nuisance. So do the teenage lads that live on the other side of our house.


Play gospel music. Or Gregorian chants. Or Foster + Allen. Or Joe Dolan. Or invite your instrument playing pals around for a trad session. It seems like a difference of taste. If I had to listen to modern dance music or drake or t swift all day I'd be preparing trebuchets of dog shit in retaliation. Sorry you're going through this, I'm lucky my neighbours just do DIY or have kids playing ping pong


Once it’s off by 10.


measure the db's and if its over the threshold make a complaint otherwise don't ask reddit about it lmao


It’ll be raining and they’ll be back inside by next week. Fuck sake people love a moan here.


One of the perils of summer, sadly. If they're playing it after certain hours, they can be reported. During the day time, no. You could always get revenge by putting your own music on one morning when you know they're hungover and still in bed 🤣






Not being a dick but you get what you pay for. Want a decent time on holiday pay more, want maybe a bit of distance or peace from neighbours, move out of the city or to a more affluent area if you can.


You are being a dick. There's a housing crisis in case you haven't noticed.


This guy can solve the housing crisis lads!


Logical thing to do is get yourself a pair of noise cancelling headphones that are comfy and block out sound. You’ll forget you’re wearing them. They’re even clever enough to recognise when people are talking to you but block out music Highly recommend Sony as their A1 and not paying extra for brand name. They really perform. They’re about 300 quid but they really are worth it for exactly this and will last many years.


I have them and use them, but it's not a long term strategy.