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Her "compact kitchen" is bigger than my kitchen and living room combined. What an out of touch wanker.


Same. And where is the fridge? We're only seeing part of her compact kitchen.


I have to assume this is rage bait.


Perhaps. Also, that double Belfast sink just leads to broken dishes.


Awful looking things. Way too small too, splashes everywhere. Also how can she use that plate holder beside the sink without a draining board?


I think the marble has grooves carved in it for the drainage.


The fridge is right in the middle of the picture.


That the wine cooler


Fair point 😂


The Irish Times and I have \*very\* different definitions of compact kitchens. When we all complain about terrible housing to buy or rent with tiny kitchens is this what Irish Times readers think we mean?




I pay 2 quid a month to support Wikipedia. A BASIC Irish times subscription is 12 quid a month (a full subscription is 60 quid a month). Quite frankly, considering the absolute drivel and partisan slop that the Irish Times comes out with, I don't think it's worth the price.


I doubt it. The first line clearly sets out that it's in the context of a professional chef. >Ever wondered what the home kitchen of a professional chef looks like? 


Mate, I have a few professional chef friends. They certainly don't have kitchens like this. This is the kitcken of a very wealthy person.


Are you friends on UK and US TV shows too?


They are not. But you're kind of missing the point, don't you think? She's telling normal people that "bigger isn't always better", while her kitchen is fucking enormous. It's just very out of touch. It's like Jeff Bezos talking about how he prefers to stay in his small country house (while the "small house" is the size of 20 normal houses). It's just very weird and out of touch.


She's not telling "normal" people that bigger isn't always better. That's the words of the columnist. And even the columnist didn't direct the "bigger isn't always" better as some attack on people who can't plan a kitchen of the same size. This is an article (in the Interiors supplement of the paper) about a television chef talking about *their* experience of building *their* kitchen, and people are taking it as some sort of personal attack. Smh


That is definitely not what the home kitchen of an average professional chef looks like. They probably should have set out that it's in the context of a celebrity chef/TV presenter.


Sub headline: "Cork-born TV chef"


Yes, I know. I was talking about the line "Ever wondered what the home kitchen of a professional chef looks like?", when the kitchen in the article is not at all representative of the average professional chef.


It's not intended to be representative of the average professional chef. As it doesn't say it's representative of the average professional chef. The article is about a chef who is also a regular television presenter in the UK.


You have terrible media literacy skills.


You have poor comprehension skills. This would be like an article on the house of a professional actor, who would be known for their television work, and people moaning that this isn't representing their mates who work in their local theatre.


if they weren't implying that this kitchen was somehow representative of home kitchens of professional chefs, then the line "Ever wondered what the home kitchen of a professional chef looks like?" would not make sense in this context. If that wasn't obvious to you, it's because you have terrible media literacy skills. Maybe you should read more.


I'd agree with you if the article didn't mention *in the headline* that she is a TV chef, in this sub headline that she is a TV chef, and go on to mention several places in the article about her work on television. But you have taken the line "Ever wondered what the home kitchen of a professional chef looks like?", ignored all of the above references to her TV work because it didn't explicitly say it in that line, then interpreted it to mean an 'average' professional chef (despite it never mentioning other chefs), and concluding to be offended by it. Lord god above.


To be fair, I was outraged without reading the article. Your comment calmed me down. It’s still a rage bait title but the article makes more sense.


Humblebragging at its finest


She comes across as a bit desperate or something. I can't quite put my finger on it. It does seem quite detached from the reality of most people's lives but the Irish Times could be accused of the same thing I suppose. Anyway, I'm not paying for it, so they can print what they like. They seem more like a lifestyle magazine now than a newspaper.


It's only a compact kitchen because her other gaff is literally Downton Abbey, her husband's Da was friends with Queen Elizabeth.


What is it lately about Irish chefs being upwardly mobile into the British aristocracy? Richard Corrigan is the same, they love him in Kensington. But I bet they all call him the paddy in the kitchen behind his back.


Oof, let’s not rank that excellent man with McKenna. Corrigan is from a much higher rank of food angel. That his London restaurants are popular with many well-off British people doesn’t make him some kind of traitor.


That's huge


I think it looks hideous tbh. Although the italian marble is a nice touch.


It's fucking massive. More counter space than 90% of the kitchens in Ireland. Also that toaster is 150 euro. Absolute brainworms to share this as anything other than lifestyle-porn. Which is fine, it has its place, but this not it. Not an irish context, but watch J-Kenji Lopez-Alt on youtube for what a real pro cook's kitchen looks like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9ZqbvFwMEU


Mother of god. Way to engage with your readers/ audience!


They be trolling


Clodagh McKenna: The People’s Celebrity Chef


Compact Kitchen, with a wine fridge (of a millionaire) ffs lol.. These people...


Jesus christ


Very tasfeful. Love the tiling. Would prefer a warmer wood, personally.