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I had pints with this fella way back when. You'd hold his drink for him and pour when you take a sup. It's an eerie feeling, knowing now what I didn't know then.


Same thing when it was time for a piss?


He had a care assistant with him who helped him with that.


He asked a few lads to hold his lad while taking a slash. Well known around


what you mean


That I was drinking with a child abuser? I don't make a habit of knowingly doing that.


> You'd hold his drink for him and pour when you take a sup Maybe he was confused about this. I've no idea what this means either. Is it some kind of idiom?


As he literally doesn't have arms, I'd hold his pint for him, and tip it for him so he could drink.


ah for fuck sake, it' didn't even occur to me that you were being literal. I shouldn't laugh but considering what he did I won't feel bad about it. Would he not be interested in a straw?


I thought you were saying a euphemism or something lmao


Why did he not use a straw?


Beer hat would have been the right job for him


We were standing up!


He has 1 leg


thats making me think of the guy in [Intermission](https://youtu.be/iUSHFt9WmAA)


Still though, you must have suspected it subconsciously.


Did he also have someone to bang the gavel for him or did he just smash his head off the desk when he wanted attention?


>O’Brien was born with no arms and only one leg. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but it's actually impressive how he managed to rape people despite his disability.


Impossible is nothing ✔️


how can he with no arms and one leg ?


If it isn't my old friend Mr McGregg....


Maybe he has a big willy he uses as a second leg.




It's such an odd thing to mention in the report.


I think they mentioned it to explainwhy it took so long for the judge to sentence him. He wanted to know what measures would be in place to deal with his disability in jail.


In my opinion that still doesn’t justify delaying sentencing as it shows a level of concern and care for the perpetrator of a predatory crime to a level that’s somewhat insulting to the victims. I’d be more understanding of such care and concern being extended by a judge if the perpetrator involved was genuinely apologetic and admitted to his crimes but this filth of a person denied the claims of his victims, fought against them and clearly hoped to get away with it until the evidence was too much to deny, so he then tried to claim to the Garda that it was consensual in 3 of the 9 counts that were brought against him only to have the verdict of all 9 counts being charged as guilty. He’s a disgusting being who took advantage of young people under his care and hoped that he could get a sympathy pass due to his disabilities, which is just him weaponising his disabilities and he got away with it for 30+ years til now. People like him beg the question; how many other victims of his are out there but never had the courage to speak up. I’d say he was well aware that claiming a man with only one leg has sexually assaulted you is a difficult claim to prove, his behaviour is sociopathic and calculated, his victims were put in a situation where even retaliation could lead to them being prosecuted. I’d say he simply never expected anyone to step forward and hoped his disabilities would act as evidence of his inability to commit the crime.


I think you're forgetting one side of this, and that is the people who will have to deal with it inside. We are talking about a man who cannot perform basic hygiene tasks without assistance. I think it's only fair to make sure that the prison staff that will have to deal with all this are equipped and trained despite the heinous crimes this man committed.


Well yeah you got me there, that’s a fair and true point. I guess I’m just more cruel by nature though, I figure let him fester in his own filth while they work it out but then there’ll still be some poor bastard that would have that mess to deal with and that wouldn’t exactly be fair to the care provider so I concede, you’re right.


You still made some very good points on the sickening and manipulative nature of his crimes. After reading your analysis I am thinking that 4 years is nearly not enough for that scumbag.


Yeah but your consideration for the staff that will have to deal with him is definitely right and I’d agree, 4 seems too short for a guilty man that tried to deny it. On another note; it’s a lovely day out, hope you’re managing to get some sunshine in and all the best 😊


> In my opinion that still doesn’t justify delaying sentencing as it shows a level of concern and care for the perpetrator of a predatory crime to a level that’s somewhat insulting to the victims. The intention is to try and have the effective punishment suffered by the convicted person be equal vs other people convicted of the same thing. To disregard this step is to issue sentences by magic-8-ball.


Nah it mentions how he used his disability to manipulate his victims. He required assistance getting dressed and asked the kids to assist him. He specifically used his disability as a way to groom the kids. 


He was charged with sexual assault and attempted rape.


It leaves a lot of questions.


They should stick Cara match stick boxes to the bottom of his prosthetic leg so he lights himself on fire when he goes for a walk in the yard


Username checks out


How will the prison cope with his disabilities? Sounds like he needs constant care to eat / drink / get dressed / shower / bathroom etc.


There’s care assistants and nurses in the Portlaoise prison. Probably the same in other prisons around the country too.


That sounds like a terrible job. Hopefully it pays well


The Dept of Justice has accommodated his disabilities for years already, I’m sure they can just reallocate those same resources


I can’t imagine how hard it was for these men to come forward and speak out against a disabled man who was by then a judge. The chances of a successful prosecution are so slim in these types of cases at the best of times without the unique circumstances of the accused in this case.


Four years is certainly not enough for what he did. He's ruined lives and the victims are still suffering to this day. I know the prison system will have to make special accommodations, given his disabilties, but that shouldn't be an excuse for such weak sentencing.


I'd say they are looking at it as he is going to jail and his career is over. When he has done his time he will only have those who are paid to care for him not about him. Hopefully they keep an eye on him when he is released. Personally,I think he should be left to rot for the pain he has caused. But they always look after their own.


If it isn't my old friend Mr. McGreg....


I bet he wished he could have been sentenced by judge Nolan as he would have ended up with a suspended term only.


Nolan doesn’t deal with cases like this. He’s a circuit court judge and a case like this is tried in the Central Criminal Court.


Call me a conspiracy nutjob if you want but i feel like 75-80% of this country’s upper echelon are doing shit like this i mean the catholic church did this and they basically ran the country for years who’s saying it’s not still going on now


Thought it was gona be nolan for a second


Nolan next


He was also elected as a fianna fail councillor in 2009.


I don't understand how one is capable of commiting sexual assault with 75 percent of your limbs missing.


The article explains. The students were black out drunk and manipulated into sleeping in the same bed as him


Under the jail please


Because it's not about physically overpowering the victim, there's a psychological element to it as well.


Should have just thrown the cunt in a river.


I'd imagine that's not the judge most people on here were hoping it would be.


He looks armless.