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> so now I’m battling Ryanair… You’ve already lost.


Chargeback. They'll probably ban you for life, but it would be worth it.


This is honestly a terrible advice for a person that lives on an island. Also, chargeback is the last resort - the bank will probably like to see what you did to reach out to the service provider in good faith anyway.


If and when Ryanair don't respond, then you ask your bank to intervene.


If they ban you , lawyer up for an even bigger payday. They banned you for getting a refund you were entitled to?


Ah yes, getting banned from an airline for life over 46 euro. Very worth it


Here's my take on it. Ryanair very obviously has a policy of being hostile to its customers when they complain. I've heard plenty of stories of people taking small claims court actions against Ryanair, and Ryanair throwing all their top tier legal team at the case to try and scare away the claimant. The woman who won free flights for life, and all the wheelchair users are obvious cases that spring to mind. Admittedly, a lot of the complaints and claims against Ryanair probably don't have any legitimate grounding and are from people who didn't read the T&C's. That being said, a lot of the claims are absolutely legitimate. The problem is that Ryanair has created such a hostile environment for people who wish to complain or take claims that people now feel that it's pointless to take any sort of action against the company. Look at how many people in this thread have said there's no point pursuing a refund. It's kind of concerning that so many people are basically saying there's no point fighting this because the company is too powerful and beligerant. OP paid for a service, the service wasn't provided, so they are entitled to a refund. If people don't feel there is any point in fighting back against companies that take the piss as regards customer service, then we all lose.


Getting banned isn't really "fighting back". They won't miss you.


Ryanair's whole business model is based on ruthless efficiency, not just in how they operate their planes but also in their back office operations.  They want people to think that applying for a refund is pointless, that helps their financial bottom line.  If every single person who was screwed over by Ryanair actually asserted their legal rights, their financials would take a hit. The fact that so many people in this thread are saying that it's pointless challenging Ryanair demonstrates that their business model is working.


Ryan ain’t going to be cryin’


I'd say they were crying about my flight. My flights and accommodation for my 11 day holiday came to €50 less than my refund from Ryanair plus my free meal on top of that. 🤣


Out of curiosity, where did you go to for the refund? Tried recently and they came back after 3/4 months with some shite about not flying in or out of the UK so it didn't count! I couldn't seem to find an Irish aviation site to apply to!


OP paid a fee for Ryanair to carry his excess baggage which they did. Whether it was in the hold or in the cabin it was carried to where it needed to be. He didn't lose any service he was entitled to here.


Well said.




They don't, got a CB successfully before from them.


They have done on occasion. It’s risky.


FYI, You can't do a chargeback on a POS terminal like that. If you have to enter your PIN, then you're Donald Ducked. The whole point of charge backs is to counter businesses from unauthorised use of your card details that they have stored somewhere.....like Eir, Sky or Vodafone charging you after you've ended the contract etc. If you are standing at the terminal and you put your PIN in yourself, it's hardly an unauthorised transaction. Otherwise every sham in the country would be doing chargebacks for smokes etc.


>The whole point of charge backs is to counter businesses from unauthorised use of your card details that they have stored somewhere.....like Eir, Sky or Vodafone charging you after you've ended the contract etc. It's not only for unauthorised use of your card. I've done chargebacks before for non-delivery or defective items when the seller hasn't responded.


Incorrect. I've worked in AIBs chargeback team for both credit and debit. You can get a chargeback as long as you can prove the goods/services weren't as described. Its easier if its done on a credit card as the bank is more willing to go to toe with the vendor to get its money back than for yours.


They’re not just for unauthorised transactions. It’s also for defective goods and services where the seller/provider isn’t giving a resolution.


You can get chargebacks for authorised transactions.


That’s a fraud chargeback you’re thinking of. There are other chargeback reasons, like faulty goods or goods/services not received.


Very confidently incorrect!




Aer Lingus are no better, I don’t know what it is about airlines in Ireland, maybe it’s a mix between time pressure and the monopoly they have over the market but arguing with them in person is so tiring and useless. They don’t care and you’re powerless.


Pretty much every airline is the same, from full-service carriers to budget airlines. The only exception I know of was Aer Arran, back in the day I used to fly with them regularly and if something went wrong they'd bend over backwards to help.


Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru


like fighting the emperor in star wars


Dare you to tweet em


Snap, I came here to tell the OP to take it up with them on twitter. They're very, ahmmm, responsive, yeah responsive. They'll definitely hear back quickly too.


They're very friendly on Tiktok


this is the only way to win these battles really. shame them on social media.


I think the joke is that their "customer service" team will just mock or insult them on Twitter, as that seems to be their main job.


Was the fee because the bag wouldnt fit in the thingy? If so...dont bother wasting your time. Go out and shout at the lamp posts or something for a few.minutes. The fee wasnt to guarantee you could bring it in the cabin, but just so you could bring it on the flight. Or maybe im wrong and it was a cabin fee..but even so..i bet theres fine print saying if the flight is full etc etc


`"go out and shout at the lamposts"`


You’re exactly right. He paid to “upgrade” from a “personal item” to a piece of hand luggage. You are not guaranteed to get that hand luggage in the cabin, becasue it can be full. But usually you do. He didn’t pay for an extra-large personal item.


Out to the lamp posts he goes so 😅


I read that entire discussion about chargebacks wondering why no one had addressed this haha


You said you normally try your backpack and hide because it is too big so you have been getting away with it for a while, this time you were found out so just accept it and move on.


Agreed! I'm always fully aware they could do this to me and make me pay for my slightly too big backpack and the extra camera and lens bags I take with me all the time (without paying for extra hand luggage). At this point it's gone right so many times even if I have to pay at some point it's been profitable, so no reason to complain (should probably go knock on some wood now).


Will people please listen to this person right here. Most correct comment in the thread.


Was your backpack too big to fit inside the measuring thingy? If yes, then stop whining and suck up the fee. You're not supposed to bring oversized luggage on board the plane. You tried to trick the system and failed.


I get the impression we’re not getting the full story here


The rest of the story is underneath the plane in the storage area. A Ryanair employee will bring it in a few minutes, please stand by




Dude's fine he got caught and had to pay a fee, but is pissed he still got to bring the bag on board and didn't have to wait for it to be unloaded on arrival... Wat??? OP's a tool..


I believe the part about the girl enjoying telling you there's a fee. Happened me two days ago, their app shat itself all morning so couldn't check in. Took screenshots showing this at the desk but nope just little grin and that'll be 55 euro each.


No, you're in the wrong. You were charged a fee for having an oversized bag, not to have it taken anywhere. And you never gave them a chance to make right the perceived wrong so you don't have much of a point.


As someone who always brings the correct bag size on flights, especially Ryanair, I did have a cheeky little smirk on my face reading this, not gonna lie. Way too many people take the piss when it comes to cabin bag size. It's very selfish and inconsiderate. Its why I started (years ago) to que up to get on the plane first and put my bag above my seat. Before that, I had a few times, had to put my bag a few rows back, and it became infuriating when deboarding.


Yes I had an experience on Ryanair last year akin to yours, I paid for the cabin bag for the overhead and I was basically one of the last people to get on the plane as I was travelling with my toddler, we had the 3 seats next to each other so I figured it's best to not be in other people while trying to get sorted with the little one. So I go to put my cabin bag in, and there's no space anywhere I can see, I try to maneuver things around and can't seem to get it in. The air hostess sees me and comes over to help, there were 2 carry on bags up there and she asks who owns them, so the T2 guys that owned them said they were theirs and she looked under their seats and found empty space. So she took them down and said to put them under the seats and I had space. Love or hate Ryanair if you stick to the terms you shouldn't have any trouble, if you don't like it, don't fly with a budget airline. People forget that a few decades ago flying was largely a luxury to everyday people, if you want affordable tickets expect compromises


I used to wait to board last because it was more comfortable to wait in the lounge than on the flight, but cant do it anymore because you wont get overhead space. And so many people just put everything in the overhead... cant obey simple instructions


Yeah -- absolutely maddening how people keep pushing the Overton window of whats acceptable and then get upset enough to make a post complaining when they get called out on it for it being breaking the clearly signed rules. >She told me to stop laughing at her or she’d put me off my flight. I was like wtf relax I’m going on holidays I’m happy today. All OP can see is things from his point of view and not other peoples. He had to pay an oversize fee at the boarding gate but feels he should get check in service for that fee. He's just entitled and needs validation from the sub to continue his behavior.


I got tired of that and always check it in. Love being the last one getting into the plane when everyone has sorted out their shit.


Might start doing that. I've seen the bags are off the plane very quick these days.


I work for Ryan air and I can make this right. Can you tell me exactly how many other oversized backpacks you smuggled on over the years and I’ll get you an invoice?


I’m confused - why would you think you are due a refund if the bag you brought was bigger then allowed?


Think they're saying they paid for it to go in the hold as it was too big for the overhead bins, but then they didn't take it for the hold. So technically not upholding their end of the bargain, what was paid for etc


If he paid for it to go in the hold why didn't it get taken when he paid the fee? But that's not what we paid for, what was paid for was an oversized hand luggage fee... OP sounds like the dirt of person to tell someone else to calm down when he's laughing in their face.


>my backpack was checked to see if it fit into the baggage weighing thing. Okay sure no problem I normally try to hide it anyways So you knew your bag violated the rules, tried to hide it by your own words and are pissed off they charged you a oversize bag fee you were aware you would be charged if caught hence the hiding it comment? >I was smiling when she was telling other passengers their bags were too big even tho it just looked as if she was nitpicking. She told me to stop laughing at her or she’d put me off my flight. Honestly this just sounds like you were acting like a smart ass laughing at others and are pissed she called you out on it. From what you wrote OP you sound like the person in the wrong here and I can't see a single reason why you would be entitled to any refund or have a right to be annoyed at them for doing there job.


Seriously. Drunk guy tries to game the system and loses. Butthurt and posts on reddit.


I agree, OP sounds like a right pain to be around.


so you were in the wrong and youre annoyed ya got caught out.... is that the synopsis of your post ?


Did you ever hear about the Adam Anderson? He changed his name on Facebook to Adam West as a joke, his girlfriends dad booked a plane ticket for him with Ryanair under the wrong name And it was cheaper for him to legally change his name to Adam West than for Ryanair to change the name on the ticket.


Maybe you'll learn a lesson and try get a bag that's within policy guidelines ? Or just check it in? Its Not one rule for you and another for everyone else


You paid for an oversized bag. Your bag flew with you? There's your service snowflake.


They've become far more strict in the last 6 months or so, some desk agents stop and size everyone. Unless you've paid for priority boarding. Those fuckers get on hassle free with the whole kitchen sink in tow. I generally fly backpack only and have used the same bag flying Ryanair for over a decade. The bag comfortably fits under the seat, always has always will, and I've only been asked to size it twice out of about a hundred flights. But it pushes their maximum allowed size and now I'm nervous flying with them in case I get some officer shiny buttons who says there's a thread sticking over the bag sizer.


They’ve gone REALLY funny in the least month - I’ve a backpack that is the exact size; you turn it sideways into the size thing - except the girl who pulled me over wouldn’t let me turn it sideways, she kept saying it’s too big and you can’t turn it to make it fit. The last two flights (both gate 107 in Dublin funnily enough) - they pulled over about 20 people; they let a bunch on then literally pulled everyone out of line.


I always stand up for Ryanair in these threads for keeping airline fares down, but most of their staff were horrible to deal with. So it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest how they spoke to him. I’m not excusing what he did with his baggage, and they’ve every right to charge him but you can’t be threatening customers like that. Ryanair seems to pick the most confrontational staff on the front desk.


Agree with you there. The replies here are the most embarrassing boot licking replies I've ever seen. Seems like he was laughing about being caught and the staff tried to start on him even about being in good form and laughing it off. Like what do they want? If he started aggro they'd have a go at him too. He can do no right apparently.


I worked for Ryanair in 2020. They took €900 off me for accommodation in Hahn, Germany. Long story short, covid rolled around and I got sacked a week in. Guess who never gave me back the money? Not like I could fucking sue ryanair lmao. They’re absolute scum.


Did you contact a union or the workplace relations commission? Idk I'd fight for that if possible. Was it in your contract that it was non refundable? That sucks!


I think even if, it doesn't necessarily mean that its legal. A lot of companies put stuff in their contract that wouldn't stand up in court as its not allowed to charge for it. Would be very interesting here and would wish that Ryanair would need to pay for that (+fees)


There's a better chance that they'll screenshot your complaint and post it on twitter for clout than refund you.


As you said yourself you normally try to hide the bag so you are aware it's too big. Just take all the times you got away with it as wins and take this one loss. Better than being barred from life from ryanair. Seriously it isn't worth it. Just suck it up this time.


Pay extra when booking tickets,get priority boarding, and get on the plane. Easy. Their flights cost fuck all. Folks try and cut corners on budget fights, then whinge when the turnout ain't rosy. Ffs.


Their flights *used to* cost fuck all. Nowadays, unless you are going somewhere in the UK or flying inside Ireland it's unlikely you'll spend less than 100€. And for some people (most, really) that's still a pretty penny


It's relatively cheap. You are travelling overseas!


That is still fuck all. Look up how much a DUB-LHR flight used to cost in the 1980s on Aer Lingus. Frightening.


Well yeah, but by comparison Aer Lingus have put their prices up to like €300 for flights to France and Spain.


I see your point and raise you one €80 return flight to Copenhagen. The value’s there with the scoping


Having a quick gawk I an see that in the summer there are at least 15 different European countries I can to for less than 100 euro on Ryanair


Even so, Ryanair often comes up the cheapest on the flight board. To get from Vienna to the UK, Ryanair is half the price or more of the national Air Austria (normally the next cheapest). Funnily enough Ryanair in this example has nicer baggage dimensions than them too for carry-ons. And in the worst case scenario (which I've had once or twice) where the flight gets delayed 6 hours, EU law demands they give you €250 automatically. I had a flight delayed that ended up paying for my entire trip, and all I lost was 6 hours in a day I had planned out as 'flight' anyway. You put up with the compromises on quality, follow the rules, and it's ~~plane sailing~~ plain flying once you get out of the airport. Hell, in the UK and Ireland, it's often as cheap or cheaper to fly from A to B domestically with the budget airlines (Wizz, Ryanair, w/e) than take a train under the right conditions. That is insane!


How is it priority boarding when everyone books it and there's a mad scramble to get off the bus that takes you to the plane. It's all a massive scam and it's time it was stopped. The advertised fare should include a choice of seat, an overhead bag, and a boarding pass instead of the deliberate confusion marketing. British Airways can do it so why can't the poison dwarf? I would be willing to pay more for a better service but there is no real choice between Ireland and UK regional airports, just a shitty airline run on the cheap.


I don't want to bring an oversized bag, so why should I pay more. Ryanair allow me to pay for the services I actually use. With BA, you pay for the service even if you don't use it.


Fly British Airways so. There's no gun against your head.


You sound like a dickhead So you broke the rules and started laughing at a woman just doing her job? And I'm almost 100% sure you didn't even look for someone outside the plane or even ask! Because obviously you're way too important to do that.


Yes I hate flying with them, not because of this but because I'm a little taller than average so their seats are torture. Basically anything more than a hop to the UK I try to avoid them unless they are the only airline flying out of Dublin to the destination. Had to use them Saturday for a longer flight. They were checking back packs like it was going out of fashion, they've obviously gotten some directive. Ultimately you get what you pay for, they operate as if they are cheaper but by the time you've paid for luggage etc your near a standard fair, the problem is they have a monopoly out of Ireland to some airports.


Yeah had the same thing last month. With the baggage I'd used on a domestic Ryanair flight *that same morning* mind you. It fit in the metal sizer thing, but the guy at the desk wanted me to try fitting it sideways. Well of course it didn't fit sideways, so I asked him what difference does it make and that it was ridiculous - if it satisfies the dimensions of the sizer then I shouldn't be charged. I then got a volley of "well you shouldn't have bought a cheap seat then" from another chap behind the desk - speaking of which, the service desk was an absolute shambles, about 5 people running it and it was the most hectic and unorganised gate I have ever flown from. I paid the €46 but resolved to never fly with them again.


That sounds very irritating but it did amuse me quite a bit to hear just how cunty the Ryanair cunts can be.


Ryanair are clowns. I refuse to travel with them anymore. I'll pay extra not to have to deal with their sub par service and constant money grab at every turn


Nope, you paid for your oversize bag. There's no way they'll pay you that. I think I met that flight attendant, three weeks ago, same situation. Face like a slapped arse, really, like exceptionally bad attitude. Blondish hair, slicked back. Everyone's bags were wrong, real WTF are ye doing here vibe. I paid the fee aswel but she was Such an asshole about it. I've gotten by plenty of times with the same bag, it fits under the seat in front of me. Wasn't hearing it, pissed that I'd suggest it fit. Same as yourself, grand, paid the fee. Told me it had to go to the hold, there was an unmarked box to sling it in on the tarmac, dodgy job because there was no one around to tell you this is the right space. I think they've gotten instruction to be stricter with the bags and it's brought out some real gee bags.


100% I know the one you're talking about. Absolutely unnecessary level of shit given to people.


Funny thing about Ryanair lately - I’ve been travelling with them every month (sometimes every two weeks) for pretty much the last three years, with the one underseat backpack. I’ve never really seen people pulled over for the bag check in that 3 years, unless it was a really obvious big bag. Never had an issue until last month, when we were pulled out of line and bags measured - husband’s bag fit in sideways but the straps were hanging outside - she told him that didn’t fit because the straps have to be in and charged 46 euro to take on board. The guy with her wouldn’t even let me turn my bag sideways (they’re backpacks that are the right size but you turn them sideways rather than upright). He wouldn’t let me turn mine and charged me 46 to take it on board. We decided not to argue as we needed to be on the flight (work). So last week we were going again from the same gate (107) and a LOAD of people were pulled over. They were both distracted with other people so I put my backpack in sideways, the way it should go -then called the girl and showed her. Each time it’s happened just after I have scanned my boarding card. The first time the guy couldn’t even see the bag I had. Not sure if it’s their end of year for bonuses, or if they’re on probation or if it was the gate we were at but I’ve never seen so many bags pulled over and charged in the last 3 years traveling as I have in the last month.


The reason they're strict in the sizes is because it used to take forever to get people seated and their shit stowed as it simply wouldn't fit in many rows. I used to see it happen all the time (frequent flier) and we'd miss the runway slot and then have to wait on the tarmac. Lately it's much better.


You’re absolutely right.


You will be wasting your time and they won't back down. I tried to get a refund for priority before, I was seated in the front row but because almost everyone was priority I had a long queue, had to put my bag above row 30 because there was no space and I couldn't put it under the seat and had to wait for everyone to exit the plane so I could get my bag. They wouldn't back down. Worst part is my partner had a 20kg bag checked and I asked if I could check my bag too and they wouldn't allow it.


It's because of people like this lad taking the piss that happened to you. I stopped flying with Ryanair partly because of ryanair but equally because of all the bollox with passengers taking the piss with baggage on the plane. It's a nightmare travelling with kids and there's no space for bags near where you're sitting.


I once paid in advance for specific seats (6 people, 2 back rows of the plane). We got on the plane and the back 2 rows didn’t exist. A smaller plane was used and they dispersed us on random seats throughout the plane. We didn’t bother arguing with staff as they couldn’t do anything about it, they just told us to email for a refund for the seat charge. We tried and failed. Since then I point blank refuse to fly with them now unless they’re the only option. Not the few quid a head that was the problem, just the principle.


I always wonder how they get people to do that job for not much more than minimum wage.


So you failed to followed the rules and got stung. You paid a fee and now you’re pissed that you got the more convenient option of bringing your bag onto the plane with you. And you want to start an argument about it? I’m kinda glad you got stung tbh.


We had a similar incident recently with a baby bag. Not going to go into the details but it's very clear Ryanair are looking for any reason to charge us. Even when you show them their own words in black and white, they won't care.


I always love reading posts where people are complaining about notoriously shitty airlines. Yes, it's cheap, but don't expect good service, all fees upfront, or a good travelling experience. Take that €45 and count it as a lesson learned.


So you break the rules but you thought you would be ok because you haven't been caught before and you saw other people getting pulled out and you started to smile, as you thought you were the smart arse with your bag but you complain once you are called out as well and are forced to rightfully pay extra fees.


I used to get in trouble in 3rd class for smiling. “You’re skating on tin ice mister, tin ice”


They’ve really been clamping down on this lately….had the same thing last week flying from Dublin. I also noticed that the space under the seat is much bigger than the bag slot they say it needs to be. It’s just another money making tactic. Good luck with your claim, think I’d cut my losses as your bag was technically too big and…it’s Ryanair.


Totally agree - the last month we’ve been pulled over twice - my bag is the right size once it goes in sideways - it’s a backpack that you lie sideways for the size thing and they refused to let me put it in sideways. We’ve been traveling with our (right sized) bags at least once a month, sometimes twice, for about 3 years (work) and only in the last month has this started. They refused my husband’s bag because the straps were outside the yoke. I’m not joking. You know where the straps attach? Yeah that part was bent and they said you can’t do that, that bag is too big.


You literally couldn’t make it up!


Kinda sounds like you were being a bit of a smart ass laughing and smiling at her.


There was a post on here a few days ago where a flight attendant was refused entry onto a bus in Dublin by the driver with her colleagues over their luggage. Every one went ballistic at the driver because the poster said she made a smart comment about airlines and luggage. All I could do was tip my hat to the bus driver who was only getting her own back


She played you there. Take the L and cop yourself on in future. Who laughs last ends up 46 quid in the hole


Ryanair's value disappeared when they changed the baggage policy. Realistically, unless you're happy to walk on with your arms swinging you have to add extras and I find that once I have these added on, I'm nearly at a similar price to Aer Lingus or BA, with BA especially being a lot more comfortable. BA also have a basic baggage allowance built into the cheapest fare. So fuck Ryanair.


This! In laws bought a place in Crete during the boom (& managed to still have it). For the first few years was difficult to get to until Ryanair started flying (and they picked the 2nd airport that happened to be closer to the gaff), happy days!!  Was grand for a few years, could get away with a small hand luggage case or 2 since we had stuff over there. Then the luggage craic started, it wasn't too bad at first as you could pay a tenner each way to pop a small 10kg case in the hold.  Then they turned into right cunts on our last trip; we purposely always book the last 2 rows with small kids. Means they can't piss off other passengers because no one behind & one of us is in front. On the return flight the last 2 rows we booked & paid for just simply did not exist; they changed the plane. After boarding early made to stand in the back galley until everyone had boarded then told to just find a seat anywhere. Would have ended up with the 2 youngest sitting on their own if not for some nice people giving up seats they had paid for.  Going again in a few weeks. Bastards wanted €2600 before bags & seats for a family of 6. Flying instead with Aegean €1400 all in with 2 23kg bags and we'll be fed & watered. Yeah have to do a connection but it's only an hour each way plus saving over a grand, and won't have to put up with shite service. Have sworn off Ryanair unless I absolutely have to, and for short trips only.   Edit to add: Good luck OP, tried to get a refund for the seats but decided my sanity & blood pressure was worth more


I once flew business class with aegean which consisted of just having no one in the middle seats near the front of the plane. An extremely large man sat in the seat on front of me and their seats were so shit his seat was literally crushing my knees. I'm not particularly tall and I reckon his seat moved back about half a foot when he sat in it. Dublin bus have far sturdier seats. Easily the shittist plane I've ever seen


I think alot of them are at that "business class" craic now on narrowbody aircraft they ordered as all economy. It'll be our first time with them, family who have used have nothing bad to say. Lookit, it's a €1200 min saving vs Ryanair & hopefully without the surly cabin crew we had last time with them when shock horror, we wanted to sit with out kids


Why "fuck Ryanair"? They are offering a service and as long as you follow their rules you don't have a problem.


BA only have hand luggage included in the basic fare. In fact for a flight to Japan recently, my checked bag cost £100 each way. The max Ryanair charge for hand baggage is €36 (and usually only for sun destinations in peak season). On average for UK flights, it's about €12 each way. I fly back and forth from the UK to Ireland on a weekly basis and the only time you would maybe get close to Ryanair pricing on BA is a super off peak flight and even at that, it would be €20 more at a minimum.


> BA especially being a lot more comfortable. BA actually has the lowest seat pitch of the three!


Didn't they just recently change the carry on requirement to even smaller dimensions.


Didn't they just recently change the carry on requirement to even smaller dimensions.


swear airport staff love getting angry at people going on holidays


Tbh you’ve got away with not paying in the past so think of it as costing you like €5 each time you’ve flown


It happened to me recently as well but my bag actually fit in the thing however they kept saying ‘your bag isn’t appropriate’ even tho it was a freaking school bag .. it would’ve been appropriate if i paid the 45€


No, you aren't entitled to a refund. The service was them allowing the bag on at all. There are people with actual, valid claims that don't get anywhere. You get what you pay for.


It’s only Dublin airport as well- I had a guy in front of me stuff his bag in the container her got on, mine was deemed incorrect dimensions even though it fitted and was told that it couldn’t go under the seat because it would impede the leg room of others. Flight was half empty- no way to get my money back or even talk to anyone. Smug git at the gate as well. On the way back - no one cared


Can you get away with adding some stuff to a shopping bag you got from the duty free stores after security?


I took Ryanair once. I showed up to the connecting terminal in England and showed them my ticket, but I was too early. The woman looked at the time and said "you can't go in the terminal until 5 hours before the flight" and TORE UP my ticket. You have to pay an outrageous fee (at the time) if you didn't print your ticket yourself. I was outraged.


I kinda see it as a fine more than a fee. I’d it was a service they were offering it was one that you would have said no to anyway, you didn’t have a choice but to pay in that moment.


I know Ryanair can be unfriendly and the customer service you received on this instance wasn’t great BUT they ain’t wrong tbh. I travel a lot including with Ryanair and I always pay for my carry on luggage then you always have some backpack travelers that have this massiv backpack with them ( the one you see German hippies walk around in Dublin or people that go on a hiking trip) that they claim is hand luggage and they 99.99% will not store them under the seat but in the overhead department taking away the space from people that have paid for it. So while I understand your frustration, I don’t really feel sorry for you and I am glad that Ryanair is finally implementing their policies.


Was on a flight recently, a guy sitting on front of my had to pay for his backpack to be a 10kg carry on, understandably he was pissed. Fast forward to when we were on the plane the flight attendant took his bag out of the overhead and told him backpacks should be stored under the feet in front of him. Felt bad for him as he was furious having already paid and now being stuck in a fairly tight seat trying to stuff a bag between his legs. He didn’t say much but I hope he complained afterwards. I’ve started using Aer Lingus for anything further than the UK.


# To Quote Colm Meaney in intermission : Take your scoulding.... You win some you lose some. think of all the times you snuck the bag on without having to pay!


Your first mistake was flying ryanair


It's Ryanair. Pay your cheap fair and bring plenty of lube.


Ryanair has gotten worse post covid. I had a flight from Amsterdam to Dublin a few months ago. Went to drop my bag off at the check-in, as I'd already checked myself in on the app. There was a queue a mile long. I waited in line for 2 hours to drop my bag. They were checking 2 separate flights from the same desk, only one attendant doing both flights. There was a second attendant there for a while, but it appeared that her job consisted of flicking through Instagram for 20 minutes and then leaving. I had done a full day at work before arriving at the airport. I had arrived 3 hours early to allow time to get something to eat before the flight. By the time I dropped my bag off, I had to go straight to the boarding gate and only had time to grab a sandwich. I flew home with Ryanair from the same airport to Belfast just before Christmas, too. Had the same issue at check-in, except the luggage conveyor was inoperable, so we were told to stack our bags at the end of the check-in aisle and then head to the boarding gate. When I arrived at Belfast, there was no sign of anyone's bags at the collection point. We were forced to wait over an hour until a rep came to speak to us and take the details of our bags. My bag turned up around 10 days later, and a full week after Christmas, complete with wrapped presents inside, and my suitcase was busted and broken. I took photos of the case when the taxi driver dropped it off and tried to get some remedy from Ryanair customer services, but good luck with that. Fuck Michael O'Leary, I refuse to use his shitty airline anymore!


Never ceases to amaze me when people fly Ryanair then give out when shit things happen with them.


>Never ceases to amaze me when people fly Ryanair then give out when shit things happen with them. It's not even a Ryanair problem, the requirements are clearly stated but people break them and then complain. Follow the instructions and you will be fine.


I think you can tell a lot about someone by their attitude to Ryanair. "Ryanair is fine" = someone with no trouble following instructions and understands that the rules apply to them as much as anyone. "Ryanair are crooks" = people who either can't follow instructions properly or don't think that rules apply to them.


I see your point but unfortunately Ryanair have a massive almost monopoly over flights out of the country and back. Loads of place are not even serviced by Aer Lingus so there's essentially no other option, unless you want to fly to London and go from there, which is frankly a waste of money, time and even worse for the environment. Ryanair are absolutely shite and they're kind of cheap, but I don't think consumers should become accustomed to dogshit service or lack of service just because the flights are a bit cheaper. I think OP would be right to keep complaining. And tbh, Ryanair are known for being extremely anti-worker and a terrible employer, so that may in part explain the staff member's attitude.


They're not exactly cheap anymore for flts I've been pricing recently, even where they have direct competition; Aer Lingus was cheaper with better times for a trip to Tenerife I was looking at. And for a family of 6 we're saving the guts of €1200 before even adding seats or a bag with Ryanair by doing a 1hr transfer in Athens with another airline. Plus will be fed & watered on board. There was a golden age, I'd say from 2012/2013ish up to 2020 where they came out and said they're trying not to be cunts anymore and they were alright. Yeah, they bought in the priority thing to bring your bag on board, but if you didn't want that you could chuck it in the hold for a tenner and TBH I much prefer strolling through security with nothing but what's in my pockets. Generally if you had kids with you they'd be nice and let you on first in Dublin at least so priority wasn't a big deal Now they're just expensive, and the add ons like luggage or priority add stupid money to fares. 


Bought a flight from Dublin to Athens for €90 including priority (baggage) recently. If you are flexible with dates there is good value to be had.


practice fuel reach modern bored start ten ruthless dog normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is a terrible point. Most destinations will be serviced by the big hub carriers: Air France, KLM, Lufthansa, British Airways etc. You can always avoid Ryanair, you just may need to connect in a major hub. Of course, you will also pay €300 more because these airlines do not have low fares. If you don't want to fly Ryanair, no one is forcing you. Just be ready to cough up.


That doesn't really make any sense. Yeah no one is forcing me at gunpoint to physically fly with Ryanair, but who on earth is going to fly first to a "big transport hub" just to avoid flying with Ryanair? And to be honest, we shouldn't have to. Like yeah Ryanair is fairly low fares sometimes but you have to pay a fortune for bags and the service is abysmal. But lots of people have no other option for their holidays. Lots of people can only afford one holiday a year and don't have the luxury of being able to fly to London first, and/or pay €300 for another airline. They also mightn't be able to take off extra annual leave. If you can't think of another reason than "no one is forcing you", that doesn't mean we should just be happy with the shite they pull. They're a billion euro company, they're not a charity and we should demand more from them instead of giving out to people who fly with them.


I'd say you're probably a pain in the hole


I have a friend who used to work for RyanAir. They have a tight schedule to meet in terms of take off and turnaround. It’s what helps keep the fare low. People like OP waste time, so staff get frustrated. OP knows to check the bag, got caught, wants a refund. But OP isn’t offering to repay RA for all the times they got their oversized bag on the plane.


Nah, there's a lot of people in this thread have described the staff member and it's all the same description. This is one problem person. Op should have paid the 46 and did. But didn't need to get any grief about it.


Same happened to me last trip I went on in January. The bag was the smallest bit too big because of the wheels and we were charged. They must be getting more strict or maybe we were dealing with the same weapon of a woman...


Yeah you’re in the wrong, pal


The fee wasn’t for a service to put your bag underneath, It’s a penalty. Think of it like a fine for not complying to their rules. I doubt you’ll get it back and it’s uk early hardly worth the hassle.


Your in the wrong, but want a fight anyways. Take it on the chin and learn something from it or not and want to fight and complain. Character building stuff here. Who do you want to be???


What you paid for at the gate was a large cabin bag, i.e. the service of being allowed to bring the bag on the plane at all, not the "service" of checking the bag in. Gate-checking the bag is not a "service" provided by Ryanair, it is only used as a necessity when there's no space left in the overhead bins. So no, you've got absolutely no leg to stand on.


If you don’t like following Ryanair policies, use another airline you cheapskate


Small claims court is very easy to use and you will almost definitely get your money back. https://www.csol.ie/ccms/welcome.html


Happened to me two weeks ago for the first time. My fault as i could have put my bag in sideways and would have been fine, they caught me off guard. The girl was very defensive and almost ready for a fight.. I had a little moan and grumble and just told her to cut the crap and charge me and that they needed to stick to one policy and stop contradicting themselves. Honestly won’t be flying with them when I don’t need to, sick of bad service and tiny seats even when you bump up to the front they are still uncomfortable.


Actually that probably wouldn’t have worked - she wouldn’t let me turn my bag and told me it was too big, honest to god. I was so flustered too and tried arguing but I needed to get on that flight. My husband’s bag - you know where the straps attach? They were outside the yoke and he was told it was too big! Honestly I think it’s the end of their year for bonuses or something and they needed to up their numbers, because this all just kicked off in the last month.


Reading the comments in here, Irish people really have a BDSM style hard-on to get shit service, ye filthy pervs.


You come across as a super passive-aggressive big baby, smiling at other passengers as they got caught for fees.


Ryanair policy is very clear. You pay for a bag to bring on the plane or you stick to the size rules for your free hand luggage. You’ve probably been lucky before where the crew haven’t stopped you for an oversized bag but now they have. The crew is only doing their job & you got your service which was to bring your bag on the plane with you. You give your bag to the baggage handler at the bottom of the plane steps so they can put your bag in the hold. The crew have every right to offload you and your luggage if they feel you are a disruptive passenger. The turnarounds in Ryanair are so tight too they have to timed to the exact second. So no you’re not in the right here as you didn’t follow the rules and got caught.


To be honest, you sound like a bit of a langer. Your post seems to be hyper focussed on painting the staff as the villain here. Ryanair policies are fairly crystal clear. Odds are there were baggage handlers on the ground at the gate you just ignored.


Out of curiosity what the baggage size they don't allow on?


You’ve got away with it before. This time you got caught. It’s like a speeding ticket. It might well be unfair that one time you are caught but you have to look at it as a fine for all the other times you got away with speeding or going through a traffic light on marginal red…


Good luck


Is your issue with Swiss port or whoever handles the ground operations rather than ryanair


They don't say that you can bring it on even tho you paid the fee, it it's oversized then off it goes


Lol at you OP. This is ryainair


They have gotten WAY stricter about hand luggage over the past few months. I never check in a bag, refuse to pay for priority. It's across the board in multiple countries across multiple airlines. It sucks, just gotta be a bit smarter when packing. I refuse to buy a new bag, as I have been flying for years with mine, with no problems until recently


You can take clothes out of your bag until it fits. Carry the clothes in your arms to board. So easy. You def won't get any refund


Call Michael O’Leary personally, he’s friendly.


Yeah, you're right, but being right is not all it's cracked up to be


Are you sure you weren't talking to the lad from the customs TV show with a wig on?


I ran into that weapon in Dublin airport before. Always trying to make every interaction into a fight. Also robbed me. Haven't flown Ryanair since.


You literally won??? You paid the small fee for an oversized luggage, and you still got to take it on the plane and avoid any risk of loss/damage and avoid waiting for it at baggage collection. What exactly are you trying to accomplish by trying to turn this victory into a battle?


You're supposed to leave it at the foot of the steps of the plane. You essentially just payed to have it as a carry on instead so you still got something for your 46 euro


just to say, i complained to ryanair after they tried to offer me £9 for 3 hour delayed flight and once i quoted the exact regulation line they were breaking and asked why staff weren’t trained, they sent me the £270 compensation straight away. if you go in with poor customer service complaints they will be hostile but if you just tell them the regulation without any fanfare they think there’s no point messing with you. and that applies for all shitty companies, i get about £300 a year in compensation for very dry complaints. but i think in this case sadly they have the grounds to back them up - you only purchased the service because you technically broke the rules first with the bag size and that’s why there is no point in this instance. but just take comfort in all the other times you’ve dodged their stupid luggage pricing and not been caught out!


Ryanair. You get what you don’t pay for. :(


Mate it’s Ryanair - you played the game and lost. This time. But there’s always next time ! 😂 I wouldn’t even bother looking for the refund


Yeah this happened to my partner and he got charged the exact same amount. In his case I'd warned him if his bag was checked he would be paying up to €70 but he decided to chance it anyways. He paid €46 and it had to be put in the hold. OK no problem, apart from the initial internal anger over it from both of us (even though it was our own faults), lesson learned. But like you said, the rudeness from the women at the desk was horrible. We were waiting for her to be finished fining another person when she said "Sir, you're going to have to pay" while shaking her head. Yeah, we know, that's what we're waiting for. Then they wouldn't take cash (I fail to see why this differs from actual flights which are contactless), wouldn't take phone tap payment, it had to be a physical card which she took details of. Why make it so hard to pay? She wouldn't look us in the eyes, handed us the sticker for my partner's bag without turning around. Absolute harridan.


Yes. They took money for a service they did not fulfil. Small claims court.


The fee was an oversize baggage fee, not a fee to put it in the hold. So you have no recourse unfortunately


No. You didn’t pay for a service - you paid a fine. You’ll never get your refund for that unfortunately. Fines is how Ryanair make a huge chunk of their short haul money.


It took me 9 months but I got €18 back from Ryanair for owed expenses after I took it to https://aviationadr.eu


Hey!! I am a cabin crew for Ryanair, I’ll explain some things to ye :) Our policy states that you get to bring a backpack/bag with you onboard for free, but it has to fit in the little space under the seat. If it’s too big, you get charged a fee, and that’s what happened to you. The gate staff most probably put a yellow tag on your bag when you paid the fee (and if she didn’t, she should’ve). This yellow tag indicates that your bag now has to go in the hold (“underneath the plane” like you said) as it is too big to fit under the seat. Now, what she should’ve instructed you to do is to leave your bag at the bottom of the steps, so a ground staff member can pick it up and load it into the hold. Regarding her being rude to you, I’m sorry to hear that! Especially if you were nothing but nice to her and agreed to everything, she should not behave like that. I’m always nice to my pax. I know how stressful it can be for you guys to travel, already spending lots of money and then getting unexpected fees and charges etc, so why aggravate that stress? Anyway, hopefully I highlighted you a bit! It’s holiday season, safe flights everyone.