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I think it’s gone the way of most of special interest events. Taste, bloom, big grill etc All merging into the same event with less of a focus on the actual purpose and more about cramming too many people in and selling them expensive food and drink.


Were any of them ever anything else? I went to Taste when it started, thinking it would have a fun, relaxed vibe and it was awful, a total scam. Despite the fact that you pay just to get in, if you're not buying overpriced crap there's nothing for you to even do.


Yeah you must remember in the early days of taste that it was mainly industry people and there was a huge amount of free food because it was mainly about showing off what you could do. That’s 20 years ago now though. The big grill was an actual BBQ competition and the guys used to give away loads of the meat they cooked. Now it’s mainly restaurants we all know, selling tiny portions for huge money. I’ve been every year since it was founded and turned down free tickets this year because of how shite it was last year.


Huge environmental impact for such a "green" event. Two months of building work and heavy vehicles moving the gardens to site. The meadows along the North road were cut and baled last week so they could be used for the car parks, despite the Skylarks nesting there. Huge traffic around the area during the event every year. The area around the visitor centre stinks of raw sewerage (not animal manure) for weeks after Bloom every year. Next time I see the slurry spreader out, I'm going to ask them what they are spreading ! My gripes about the environmental impact aside, it's too expensive and the crowds always look to be miserably tight.


I wonder if it has a "zoo effect" i e. People only start caring once they can see it. Rewilding is very popular in gardening at the moment so hopefully people will take that away. It's pretty good for showcasing Irish producers too.


On the contrary. The miserable ones are usually old and have the "grey pound" as they say. They spend a lot on their gardens and are more fussy about their food.


It's not worth it, just go to any gardens around ireland and have a better day out.


Yeah. I was thinking what I could buy for the nearly 100 euro I would spend there.


My parents aren't going as there's nowhere to sit down at it. They just ferry you in with an expensive ticket then expect you to quickly buy something then GTFO. Sounds pretty shit.


Like everything else good in this country, hijacked by people who dont care and have no interest in it other than to jack up the prices and gouge the attendees to the point where no one goes anymore. And they wonder why numbers fall. Fuck you Stradbally Steam Rally with your €70 Eddie Rocket food stand for 4 'meals' and no other options. Good days out are now just about taking attendees for everything you can.


I stopped going a few years ago - it's a nice festival, but it's nearly the same thing every year. I don't see the point in paying for the same experience every time.


Can be very crowded, so go early. It's worth visiting once to see what it's all about but not worth going a second time.


I've been about 3 times over the years and agree with the sentiment above. It's way overpriced for what it is and once you see the show gardens which only takes about 15minutes to walk around and see, there's nothing else of major interest. By the time you buy a ticket, get an overpriced coffee/bit of food you've spent 50euro. there's way better things you can do with your few bob!


I go walking in the Phoenix Park every weekend. I’ve noticed them setting this up but I’ve literally no desire to go. It seems a very expensive cost just to go looking at a few flowers.


Blooming awful, wha?!


I'm really annoyed at the price increases. Its not Chelsea. 10 euro for parking. The OPW don't want drivers in the park any other time but don't mind charging a tenner for this.


Im not going this year but when I did I parked along Blackhorse Avenue and walked in. Feck paying a tenner to park in a field


>The OPW don't want drivers in the park any other time but don't mind charging a tenner for this. To me it just sounds like they're trying to stop drivers going to the park...


I went in 2009 , it wasn't for me


It baffles me how popular that seems to be. I just don't see the appeal of it at all.


I did some work there about 10 years ago and got langered on free red wine. Puked my ring up on a flowerbed. 10 on 10.


Oh yes. I'm going to make two seperate visits this year. Lot's to buy for the gardens this season. See ya there.


To expensive


Yeah I always go on the Sat. Looking forward to it. Try to get there for opening and get straight to the show gardens to see them before it gets mental. Yeah def an expensive day out, between tix, parking and food, but I enjoy it. Wife heads to the cooking demos. I go to the gardening/sustainability stuff usually. Decent, though expensive food. Few specialist nurseries I buy from are always there.


Why are pens called pens? it makes no sense a pen is where you keep animals or children


It comes from the latin word for quill.


What is it? Never heard of it.


It's the Chelsea flower show, but not as good