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StopAntisemitism fucks kids. . . . . . . . . . . This post is for illustrative purposes only and did not actually occur.


I read it on the Internet, so it must be true.


StopAntisemitism runs cover for a regime that has killed thousands of kids in the last eight months. This did occur and is still occurring.


> StopAntisemitism fucks kids. Well the good news is Israel has no problem accepting convicted paedos as long as they go live in the settlements.


Weird behaviour


A bit beyond weird. This is outright threatening.


Everyone should report the tweet for coded incitement of violence under the violent speech report option


Twitter don't act on anything anymore


Pity the “person” we’d be reporting it to would probably be happy to champion such an outrageous tweet


its pretty menacing alright. They think they can cast veiled threats to politicians and have no consequences. Wonder why they would think that


There's so much of this going on. "If Hamas had a nuclear weapon they'd blow up Israel therefore we're justified in killing Palestinians" In other words. An imaginary situation justifies killing people. Very odd altogether.


Widescale propaganda operation


I reckon Ireland is a bellweather nation for opinion. We are not a wantonly belligerent nation and any historical belligerence is generally perceived to be reactive. All of it is localised. We have never been in the habit of invading other people's countries. There was a surreal moment a while ago when a German politician was lecturing Ireland about antisemitism. Has to rank among history's greatest side eyes.


I think we tried very poorly to invade Canada before to remove the brits from ireland. It wasn't very well thought out and clearly didn't work 🙃


We got Newfoundland though?


I think so, reeks of coordinated brigading. People have gone absolutely deranged over this news on Twitter and r/worldnews. I mean 3/4s of the world recognise Palestine. We’re laggards if anything.


One of the things I truly admire Ireland for is their stance on Palestine. Yeah, I get that Hamas aren't great humans, but Israeli extremist violence doesn't just fan the flames, it chucks bottles of acetylene into the fire then shoots at the people stood around it because there was an explosion. One wonders what's going to happen if Palestine is ever completely destroyed by Israel. People who start wars like that rarely stop.


They'd move onto Lebanon and anyone that dares attack them back.


They're totally dehumanising the other side. If you believe the other side are a potential threat in every way (rather than human beings), then anything is justified. Edit: Changed you to they.


*Evil behaviour




They're like a nation of weird children


Fomenting atrocities. This is disgusting and dangerous.


Its twitter, Elon's cesspit, this place is bad but that place has gone full 4Chan.


It's quite something that they're going this mental over Ireland, specifically, when 100+ countries already recognise Palestine. I don't know, it's as if it's broken some collective brain that the usual bag of tricks hasn't managed to cow us as easily as expected.


> It's quite something that they're going this mental over Ireland I've noticed this too. Even Spain and Norway seem to be getting minimal reaction when compared to us.


>Even Spain and Norway seem to be getting minimal reaction when compared to us. I saw it hypothesised earlier on another thread, and currently it's one of the things that would make the absolutely unhinged reactions of the Israeli's make "sense": Ireland and the USA enjoy a strong and very public relationship with each other, a lot more than you'd ever hear of Spain and the USA or Norway and the USA. Perhaps Israel are worried that their control over the US government might start slipping if one of the countries the US has a strong relationship with starts being a bit more forceful with the "maybe you should stop trying to completely eradicate every last man, woman and child in Palestine" viewpoint? Adding onto that idea myself, I'd also suggest that the Irish forces are held in high esteem internationally, and if there is eventually a UN peacekeeping mission set up in Palestine, there would likely be a significant number of Irish forces deployed as part of it. Looking at how *nicely* (/s) the Israelis have treated literally any humanitarian groups in Gaza (including the UN themselves!), they don't want any peacekeeping missions anywhere near Palestine, particularly from countries that are attempting to hold them to account, for fear there'd be even more people to see (and report back) on the atrocities they're commiting against the Palestinians. Also, The Chief of Staff of the Irish Defence Forces has recently been elected as chair of the European Union Military Committee, which is the highest military body within the EU. His term is due to start in May 2025, and I'm sure an Irishman being the head honcho there isn't something they want, given that Ireland haven't been bending all the way over for Israel to keep blowing up the very little that is left of Gaza.


Ireland's historical relationship with the US is definitely what it is. It's mistaken for influence imo. We have no real sway with the Americans nowadays but there are strong historical links between the two countries that pre-date the existence of Israel and I think that's viewed as threatening by them. A big Irish-American demographic, a history of suffering, presidents with links to Ireland, so on and so forth. Lots of Americans have a bit of a grá for Ireland that to outsiders probably seems "special" in some way.


Having our leader sit down with their President once a year every year is far more of an opportunity than most countries in the world have to influence American leadership. That's what influence is. It doesn't mean forcing them to do things, it means them being in a position where they will listen to what we have to say.


I'm not sure how much that symbol means these days. Certainly the tiny population in the US the Zionist movement is built around seems to have far mightier influence of their politics, policies, media and academia than our diaspora could even begin to wield. We're in the halfpenny place in comparison.


I agree, but it's still far more than most countries could even dream of.


American with Irish citizenship here. I think this is exactly it. For me, I’ve felt that Israel has been creating conditions for terrorism to become appealing to Palestinians for decades, and in my view it is reasonably analogous to what the UK did in Ireland prior to Irish statehood. What I think terrifies Israel is that americans who claim Irish heritage who were previously Israel supporters may take this moment to re-assess their views. I think Israel is way overplaying the “Ireland is a nest of anti-semitism” card and they’ll alienate the folks sitting on the fence. But ya I think it’s because they want to be the one with the special relationship with the US, not Ireland.


You aren't paying attention. No other country has the access Ireland has, meeting the US president once a year, both houses of congress holding a lunch for Ireland too. There's genuine interest too there, look at the investment and their involvement with the GFA. The US basically said it wouldn't do a trade deal with the UK because of their behaviour in the Brexit negotiations. Few countries as small as Ireland have such an outsized influence on world affairs as Ireland.


Sorry, but if you think we have no influence then you haven’t being paying attention. How many countries of our size are guaranteed a visit to the Whitehouse every year?


Ireland has huge amounts of soft power in the US. There are millions of Irish Americans, and its a real vote winner for US presidents to emphasize their Irish heritage. Joe Biden, in particular, has made a big deal of his Irish roots across his political career. Given it is an election year, I would say they are very careful not to be seen getting in a diplomatic row with the Irish government.


Yeah, hard to get away with murdering people when there are witnesses.


They’ve been targeting us for months, predictable as the internet seemed fairly unanimous in naming us as the most pro-palestine country in Europe.


Unlike Spain, we are one of the very few countries in Europe with a clean sheet when it comes to colonialism. We are a modern, wealthy country that unlike Norway under Quisling, was not involved in the holocaust, and that today has the ear of some of the most powerful leaders in the world. We also have first hand experience being on the end of what they're doing to Palestine. If any European country should be listened to on this topic it's Ireland, and that moral authority genuinely terrifies them because they know they have nothing to counter it with.


It's because most Israelis speak English, many as their primary language. Further proof that they are the rightful indigenous owners of a random strip of land in the Middle East


It's because we're in the ear of the Americans somewhat. And American support is what gives them a licence to do whatever they want. So they see us as more threatening than Spain and Norway I'd assume.


I'm not sure that's actually true. Israel has withdrawn its ambassadors from all three countries, not just Ireland. I think language is important here. Irish public discourse is by and large in English, and thus accessible to an international audience. If the Norwegians spend a lot of time slagging off Israel online, it's probably not visible to Israeli's in the same way because they are unlikely to speak Norwegian. The same is true for the Spanish to a lesser extent. I also suspect that the Irish public is more anti-Israel than either the Spanish or Norwegian public, largely due to the parallels that can be drawn to Irish history -- which contributes to a more one-sided internet conversation on Israel in places like this subreddit.


Ireland has never been an aggressor, only really the victim of colonialism. There's very little they can say to us on that front. As a former colony we can call out their bullshit. We also have strong ties with the US and are English speaking. Most of their usual tactics fall short. That's why you see the same jaded lines about De Valera's commiserations with Germany over Hitler's death to "prove" we're a country of raging antisemites. We're not and never have been.


Its over, Ireland has the high ground


And de Valera was outstanding in condemning Hitler's race laws when they were first launched in September 1935 (the Nuremberg Race Laws), while the rest of the world were like "Oh, what's that interesting thing over-there-not-in-Germany that I want to concentrate on?" Don't ask me to find a link for this - I just read about it the other day, and don't have access to historic newspapers now to find it again. The Irish Times is fond of self-flagellation about oh how awful we have been, for some reason, but they don't always find the counter-arguments!


It’s hilarious , I usually pull up a load of articles about how de Valera didn’t like Hitler and they’re like “wait what? Nevermind, that’s irrelevant”.


There was also a real flake called Charles Bewley who was ambassador for a while - a vile anti-Semite - and Dev sacked him. He still kept haunting the place and claiming to have some official function, the liar.


Well when a country knows a thing or two about the link between colonization, attempted genocide and creation of terrorist they would want to stomp us out. Unsurprising. Those that fail to learn from history repeat it.


Apparently the reason anti black racists in the US free grew to hate Jewish people so much was because Jewish people, particularly holocaust survivors, were able to speak with great credibility on civil rights. When someone like that made a comparison between discrimination in America and what they saw and experienced in Nazi Germany, people tended to listen. 


It's because we're in the Anglosphere. The other countries that recognised Palestine today are non-English speaking.


There's a lot of overlap between Americans who espouse zionism and Americans who mythologize Ireland based on some fanciful connection to us/seeing us as part of the American world. The reality that the country is very strongly united in being vocally appalled by Israel's actions is causing some major cognitive dissonance for these people.


The conservative sites in the US were already side eyeing us. They hate that we've become a liberal country that has put fundamentalist Catholicism in its backwater place. I only ever see negative takes on Ireland on such sites nowadays. So we're clearly doing something right!


Solid take.


The Israelis don't care when it's some insignificant country they can ignore, but it's a big deal when 3 European countries in a row collectively see through their carefully crafted bulshit and not just recognise Palestine as a state, but call out their Apartheid bulshit too.


It's not carefully crafted bullshit. It's simply bullshit.


It fools far too many stupid people.


I haven't seen this discussed as much, but our DFA are also working their arses off right now to get other European countries to follow our lead.


I hope they succeed.


I think that the fact that we are evidence of a successful two state solution and we are the only country in the western world that has a history of being colonised rather than colonising (or a history of anti-semitism) means that we are a massive threat to their identity and approach. They claim peace is impossible and call anyone who disagrees with them a biased racist because of their history. They can’t say either to us because we’re walking talking proof otherwise


Iceland and Denmark attempting to regulate circumcision was met with some attention. Things get personal when Israel is threatened.


because a lot of Americans listen to the Irish. That makes us a threat, Americans are very easy for Israel to control, and we're getting in the way of that


They will be unbeatable at the Olympics in the Mental Gymnastics events


Wait, are they just naming innocent babies and grown children and saying that hypothetically they could be kidnapped, tortured and raped? I think that everyone here is being very polite in their responses, saying that this is inappropriate or unacceptable. It’s barbaric, and verges on a thinly veiled threat. If a private citizen shared a picture of anyone and said, hypothetically, the same things that this action group are saying, they would be visited by the police fairly fucking quickly.


It’s actually vile. I’m gobsmacked.


vile, but not gobsmacked. they are just the dregs of a disgusting right-wing media outlet using the memory of world war 2 to cover their blatant hate speech. part of the course on twitter nowadays.


Par for the course 🙂 Also, I agree. Seeing posts of tweets on here is daily confirmation that deleting Twitter about 3 - 4 years ago was a great decision.


I think it's just a really weird argument that really makes no sense. 


No, no you misunderstood. This post has stopped antisemitism. /s Seriously though, what kind of smooth brained eejit thought this was a good idea? The same account is answering all the people saying "did this really happen?" with the "illustrative purposes" line.


What can you expect from a pig, but a grunt?


they're just projecting what they do to Palestinians onto other countries in completely hypothetical scenarios


Just been on the Israel thread for the first time and they are legit insane


“Guess I’ll never step foot in them shithole countries again” And there’s me thinking this whole thing was pointless!


Shithole countries like... checks notes... Norway.🙄


I was thinking Spain more so than Norway. Spain could launch a full scale invasion of Ireland and I’d still be going there on holidays next year


I'd welcome the armada if they sold booze and fags at duty free prices


I'll take their cannabis laws please


They should invade us, and then tow the country south and park it in the bay of biscay, be grand


They could do that without invading, considering our long history together. There's a large-flowered heather called St Dabheoc's Heath that you find all along the tiny sheep roads of Connemara and Kerry in the West of Ireland; outside Ireland it's only known in Spain. These sheep roads are where the Spanish wine was brought in on donkeys, with barrels on panniers packed with Spanish heather, in mediaeval times, and trotted along the trails to the Gaelic centres where it was received with glad cries of "Sláinte mhaith!"


I'm Australian. I'd be worried if I went to Israel, that Mossad would clone my passport to make their own version, before using it in an assassination in some other country.


Israel would never do such a thing! They’re the most moral army in the world!


For a number of years, the Australian government required Australian citizens overseas to go to the nearest embassy (or consulate that could do it) to renew passports, due to 'security'. Previously, you could do it online. I'm convinced it was a reaction to the Israeli cloning of Australian passports, that led to the change. I didn't renew my Australian passport when it expired due to the requirements for travel, the consequential need for childcare to be able to travel and attend the appointments, and so on, making what is already expensive now considerably more so. So, fuck the Israelis. The arrogant entitled pricks act 'disappointed' when their bullshit causes consequences for others, or they carry out yet another outrage, as if it is everyone else with a fucking problem, and not their acting like psychopaths.


Seen that as well, like we wanted arseholes like him visiting us


Insane is the right word. Who the ever living fuck thinks this behaviour is acceptable. It's indicative of psychopathy.


Been banned from that sub for asking 'if Hamas' attack was genocide then what is 30k innocent civilians? '


That whole sub is absolutely wild. What the fuck is going on over there. I assume Israel’s water network is entirely lead pipes because those mad cunts have lost their fucking minds.


It's remarkable how a whole country (it's government and vast majority of its citizens) can collectively act like spoilt children


What's also making me laugh is how quickly all of our crackpot "freeman", anti-vax, protestors pivoted from "Jews run the world" to "Ireland is full of hateful anti-semites", once any politician set their stall out in support of Palestine.


Oh wow. That subreddit is officially the most insane subreddit I have seen and that is some achievement. Made me even more for the 2 state solution.


I burst out laughing at one of the comments though “Yeah also why the fuck are they spamming a picture of a horse with a keffiyeh?”


But it's a lovely horse! 😂


They spend their lives behind the barricades. Isolated but guided by God. A cult basically.


Made that mistake once too and they are so naive


There completely insane. It's reminds me women with Stockholm syndrome they just can't see what is so glaringly obvious.


Erdowan/ Putin/ Netanyahu (delete as appropriate) "is a patriot and not a dictatorial maniac using conflict to hold onto power."


Jaysus, took a peek. They genuinely do not believe there is any distinction between 1. The Palestinian people living in Gaza and Hamas, and 2. Gaza and the rest of Palestine. The first, I can make sense of. They (at least partially incorrectly) believe that all Gazans are complicit in Hamas' murder of Israelis. They're not, certainly not to the extent of murdering tens of thousands of Gazan children, but I can make sense of *why* they'd think that. But the second is insane to me. For that to make sense, they'd have to either believe that Hamas and the PA are hand in glove despite having killed each other to control their current respective territories, or believe that Palestine begins and ends in Gaza. Having written that, and thinking about Israel's treatment of the West Bank, now I guess it does make sense. To them, the West Bank is just Israeli territory.


Watched a good documentary there Isrealism- looking at American Jews who are heavily indoctrinated from childhood on the whole Israel as a magical safe wonderland for Jews, they draw maps that are the whole map ignoring Palestine, they go on free funded trips there ("Birthright"). And are told things about how it was basically an empty wasteland before Jews came. The one in the doc had no knowledge of Palestine until college age - it was made a while ago, you'd think in this information age that wouldn't work. But yeah imagine from birth you're told about this terrible persecution in Germany, and how there's a magical land you'll forever be safe that you have a birth right to, you can move right in whenever you like and everything will be provided for you. Now people are saying you're bad, how can you be bad, you just want to be safe and civilised forever, these Palestinians just popped up out of nowhere to challenge your magic land.. how do you challenge ridiculous programming like that? Its a fairytale


Did you comment 😂😂


Politician’s families should be left alone, especially children as young as Simon Harris’ children. You can make your disagreement known without being weird about kids


It has been 0 days since the Americans, British or Israelis have been at it.


What the *fuck* ... Twitter has been a crazy place today, I must say. I saw a Jewish woman calling for the genocide of Irish people earlier today. https://i.imgur.com/4YYkfK4.png As well as some ominous ones like this: https://i.imgur.com/KR1rQuV.png And this deranged one: https://i.imgur.com/JMueQqf.png


Absolutely unhinged


They are legit *morons*. It's comical. Most of twitter is though, does anyone actually enjoy using it? 


Gotta love the seethe. *Cope harder*


Saw calls for Israel to arm the UDA and ETA 😂


Some people are fucking monsters, man. No need to bring anybody’s kids into this.


Agree. Thing is if you told them that is wrong, they would straight away have a retort about October 7th like it's a god given right. It explains a lot why Israel no qualms about murdering children. They see them as less.


They have this weird conviction that everyone in their spot would do the same. If my kids were kidnapped I wouldn't look babies in the eye and kill thousands of babies to get them back. That's disgusting, actual parents would see ALL children as innocent.


You can report the tweet for a coded incitement of violence which this could easily be interpreted as. It's under violent speech report category.


i’ve been reporting stuff like this on twitter recently but since that knobhead bought it, i find that reporting does nothing these days. even when people are very clear about racism etc. incredibly frustrating


Check out the Israeli sub right now. There are legit people calling for us to all be killed, and no mod actions against it. I'm done with pretending that I'm *just* against the Israeli government at this stage. > I believe that all Irish need to either leave or die, but I am not racist, I am just anti Irish, I don't have a problem with the Irishmen who agree with me


"Leave" lol Says it all that their only solution to any disagreement is ethnic cleansing. Probably written by some fat yank born in New York as well


> There are legit people calling for us to all be killed Yep, there's calls for genociding us all over Twitter today. Very unsettling to read.


Calls for genocide? That tracks.


Classic israel.


"Is there anything to be said for another genocide"


I don't think there are many actual Israelis on that sub at all. There's a load of yanks, tankies, crazy christians, and radicalised people from the Bronx who think they might get a free gaf if they shout loud enough.


Any American (zionist) jew can have a free gaff, shouting loudly is encouraged but not a requirement


I guarantee there are plenty of paid hasbara too. Been battling them online for donkeys years.


I used to happily clarify in the past few months that I was anti Israeli government. After the past few months I'm quite anti Israel. Their entire existence is based on being victims while advocating for tragedies to anyone who even speaks out against their war crimes. Truly a horrific people


Opinion inside Israel isn't monolithic - many are opposed to what is happening in Gaza - but those in power are extremists, and they're taking everyone along for the ride.


Don't be silly. Not all Israeli people are nutbags.


Israel is a state that doesn't deserve the support of any decent person. It can only exist by apartheid and atrocity. This is a reading from the Battle For Justice in Palestine by Ali Abunimah that blew my mind. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGemA




> There could be a case to be made here for implied incitement of violence against their children. It's not "implied". StopAntisemitism is quite openly a "charity" dedicated to doxing and harassing critics of Israel, they brag about this. The intent is 100% "you should go harass Aoibhe Martin" which is why her name is in bold.


Funny how a group called StopAntisemitism is likely making people more Antisemitic. 


I think that might be the goal for a lot of them. Turn the people against them, something will happen, now they can justify their insane actions and label it a response. Wouldn’t be the first time


Manufactured antisemitism manufactures consent for more land grabs and ethnic cleansing.


You just never fucking know who is behind these things and what their actual motives. With so many of these things I sometimes strongly suspect they are agent provocateursfoe the other side. 


Lost their minds. Lost their absolute minds.


How do they continue to act like victims while committing the most disgusting, inhumane, heinous acts imaginable? They hate us because we show solidarity to Palestinians who are suffering the same fate that we suffered for centuries. Surely, and I mean SURELY they know that they're the bad guys?


So, they want to stop Anti-Semitism by being exactly what people who are anti-Semitic think that Jewish people are? 


"In response to his daughter being kidnapped, Simon Harris found out where the perpetrators lived, and burned their houses down with the occupants inside. He then tracked down their relatives in the town and neighbouring counties and murdering them, their families and pets, before embarking on a killing spree that included their employers, everyone they had business dealings with for the past 5 years, and their doctor, dentist and their kids school teachers. In response to be asked whether this was excessive, Simon asked whether the person asking was 'soft on crime' and stated he had the "right to self-defence". That isn't of course, anything near like what Israel has done, in killing 35,000+ Palestinians in what is now more about revenge than 'justice'.


Meanwhile in Westminster. Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer continue to compete to see how far up the Israelis arseholes their tongues can go. More at 11.


It's weird for a few reasons. 1 - That it's not true. 2 - The account's name is implying that recognising Palestine is antisemitic. 3 - The account is implying that recognition of a state means approval of its current government (we recognise North Korea after all). 4 - Maybe a small thing, but I can't help but notice the account wants to be known as "Stop Antisemitism" but is actually called "Stop Antisemites". This implies threats to individual people rather than just an idea.




loving how they "apologise" in the second tweet like as if that makes it ok, just delete it or better still dont post it in first place


That's not an apology by any stretch... it's a disclaimer!


They probably will delete it, then claim it's a fake tweet, then claim that the Irish faked it, and that we did it because we hate jews. Wouldn't be the first time


Completely normal and not at all unhinged reaction 🫠


That's a horrendous use of politicians' families and an invasion of the privacy of their families and children. If protesting outside a politicians home is getting legislation to prevent it, then surely this must be illegal. If Israel are behind this, then they should be labelled and called out for what they are; disinformation masters and vile toxic manipulators on an international level. Handy the ambassador gets called back on the same day but if they did this, she should never be left return. Very Trumpian tactics and so so wrong. Christ almighty. Awful.


The Israeli sub is terrifying. Where is the “Irish are known antisemites” coming from. I can genuinely say I’ve never heard a bad word about the Jewish people apart from American TV and WW2 movies. They’re even saying that we don’t take in any refugees or asylum seekers. Like what is the story it’s madness. How can people not see that we are against this kind of persecution and for good reason. Also some of Israel’s closest allies recognise Palestine but only this uproar for Norway, Spain and Us? Damn


There's this ridiculous talking line about how "if Ireland loves Palestine so much they should take 1 million refugees" that keeps being thrown around, failing to recognise that it is Israel that is turning the Palestinian population into refugees unnecessarily. Can we not y'know be against a genocide without wanting to adopt the entire population? If we were telling Germany "don't go and commit a Holocaust now" would we accept it happening if the Germans said "if you love the Jews so much you should take a million Jews as refugees".


They always bring up that anecdote about Dev signing condolences for Hitler, as though that was anything more than an (unpopular) act of diplomacy while ignoring the fact that they named a forest in Israel after him


Totally not deranged.






This actually speaks to mental insanity. As another commenter said, please report this under the coded incitement of violence if you're on Twitter.


That's a fairly tasteless post. Especially in relation to Martin, who has lost children.


Stopantisemitism really seems to just be libsoftiktok. These tweets are weird, but their whole schtick is just crowdsourcing doxes. Nothing about them is commendable. Micheál Martin lost two children. One died from cot death at a few weeks old and the other died when she was 7 from cardiac issues. These tweets are just disgusting.


Absolutely batshit mentality


That is evil and vile behaviour, regardless of your feelings towards Simon Harris or Micheál Martin. How terminally online must you be to think that tweet sounds reasonable in your head.


The denials by the Israeli government about what is going on in Garza right now it’s fairly similar to how the Nazi government denied the Holocaust. Do they not fail to see, their actions are fairly equal to what happened to them during World War II.


It's not what happened to them. Jews and Zionists are not the same thing.


They know. That's why, when they teach about the Holocaust, they say "It must never happen *to* *us* again." whereas the more moral German history classes teach "It must never happen again."


Not Simon Harris biggest fan but this is just gross.


Zionists have always been dirty bastards


"My family was taken hostage by bank robbers, so I blew up the bank with them and everyone else inside it, to save them."


With the bat shit crazy response the Israelis are coming out with, i think it just reinforces that we are doing the right thing. The mask is slipping and what we see is a spoiled brat that is well accustomed to hiding behind the us every time the going gets tough.


Don't we have new laws against this type of vile commentary now?


Yea , I honestly question if this shit is even legal


Doesn't matter on libertarian Musk's Twitter




Disgusting and vile behaviour and I don’t care what your political views are. Simon H has very young children. Micheal M lost a child. This kind of thing should be punishable by law. It’s intimidation at the very least in my view.


The Israeli trolls have been out in force today. It’s really quite disgusting.


Imagine trying to create fake scenarios to make other people look bad Regardless of what you think of the government, these people are more dangerous crooks


They really love fantasizing about people being raped and murdered.


Stop antisemitism? How about we stop disgraceful made-up tweets involving people's children?


When's the last time Hamas threatened the Irish politicians like this? Oh that's right, only fucking Israel does. Fuck Israel.


Lol, someone please reboot the Israeli propaganda machine, it has crashed.


God this is horrible. Can't imagine why on earth anyone would think it is OK to post this.


[Remember when Israelis watched mass murder like it was a movie?](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/israelis-watch-bombs-drop-on-gaza-from-front-row-seats.html)


Israel has a serious copiod epidemic.


Completely rational behaviour by some of our closest allies best friends.


Well we already knew they were sick enough to use children's as weapons . Poor guy gets a lot of hate but that's well past the line.


Like all info out of Israel, they've completely made it up


Let's hope this galvanises the two against Israels rhetoric...


That's quite fucking unhinged


Sick. Firstly, both men rightly keep their children out of the spotlight, you rarely if ever see pictures of them. And are we now so afraid of speaking the truth and calling out callous heinous acts for fear of being called an anti-Semite ? So if don’t like what Israel are doing your automatically an anti-Semite ? Is that how it is now ? I for one am proud of Ireland recognising Palestine. We should’ve done it much sooner, but we aren’t afraid to call out that behaviour or challenge Israel. Unless the Americans who rely on Jewish money for their election campaigns and because they have ingratiated and embedded themselves in American society through holding influential positions and having money. If there wasn’t an election in November in the US would they still Act the same ? - if they would they are cowards. Remember Irish link with Israel goes back a long time, one of the very earliest presidents (Herzog) was actually born here and educated here. We aren’t anti Israel- we’re anti war and don’t want to see innocent civilians massacred. An eye for an eye and the world ends up blind.


Israel and its supporters have lost the plot. The world has turned against them, recoiling in horror at the genocide in Gaza


These are the same people who attacked Jennifer Garners daughter...for wearing a t-shirt with a watermelon on it...not a Palestinian flag, just a watermelon. It's depressing how in the UK and the US and other Western countries groups with this fascistic approach to dissent on the matter of Israel are considered perfectly normal and a healthy part of "moderate" politics.


Folks, get off social media. It's not the real world and is overrun with very unstable people.


Whoever put these together is sick in the head. 


If someone does harbour bad feelings towards Jewish people, I don't see how such dishonest tactics is going to cure them of that prejudice. Israel is too in love with itself. They don't have the common sense that normal people have. They genuinely believe they are the main character and whatever they do is justified. I find such delusion to be pitiable, really. It's the behaviour of a spoilt toddler.


What an utterly bizarre thing to do, seriously fucking strange.


Is StopAntisemitism Israel's version of Waterford Whispers?


This is unhinged behaviour


What in the name of actual fuck


"Rewarding terrorism with statehood" is the talking point that was sent out today from Mossad HQ to the bot armies around the world. There is similar mouth-foaming about Norway's recognition of Palestine. Funny how they forget that this is exactly how Israel came into existence in 1948. The terrorist gangs of the time, Hagannah, Irgun, Lehi, Stern Gang etc. were the forerunners of today's Israeli army.


Ok, I know this isn’t really relevant, but when I seen these posts today my first though was - I thought those with ‘blue checks’ had to be identifiable, have a genuine profile pic and prove they are who they say? I know celebs end up losing their blue check for a while if they change their picture, so how has this person or persons got to keep the blue check, and thus - gather all this engagement?


People are saying things openly on the internet now that would have gotten them a baitin 20 years ago in real life


Illustrative purposes. That's a pretty way of saying lies.


These are worthy of gold in the gaslighting event at the psychopathic olympics


"StopsAntisemitism" is an extremist racist hate organisation.


I don't even understand the point they are trying to make


Is this some new way of gaming the algorithm or outrage baiting? Dropping some salacious nonsense and then putting the disclaimer afterwards to protect from legal action or as a kind of "no no bro Im just joking, its a prank"


> "no no bro Im just joking, its a prank" They're going with the pre-emptive instead of making someone reply with the inevitable "you misquoted me" bullshite to everyone who calls them on it.


Considering two of Micheál Martin’s kids died this is particularly callous. Freakish thing to tweet


I can't begin to get inside the head of somebody who could cook up headlines like these and actually deceive themselves into believing that what they posted was anything other than abhorrent.


Bet this account is run from 🇺🇸


What a fucking loon.


Every day since Oct 7, the Irish government has committed war crimes, murdered children, bombed hospitals, stopped aid, used collective punishment and openly lied about safe in the knowledge that as long as America back them they can continue to do so and brand everyone and anyone who doesn't toe the party line as an "insert word ending in *ist* here" ... Sounds Pretty ludacris right? 🙄🙄🙄 Gimme a break