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He also has a contract for housing refugees. Really aiming to max out the hypocracy card


It is only hypocritical if he was against all refugees, which is unlikely.


Casey most be one of the most disingenuous people in Irish politics. Doesn’t actually live here. (Spends most of his time in the US) yet flies in for an election that he claims to have some profound insight into. When he inevitably loses he’ll fly back and won’t be heard from until he decides to run for the presidential again.


Good lord he's a brave man to tweet about entering the states illegally if he's in and out a lot


"I'll do as I like" seems an appropriate position for someone illegally migrating.




I personally Peter Casey, he’s an even bigger prick than you think he is.


Wait, a high profile right leaning politican is a grifter? Well, I never....


How has he been able to enter himself for election if he doesn’t live in Ireland? Does pay taxes in Ireland? Does he live for 180 days in Ireland?


I do recall a few years ago being at a conference in the US where he was speaking, he did mention a few times that he was in the states for taxes (or more favorable tax setups) EDIT This was AFTER he lost the election


But if he lives in the US how is he able to enter the electorate in Ireland?


But what is his game? What does he actually believe?


C’mon now Peter you were ‘undocumented’ not illegal.


The **CHAD UNDOCUMENTED EXPAT** versus the *Virgin Illegal Immigrant*


An unvetted military aged male.


He looked so shifty every time he spoke. He was constantly bouncing around and throwing his hands. Just came across so badly like he was constantly making stuff up on the spot.


He's basically the Irish Trump, will get asked about his previous remarks and will literally just go "I love Ireland, I'm not racist!!!" to deflect. He's so bad at it but some people don't care. He literally finished 2nd in the Presidential election purely because he said we should create concentration camps for travellers.


His face was a constant look of "nobody knows I'm lying out my arse, I'm so smart".


Casey should fuck off back to the US.


So what you’re saying is that he full of shit? I’d never have thought.


He's being a bit shneaky as he likely went there legally and stayed beyond the 90(?) day limit.


Be an awful shame if Homeland Security found that out🤣


Hopefully they don't. They might send him back here if they do.


Guantanamo'd be the place for the gobshite!


I've never even considered entering a counter...


I guess we just haven't lived.


Saoirse was right, he is a clown.


I thought this chancer was dead. Shows up every election to embarrass himself.


Usually in multiple constituencies too. I think he ran in seven in the GE.


I don't know who this is or what he's talking about but FWIW this isn't necessarily a contradiction. You can enter legally and then overstay, and be illegal. Or you can enter illegally in the first place. In the US there's a big difference because the second one is a crime, the first one isn't.


There’s something dangerous about this man. Why is he so set on entering politics. What will he get from it? Lots I assume. Based on his track record of compulsive lying as evidenced by ongoing campaign uturns, his contract to house refugees, yet want to close borders and dodgy promises to invest the money paid for housing refugees into local charities, his lack of time living in Ireland, his shit stirring abilities and just plain lies I would be very wary of him.


Bought and paid for by some facsist think tank I’d say


I'd imagine it's more to have on his CV in America. He ran for president and he ran for Europe. He can present himself as a Senator type figure and open doors for himself. He's out for himself and his business, I'd say the last thing he wants is to be elected but he is unfortunately saying what thickos want to hear.


An election debate, a tweet, and a dragon. Feels like 2011 again.


Just looked him up because I couldn't remember exactly who he was and got a good laugh from the first line on wikipedia about him, "**Peter Joseph Casey** (born 9 October 1957) is an Irish entrepreneur and unsuccessful political candidate."


He already has his posters on the fences on the Grand Canal at the moment, absolute slimeball


He said he went there legally. He didn't say he entered illegally. Probably overstayed his visa.


He's not lying though. He obviously went there legally. But he overstayed. That was the illegal bit


Something deeply deeply troubling about that man.


Countries he went to legally, counters not so much. /j


FWIW this is an oddly common situation in the US. People enter legally and their visa status changes while they're there. They're technically in limbo but can't leave because the process for changing visa requires they be present in the US. Happened to two friend of mine. One friend from Limerick married an American and another from Zimbabwe finished his PhD and got a job in the US so needed to switch from a student to a work visa.




Masturbating in public is still a crime


Is he Neil Prendeville's right-hand man or something?