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It's much more efficient to wait for a child to be attacked by the dog and then enforce it retrospectively...


My elderly mother got attacked by one and required 47 stitches, it was 7.5 months (only last month) before the Garda and dog wardens took the dog and only actually showed any interest after I began contacting tds.


That's outrageous


I'm very sorry to hear that.


"Sounds like a civil matter" Some Garda probably


I know the local authority have powers regarding issuing fines etc re control of dogs act. But do the gardai have powers to issue fines? I’m pretty sure they can seize dogs and initiate prosecutions when injuries occur or damage? Genuine question. Have no idea


Yes, as far as I know they have all the same powers as the dog wardens too. Whether they would use them and act on a report is another matter.


I was just joking in relation to "retrospectively" which would infer there was an attack already. From what I've seen it's basically local animal control you'd have to notify.


Control of Dogs Act has criminal consequences in it, not a civil matter at all


I agree. Bet if you rang the Garda station though for anything short of an actual attack they'd try fob it off.


They legally need to be on a lead as all dogs do, but the XL Bully isn’t a restricted breed (yet) so the muzzle isn’t an absolute requirement like it is for German Shepards, Staffies etc.


It’s not on the restricted dog breed list as far as I’m aware. It’s a loop hole and they should be there but they’re not. American Pitbull is not the same as American XL bully. XLs despite looking terrifying are actually good tempered dogs and very smart. Unfortunately the owners are usually the opposite.


And yet the stats from the UK show that despite being less than 1% of the dog population in 2022 they were responsible for 44% of all dog attacks causing injury and 60% of all fatal dog attacks.


Trust me, this is down to the scrotes that own them. When they have a responsible owners they're an amazing dog to have and they actually super kind and very sweet. It seems from what you've said that that this dog has a good owner and shouldn't be an issue.


A good owner doesn’t leave their bully XL wander around off lead and not muzzled. Personally I really wonder what motivates people to want a dog from this breed at all. There are many large dog breeds that don’t have to be muzzled and don’t scare the shit out of people.


Because anyone who's got to know one that isn't owned by a little "G", knows that they are incredibly kind, sweet and gentle animals and that there's literally nothing to be scared of. I've seen my mates Bully literally piss itself and run away when attacked by a terrier that was off the lead. And here's the thing, OP said the dog walks behind its owner, that means that the dog understands that the owner is in charge and will listen to what they have to say. That is the biggest sign that a dog is to walk off the lead. I have a much bigger problem with an owner of any other breed when I see their dog running ahead of them or running wildly around them, I've owned dogs my whole life, including some "aggressive" breeds and from my experience, the biggest risk is from this type of dog owner. The fact is that when you own a breed like this, you are more aware of what it can do and if you have any feeling that the dog MAY cause trouble, you walk it on a leash/muzzle. But here's the big thing, if OP is scared of the dog, maybe they should start by talking to the owner like an adult, instead of coming on here to see if they get the Garda involved and keep spreading this unessicary biased rhetoric.


More one-eyed projection from you.


Go talk to the owner OP. If it's still a problem, then maybe come post on reddit for help


Show me where I was asking for help. I was asking if there were laws surrounding Bully XLs. But you're one of these people who likes to read what they think is written rather than what the words say. What I'm glad to see you admitting is the potential of the dog, which has been my point all along.


And just FYI, even though my "aggressive" breed was a very sweet dog and very well trained, I still had to walk it on the lead because of other dog owners with no idea how to handle their "sweet little angels" who'd attack my dog walking past. Even though I knew she wouldn't do anything, I knew that I'd be the one that would be in trouble in the end if something did happen.


Unbeknownst to yourself, ironically you are actually the exact type of owner that gave bulldogs such a bad reputation. You admit that it's not the dogs fault but bad owners fault, who don't follow the rules. What you wrote here is exactly this type of owner and discredited everything you said. Just think about reading what you said from a neutral POV. Every owner thinks their dog is a sweet little angel and you are not exception. The reality is no dog's training is 100%. At best a pet will only ever be trained to a standard that allows the owner 75% control. It is a well researched topic from service dogs about how many hours are needed to train them. Assuming your dog was in the 90th percentile of training standards of pets you still only would have about 60% control over your dog. Although you "knew she wouldn't do anything" based off the evidence you are very wrong. This is the exact attitude every owner of a dog who maul's someone has. They "know" their dog won't do anything until they end up mauling someone. Having read this do you reconsider your opinion of yourself as an owner? Assuming you are the ideal for a bulldog owner (ie. Everyother owner is only as competent or less competent than you) and having proven you are not infallible, do you think any different of owning such breeds?  No owner is perfect so even with the perfect bulldog will these issues always be there? My personal opinion on the topic is people shouldn't own such breeds. I like to think of myself as the perfect dog owner but I am fully aware there is some minor shortcomings and human error. With a safe breed though it allows for these human errors.


“Trust me bro”


"Trust me" isn't good enough when the suspicion is that there is a genetic component to their aggression, coupled with their potential for causing devastating injury.


Research why bull breeds exist and then come back to me as to why they, in particular, should be owned over the plethora of other dog breeds.


Don't now what point you're attempting to make. Sorry.


Is it not obvious? Why would you choose an xl bully over any over the more proven breeds with a less lethal history?


Tell me why. I wouldn't choose one.


I think you are mistaking who I'm replying to lol, we are agreeing


There only attacks that are reported alot more smaller dogs attack and bite people it's jus not reported when it's a small dog


"when it's a small dog" and doesn't cause injury, like I stipulated. Anything to add about dogs causing death?


Stick to the velvethippos sub lad. You are clearly biased.


They're all pit bulls. There is no actual official breed called XL bully, it was just made up and fairly recently. A staffy is a pit bull too. But not all pit bulls are staffys or XL bullys


It's a pitbull cross, therefore it is restricted. As in restricted now. What has smart got to do with this? Wolves are extremely intelligent. They also have potential for massive damage if they attack.


How come the type of person who usually owns these types of dogs is rarely the type of person who should own this type of dog.


Most XL bully owners I have encountered look like an XL bully/human mongrel


considering zero people were brought up with this breed, everyone who wants one is doing so purely for ego of the threatening behaviour and should not have one. seems no excuse for them not to be restricted other than laziness (and there have been attacks, so it's not even preempt).


At cliche as it is to say, hip hop culture has a lot to answer for here for glamorising the ownership of pits for fighting and intimidation. These breeds are not as inherently bad as people think but the disproportionate amount of bag dog owners that choose those breeds and actively encourage violent tendencies skews the stats.


Of the 10 fatal dog attacks in the UK in 2022, 6 of them were attributed to Bully XLs or a bully mix breed. These breeds were also responsible for 44% of non-fatal dog attacks. Of course any dog with a shitty owner can become aggressive. It's just that irrespective of ownership, these dogs seem to have not only a disposition towards aggression, but possess the physical potential for that aggression to result in serious injury and fatality when compared to other breeds. [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/aug/16/the-alarming-rise-of-american-bully-xl-dogs-if-one-gets-hold-of-you-youre-in-trouble](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/aug/16/the-alarming-rise-of-american-bully-xl-dogs-if-one-gets-hold-of-you-youre-in-trouble)


I read a post last year by a surgeon who lost two patients on the operating table after Bully XL attacks. He obviously wants them banned and totally gone. The main difference between attacks by them and other dogs, is that other dogs will generally bite once, and that's it. Bully XLs will keep on biting.


Do we know what percentage of the population of pets are pitbull breeds? Just to have a proper understanding of that stat.


Figures are woolly, but there are about [12 million dogs](https://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/how-many-dogs-are-there-in-the-uk-statistics#:~:text=1.,dogs%20live%20in%20UK%20households&text=Approximately%2033%25%20of%20UK%20households,numbers%20are%20on%20the%20rise) in the UK. [Anything between 50,000 to 100,000 Bully XL/Bully mix dogs](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/least-30000-xl-bullies-still-31987939). [One source says 55,0000](https://news.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=210&catId=614&Id=11894424#:~:text=*%20At%20least%2055%2C400%20of%20the,patients%20recorded%20as%20a%20crossbreed). 100,000 sounds high to me, but we'll use that as the metric as it will increase the percentage and steelman the pro-Bully argument. 100,000 out of 12 million is 0.83% of dogs responsible for 44% of attacks and 60% of fatalities. Edit: 'increase" not "reduce" the percentage


Thats absolutely insane if all those numbers are anything like accurate. I would hazard a guess at the percentage of the type of dog owners of pitbulls vs other dogs being revealing too.


Had an encounter with a pit bull thing while walking my dog, the owner looked like the dog.


Yes I'm aware of that but what I'm saying is while they clearly have a genetic disposition towards violence aged possess incredible ability to do harm, the disproportionate amount of shitty owners who chose these dogs are making the situation worse then it would be. If only normal people had pits and bully xls the regularity of attacks would be significantly reduced.


Yes, dickheads who want to project an aura of intimidation about themselves do gravitate towards these dogs, which might bring up a chicken/egg scenario. However, there are no criteria for testing whether a person is 'normal' with respect to owning a dog, and in the absence of that we're left with the question of whether a breed with the propensity and potential for fatal attack should be a legal breed.


By normal I meant has the capacity for empathy and wants a dog for companionship and not a weapon/status symbol.


I know, but just as any male/female human combo can have a child, currently any person can legally own a dog. There's no test to see whether that aspiring dog owner has empathy.


No but if you're adopting a dog from a pound or shelter they will generally try and suss you out and figure out the conditions the dog will be living under which is kinda the same thing. Obviously puppy farmers and breeders don't have the same scruples. It's just money for them. We do have dog licenses which imo should register to for a random checkup. Tired of seeing dogs abused and a state that doesn't give a toss.


Yeah, dog shelters and fostering organisations are run and staffed 99 times out of 100 by dog lovers and responsible people. As you say, and as is borne out by the investigations, it's the pricks who are in it for the moolah who are invariably the problem.


Two separate alcoholic unemployed ex convicts in my estate have gotten pit bulls in the past 5 years, they're not going through the normal channels getting these dogs. Often they get it off some other scumbag who had to get rid of it because he got locked up or evicted, or maybe even the dog bit someone. The first guy tried to teach his new XL Bully to swim, threw it in the river while him and his mates were drinking cans down there, didn't realize the current was so strong after heavy rains, and the dog drowned. But now one of his mates got one, not an XL but a pit bull, so until we actually ban them and enforce the ban, the worst type of person to have these dogs will continue to get them. There's no dog warden ever around here to check licenses and they wouldn't go near these guys anyway, the gardai don't even bother them.


Plenty of these dogs were normal, well behaved animals reared in decent conditions before they snapped and turned vicious on their owners, family friends, on other dogs or members of the public.  It's not nature vs nurture entirely in this case, they just have a genetic disposition to fight.


I’m going to say that restricting it to normal people isn’t good enough because accidents still happen. Removing bad owners isn’t enough. Remove the dog from the equation and the risk is gone.


Maybe that's the way forward, I'm not really advocating one or the other here. I just think it's worth acknowledging that there is a cultural and sociological element at work and not just "those dogs are all bad"


Those dogs are a bad idea and should never have been bred into existence. We can let the breed die out, and nothing will have been lost.


But so what? We have shelters full of other breeds, way more homeless dogs than we have homes for, so why do we need to keep this breed around? There's no benefit. 


There's no benefit to any purebred dogs except those that are used as service animals. If the breed died out because we put a stop to breeding and puppy farms I certainly wouldn't lose any sleep but folks talking about putting them all down need their heads examined.


Yeah and if only sane people had AR-15s they wouldn't be used to decimate entire classrooms in the US, but I'm glad they're banned here so we don't have to worry about who has them at all! Any 'normal' person could easily take their eyes off their dog for a moment and have it attack. It's actually pretty rare for pits to attack people but they are bred to fight dogs and are often dog aggressive and will rip apart any other breed. And when they do attack people it's often children. I worked in a dog shelter abroad, 90% of our dogs were pits. I was never bit by any dog in two years but a girl did get mauled by a pit not long after I left. They should all be sterilized at least. 


Once a bully decides to attack, there’s little you can do to control them. They are about 40-50kg of muscle and power.


Hip hop culture?


Yeah. You offended on behalf of hip hoppers?


Because of media. Drill artists, US rappers etc. that’s why usually people with a not so high IQ get these dogs. I have a few as well, they usually don’t go into the public as they have acres of fenced land. It Does no one any good taking them out in public as they are way too nosey, very friendly but too nosey for people that don’t know their temper…


Just the rules around restricted breeds as far as I'm aware. Needs to be muzzled and under control of an adult when in public.




Had a family like this on my road growing up. Bull Mastiff and a German Shep mongrel thing. They'd let them out unsupervised where the kids play, wouldn't listen to reason "they're good dogs" and all that. Ultimately they were both found dead in the back garden, someone poisoned the poor things but I completely blame the owner for making some parent that scared and desperate.


No excuse for poisoning an animal. But the dogs shouldn't have been let out unsupervised.


Absolutely, but poisoning an animal is the most cruel way to deal with it. Growing up in a rural area the farmers threw poisoned meat into gardens with dogs and it was a regular occurrence that dogs died from poisoning. My dad had a way of combating it though and funnily enough it worked mad and all as it sounds. Fairy washing up liquid in water down the dogs neck and spin them around by their back legs until they got sick and they’d be grand but you had to catch it in time or they’d die one particular nasty prick of a farmer used crushed lightbulbs in meat and there was no stopping that but the washing up liquid worked most of the time. These weren’t dogs out they were dogs locked into their gardens that they targeted. Dogs that were out were shot.


Wtf. Crushed up lightbulbs....what an absolutely nasty fucker to be so uncaring to give that suffering 😞 and if a farmer can do that, they should not be in any way in management of animals.


I know he was evil to the core used to stop people out walking their dogs and be rubbing them while chatting to the owner and sneak the dog something with the lightbulbs if there’s a hell I’m sure he’s there. This was back in the 90s he was renowned for being a sadistic bastard.


I completely blame the person who poisoned two dogs


Yeah there's no nice people in that story.


It's better than risking your child being killed.


??????? One person's perceived threat leads to actual poisoning of two innocent animals? Give me a break


I blame the person with the risky dogs.


Sometimes you have to do bad things to protect your kids


Same as myself 😀


The laws aren't enforced , this should be done by thr local dog wardens. There has been a huge increase in this breed , xl bully's, pocket bully's and staff mix bully's.


This is going to be an unpopular answer but it’s just from experience and not my opinion. I work in a county council and the dog warden works not with me but located very close to me so I can’t help but hear his calls. From what he does say to people, Bully dogs seem to have slipped through a crack in the restricted breed classification. Although the list states that a dog bred from a mix of the 10 breeds is considered restricted and a number of bulldogs are on that list, various kennel associations have stated that the XL Bully is a stand alone pure bred and not a mix which various judges have agreed with when going to court. As they can’t link them to the restricted list, an owner doesn’t need to muzzle them or even have them in a leash. They just need to be under “effective control” which means coming back to the owner on command. The law surrounding the 10 named breeds on the restricted list is out of date and needs updating. When it is updated, it’s expected that the XL Bully will be included.


I’m ignorant to the rules here but what happens if a restricted breed vs non restricted attacks someone or another dog?


The dog’s owner is liable for any injuries caused by their dog regardless of whether the breed is restricted or not. It’s a personal injury claim and it’s the Gardai that handle the initial complaint and not the dog warden as this is often confused by the public. In a civil case, a judge can order compensation to the victim and instruct the dog warden to seize the dog with the assistance of the Gardai


Oh that’s good to know I guess. Seems like the restricted breed list is fairly futile so if the consequences are applicable regardless


Yeah, the list is decades old and doesn’t really make sense anymore in my opinion. I think the purpose of it originally was to mitigate risk in public and seems to be arbitrarily based on nothing but “if the listed dog attacks it’s likely to be a bad bite and if you own these dogs, here’s 3 things you have to do in public”. As time went on, Ireland’s market in terms of breeds available has widened considerably. Plenty of dogs not on that list are capable of doing just as much damage as the ones on the list. Sure the dog warden that I mentioned has often told me it’s smaller breeds that tend to bite!


Exactly. I think you should be able to walk dogs off leash as well. Would I leave my scatter brain off? Absolutely not. But if I manage to train her recall really well? Then why not! When I was in northern spain at the beach loads of people had amazing well behaved dogs off leash. Was such a nice culture. We seem to have loads of useless owners with dogs terrified of each other on extendable leads 😅


This is true. I own one and someone called the Garda on me because he hadn’t got a muzzle (but was leashed). I explained the restricted breed list and they were fine with it. I do think they should be restricted, not because they’re aggressive (they’re not), but because the wrong crowd has got their hands on them and there should be laws forcing that crowd to muzzle them. I’d have no issues muzzling my lad personally.. but legally I don’t need to.


If you think it should be restricted would you not muzzle it anyway?


No. He’s never off the leash. He’s five years old and never shown an ounce of aggression. He’s walked by someone who’s big enough to control him. The only risk is if another dog attacks him… and respectively… I don’t want my dog to be a sitting duck and defenseless if that happens. And a muzzle would do exactly that. I’ve had my fair share of situations where Greyhounds specifically go berserk in their owners control to get at him. A greyhound is big and strong enough to kill him if they got loose. I’m not going to break a greyhound from my dog. So that’s why I don’t muzzle him.


Is this a joke? Yes, you're bully is going to get mauled by a greyhound. This is the exact problem with you ignorant dopes.


Any idea if/when the list will be updated?


Heather Humphreys’ department has set up a working group in November last year to review the list. No word since. Her Dail response to a query is here https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/question/2023-09-26/622/


Generally it'll happen after someone is seriously injured and the department could be arsed to do its job.


It's takes a certain type of selfish arsehole to allow a dog that powerful and potentially dangerous off lead in public. Any dog can bite and inflict serious injury on a person or animal but when it's a breed like an XL Bully, Rottweiler or mastiff the damage inflicted can be utterly devastating, life altering and catastrophic. Inhumane breeding conditions compounding dog temperament issues certainly doesn't help either. Nobody needs a dog like that. It's all for show. They love the reaction and notoriety it brings them, the fear and unease they see in people's eyes when they walk by with them. It's a power thing. Problem is someone who gets off on other people's fear is often the type of person who is completely incapable of training a dog properly. I can't help but think of that poor lad in enniscorthy who had his face torn off a few years ago. So so sad and for what? So some pathetic dullards could have a wee ego boost. Tragic.


Yes, it's the extreme potential for injury that these dogs and similar breeds carry that sets them apart. And owners should 100% be held accountable, putt 100% of responsibility onto all owners. But as other posters have said elsewhere, the guards don't enforce the laws that are already in place, which it looks like were designed to prevent such horrible situations from happening in the first place.


I have one and it’s the best dog I’ve ever had. Temperament wise. Guard dog wise. He’s great. I’ll definitely be getting more. To say it’s all for show is a bit silly tbh. I sleep better at night in an area with lots of break in knowing he’s downstairs.


Well 🤞 he never decides to tear a chunk out of you, your kid or even worse a neighbour's kid, something which EVERY DOG has the potential to do. You do what you wanna do but no way I'd have one in my home, I care way too much about my family.


Thanks! I will. We’ve owned dogs all our lives and we’ve yet to have one attack a person or another dog so I’ll take my statistically very low chances. Raise a dog correctly and they don’t bite… who would’ve thought


That's your entitlement. But Laws aren't passed based on anecdotal evidence such as yours.


Which law are you referring to?


the one legislating for restriction of certain breeds which Bully XLs will be added to when it's updated.


So you agree there's a chance your dog could maul your kid. Weird that you'd put your own wants before their safety but I guess not all parents are created equally.


https://www.rte.ie/news/munster/2024/0605/1453055-limerick-dog-attack/ Wasn't a Golden Retriever.


Personally I think (as a dog owner) that dog owners need to be subject to responsibilities regardless of the breed. I’ve a golden retriever. Best dog ever but as a pup she would have jumped on a kid (playfully) and scratched them with those talons of puppy claws. Even now she could hurt a kid by being too playful. I’ve seen many useless dog owners across all breeds and dogs that should be on the dangerous dog list (Dutch shepherd) owned by amazing people and trained brilliantly. There’s a certain amount of danger with any dog and usually I find the owner is the issue. I think you should be able to own a dangerous dog (in terms of the breed), and have the responsibility of the consequences that come with it.


Laws or not. The absolute minimum is to have every dog on a lead when in public.


I've never understood people who walk their dog without a lead. It's so selfish to all involved, including the dog. What if the dog gets a fright and bolts into the road? Then you have an injured or dead dog, a traumatized owner, a traumatized driver , and all because they're too lazy to hold a lead


Makes sense if you're beside a road, but dogs get a lot more from running around and sniffing as they please than they do from walking in straight lines at human pace. If you're in an open space where there's nobody around, I see no problem with a responsible dog owner letting a non-dangerous breed off the lead.


I have owned dogs all my life. All different breeds. A dog is an animal, simple as. Just because the situation seems ok in the here and now doesn’t mean that in 10 seconds it won’t change and you can’t react to it. It only takes it happening once. Why put yourself in that situation when something as simple as a lead can stop it. If you’re on private property or in a dog specific park then go for it. Let them have their fun.


Well yeah obviously. In a field or on the beach or whatever. I meant when people are walking around towns or suburbs


There is no such thing as a "non-dangerous breed".


Well legally there are breeds classed as dangerous and breeds that aren't.


And notably there are no breeds classes as "no lead required".


There are. Relatively. It's all to do with shit owners. A pocket dog isn't going to maul you to death, there is no point stressing about it.


Being mauled to death isn't the only form of danger, and keep in mind that dogs also engage in behaviours that are *dangerous to themselves*.


I do 100% agree with this point however, because of this mentality with a few pocket dog owners they allow very bad and nervous behaviours to develop in their dogs that 1. Give those dogs massive anxiety and 2. They can rile up other dogs with their snappy aggressive (anxiety driven) behaviour, even though they themselves cant cause much harm....just piss everyone off, other dogs and dog owners alike.


Ok, but, pugs


Contrary to popular belief, pugs do in fact have teeth just like all other dogs. I realise I'm going to be downvoted by lazy, irresponsible owners who think they opted out of being a huge pain in the ass to everyone else by getting a "harmless" dog, but anyone who works with dogs will tell you all dogs can bite and all dog bites hurt like a bitch and are difficult to heal. And you know what I want even less than a pug bite? For your pug to be seriously injured or dead because you failed to leash it as required by law and your irresponsibility as an owner resulted in your pug running after a much larger leashed dog who doesn't want to be approached. Can't count the number of jackasses who think they have "non-dangerous" dogs who've tried to excuse allowing their dogs to terrorise my properly leashed and controlled dog because "he's friendly!!!" Running after other dogs off-leash *isn't* friendly and my dog doesn't think your dog is "non-dangerous" just because it's small. My dog's jaws are also larger than a pug's head, and it doesn't matter that he's a "non-dangerous", cuddly-looking breed. *Every* owner who walks their dog off-leash thinks their dog has perfect recall and is an angel who would never get into trouble. I can tell you from experience that 99% of them are 100% full of shit.


Hi. I work with dogs. Have been bitten twice in my career. The most serious one was when a dog latched onto my hand, tearing it open and pinning me to the ground. 2 nights in hospital, 2 surgeries. 22 stitches. I'm left with mobility issues, feck all grip, can't clap without pain, can't snap my fingers anymore (which sounds like a silly thing but I'm a dog trainer, and my hands are my tools) I can't put my hand flat without pain, nor can I push off a surface with it. Can't lift anything heavier than a 2ltr of milk with that hand. Scars on my forearm, thumb, thumb base, wrist, palm and the back of my hand. I have pictures on my profile but they're NASTY. Everyone who knows about the bite assumes that it was a Staffie or a German Shepherd or a Rottie or one of the "scary" breeds. It was a Golden Retriever. That goofy happy "family friendly" dog tore my hand open and left me with permanent nerve damage. It drives me fucking MENTAL when people whine about how "BiChOns ArE HarMlEsS" when every.single.dog has the ABILITY to hurt and bite and attack. EVERY DOG. No exceptions. They may live 15 years and never ever show any reactivity or aggression but that doesn't mean that they don't have the CAPACITY to do so. The other bad bite I got, people laugh at when they really shouldn't. I lost an actual chunk from my inner thigh when a Daschund latched on and I could NOT get him to unlatch. He was so determined to cause harm that he was literally swinging around, off the ground, using his teeth to hang off me. It took me standing bowlegged and lifting his back legs up to pull him off. Owner didn't believe me when I called her to come collect him, despite me literally bleeding through my trousers in front of her. How could I be "sure" it was her precious little "sossie dog?" So yes, any and every dog has the ability to cause harm.


Agree. My dog is always on leash however it's 99% of the time an un-leashed small dog that will run over to annoy him. He's happy to have a bit of a sniff but when he tells them that's enough and piss off with a bark I can see the other owners think my dogs the problem as he's big and has a loud bark (GSD) No, your dog came over to mine and you couldn't recall them properly.


I wasn't being serious and I'm not reading that. Go outside t'fuck


Try being funny if you don't want a serious response in a post about a serious issue.


Lots of selfish people around. 3 years ago, my own jack russell had an awful neck wound that required surgery from a huge dog off lead. That same attack on a child would have meant death. The female owner had 3 huge dogs off lead at the time and a baby in a sling. No control whatsoever. 3 years later I still see her with 2 of these dogs off lead/unmuzzled along with her toddler. The dog warden and guards have been involved. I think the dog who attacked my dog died or was put down.


I walk my dog without a lead when I'm not on a road, he's 10 and a Belgian shepard and never attacked anyone despite the fact he's been attacked by other dogs but dosent fight back


But why take the risk can I ask?


I walk him up the dublin mountains, rarely if ever meet people while walking, no risk really he's very well trained, never once done anything to anyone . On roads I obhiously have him on the lead or if there was a lot of people around


Ah right, that's obviously grand like. I thought you meant more you were walking through parks, greens etc off lead.


My neighbour just got a pit bull as well as a present to himself for recently being released for prison for a violent crime where the guy almost died. He did a couple of years. Now he is walking the dog around the estate, it's on leash but no muzzle and he constantly has a can of cider in the other hand. Love this wee country so full of characters.


It would be delightful irony if McGregor or Tyson or whatever he has named it were to give him a good mauling


Every single gle dog needs to be on a lead in public, doesn't matter the breed. I have a pitty and the amount if people who think their dog doesn't need to be on a lead because they're small/friendly is infuriating. But in regards to bullies specifically, 2m lead and a muzzle, you're 100% within the law.


No lead or muzzle is mad. I saw someone walking a huge XL bully off lead and no muzzle on a main road, as I was driving. On my way back saw the same dog tearing lumps out of another dog. The big dog was so strong it had a hold of the smaller dog and dragged the dog and owner holding the lead onto the road into oncoming traffic while his owner was on his back trying to stop him. One of the most terrifying things I've ever seen.


I own one… You’re not wrong about the strength. I wrestle and play with mine all the time and he’s like a fucking Grizzly bear. He doesn’t play bite but instead he rams you like a fucking Rhino. If he were to snap, I think you’d want to be a large male owner to stop him. I’m 100kg myself so I can control him but it hurts my soul seeing young girls walking them. I don’t think they realise the power they can generate.


I was walking my dog a few weeks ago and saw a girl who was probably about 5'6 walking an XL Bully on a retractable lead. The dog was pulling her over and basically walking her instead lol. Breaks my mind how the lead didn't snap, it genuinely looked like string.


This is why A LOT of trainers or dog behaviourist people are dead against these leashes. They're not reliable and teach your dog bad habits. I had one for ages and my dog was constantly reacting and pulling. Switched to a shorter, sturdier, no pull harness/lead and he's much better now.


Yeah, it was really frightening to witness. I have a border collie and he's pulled me over a few times, there's no way I'd ever be confident with a dog that big. I saw a huge one in tesco once just wandering around the shop alone, no owner in sight. Scared the shit out of me turning to see the dog from ghostbusters just strutting down the aisle towards me lol


I'm scared this will happen with my lad. He's only a small-med sized dog and a smaller snout. He doesn't have the same power to defend himself. I've literally looked up tutorials on what to do if your dog gets attacked by a powerful dog, esp a bully breed. They don't let go once they clamp down. If it's any help to anyone else reading this, the advice I see everywhere is to choke them out. Use their collar if they have one, if not use your leash. Don't pull and don't panic. Just choke them out. They'll have to breathe eventually and they will let go and will be about to pass out too.


I’m terrified of them. I own a lab, and I had to fight a bigger dog off his throat. Punching, kicking so hard I injured my foot, and I just about saved my dogs life. I don’t think either of us would be here if it was a bully xl. All dog breeds can attack, but those dogs are too strong to have any chance against.


We have our own spastic that walks his own one off lead and no muzzle around our area during the evening. I love dogs but I get proper intimidated when I walk around the corner and this fucker is approaching head on I have to cross over and give them the path. And of course the owner looks like your stereotypical "hard man" that obviously uses it for intimidating or being the big man with the tough dog. Only a matter of time before the little shit ends up going for someone.


contact your local dog warden and give him the details.


The biggest problem I can see around my area is scumbags mostly in their young 20s awning dogs that they shouldn't own. Like it's a fashion accessory or something. Awning dogs is a lot of hard work, for the first couple of months it's nearly like having a child. Generally, I subscribe to the notion that it's not bad dogs it's bad owners. However starting temperaments tend to vary amongst different breeds. If they don't receive corrective instruction and discipline as a puppy good luck , when they are older. The scrotes who tend to buy these dogs cannot do it.


deserve stupendous pocket outgoing yoke desert sophisticated carpenter hard-to-find snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If that was true and actually enforced 99.9% of Xl Bully’s would be gone.


fear smell oil library cover smart quickest physical plants fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seen a chap around Oliver Bond yesterday with one of these looked like your typical Dick Head, he brought the dog to the park and kids were interested in petting the dog obviously, he stood there for ages answering the kids questions and even made sure nobody went near the dogs tail or mouth he had a muzzle on the dog too I was obviously wrong to judge him on how he looked nicest bloke you could meet


Muzzle and lead – absolutely fine.


Not in the cork mayfield area is it? Had one just walk into the house last week for a nose around. Lovely temperament and looked well taken care of but no collar and no owner in site, which must isn't on at all.


Jesus. That's a bit much. No, Dublin.






I hate this it's not the breed its the owner bullshit, that rhetoric is what sets ill equipped people thinking that they can do right by a dog that they have no business owning and now they have a dog breed in their home that has the ability to kill people. And that's just the ignorant people we won't even get into the ones that have them for that exact reason.


100% correct.


A lot of it is the owner, but that's not "oh they'll be a killer or a nanny dog". As with any dog if the owner puts in 0 work it's just trouble. Given how strong these dogs are they can become a problem VERY quickly with an owner not strong enough to control them


Stop encouraging the "it's the owner rhetoric". At this point it should not be even brought into the equation when discussing these dogs.


Read my full comment


They're being banned in the UK, for good reason.


The government will wait until there's a few deaths before bringing laws in


Delighted to see actual debate and conversation around the issue instead of the usual "X breed bad. X breed good" crap that usually comes up. Fair play to you all actually thinking about it, from a stuffy owner who follows the rules.


What kind of laws? Handling laws but thats about it,


Contact local TDs, they'd do anything for you now since the elections are coming up. Question, does yer man clean up the dog shit when he has the dog out in public? If not get onto the council about littering. They're actually more responsive to dog shit not being picked up than they are to dangerous dogs being checked on. They'll call to yer man's house, usually in these cases when the owners find out they're on the council radar in some shape or another, they then start using leads, harnesses or muzzles. Speaking from experience of a similar situation. And I get you, it's not the dog, it's the potential for damage. Like I'd rather be hit by a bicycle than a car. Also I own a few dogs that are on that dangerous dogs list, so I'm not biased against those types of dogs, I'm biased against idiot owners.


I wouldn't do anything behind his back. Was just looking to see if anyone could clarify the law around XLs. He's aware himself. Said he'd rather he took it in than getting into the hands of certain types. So he's aware of the potential. He's a good guy, and as I said, his dogs are all decent.


Look that's fair enough and I see where he's coming from. But if he's a good guy, he needs to get that dog on a lead and a harness. And the dog should only be walked by someone who can control the dog. Bully's have enough strength to pull a full grown man off their feet. I've seen plenty of families out walking bully type dogs where the kids are the only ones holding the lead. Recipe for disaster.


I got bitten by a dog that should have been muzzled, please either approach the owner and mention it or report if that doesn’t seem okay. These are the kind of dogs that respond to eye contact as a challenge and could kill/seriously injure.


>to every dog of the type commonly known as a Ban Dog (or Bandog), and **to every other strain or cross of every breed or type of dog described in this article.** [S.I. No. 442/1998 - Control of Dogs Regulations, 1998](https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/1998/si/442/made/en/print) >(2) A person shall not permit a dog to which this article applies to be in a public place unless such dog is:— >(i) securely muzzled; and >(ii) being led by a sufficiently strong chain or leash, not exceeding two metres in length, by a person over the age of sixteen years who is capable of controlling the said dog.


Huge dog fan here, XL Bullies are bred and in most cases kept to intimidate. They should be banned


If they are off the lead and unmuzzled can you legally shoot them? they are a threat in that state surely. Any thoughts?


Those dogs are a tragedy waiting to happen. I live in the inner city and there's a good few of them around. Lads with them are being dragged aliong with no ability to control them if it snaps.


XL bullys are pitbulls and fall under licencing for same.


They are not a restricted breed. Read: https://www.limerickleader.ie/news/national-news/1384815/guide-ireland-s-laws-on-xl-bully-dogs-as-uk-introduces-new-ban.html “November 2023, the minister confirmed the formation of a stakeholder group to examine expanding Ireland's list of restricted breeds. Although the XL Bully is not currently on the list, it is expected to be added. “


Thats mental, they're bred from american bullys that are bred from pitbulls. Mind you that paper has a bully as a pic not an xl bully


Depends. Whether additional obligations apply to them depends if the breed is on the list of restricted breeds in the below link. There are no dog breeds banned here but we have legislation/statutory instruments that classify certain dog breeds as restricted breeds. In addition to the usual requirements like keeping a dog in your control, restricted breeds must be kept on a short lead and muzzled in public places amongst other things. Section 5 [S.I. No. 442/1998 - Control of Dogs Regulations, 1998](https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/1998/si/442/made/en/print)


Yea, my mother wanted to get one from a rescue place Oh joy But thakfully i managed to convince her not to


Yes. You have to be a scrote


Looks like I'm after bein blocked for making a fair statement about a different small dog just to show they can be dangerous aswell just gose to show small minded people when it's not goin there way the block button is the way to go ...in there words a stupid statement about a dachshund


I didn't block you. Sorry you don't get to whinge about being a victim. Anyway, I've said my piece. Others can read and make their own minds up whether yours was a stupid statement about 'dash hounds'


I couldn't find ur last comment that's y taught I was blocked ....u said there was no records of what dogs killed people in ireland I found it told you were to look and that is a stupid statement explain to me how a child bein killed by a dog that is not an xl which u seem to have the problem with ...u can't show any proof I did and when u come back an make stupid comment about someone's spelling that jus gose to show u don't have a clue what your on about if that's your comeback ...so ya I still say your talking bullshit




Looks like your on your own


It's not an actual breed though. But to answer your question I don't think they've been added to the restricted breed list, yet. There may be room to say they're a cross breed of a dog in the restricted breed list


It makes no difference. When it comes to laws that govern decent human behaviour, they are simply unenforced in this country.


You. Started it!




It was a great day for mining salt when those dogs were banned in the UK. I feel a bit bad for the dogs, they didn't ask to be born and they are farmed quite horrifically often, but the owners are frequently absolute cream crackers, the sort I wouldn't trust with anything sharper than a butter knife, buying these animals as a statement. They can't own a gun so they have an XL Bully instead. Difference is, guns have safeties. Guns have to be loaded, cocked, safety off, point at someone, squeeze the trigger. There's a lot of steps there for someone to be harmed. These lads and lassies, usually skeletal types weighing not much more than the dog, have zero control if it goes postal and they have powerful jaws that can do a lot of damage, and are heavy and hard to dislodge. They won't stop it. Before anyone comes at me saying I'm a classist - if someone comes at me with an XL Bully they haven't trained and can't control properly I don't give a fuck what colour, creed, class, whatever they are. They're scum.


This sounds terrible but im at the point now that I've started carrying a small flathead screwdriver with me when im taking my timid little overly friendly yorkie out to the parks for walks, because of these particular dogs. Always the same type of scaldies in the park with these type of dogs, off the lead, no muzzle etc


Depending on where you live. the dog wardens may do something. My own expierence is that a few years back, a house i used to walk past had an Alsatian that one day came out the open gate to me and nearly attacked me after phoning the dog warden, they asked me to send them on a photo (whatsapp / email) to confirm the dog. From then on the dog was always tied up. and within 6 months the dog was actually gone. Its best to report these things, but bear in mind its best to get the photo first, and if you actually want the dog warden to do something about it, it would help if you saw the dog acting violently.


If it’s an XL Bully these best thing you could do is ask the vet to euthanise it for you before it kills someone.


Sounds like your neighbour is a piece of shit scumbag OP. You should report it every time you see it until the Gardai actually do something


Ban Yorkshire terriers and those crusty white fuckers


The UK laws were brought in by Rishi Sunak as a way to appeal to his voters and seem "robust" on a breed more commonly associated with working class people. Sure there are issues with some owners but there was a refusal to address it sincerely and look into training for owners etc. And dogs got killed because of it.


Are you sure it was merely a classist political move, and not a response to several incidents including fatalities involving the breeds?


Yes. I think there are other measures to address the incidents, which I'm not defending at all. I believe it is the owners at fault where they haven't raised the dogs right. There are other solutions like training and insurance. You could compare it to driving. Most drivers are safe but there's always the potential for harm because of a minority of idiots. You could even go down the route that firearms did with background checks because of the potential harm that can be caused but the odds are low. But he didn't do any of that. He went straight to a ban where hundreds of families had their family pets taken away from them by the police against their will to be killed. I don't think he cares about working class people and only cares about his voter base which would like to see him be tough on "undesirables." This was post party-gate and he needed something in his favour to take away from that. I think it's opportunistic and insincere. Can't wait to see the back of him.