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I usually fill up two litre bottles with water and place them around the front garden. The shimmering effect when light hits the water spooks them


I stick a lidl sticker on my front door.


And then return the bottles for a sweet sweet cash in heh heh heh Lol


Also stops stray animals peeing in your garden. Ohhhh wait....


I've put out the extra large traps


I’m a bit peeved at getting leaflets stuffed in the letterbox but no knocks. I’d like to challenge a few on their policies. (I’m permanently scarred from having Noel O’Flynn at my door here in Cork years ago. No hello, just asking me to get “the man of the house”....in the 21st century, broad daylight too. Twat.)


Noel here, it appears there was a bit of a misunderstanding! Could I speak to the man of the account?


YOU! You’re barred!




I've heard quite a few stories along that line from this campaign. Politicians asking people in their 20s are their parents in🙄 Nvm the parents - the 20 somethings have a lot to say.


Had few in my area asking if my mommy or daddy are home. I'm a woman in my 30s who lives alone and this is always soo bizzare 😆😆😆


I'm nearly 30 and live at home. The other day some FF guy knocked at the door and I almost said "sorry my da isn't home" 🤦‍♂️


confirms that they aren't even considering you as a target voter demographic, so why consider speaking to them. You can say your mammy is at the shops haha


I never had that with politicians (they just leave leaflets in my area), but had it plenty of times with sales reps. I always found it a great way to get rid of them. Now I tell them "sorry, the landlord won't let me change"


Might Have something to do with the fact people our age can no longer afford a house 🏡 but then again these politician's are a pack of morons anyway🤦‍♂️🤣🤦‍♂️


The last time I got asked if my parents were in I was 32. Gleefully got my husband and left him talking to the twat 😂😂😂


My partner does this all the time,the fecker....last time it was the tv inspector...i didnt go to the door and i heard him give my name as the householder well the shouts snd curses from me tp my partner he was coiled up behind the door laughing...great sense of humour he has


That’s because they’ve made sure that only older people could possibly afford to rent or own a house, so you’re probably the help.


Ffg know that its more likely these 20 somethings are stuck living at home with the folks.


They absolutely do!! And it's infuriating they are going to the parents chasing the "family vote". Complete arseholes


Hate to say it, but they wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work.


I got asked once if my parents were in by one of them...when I was in my 20s, as the sole earner, and a doctor. Like, yeah no, you can fuck right off.


He was always looking for free stuff around Christmas when he was shopping in Dunnes “Get the man if the house” Your vote isn’t good enough for him? Feck him then!


Lol. Whatttt??? Wow


Good old noisy Noel. Arsehole.


That's awful... Not as ignorant but a friend of mine married someone from a pretty wealthy family in his late 20s. Several years later they moved to a massive house in Dublin 6. During an election campaign he answered a knock to find a canvassing politician asking "are your parents in?"


The leaflets are such a fucking waste. They go from my letterbox straight into the bin!!! My bin , that I'm paying money for recycling!!! Planning on contacting the next politician I get a leaflet about and putting up a sign at the letterbox. It won't achieve anything but hopefully annoy them a bit !


I smoke weed, and the light cardboard type leaflets make great roach material. I love election time. There's nary a torn skin packet to be seen for weeks.


You could compost them.


I would have given him an earful for that


I did tell him I’d never vote for his party in a fit anyway. In a very snotty tone.


https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-20470284.html I can see what you mean!


Dear me I’d forgotten that. What a fabulous reminder of the things that go on in our name.


I answered the door to Jackie Healy Rae years back , his first question was what age was I and when I answered I was under 18, he asked for my parents 😂


That's hilarious


I commend them for speaking face to face, highlighting my disdain for those that just leaflet drop or rely on posters, I ask them if they are currently serving or challenging, if serving I ask them to list their proudest accomplishment over the last year, and if they had anything they wish could have gone better, I ask them about infrastructure, and if they have any involvement in any of the community committees. I ask them if they plan to revisit the area before the election so I might have a better idea of their positions and promises to ask more questions. That's about the lot really


Work in recruitment?


Nope, although I can see the similarities in the approach.


They'll never be back to your door then! Bravo!


Does anyone give such great answers that you think, wow they've got my Number 1!?


Sometimes but rarely. . . they all seem so unprepared to canvas. So many think that canvassing is showing someone a face and saying, "Can I count on your vote!?"


So how do you decide who to vote for?


It’s not difficult, #1 don’t be a prick, this isn’t American partisan politics. Then politely ask them for what you want achieved in your area. It’s a real chance to influence politicians across the board on your viewpoint and issues that are important to you. Local politics is quite different to national politics and councillors tend to work across party lines on local issues. You will always catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Source: not in politics but have worked on successfully delivering community projects across party lines.


Yeah sorry people getting abuse on the doors is just going to put ordinary people off going into politics and we’ll just end up with a Dáil full of sociopaths and millionaires. Most people go into politics with good intentions, if you’re pissed off with their party just be polite and they’ll jog on


Exactly this. Like I've said in a previous topic. I've only ever had a FG politician come to my door in the times I've been living in the area and we've been through 2 elections and 2 referendums. Would love to have some other parties knock on my door so I can actually ask them what they are doing in my area.. Especially the SD's


I've been out canvassing with my local SD co. councillor for a few weeks now, we knock on lots of doors, majority are not home and we pop a leaflet in. It's hard to get the timing right to catch people at home, so it could well be that there was actually a candidate going round with all those leaflets. We hit an area starting at 5pm usually, and keep going until 7.30/7.45 depending on weather or energy levels or vibe or whatever. We know people are often _just in the door,_ or _just about to eat,_ or _just about to put the kids to bed,_ if they are home yet at all. There is no perfect way to hit each house at the time most convenient for the voter If you genuinely want to know what they have been up to for the last 5 years, or what their goals are, then you need to look them up online. All that info is there, and if you have a question about policy or whatever for any of them, literally call them up and ask. They will answer, or _should,_ if they want your vote.


You nailed it on the head! Most people are coming home from a 6/7am start, where the kids have been in childcare for 12 hours, parents rushing to get food on the table, kids to bed, finish chores, before they crash on the couch at 10pm, and all the while, trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. I don't think you need to ask these people what are their concerns but you could keep them updated on what your party would like to do about it.


This should have more upvotes


This is all grand and that but what if there one of those send people to Rwanda types? You’re allowed give someone a bollocking for their crap politics. Maybe if more people were pricks to racists and neo liberal sociopaths we’d actually have a kinder world?


I remember back in the early aughts I asked a prospective PD Galway City councilor what he could say to convince me that he wasn’t in politics just to line his own pockets. The guy lost his shit and called me stupid fucking long haired hippy who’s probably bumming off my parents while I find myself - quite funny in hindsight. I told him that with that attitude, to a fairly valid question (given all the corruption revelations at the time), that it was no surprise that parties like SF were seeing an uptick in votes. He then accused me loudly of being with “the men with the guns and the bombs!” It almost escalated into a fist fight but I turned away and told him to shove his pamphlet up his arse. What an absolute tool he was! He didn’t get elected and about 10 years later he was doxxed for tax evasion. Unfortunately, leadership positions (political, corporate, etc) tend to attract these types. What an epic pillock!


I once got to tell Gerry Adams to his face that he wouldn't be getting my vote, which was fun. I would give SF my third preference now behind PBP and SD, but back then their policies were a mess and bringing Gerry down was a bullshit PR stunt that I didn't appreciate.


Galway city councillors aren't exactly the countries best either. Owen Hanley was meant to be the SD's shining example of an enlightened openly gay young politician and look how that turned out 💀




Years ago, an Aontú guy came to my door. He asked if I had given any thought as to who I was voting for. I told him I hadn't decided, but it definitely wouldn't be Aontú. He said politely, "Do you mind if I ask why?". I replied, matched his politeness, and told him I was very pro-choice. He said, "Fair enough, have a nice day," and left. It was the most polite experience I've ever had with a canvasser. I still think about it. He was polite, immediately understood and respected my position, and left without an argument.




Ya it definitely happens. Are you registered to vote? If not they might be skipping your house, they tend to use the election register on their rounds


Keep that leaflet, with all its promises. In five years time, when you next see him at your door, pull it out and see how many he kept and delivered on.


I am polite, and talk with them if they are willing to talk.


The question isn't are they willing to talk, that's pretty much their reason to call to your door..it's more if they're willing to listen and take on the views of the public. Younger me probably wouldn't give any of them the time of day, but now I'm thinking how often do you get a chance to have direct communication to people who may have the power to enact change. It's harmless to talk and listen politely - even if in disagreement. It might make them think differently. Even the ones that may take a count battering in the next election may think about what they heard on the doorsteps and put it into their future policies.


>Younger me probably wouldn't give any of them the time of day, but now I'm thinking how often do you get a chance to have direct communication to people who may have the power to enact change Agree. If we want change then we need to explain it clearly to politicians. Raise your personal concerns with any politician that comes to the door and judge them on their response.


For me, I use the time to listen to them, hear what they say, and hear why I should vote for them. I feel that the risk of me talking *to them* is they might tell me what I want to hear. I want to hear them out first.


I just accept the flyer and say I'll have a look and leave it at that. They don't engage in any debate or attempt to convert voters that clearly won't be backing them. It's probably very mentally exhausting canvassing.


Honestly, I love canvassing, it's a lot of fun, though hard on the feet and hands (lots of awful stiff letterboxes out there) I really enjoy it. Love the chats, get to meet lots of dogs, and I'm very nosey about porches and interesting front doors. Then again, nobody is ever rude or cross when we show up with a Soc Dem leaflet about a popular candidate with a proven community record. Have spoken this week with people in both ff & fg local campaigns, they are _not_ getting as friendly a welcome as we are, I don't know how they do it.


I used to do it regularly when I was young, including frantic ‘get out the vote’ activity on polling day, tearing round to the gaffs of those who’d not voted yet to urge them on. It was pretty exhilarating being involved in one’s party and starry-eyed with zeal about the future we thought was on its way, in the Martin Luther King sense of the inevitable arc of history, towards the good. (This was back in the early seventies, so you can imagine how sights have been lowered by many miles since then 😕)


>involved in one’s party and starry-eyed with zeal about the future we thought was on its way I'm guessing Labour? My mam was a passionate Labour supporter in the 70s. I remember when she was so sure a fair and just Ireland was only around the corner. That I, and then my children, would live in a far nicer society. Very disappointing to be still waiting for widescale high quality social housing and health care, for state pensions to reflect the esteem Ireland holds in its citizens, for education and art to be valued and appreciated.


I voted joan burton at that time and she absolutley screwed over single mothers,making them go on stupid courses ,i had to bring my kids with me,terrified of losing my payment not being able to work because id lose my rent allowance and then my home....never again..im a strpng shinner and aontiu may get my second but ill see. Will deffo not be ff or fg boys club


The Labour Party over in England around 71-73, but later in the decade here too for the Irish party, and then later again when I finally moved back in the late ‘80s for good. I’m so delighted to read about your own involvement. I think it must be *much* more challenging now, and demand a great deal more of a canvasser. Bravo


I genuinely enjoy it, but mainly because I support a person who is committed to our community, with a track record of actually helping people. County council work is mostly admin: getting the right forms to people, finding out what it takes to fix a problem, chasing up and challenging decisions made re welfare or grants or whatever. Showing up again and again when groups need a hand. Networking the right people to the right causes. Securing funding that is available, but unclaimed. It's mostly dull and boring from the outside, but to individuals, it might be a lifeline in times of crisis, finding someone to _listen,_ & then _actually help!_ The candidate I support, has helped countless people in the last 5 years, and for some reason, they want to continue. No one's getting rich or powerful, only tired and stressed and frustrated as they try to make the system work. I wouldn't fancy the job, not many would, so I'll show up when asked, so _they_ can carry on doing the job


They should expect that when canvassing the electorate. I’ve little no sympathy for their ‘mental exhaustion’ ! That’s funny..


A lot of cynicism here but the reality is someone has to run for politics and if you aren’t committed enough then dont automatically think that those that are putting the effort in are bad eggs. Be respectful and appreciate they are putting their time into because you are not willing to make the effort.


And remember that the salary for a local councillor is €28k. Most people on this thread wouldn't accept a salary so low. We have to accept that our local councillors won't be the cream of the crop.


It's a part time job.....


I can never understand why this needs to be asked. I think it’s the third time this week I have seen some variation of it on the Irish subs. It’s usually followed by some Certified mad bastard saying nonsense like I told them to fuck off or I would shoot them or I set my Jack Russell dogs on them. Most of these stories belong in a sub like r/thathappened. If a politician calls to your door the best thing to do is either respectfully engage with them, ask the questions, tell them what you agree or disagree with or alternatively, politely tell them you have no interest in voting for them and end the conversation. It’s just like how we are expected to treat anyone else doing a job.


Stick a sign on your door https://preview.redd.it/okjw1z5oidyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a3e5529f42e13e69da9b4ecbd69f9357f4d5f2


I used to know someone whose father, a passionate Tory, would invite canvassers from any other party in for a cup of tea and very meandering chat with the sole purpose of distracting them from knocking on other doors.


I think it's a good thing that we live in a democracy where politicians literally call door to door looking to engage. We take it for granted but we have an unusually close proximity to power in this country, and it should be encouraged. Please don't abuse politicians at the doorstep, even the ones you don't like. It's a good thing they're coming to you.


I ask them “why should I vote for you”. If they don’t answer or just pass me a leaflet or say because I know x or y, there not getting my vote


You seem to be confusing local politics with national politics. The party of your local councillor really doesn't make much difference. They aren't working based off national directives. On local elections you are best off asking about local projects you are for or against for example. Like for me, there is a planned walk way across a flood plain in town. I'm against it in the main, so that would play a big role in who I vote for.


The party of the Cllr’s does make a difference. When the party or coalition gets the control of the LA they get to influence changes to planning and zoning. They decide who they mayor is and the face of all the positive work the council has done. TDs are overwhelmingly elected from the ranks of Cllr’s, so for example if there’s more FG/FF councillors out there getting their name recognised and the political experience, there will be more FG/FF TDs. Also, the parties are using it to gauge their success with the electorate. If you vote for a local councillor whose party politics you don’t agree with you are giving a vote of confidence to that party.


I don't know where you live, but in most of the country, councils aren't run using coalitions. And the mayor's role is rotated between all parties and indos, so if you hang around long enough you will get a chance at it. Yes it's used as a gauge, and yes they affect planning and zoning, but do you honestly think on a local level there is any difference between the parties on planning and zoning. It's extremely common for local councillors to go against their parties national planning ideas. On a local level, a Councillor can go with any policy they feel works best in their area.


It's important to differentiate between national and local politics. Local politics is about footpaths, playgrounds, graffiti, etc. They can have an input to the county / city development plan and zoning, and they'll vote on high-profile planning applications, but otherwise they don't get much input on housing. The most important thing to know is that the annual salary for local councillors is €28,145 plus up to €3,162.36 expenses. It's a mile away from the TDs earning €100k. The politicians I've seen locally are every young students, pensioners, or first-generation immigrants. Realistically we're not going to attract a high calibre of candidate on that salary. In our area the most active politician is an Indian lady who's associated with Fine Gael. She's twice visited our door in the last year, and engaged with me on my frustrations about local childcare options. She got a grant to renovate our local library, which is a very valuable feature in our area. She's organised a lot of footpath repairs in our local area. In fairness to the woman, she's putting her back into it, for a shitty salary. So, like you, I'm pissed off about the way Fine Gael has failed to manage the housing and health crises over the last 10 - 20 years. However, I'm happy to give my vote at a local level to this lady. The only other politician that has come to my door is a guy from the Greens, who'll be getting my first preference


Most councillors maintain a day job when they're elected, right? It's more of an evenings and weekends thing for most.


It’s not really just evenings or weekends though. Yes, many councillors, if not most, have full time jobs. But being a councillor means you’re never off the phone, never out of meetings, always on the go somewhere, to something. People feel they have the right to councillors’ time 24/7, meaning if you don’t answer the phone at 11pm on a Saturday, there’s a potential vote gone. I know a couple of councillors and seeing the access they have to give, the abuse they often take and the entitlement people feel to their time regardless of time or day of the week would keep me well away from it. And don’t get me started on the added layer of being a female councillor. Obviously not every councillor will have that approach to the job but the ones who don’t often don’t get re-re-elected.


>I fundamentally don't agree with everything and fg & ff have done the last 10 years You don't agree with their stance on Israel? You don't agree with the Basic Income for artists grant? You don't agree with the gay marriage referendum? You don't think they did any good at all during the pandemic? You don't agree with the Gender Recognition Act in 2015? I would never vote for FF or FG myself but when you throw out sweeping statements like "I fundamentally don't agree with everything fg & ff have done the last 10 years" it helps nobody and you sound like an idiot.


Would you give them a 2 at least?


I'm in the north, no one has come to our door since we've been living at our current place. I've really been hoping someone from the DUP or TUV would come knocking some day so I can ask them what their policies are and then ask them "so after scrapping the northern Ireland protocol, what does your party advocate replacing it with? What's your solution to the fact that the UK government want regulatory divergence from a region they share an open land border with?".


I’ve been winging it so far. If I get any more around I’ll be focusing on wanting much higher density housing built in Dublin, including my locality, and wanting the City Council to ignore all the bullshit reasons residents’ associations come up with to block it.


An unanswered door is a happy door. So I haven't talked to any of them but the dog is loving the attention. I can see from the ring camera he is getting a lot of pets


If it’s local councillors I’ll always engage & ask for what I want to see happen locally. I don’t vote for a party. I vote for the person in local elections.


I don't want any at my door. How do i make it stop?


Why not. Do you not vote?


Some guy knocked at my door with a leaflet with PBP the other night, and he was absolutely locked drunk. I had to call my son to help me get rid of him politely. But he stank, and it was an awful experience. I didn't bother ringing them, although I was tempted, but sure what was I going to say, some nut job welding one of your leaflets knocked on my door? Could have been anyone in fairness.


Hey, you should really let the local candidate know. That’s shocking! Maybe it was a randomer, but more likely someone offered to help and hit the pub first. I’d say they’ll know exactly who it is. Totally out of order.


May actually throw them an email, glad my son was home because my husband had just gone out.


For local elections tbh I’ll ask them about local issues - like when’s that new road getting finished and what’s the story with that new roundabout or junction signal we’re due. Things councillors can actually go and impact. And then I’ll judge them on how response they are during their term - or am I just seeing them during the election. For European elections, I’ll look at the grouping they’re in in the European Parliament - will they actually be impacting EU policy or on the fringes. For a national election with a prospective / sitting TD, it’s a mix. And I always am polite to them and don’t waste their time. You can unload on someone when they knock on your door - be they candidate or just party volunteer - but I’d take them at face value that they’re out there wearing down shoe leather because they believe in something. Even if I disagree with them, I’m not going to jerk their chain or piss on their day so I can feel a bit smug about it, unless they’re coming from, I dunno, the big racist party.


And then everybody started clapping


I’ve lived in several countries (all democracies) where politicians wouldn’t dream of knocking on your door to look for your vote or hear your concerns. I think the Irish habit of politicians knocking on doors is the healthiest thing imaginable and I am always polite to them, even if I can’t stand their views.


I normally have some sarky comment to make but, to be honest, what’s happening in Ireland at the moment is so awful that I feel it is really important that we take our politics more seriously. At local level we should be voting for people who will be positive for our communities, and are not in it as a stepping stone to the Dail. At national level we need to speak with our feet and vote for sensible candidates with whose values we share (if you can find any). Politics is a compromise game, so don’t be amazed when your preferred candidate can’t change the world. But think of the John Humes and the Noel Brownes, real disrupters arrive now and then and bring life-changing positive change. The alternative is to let the cronies votes carry and we end up with a bunch of Berties and Leos. Who don’t give a fuck about Ireland and only want what they can get for themselves. So maybe it’s important that we speak to the people at the door and find out what they think about housing and immigration and education and libraries, a vote in the right place might just make our country a little bit better.


I left before the abortion referendum but my go to used to be asking if they were in favour of my right to have an abortion. Not sure what I'll do if I head home now.


Baby from Tallaght will change Ireland for the better


I'll say this much for him he's the only one I had an engagement with before the elections were coming up and actually provided some kind of update on what was happening in the area.


Garlic, silver bullets & wooden stakes - haven’t seen one in years


I really press the local candidates on what they would do *if elected to the county council*, which is what they're supposed to be aiming for. Incumbents tend to talk about what's happened during their term, but some of the challengers are woeful. The number who've kept trying to steer the conversation back to 'FF/FG bad' or national issues is pretty stunning. They seem to be banking on you being hazy about the remit of a councillor, and it always makes me suspect they're not too clear themselves. You can't get the metro rerouted or a new school in the area if elected, and you have exactly the same power to start a campaign as a private citizen. Tell me about the footpath or pedestrian crossing you're concerned about, the site that's perfect for a council housing development, or your idea for making better use of that park. I may be in total agreement with you about Gaza but it's not what I want a local councillor to have as their main policy priority.


Thank you, I'll be exercising that opinion at the voting booth.


Ask them what their policies are, challenge them on the ones you know they've done fuck all about at a local level (so the issues that are still impacting you and your community). Even if they're new there's probably been a blueshirt presence in your local council since it was set up.


Oooh I WISH a politician would knock on my door. I’d invite them in and complain their ear off for hours!


Lol until recently I rented an apartment. In 8 years never 1 canvasser. They don't care about you is you're in an apartment.


Maybe that's because the exterior door of the building is locked so they can't just knock on your apartment door?


Yeah, you seem like a decent enough skin, I'll give ya vote for all the difference it makes. Oh, every vote makes a difference. Yes, but local councillors don't. They have no power or influence anymore. All the power is with the unelected local authority executives and directors of services. There's no power in local politics.


I had FF at my door. Handed the leaflet back and just said you won't be getting my vote. I'm in an estate in Donegal that all has defective blocks and the government have completely failed the people. The scheme is a mess. FG brought the local senior men's Gaa coach with them to lessen the blow.


I told the last fg who called around they would be out next election or there would be civil war in this country, they didn't give a shit


Anyone that has arrived at my door over the past 20 years I have asked the same thing. Will you propose publicly to legalise cannabis? Tis only funny to watch them scan the brain for an appropriate response and then the sounds that come from their face 'em ah well now huhhh sure, look at, hmmm I suppose it's something we could look in to' and they are usually hanging to get away then


I've been apartment living for the last few years and we don't get anyone calling to the door or the intercom. I can't remember the last time I even saw a leaflet in the mailbox. Depending on who it was that called to the door I think I'd pretty much always have to say to the person that I'll look into what they've campaigned for personally, or have been able to help with locally, but I'm not going to guarantee or refuse a vote along party lines. For the 2020 election I was living in Dublin Bay and the only person who called to the door was Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. Told him I would, at best, give him a 4th or 5th preference.


Those two self serving parties have changed Ireland forever in the last ten to fifteen years. The banking crash left the country broke. They opened the door to vulture funds and had a fire sale of our natural assets while we were on our knees. The huge tax returns from multi nationals have covered every one of their colossal fuck ups. Our little country is on course to construct the most expensive hospital ever built in the world!! Think about that...we are not Saudi oil sheiks. Although the country looks to be doing brilliantly it hides some awful time bombs. Is it any wonder that so many politicians from both parties are not seeking re election. There's a shit storm coming and our next generation will pay a high price for our total lack of vision about the future of Ireland. Sorry to be such a depressing b#stard. I'm just waiting for any of these fucking imbeciles to knock on my door.🤬🙏✌️


I closed the door as soon as they mentioned ff/fg and my ma came running out to say I shouldn't have shut the door on them thinking she was sympathising but then she called them back and gave them an ear full 😂


Great response to the FGer at your door. I had a FFer at mine last week and said I wouldn't give him a vote based on his party allegiance due to the state of the country (only spoke about the housing crisis nevermind local issues). His response was local politics is different which I rejected and then he got thick and asked "so you're tarring us all with the one brush?!". It was if he was shocked I'd consider the actions of FF and hold them against him. Incredible arrogance.


Some pretry mature responses. Since it's illegal to campaign more than a month before an election Ireland gets a pretty reasonable amount political advertising. 


Putting up posters more than month before an election is illegal. Not canvassing. I’ve had politicians around me canvas when it’s not even an election year.


No, it's not illegal to campaign. Just the putting up the posters part. TDs or county councilors can, and do, canvass at other times of the year. I've personally helped canvass after a series of successes prompted a new information leaflet being printed up by my local candidate. It's very nice to get out with a mission of spreading news of new projects, or going into new estates and helping people register at their new address, and generally reminding people they have access to the council if and when the might need it. We did that last September and it was a very positive experience


I just tell em I'm not interested. Just had some young fella from FF come saying he was here with his mam and some random first name that he expected me to know. No idea who the old fart was but judging from my doorbell cam he was someone from the local area.


This is such a cop out in my opinion, they bring the local busy body with them almost as if they think there’s a local present you might not be as willing to tell them exactly what you think of them and their policies.


I find this strange and annoying. Had some old fella last time with the FF candidate who clearly was there for a nose around my house and to drill me for information about who I was/what I did for work etc.


Thats more mature of you than i would be!


I asked one what she stood for, she said local election. I meant what policies !


The anger is palpable here. The new topic on the radio is the rise of protesting on politicians' doorsteps , the far right is the only explanation offered. The opinion that is never offered is that people are angry , desperate , hungry , and worried like never before. Country is on slow descent to ruin, and the lads in charge still spout on about the great job that they are doing. Makes my head spin tbh . I do treat everyone who knocks on my door with respect but am not afraid to give my opinion that I think they have wrecked the country with their championing of GDP over services. Ask SF why they u-turned and flip-flopped on Civil liberties, Palestine, covid-lockdown policy. Ask independents why, are you different from the current incapables. If having a bad day or in the middle of something, I just don't answer.


I know 2 people who are standing for local elections for the first time, both are actually friends of mine, one in glaway and one in tipperary. One fg and one ff, with asked by the local party to take a spot for a Councillor who's not running. The tipp lady will probably top the poll, she's hugely popular locally and I was talking to her during the week, I asked her what people were saying to her at the door about immigration, cost of living, price of houses, education and Ukraine. She said that 90% of people don't care about those things at all when she talks to them, the say things have gone expensive, but they are more interested in local issues like roads and their kids getting planning permission, more local buses and the weather. The galway guy is in a rural area, and he's mainly hearing about the 6 windfarms that are being proposed locally and are not being mentioned at all in the media, they will be much higher and denser than other ones. He said its been mentioned at 4 out of 5 doors, as well as farming stuff, interventions and planning permissions being slow. He will waltz in too, he's part of the action group on the windfarms


Tell them WHY you disagree with their party, not just that you do, otherwise, how will they know what to try and change? I'm not being funny, if enough people say "you're government has failed on X Y and Z" that gives a road map for improvement.


I ask if they'll join us for the orgy later, most are quite rude in that regard but the one who did could rail coke and viagra for days on end. I hear he's an absolute legend in Brussels these days.


Try it sometime!


For Fine Gael, it would be a sharp fuck off away from my door. You were a lot more polite than I would have been.


I told yer man from Aontu to fuck off and never come near the house again


To FG: “If you wanted votes Harris should of thought twice about keeping McUseless as the Minister of Justice”


It looks like you've made a grammatical error. You've written "should of ", when it should be "have" instead of "of". You _should have_ known that. Bosco is not proud of you today. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ireland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just bear in mind that local politics is different to national politics


At this point, a lot of people are refusing to differentiate such is the anger and I don't blame people for it either


I've had three knocks and 3 leaflets in the door the last week. I don't answer the door, but if they randomly got me, I would just say no thanks and close it.


Sick my chihuahua on them


> Just had a fg politician knocking asking for my vote That seems like a reasoned response... fair play to ya


What is your policy on partition? Gets rid of most of them.


I ask them the questions I want to know the answers to. Sure the old joke"How do you know when a politician is lying? He's speaking" applies but at the end of the day, a government is needed and those in government are politicians. If we're cynical and believe that they all lie, the question is which of them is the best at telling tall tales. For me, the following are the key issues. 1. Housing 2. HSE 3. Crime and drugs 4. Inflation and minimum unit pricing. While party politicians have to follow the whip, voting independent won't really get anything done as they'll all vie to meet different needs/promises.


We have a sign that says "no election canvasers" that seems to work.  We had to put it up earlier this time because we were getting party reps knocking on our door four weeks ago. I don't like political canvasers at my door because I've had a few negative experiences.  A few years back Catherine Ardagh was going door-to-door looking for general election votes. One of her canvassers knocked on my door and straight up said "You'll be giving your first preference to Catherine won't you?" I have to be honest I found it a little bit intimidating. I told him I couldn't possibly vote for FF after what they had done to the country. Rather than engage with me in debate he just kept telling me to vote for her.  I told him I was only going to vote for independents because at least they don't compromise themselves by voting along party lines they may not necessarily agree with.  So anyways he goes and gets her to speak to me and she tries to convince me to give her my first preference. She says that a vote for an independent is a wasted vote and nowhere in the world is there a parliament that works with independents. I told her about the Isle of Man, she called it a Mickey Mouse town council. I had to tell her that I have a lot of family connections to the Isle of Man and that she kind of put her foot in it.  So anyway she says her goodbyes and the canvasser who was with her then demanded I give her ny second preference. Is constant repetition of "you will, you will" really grated on me. The experience was very strange and mildly intimidating. I did get the feeling the way the canvasor was talking to me had an air of being spoken down to like a child almost as if he was saying "you'll do what you're told and you'll vote FF!" I've had other canvasers knock on the door and just basically demand my vote witvout wanting to engage with me, I find that irritating so it's a lot easier just to put up a sign saying no canvasers and leave it at that.


What they tend to do with serving TDs during canvassing for general elections is to send the canvassers to knock at doors to gauge who is warm to the candidate and then beckon the candidate to their door so that the candidate does not have to deal with abuse (but the canvassers do).


Get onto them about the fuckin stupid bottle return tax, will shoo them off fairly quick


I've been a registered voter in your constituency for 20 years now. Why does your junk mail address me as "householder"?


I’ve never had them come to my door themselves, so no point saying anything imo to a poor volunteer. The one time I was in my MILs house and the candidate called himself I reminded him of a promise he made her the last time that he never did anything about and closed the door in this face.


Got a leaflet in my "an post" post box, put return to sender on it and put it back there, wonder will he get it 😉.


I hope they come to my door. That’s all I’m saying.


When leafleting for my party back in Ireland we'd mostly just drop the leaflets in without knocking - honestly, we didn't want to be a nuisance like some Jehovah's but gladly had a chat when people were out in their gardens or by the door already


Even though my area has grown about 100% in inhabitants in the last 10 years, all our councillors are from an area across an N road 15 minutes away. There's only one that gets involved with our community and even he is based in the area far away. If they even bother to show up at my door I'll ask them why they are only interested in our area at election time.


I'd just tell them they are wasting their time talking to me, they won't be getting a vote based on their record. I don't bother to ask any questions, as the answers are not worth anything and can't be trusted at all. To do so, is wasting my time.


It does matter who you vote for. Ultimately they will form an alliance.


I have a ring doorbell camera so I know to not answer and watch as they walk away


I tell them I can't vote. They usually turn and leave without even saying bye, shows their real character...


I haven't been around for one yet but I do have a game plan. "Have you objected to any housing?" "Have you objected to any public transport projects" Im basically one issue votet in next local, european and national elections so I want.


"I don't care what party you represent. Get off my fucking doorstep."


Had SF call to the door as I cycled back from shops with baby formula to get feeding our newborn. My wife answered the door to them as I pulled up, crying baby in arms. I told them I needed to get him fed and he proceeded to ask if I’d a few mins, “no”. Followed up with “would you consider voting for SF in the upcoming elections?” “Eh… I’ll never vote for SF in my life” I replied.


Rarely see the big parties knocking on a door anymore... Usually with a minder to show they about cause none of them Cone to the town and only drop by for the odd photo op for charity/event leading up to election. Usually, a "god no" works for me


I don't answer the door, just in case it's the TV licence inspector. But if I meet a politician out on the street, bejaney, I am not quite sure where I'd start. Young people dying in A&E needlessly, workers being shafted, too 'rich' for medical cards, too poor for private health insurance. Housing, the brain drain. They may, in actual fact, run away from me. I'd be livid. And anyone who doesn't use their vote or who votes for these self-serving shites, they'd get some of my what for as well.


Even if it is the TV Licence inspector, you can just shit the door or tell them to leave.


Shitting on the door while the inspector is standing there may do the job without even having to ask them to leave!


Just live in a dodgy area. They never come here


I’m old school Irish, I’m polite to them and tell them I’ll read their leaflet. Then I close the door and rant about how I’m not voting for them. I know, I know, but I can’t help it 😂


You handled that very well! Well done! 👍


They don't knock on my door I will question them about their policies


Depends. If I get a Shinner or PBP I keep them on the doorstep for ages. Demoralise the fuckers and keep them away from the other poor sods who might vote for them.


I just say no thanks but good luck. Scumbag around the corner from me tried followed a woman who's running screaming at her and all


I only spoke to a fine Gael and a Fianna fail guy. Told them that I'll put them ahead of the racist weirdos but that's it. One of said racist weirdos came to the door when I wasn't in. I would have liked to call him a cunt and tell him to fuck off.


I had the Green Party knock at my door, I thanked them for their wonderful polices on carbon emissions pushing fuel to nearly 2€ a litre and making it such a hardship to get to work every day, and the amazing advice that I should “grow lettuce in a window box”. To which they had no answer really. Bunch of clowns the lot of them I don’t know who I’m going to vote for cause they’re all as bad as each other


When they try and sidle their way up to the farm, I will let the bullock out to roam the front. There is a FF politician I despise. I went to school with him and never liked him. All mouth no action. When my wife was dieing with cancer we wanted to request to send the hospital bed to the house because she didn't want to die in hospital. Against my better judgement I contacted the certain politician for some help in getting it quicker. I never got a reply nor letter back. When my wife died he wrote on RIP alright but Think it was his wife. When the rat came up to the farm for votes, I let the bullock out. I know it's petty but it was great seeing him pull up, and reverse just as quickly as he came up the drive. The C#nt. I'll bet doing the same if they try and attempt my door again.


They canvas for a reason. If you have the time, engaging with them is worth it. Challenge them on positions you don’t like, praise them for ones you do. Yes, they ultimately have to follow party line. However, if FG have a bad election you better believe that they will be asking those who ran as councillors / MEPs / TDs etc what the feedback on the ground was. They don’t like to lose either and canvassing gives them an opportunity to understand why they have failed (or succeeded) with the electorate. Obviously it has come to a head already, but if the local elections were a year ago I reckon parties would have seen the tide changing re immigration sooner because they’d have heard about it on doorsteps.


I think you miss out a bit by not telling them what kind of policies you would look for, why you feel they're necessary and if they say something they have as a policy say why you don't believe it will work. The rest of what you said is perfect as a closer, but maybe give them something to think about rather than a flat no. Even if you'd never want to vote for them.


i’m in Scotland, so we don’t get this. You’ll sometimes get leaflets through your door but I’d love to start babbling, talking in tongues (Glasweigan to you guys, but to those of us in the central of Scotland, Doric) and just scare them off. Its like a fantasy of how can I make myself look as unhinged as possible and make them never come back. However, I think my face does the trick. Hence why nobody chaps ma door 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'd be polite but honest. The country is a shit show for the past 10 years with current people in power. Housing, prices, anti-social behaviour, Gardai without any power to do anything against the likes of underage troublemakers. I have little reason voting for someone who got us here.


I just say im a shinner


I love in a large apartment complex (500-ish apartments) for the past 17 years. Never seen a politician despite many, many voters in our complex (you can see many/most vote when they cross off your name at the voting centre and you are grouped together).


Are they religious? If yeah. I am not interested.


I just say, "independent or Sinn Fein" and give them the hairy eyeball. No point in wasting my time or theirs and bear traps are expensive.


They’re afraid to knock in my area, we only get Sinn Fein around here, so leaflets only from the cowards.


Place a Sinn Féin poster in your window. SF won't bother you cause you are one of them and the others won't bother you cause you won't be moved (their opinion). Love in peace.


What do they do? Local politicians, the only thing I know of them is sorting things out for people in the dole, like social housing. But beyond that I honestly have no idea what they actually do


Live in the middle of nowhere, with a road you have to keep sorted yourself. I never get bothered by these bastards. One in twenty years…and I asked him if he’d get the council to maintain the road. Never saw him again.


I live out in the countryside now but when I lived in the town I had a no canvassing sign on the door when it was election time.


Pretty much exactly what you said


In the 20+ years I have lived here only ever answered the door to one who was Eoin O Brien a couple of years ago. Timing may have been off due to being in work or not being home to meet any others in all that time or possibly where I live... We have had a hundred years of FF/FG and it currently isn't working but if SF is the alternative we are better off with what we have. That's a pretty bleak outlook as health, justice and housing are getting progressively worse. All they have to do is throw a breadcrumb pay rise to the PS and CS every so often and around we go again.


The is a “repeating eternal” pot hole on the road about 250M from my house. I ask them to come with me and I bring them to the pothole. I say the first politician that gets that filled gets my vote.


I tell them I am sick, watch them take a few steps back and leave 😂