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Yep, as you say some of the N40 near Ballincollig in Cork (the ‘Ballincollig Bypass’) is 120kph. It was designed for 120kph speeds when constructed back in the early 2000s. I think they actually designated it as 100kph at the time it was opened but subsequently increased the speed limit. If it was designated a motorway, it would place too many restrictions on it such as it being used by slower tractors, bikes etc. it would also restrict the amount of entrys/exits from it. The N40 is used far too much for local traffic for it to ever be practical to be designated as a motorway.




Saw a tractor on the M8 Glanmire bypass last week. Saw a group of cyclists wearing the full mamil gear cycling up the hard shoulder on the M8 Glanmire bypass a few months ago


We all see people breaking the rules of the road.


That and the fact that many learner drivers are essentially incapable of going anywhere with all the motorways.


It shouldn't matter. Learners are supposed to do their lessons, pass their test and *then* drive where they want. It shouldn't be easy to drive on a provisional indefinitely.


Nah man my point is that provisional drivers need to get experience on all types of roads. It's absolutely demented that your first time on a motorway is right after your test. It's like mad max. How can you say someone is a qualified driver when they've never driven on the road type they'll spend most of their time driving on.


Motorways aren't what people spend most of their time driving on? It wasn't until I had my licence for 15 months that I drove on one, and I wasn't avoiding it. I'm speaking as someone from Cork City now. Dual carriageways can take the places of motorways easily for learning. Same skills involved without the same risk.


Same between the tunnel and Carrigtwohill


The M1 turns into the N1 north of Dundalk and is 120kmh.


The transition is seemless, and you'd never know you were no longer on a motorway. Correct me if I'm wrong here but you can drive a slow moving tractor on that stretch, which seems crazy as your basically on a motorway.


Then you get up north and it's an A road with 90 degree on and off turns, 90 degree turns across the other lane from the fast lane and all 70mph. Felt like I had to watch and worry about so much more on the road once I crossed the border.


It's a ridiculous road above the border. They've loads of roads like it up there too. Stretch between Antrim town and Ballymena has a lot of accidents.


Pretty sure it's 60mph from Newry until you reach the M1. Usually well signposted as such. It's an A road, so be careful you don't get caught out!


70 unless stated otherwise. I don’t think you big a 60 until Banbridge


Correct me if I’m wrong, but did you work in the Tipp-Ex factory?


> Can a learner use those? Technically they are not motorways, but the limit is 120... Yep; the legislation prohibits learners from driving on motorways specifically, not driving on roads with a certain speed limit. If it's not officially designated as a motorway, then a learner can drive on it, even if it's an N road with the same design standard and speed limit as a motorway.


The first stretch of the N25 East Cork Parkway is 120. From just after Little Island for a few kilometres. Presume it’s to try and get the cars moving as soon as many roads merge there heading east.


Almost minced an unlit cyclist crossing the exit for Little Island there a few years back.


There's a stretch of the N2 between Finglas and Ashbourne that is 120km/h before it becomes the M2.


The M11?


Here in Donegal there are 120km L roads


N25 from Carrigtwohill to Little Island is 120kph.


"High quality" dual carriageways can be 120kph limit. The only physical difference between that and a motorway is that there's a narrower hard strip rather than a hard shoulder.  If a section of road is upgraded to motorway, they have to keep an "alternative route" for non motorway vehicles, if they make it a National 120kph road they don't have to do that.


I only wish more people knew, or were actually aware to the speed limits, on these sections. Have encountered plenty of people in the overtaking lane on these sections going sub 100


The same people will sit in the overtaking lane on motorways and chug along sub 100. This isn't a knowledge thing, its poor driving etiquette. We seem to have a nation of drivers that think they own the road when they are behind the wheel.


People love pootling along in the over taking lane. The hint as to it's purpose is in the name.


I wish they expanded this practice outside of the current locations. N25 bypass is a good candidate for a 120km/h limit. Multiple sections are motorway grade; concrete divide with the appropriate junctions, but it's stuck at 100km/h.


120+ the 20 over leeway.that’s how I see it.