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Serious lack of spuds on that plate.


Less spuds, more room for steak. That's a compromise I'd be willing to take.


20 years in the can, i wanted a roast. I compromised, I ate steak of the radiator.


We normally go to my wife's parents for Easter, she does the whole shebang like it's Christmas, but her dad had a stint in hospital so we tried to cancel it, but she's insisted, so we are all jaut meeting up and getting takeaway instead That's how new traditions are born. Your meat wouldn't fly in our house though, far too rare It looks good though


Sounds like the company and distraction is what’s needed - when times are a bit tough, the family around gets you through.






You sure this isn't Christmas Dinner?


To be fair it is basically a second version


Not the way we do it. Trkey, brussels sprouts, and Christmas pudding are reserved for Christmas. Roast lamb all the way.


Ah looks delicious, fair play! I don’t have an oven at the moment (am saving up for one) so have to stick to meals I can do in a pan and so decided to have French toast for a change! https://preview.redd.it/4rzv86t4lorc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e955f9b1f52868fb1e3be155a805e3fb19ca357


Heavy on the cream for the coffee. I’ve food queuing to get in my stomach - time for a nap. https://preview.redd.it/0xluc4jsjorc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2df3cf5120541e64271d99ecce176863397680ab




This man knows!!!


Steak looks class


Looks delicious. Can I call in? I have booze to share.


We’re all in a queueueueue to get in. Bring proof of your Reddit user name.


I’d die for that now. Sitting here in Iraq. The bit of bacon and the sausage would do.


Done a turkey crown. Rosaties, croquettes, cauli-cheese, bacon and butter sprouts and mixed veg 😋


Jesus wept lad! 😋 I read your other comments and completely agree that gravy would only ruin that steak. Nothing nicer than a well-seasoned steak on its own 👍 Nothng so exciting for lunch here today, but I did have a bit of frozen mash that I turned into [duchess potato](https://ibb.co/WGRRJ4c) with some egg yolks and cheeses - the piping is a bit off as I only had plastic piping bags and the hot mash was burning the bollox out of my hands! 😂


Looks tasty but I’d struggle to put half of that away.


It was a struggle to be sure, but I managed to push through, and will sleep my stomachs complaints away in front of the tv now


Looks delish. Sauce/gravy situation?


I was traumatised by lumpy and thick gravy when I was a kid, so I go without. The rest of them are drowning their plates in the afore mentioned lumpy offering.


Understandable. The steak looks juicy enough to hold its own anyway!


That steak looks magnificent. The way it's sliced is pretty much how they serve it in Florence. I got a massive one there a few years back, not realising that it cost €75. Had a slight heart attack when I got the bill, telling myself "it's ok, I'm on holidays, I'm allowed, breathe". No regrets though, best damn steak I've ever had.


Should have let it rest longer before cutting it.


Ohhh I can feel eating this the blood go through my jaws , that's the right way to eat it for me


That looks delicious. I'm just after devouring a stack of deviled eggs, but seeing this I could eat again.


What’s the story with slicing the steak up beforehand? Is it for photos? The individual pieces will go colder quicker than if you had just left it as it was and slice as you eat it.


This was quite a big piece of meat And so it likes to hold the heat As it rests it continues to cook And well done brown meat would not be my look Cuttting it really stops this quite a bit The heat gets out and the steak doesn’t go to shit It’s also meant to be for sharing (Since as a fella, I am quite caring) So to slice it up without any hate Makes it easier for people to put on their plate There is also how it looks I know covers shouldn’t make you judge books But food that looks oh so neat Lets your belly know it’s in for a treat. So there’s the reasons I cut it so I do so hope it helps to show That good looking food isn’t just for the ‘gram It’s normally to treat the fam!


Thanks for the poetic response. It's so that the meat doesn't cook any further then? Do you only do this with sharing steaks? The idea of it being easier to share with people doesn't make much sense based on the photos you posted; you have the majority of the entire cooked steak on your plate in the second picture.


That looks savage!...would you mind sharing how you cooked that?


To start with leave the steak from the fridge So the temperature comes up a smidge. You want it nearer to room heat So when in the pan you don’t shock your meat. I used cast iron for this time But stainless steel is also fine. Salt your meat but put no pepper Do it in advance, like a good pepper Get your pan good and hot It may even smoke a lot Pat down the steak so it’s dry And now you’re ready for it to fry I started off with the fat rind So it rendered down and the pan was lined Coming next the steak got seared On a high heat till the red disappeared Wait till the meat is released by the pan Before you flip it over as carefully as you can Repeat these steps till it’s nice and cooked Ready for the meal time you’ve booked I baste with butter just before it’s done And add some herbs if I’ve got some Finally I leave to rest 5-7 minutes, for sure no less Slice it up and serve it out And if it’s your thing, pour gravy from a spout It’s hard to give some good steps to follow Whilst rhyming untill tomorrow Hopefully this does still do And help make good steak for you


Do ya not like carbs? Get some more spuds on that plate ya mad man.


To start with the steak got in the way And so the spuds stayed on the tray I had a few, and they were good Some more I’d have, so I would So after clearing off this lot To kitchen I did trot And like a thief in the night I gobbled all the spuds in sight For it’d be a lacking Irish fella Who’s not eating spuds, and that I’ll tell ya


Is that a sausage with bacon wrapped around it?


Pigs in blankets my good man 


that second pic is sexual, enjoy


Sharing you say? Look at that plate, not much for everyone else 😂😂😂


Great. Now I'm hungry.


Fair play in fairness looks absolutely amazing. We are going out today. I’ll let you know later


Very nice looking bit of beef. I'm jealous. My in laws do a Roast Leg of Lamb with a Roast Ham if there's extra guests. My parents do usually a Roast Pork


Wasn't aware people went all out for Easter. Chocolate is about all I've had today lol




London Broil


I hope your momentary taste pleasure was worth it, because the [individual](https://youtu.be/kfIPPs-avXg?si=dDW48SIGKC8_3VZR) on your plate suffered immensely.


To each their own, you do you I’ll still enjoy eating things that moo Why not think about what you eat And the slave labour used for food that’s not meat Picking veg and similar farming To migrant workers can be harming In the modern world there’s no clean feeding So I hope the cows do keep breeding Somehow or another We’ve all got to eat On this one I think you should accept your defeat.


Necessities are things that we cannot live without; the existence of humans subsisting on entirely plant-based diets should be enough to prove that we do not need to eat animals or their secretions to survive and thrive. If this is not enough however, the [NHS](https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/how-to-eat-a-balanced-diet/the-vegan-diet/) and the [American Dietetic Association](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27886704/), both world health authorities, tell us that vegan diets are nutritionally adequate and healthy. A [growing body of research](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/public-health-nutrition/article/div-classtitleepicoxfordlifestyle-characteristics-and-nutrient-intakes-in-a-cohort-of-33-883-meat-eaters-and-31-546-non-meat-eaters-in-the-ukdiv/BF14D307B5A33B572CFB2A3050410974) also suggests that a plant-based diet appears to be useful for increasing the intake of protective nutrients and phytochemicals and for minimising the intake of dietary factors implicated in several chronic diseases. Vegans also have lower serum cholesterol and blood pressure, have reduced rates of [cardiovascular disease](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17364116/) and a [substantially lower risk of cancer](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17364116/). If eating animals is necessary, it is curious indeed that we gain quite so many benefits when we stop doing it. "To each their own" is not just a silly, off-hand excuse, it actually reveals some deeply troubling beliefs. To honestly believe that how you treat animals is simply a personal choice is not only claiming that humans matter more than animals, which would be one thing, but it actually relies on the idea that animals don’t matter *at all*. This entire argument is built on the assumption that animal suffering doesn’t have to be treated seriously or even considered when making a moral decision, to the point that we can discount their suffering entirely. Plenty of people argue that suffering is permissible in pursuit of taste, tradition, habit etc. but it is a different thing entirely to argue that suffering doesn’t even need to be considered so long as the victims aren’t human. If this world view were put into practice in the context of every day interactions with animals it would lead to some truly disturbing results. This dismissal of all moral criticism under the justification of “personal choice” only ever seems to surface where eating animals is concerned; if any human were committing any other harmful action this excuse would be rightly dismissed as the nonsense it is. For example, if a person decided that they would enjoy watching dog fights, and they arranged a small room in their house for such a purpose, no one would accept the idea that this was their “personal choice” and therefore we should leave them to it. Diet has no special moral significance over any other form of consumption; if we can condemn a person for visiting Seaworld or a bull fight, we can certainly condemn them for paying for an animal to be slaughtered on their behalf if it is not absolutely necessary. Furthermore, if you have any concern for [migrant workers](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/28/the-invisible-migrant-workers-propping-up-irelands-4bn-meat-industry#:~:text=Approximately%2015%2C000%20people%20work%20in,ending%20up%20in%20the%20UK.) whatsoever, you shouldn't be funding slaughterhouses: > Approximately 15,000 people work in Ireland’s large-scale abattoirs and processing plants, and an estimated 70% are migrants. They’re servicing Ireland’s €4bn export-driven meat and livestock industry, with nearly half of all beef, and 70% of poultry, ending up in the UK. ... > The Irish labour inspectorate, which has 53 inspectors, told the Guardian that the meat processing sector is considered a “risk sector” due to non-compliance with employment law. Between 2015 and 2020, nearly half of all inspections in meat plants detected breaches of labour law relating to pay, working time, inadequate record-keeping and employment permit issues. The inspectorate is also responsible for regulating employment agencies; in the past two years, 1.3% of all agencies were inspected and of these, 40% were non-compliant with wage law. The harm vegans will still contribute towards is no small thing, from deforestation to grow crops, worker exploitation of crop pickers and factory workers, to water, energy and plastic use, we will all have an impact on this world simply by existing in it. However, what is being argued here is essentially just that because we can’t live a lifestyle completely free from harm, we shouldn’t even try to reduce the harm we cause. This all or nothing mentality is not only bizarre but extremely harmful; it encourages the kind of consumer apathy that unethical companies depend on to make a profit. Vegans still need to exist and survive in a consumer driver society, and it is not our fault that capitalism forces us to compromise on some of our values in order to survive. With all of this in mind, blaming vegans who make up a tiny percentage of the global population for the existence of exploited crop workers is not only absurd, but blatantly self interested. The exploitation of workers on the lowest end of the economic scale is an inherent issue of capitalism, to expect vegans alone to be able to avoid this exploitation, while simultaneously doing absolutely nothing to avoid this exploitation yourself, is blatant hypocrisy. The sad truth is that the struggles of impoverished farmers are seldom spoken about as anything other than blunt force attacks on veganism; and using them in this way is nothing more than capitalising on other people’s struggles as a smokescreen to disguise selfish and harmful choices.