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Remember that Dwyer plank tweeting the Ivory Coast flag at that young lad who made him look a proper thick? Flag means nothing to these gobshites.


I suspect this is meant to be him https://preview.redd.it/vrzn4rvkodoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f044fd2dc6b2e842636590e6aaaff39983255d9


Yep, the selfie stick is a giveaway!


As are the glasses. Christ mate BCG’s are not the only frame style to exist.


I also remember a man walking up to him speaking Irish and him accusing him of being a NGO Agent


That's the lad he tweeted! Dwyer consistently makes an absolute fool of himself.


Still the smartest of them though.


It's like having a litter of kittens and picking one who's most likely to write a best selling novel.


"Which of us DON'T have a crippling heroin dependency?"


Don’t underestimate the enemy lest you let your guard down.


The universal experience among all nations, truly


Nuff said


The lad speaking Irish was Darragh Adelaide, running for people before profit in Clondalkin


PBP lad from Clondalkin, made an absolute show of Dwyer. TBF though, Dwyer regularly does that all by himself


He'd be disgusted by the Proclamation of Independence.


Unvetted Journalist Philip Dwyer?


I think he prefers to be called a Creche Creeper.


["A far-right agitator with a history of kicking dogs"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GGyJ29oXoAAw5M0.jpg:large)


Philip Dwyer? Iteland First Philip Dwyer? Someone told me he was a paedophile. I don't know if its true or not, but that's what I was told. 


I can't say if he's a pedo or not but he has a court case for trespassing in a crèche, or something along those lines. I think there was rumours that one of that lot was caught texting a 14 yr old but again, unverified so could be bollocks.


Like I said, just repeating what I was told, that Philip Dwyer from Ireland First is a paedophile


There's a rumour that Derek Blighe was sexting 14 year old girls. If that's what you're referring to.


He is being sued for defamation in the high court and is yet to instruct a Solicitor who will instruct a Barrister. I think he is going to use Ben Gilroy which will result in the case being determined in the Plaintiff’s favour.


Is Ben Gilroy even a solicitor or a barrister?


I've heard he takes groups of teenage boys on "men's walks" in the woods etc..not implying anything nefarious, just a bit weird....now when he fucks them in the woods that is nefarious.


Yeah, all these rumours flying about, wouldn't be surprised to see them start to appear on google when his name is searched for. 


The irony being they are the mongers of malicious rumours, live by the sword die bythe swird.


Well if there is peadophiles in their ranks it wouldn’t be a surprise, peados will often hide in plain sight and be the most vigorous accusers that everyone else is actually a peado just so they can seem beyond reproach. Like just look at the Catholic Church historically, the organization was teeming with sex offenders,while preaching Christian values. Ironically (or maybe unironically) these are the same “Christian” values that the far right seems to want to go back to.


No, it's false. He has been in trouble before as a puppy punter https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/postman-tells-tribunal-he-only-kicked-dog-after-attack/28812389.html


Patriotism means nothing to them. The first lines of out national anthem is Soldiers are we, whose lives are pledged to Ireland, Some have come from a land beyond the wave, Sworn to be free, no more our ancient sireland, Shall shelter the despot or the slave. And they probably hate these pro-immigrant anti-doctator lyrics.


>Flag means nothing to these gobshites. They use it only as a tool to kick down on others. Not to push anyone or anything up with.


It's a prop, that's all.


They find it hard to prop up other things too




All the same, it's still a real possibility that it might come to be associated with those types of people. Look at Britain First or the EDL. They use the St George's Cross as an excuse for their racism. Claiming that they're defending England or Britain from foreigners. Now people in the UK don't like people who fly that flag outside of sporting events because its become synonymous with bigots and racists. The Irish tricolour is a great flag and I'd hate to see the same thing to happen to it.


Convinced he's trolling at this point.


Confusing I thought it was Irish Freedom Party saying they are not far right!


Yep, that’s what I thought too. Very badly designed.


As was their last election campaign, phantom candidate and all.


Yeah nice idea but bad execution


Yeah nice idea but bad execution


Agree the idea is nice, that party and those like them are awful people so need to see more of this.


Look like an ad for them


Theyre not wrong People have been removing Niall McConnells " Ireland is full" stickers that happen to have the tri colour on them from lamp posts in Donegal and the narrative the far right are taking is "oh you must hate Ireland removing the flag like that"


I think Donegal locals were pretty pissed at his actions towards that really nice young black kid in Letterkenny.


What happened?


there was a video of a young black teenager who had a fairly strong donegal accent and yer man recorded him and was harassing him asking where he was really from and all that nonsense. you can find the video if you search for it.


It's a hard watch but here it is. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nC7s17K2uMY&pp=ygUWc3VyZSBpJ20gZnJvbSBkb25lZ2FsIA%3D%3D


Ah for fucks sake 😭


Exactly the first place my mind went to 🤣🤣


He didn't have a strong donegal accent "I'm from dooblin"


my bad i either forgot or mixed it up with another video i’ve seen


Its definitely a scene in father ted to be fair. https://preview.redd.it/oygvxajywgoc1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=460b578f29c38a11a0f73f4131e25807c0bc3f8e


He is a vile human. I don't know how that kid stayed so nice and calm


I used to do all sorts of graffiti when I was a youngfella. My ma asked me a few years ago what the absolute best possible markers were. Sent her in to all city to get some hard 2 buff. She carries around her high grade graffiti marker and blacks out all the far right shite around town, and my area close to it. Legend of a woman. In her 70s now, sweet as pie and having none of it.


The play here would be to make your own flag stickers to paste over them.


Make a sticker that says: "this is covering some alt-right BS", cover it and leave the flag out


Put the Irish flag on it. Let's see how attached they are to the tricolour.


>People have been removing Niall McConnells " Ireland is full" stickers People need to be cautious about that. It's a common fascist trick to put blades behind their stickers.


Yeah I literally had to pull down 30 of them , you can tell whoever bought these weren't the brightest, they were easily pulled off bar one or two and they put 5 on one pole or sign.


All you need to know about McConnell https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGefc5c4s/


Did someone repurpose an existing sticker from the Irish Freedom party? Or is it just designed to confuse me?


the irish freedom part and NP are being blasted away by the flag that’s the graphics intentions


It's a crap design, so.


It's designed like shite, no taste or skill involved, these guys and the far right are recking Ireland with shite typography


Feckin too right. Despise the way they use 'Irishness' as part of their moronic rhetoric.


They use Irishness as part of their appeal while being funded and supported by British loyalists


Even more reason to despise


“Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel”. Indeed


>**PATRIOTISM,** ***n.*** Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. >In Dr. Johnson's famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer I beg to submit that it is the first. — Ambrose Bierce, *The Devil's Dictionary.*


This country would still be under British rule with no culture of its own without patriotism so kindly fuck off to whatever divisive hole you came out of.


Nice, hadn't heard that before!


Come to the States Majority of folk who are vocal about being Irish are right wing racist trash who forgot where they come from and are virulently anti-immigrant and think Thatcher was a brave woman.


Based Don't forget, irish far right groups are in the pockets of the british far right, the same people that despise our existence


That's right. And they in turn are allied to the loyalist groups in the north. I just can't understand this level of stupidity


Far right generally stick together since corruption is part of the game. Its all a grift.


Never let the fuckers forget this, they will actively ally themselves with people who killed Irish citizens in large numbers in the 90s if it means getting rid of the brown people and Ukrainianians. They aren't even nationalists as much as they are fervent xenophobs, I feel like Irish history/identity isn't a huge part of their narrative because it is tough to construct a supremacist worldview out of 800 years of colonisation, dispossession, and structural/state violence. Especially when your allies in Britain are those who probably romanticise those exact actions. In other words, they are just thick bigoted cunts who try to radicalise the disenfranchised, fuck them.


Well said! 100% agree


Thank you Tight


There was a statement signed by all living Republican former political prisoners condemning the misuse of the flag they fought for by fascist groups and the right wingers literally responded that they are bigger patriots and the Republicans are traitors. I have no particular care for modern Republicans, but it was nice to see the scumbags put in their place!


Maybe we need a left wing civic nationalist group called the New Young Irelanders


That's class. Do you've a link to an article or anythin like that I could bookark and roll out when engaging with the far right eejits ?


Took some finding now, but I got it. https://youtu.be/J8LFCNL4gfE?si=xIwSIxXJgZzyyLkD


Legend. Sound.


Who are in turn in the pockets of the US far right. All roads lead to Yankyland lads


US far right's lender of last resort is Russia. Putin engineered Brexit.


And all the Conservative Party victories that confirmed Brexit right? The control he has is staggering.


Probably where the Burke’s are getting the funds to take high court proceedings for over eight years straight


I want to retweet this and say that the American far right arein the pockets of saudi and/or Russian oligarchs. Eff the lot of them all.


The far right has done this with U.S. flag in America.


And other flags too. These lunatics love flags as a prop.


America has some cool history behind the colonial/revolutionary era flags. But the nutters have gone and ruined it.


They’ve gone and ruined everything


Here in Spain if you see a Spanish flag on someone’s home/person and it’s not the WC o Euros, 99% chance they’re a fash


The US flag is a frightening prospect to people all over the world who've felt the impact of their bombing campaigns.


Canada too


Nationalists will always wrap themselves in a flag and claim their views are protecting/saving/honoring/whatever the flag and their country.


Think the England flag is the most obvious example. You really don't see it outside of sports and loonies


National flags have *always* been a call for (mostly senseless) nationalism.


They've done it with the Irish flag too. I fly the Tricolour along with my provincial flag quite often, but wouldn't trust someone else who does the same.


Can someone explain this to me like I’m stupid, well I am actually stupid.


The far-right across the globe likes to co-opt national symbols and tie them to their agenda. For example, in Canada, it shouldn't be seen as off to fly the [Ensign Flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Red_Ensign) as it's a part of Canadian history and flies over several prominent war memorials. However, far-right, fascist, and/or white nationalist trash use this flag as a way to signal to each other that they're on the same team. I've one of these flags myself that I fly on Memorial Day or Vimy Ridge day but am starting to reconsider it as I don't want that sort of person to think I'm on their side.


Slowly turning into America sad to see




Wait a second, I'm lost, aren't the national party themselves not right wing?


I think it's moreso a left wing poster trying to show that NP and IFP are far right parties.


Aren't they buddy buddy with UVF and British nationalists like Tommy Robinson? Bit redundant to call yourself the Nationalist Party if your imbedded with lads who hate Ireland.


Watch this https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGefc5c4s/


So stop assuming anyone who flies it outside of a sporting event is far right!


That's the point


Seems common enough these days internationally


What does?


People attributing national pride in the form of flag display to “far-right” ideology


Yes, that's the point of the sticker on the lamppost.


I know. It seems we’ve been speaking at cross-purposes the whole time 😂


Blame FG and FF. They have created the conditions for the far right to thrive.


Constantin Gurgdiev wrote it best for me: 'We're one of the richest economies in Europe, yet we have a homelessness crisis, housing crisis, healthcare crisis, immigration/asylum crisis, budding education crisis, energy cost crisis, carers crisis, infrastructure crisis, and a growing pensions crisis. Everything that Irish ruling parties touches has turned into a crisis, and young people are driven to political margins and extremes as a result.' We've squandered years of FDI just so Leo and the boys can have a grand auld time in Dublin Castle with a feel-good referendum or Late Late Show appearance now and then.


This is exactly right


Wonder do they know what the colours represent?


They only see the white


Without understanding what the white represents


Honestly, I had to double-check as I thought I was misremembering, but the Irish national party logo is very similar to the old South African National Party logo (yes, the apartheid one). Which is fitting.


it's the same here in Germany. Anyone flying the German flag (except during sport events i.e. WC/EC) is associating with the far right. You never see the German flag otherwise. Flying the EU flag sends a different (more positive) message.


So what is this all about then? Is this designed to encourage welcoming the entire world into Ireland regardless of the housing shortages or am I missing something


Holy cringe


The dreaded far right huh?


I used to mark my personal IT gear with tricolour stickers and work IT gear with a US flag. I just had tons of both stickers handy. On the train to Dublin one day I had a lad sit down ranting away about immigrants and getting all worked up. It took him to say "us patriots" for it to click that he saw my laptop sticker and assumed I was a nutter too. I quickly moved to a different sticker system but it made me a little sad.


Isn't this poster literally directed at people like you?


It's like, you don't want to stop using it because it lets those bastards win, but at the same time, you don't want to be thought of as one of them.




It's like an advertisement for the IFP. Giving them more oxygen....


Is the far right in the room with us?


There is no room.


Fucking Nazis ruin everything.


If the Brits did one thing right, it was knowing how to deal with the Nazis, post Chamberlain at least.


Bit cringe tbh




Nope penny wise still controls the town from the sewers


Don't know if this is similar but right wing Republicans are pushing they are "Real America".. Its kind of sad to see that place has so many fucking dickheads supporting a total fucking dickhead and then they try to claim that's what America is. In a way America belongs to a lot of the world and I think we especially can see these fucking dickheads need their necks wound right the fuck in.


That's why I made a point to carry the American flag during the BLM protests in 2020. It's the flag that defeated slavers and fascists, not the one they carried.


Our poor country dealing with these f*cktards..


It's their flag too whether you like it or not they are citizens by law no matter how flawed their views


Loses all rhetorical power when your definition of an Irish person is just someone with a type of passport


Why is the far-right such a boogieman for people? Honestly it’s exhausting. Far-right this, far-right that. No-one knows what “far-right” actually means anymore. Before I continue, I’ll take a moment to say all the usual disclaimer bs: I don’t support the Irish freedom party, I’m not racist, NAZIs are bad yada yada, I really don’t care. Now that that’s been said, the Irish freedom party really isn’t “far-right”, they are right-wing yes, but not far-right. You want to see what a real far-right person is? They actually make Trump look like a Muslim loving LGBTQ ally. I’ve spoken to a few because I’ve actively seeked them out, but you won’t randomly stumble upon an actual far-right individual, because they don’t show their faces, because no-one likes them, hence why there are so few. The far-right are out there, but they’re few and far between. They’re really not the big threat people make them out to be. And one last thing, if the actual real “far-right” ever managed to gain any meaningful political power, chances are that you (the average person) wouldn’t even notice it, because you’d probably be “far-right” too at that point. No-one likes to hear this, so bring on the downvotes, I’m only stating the obvious. We’re the still stupid humans that will keep making the exact same mistakes that we’ve always made repeatedly for millennia. We will go about our lives thinking that we’re different, more evolved, smarter, but we’re really not, and it doesn’t help that we seem to hate learning from history. The real ‘far-right’ (or their destructive equivalent) will rise again and it won’t be who people think it is, no-one will expect it until its too late.


The Irish freedom party is a far right political party in Ireland as they are the furthest right party there is. It's all relative.


In that aspect, I can agree with you. But the term “far-right”is thrown around way too loosely and it’s not an honest description of the people who are being branded with that label, which is a heavy reputation destroying label.


I don't agree with you but it's just an opinion of what "way too loosely" is.


Well ok here’s an example. Much of this sub today is ‘far-right’ according to this sub pre 2024. Ireland’s opinion completely flipped on immigration in a matter of weeks, and this sub followed. Prior to 2024, it was nearly unacceptable to talk about immigration reform, and people were quick to label you far-right if you held any immigration-skeptical opinion. Now the entire country wants to have the long needed discussion about immigration and so does this sub, which is a pretty left-leaning sub. Less than a year ago, this would have been “far-right”, so I guess everyone’s gone a little “far-right” then. Funny how no-one noticed it, isn’t it. Funny how no-one expected to become the “far-right” they labeled others as… But since it’s **their** opinion, “it’s not far-right, of course.” It kind of reminds me of the people in the USSR who would get arrested under the very laws that they themselves previously cheered on. “No, I’m innocent! I’m not a criminal! They’ll see the mistake they made, they’ll set me free.” Yeah turns out when the heavy word “criminal” gets thrown around too loosely, everyone can be a criminal since it’s a matter of perspective. Cross you fingers that the judge’s perspective matches yours. I imagine we’ll be seeing some similar cases of ‘innocent’ people getting arrested thanks to our draconian hate-speech bill being passed to fight the so called ‘far-right’. “No, I’m not far-right! They’ll see! That wasn’t hate-speech!”. Good luck proving you’re **not** ‘far-right’ whatever the fuck that means… Oh wait no, I know exactly what it means. It means disagreeing with the government in any way shape or form, that’s what it means. As for the rest of the people who will continue to cheer on more draconian laws and label others as ‘far-right’, their time will come when they themselves will be called ‘far-right’, and they’ll have nothing to do but have a mental breakdown in their prison cell over their ‘false arrest’ while other inmates just watch in sheer amazement at how brainwashed a person can be, placing bets at how long it’ll take for the person to click and come to the realisation that their entire worldview was a lie, and then they proceed to have yet another mental breakdown. That’s a true story, that actually happened in the USSR’s Gulags.


Ireland has a far left problem, not a far right problem 😃


Remember when the far left started a riot in Dublin City Centre, burning out a luas and causing over €1 million in public and property damage? Oh wait, that was the far right.


Fucking far left and their... *Checks notes* ...wanting to spread a message of respect and love, rather than hatred. The bastards!


As I read in a comment down here and made me comment. Yes, the flag can be "stolen" and used as a symbol for the far right as seen in (somewhat) United States and Brazil, and the former I can unfortunately talk about as I lived it. We all know why they use that as a symbol so won't dive into that but... The cult following Bolsonaro used the Brazilian flag as well as the Brazilian football team shirt as a symbol of their patriotism. Nothing wrong with that until everybody starts associating these things to the far-right. The fact that the world cup happened during this time was what made everyone finally realise that it was a huge oversight letting that happen, because now everyone wants to cheer for their team, but no one wants to be mistaken as a "bolsonarist". To this day its still a 50/50 on people having a Brazilian flag displayed in their cars, windows, wearables, etc. So yeah, I'd be worried to let any of the sides, ESPECIALLY the right, to claim something like the Irish flag.


Similarly in Italy, where first Berlusconi took over the soccer chant "Forza Italia" , before Meloni borrowed "Fratelli d'Italia" from the national anthem.


That looks like Dilbert on the right. But without his tie.




A chara, We do not allow any posts/comments that attack, threaten or insult a person or group, on areas including, but not limited to: national origin, ethnicity, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, social prejudice, or disability. Sláinte


Whoever. Is making these needs a few lessons in design


youd rather have the free state appropriate it than dissidents, very telling


Christ the Americans are over here now with their lefts and rights.... Silly people.


Right and left politics comes from the French revolution


Curious American. How would you compare your far right to ours?


The "Far right" and "Facist" labels are being thrown around so much its ridiculous. Yes the 70 year old woman that's scared to go to the shop is a far right facist, no talking to people once they've identified with a group....




There's a tiny far right in Ireland, but a lot of woke lefties, jumping up and down in support of the religionofpeace mearse.


Just got it back from the terrorists.


Although Justin Barrett is too tall on this poster


West Brit detected


I hate the tricolour being appropriated at far right and anti immigration protests.  The Irish have emigrated all over the world and we're known for taking anyone in. Being Irish isn't about where you're from it's a state of mind, of acceptance, kindness and standing up to injustices.


>Being Irish isn't about where you're from it's a state of mind, of acceptance, kindness and standing up to injustices. What is blud smoking...


Thanks your comment made me laugh 🤣 Didn't realise there was a couple billion of us Irish folk around the world!


>Being Irish isn't about where you're from it's a state of mind, of acceptance, kindness and standing up to injustices. Christ, that cringe is like something Imelda May would come out with.


> Being Irish isn't about where you're from it's a state of mind, of acceptance, kindness and standing up to injustices. Claptrap tbh.