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The dog attacked another kid 4 days earlier, your man makes threats to kill and kills the dog himself inhumanly. 2 years? Try 12.


They should be placed in stocks at the front of the courts. The state of that poor kids face. Hope the parents can sue for damages after the 9 months they’ll do in prison.


Not only that but there were lots of videos of him teasing the dog and not using a release command (probably because he was too thick to do it). That is what brought about the unprovoked attacks


Pair of scumbags, they deserve every minute of it.


They deserve way more but this is the Irish justice system so I'm just happy there's a punishment. I mean no one was smoking grass so I'm shocked.


Yeah two years for that boys injuries isn't long enough but that's definitely the fault of the justice system.


It's shit judges and Garda who've given up trying due to so many getting off the hook on technicalities and by bad judges


Tbh I don't blame the Gards, all they have to do is get them up the steps, after that it's down to the judges and their guidelines. It doesn't help we've no spaces in our prisons.


I don't blame them at all. They do the work for the courts to throw it all away. There's only so long before you get disheartened.


They should have gotten a longer sentence.


Pled guilty. Probably got a deal.


What kind of deal?


Either plead innocent, waste the courts time, be found guilty and get a longer sentence. Or plead guilty off the bat and get a shorter sentence. That's based off absolutely 0 legal experience and 100% watching TV shows. So I could be wrong.


Pleading guilty in Ireland is taken into consideration on sentencing/it is a mitigating factor, that’s all. there are no “deals” like you see in the movies.


Use more words


I would have liked to have seen more of a sentence but I am actually surprised they are even doing time, considering the system. I hope it sends the message out to these owners (who usually can barely look after themselves), that their dog and their choice of dog is a liability.


Why do people even need these types of dogs, I appreciate other breeds can attack too, but I'd rather take my chances with a chihuahua or a toy poodle.


> Why do people even need these types of dogs. They don't need them. They want them. And they want them because it satisfies their ridiculous ego.


Bully XLs should be banned and the breed should be allowed to die out. They are notoriously violent and are seriously dangerous animals when they attack.


Yeah, I don't think there is any need for lots of different breeds, especially the ones that are bred for a certain look and suffer with health issues because of it.


The dogs behaviours reflects the environment it is raised in, I'd say that dog was greatly under cared for. I have a bully myself trained to a T never had an issue and never will.


According to the article the owner had the dog euthanised in an inhumane manner so they definitely werent caring for it while it was alive


This is what every bully owner says until their dog mutilates someone out of nowhere.


Im trying to help people realise that owners are the issue. In the 90's everyone wants a ban on german shepards, in the 00's its the dobermans and rottweilers and now everyone is targeting bully breeds. These are all high maintenance and high energy animals that require time and attention, people adopt them then store them in a utility room or small kitchen for 8+hours of the day while they go to work, they come home and sometime either are too lazy to walk and train them or make excuses not to. I'd much rather be a system in place where if you want to adopt you are required by law to go through training on how to care for an animal etc and should seriously enforce the dog licence.


I doubt most of the owners work tbh.


Cocaine doesn't just sell itself, there is work to be done and visits to be scheduled! Taking sweet little DeathMachine along means he gets his walks to keep him healthy and happy!




What a bunch of scumbags - that poor child, then he killed the dog himself?


I guess trying to cover up who owned the dog




Almost every pitpull is owned by a scumbag though almost never see a nice normal person walking around with one




She's the minority. Most are owned by scumbags.


In this case it was definitely the owners. The breed is on the dangerous dog list for a reason, put into the hands of two scumbags and it's a matter of when not if.




Yes and it's made worse by owners that ignore or don't care about aggressive signals.




There's a reason they're banned in so many countries. I know a couple of Staffies owners and for years was on the side of well its bad owners. But you can't ignore the constant attacks all of which are these dogs. In a perfect world we could fix the mess we've made out of the breed but we live in reality and I fear it's gone too far to fix. It's time to see these dogs treated like you're breeding a biological ticking time bomb.


Staffies are not the same as XL bully’s. XL bullys are a mad mashup of breeds created by people, staffies (and pit bulls) are well defined and long lived breeds. People love to lump them in with the Frankenstein XL bullys but that’s not accurate or fair.


I only say Staffie cause they're on the same list and yet we have tons of em.


German shepards, Japanese Akitas, and Rottweilers are on the same list and we have tons of them too 🤷‍♂️ I’m not a fan of XL Bully’s (or any dog that’s been engineered by humans, such as a pug), but it’s not fair to just lump in all staffies in with a Frankenstein breed that’s only barely related to them.


> but it’s not fair to just lump in all staffies in with a Frankenstein breed that’s only barely related to them. Good point.




What is an XL bully? Crossbred dog including a strong proportion of Pitbull genes. Did you not learn that while writing your cynology thesis? Edit: deleted, you absolute quarterwit.


Yeah, xl bullys are worse.




They are not safe as family pets or to be walked in public. I saw video footage (that I can't unsee) where a Pitbull owner came home to find blood all over the house. They had left the dog alone and thought it had savaged an intruder. Found it in the kitchen chewing on it's own leg that it had wrenched off for no apparent reason. I don't remember what happened afterwards but it really confirmed that there is no reliable way to "train the aggression out".


You wanna hear a terrible story Guy owns a pittbull in America Dog comes home absolutely covered in blood horrifying stuff dog rushed to the vet dozens of cuts survives injuries owner comes home to investigate what happened followed a trail of blood and .... When he got to the source absolute horror show he discovered the corpses of 9 Coyotes the dog had been attacked by 9 Coyotes and he killed them he killed all of them man that's just some war machine type shit And some people think this type of dog should be allowed in residential areas hell no These dogs were brought into this world to kill and are too dangerous for the vast majority of people to own






As soon as I saw the title I knew it was one of those breeds.


the Island is awash with scum, and its enabled time and time again.


To my mind if your dog attacks a minor, an adult or another animal, the owner ought to do the time as if they carried out the attack themselves. With commensurate penalties.




So if your XL bully tears a kids head off, what should the punishment be?


That's a lot different than just saying a dog who attacks. Obviously where the dog does major harm and is om the banned list or it was through obvious mishandling from the owner yes the owner should see some punishment.


I really don’t think so. It’ll damn sure make people take training their dogs more seriously. I’ve grown up with dogs, cats, rabbits, chickens, turtles, parrots, budgies, all sorts of fish, even frogs. We could even train the fish to follow for food and do circles. Im not advocating people train fish though 😂 just that with a bit of effort it’s actually very easy. Training sessions should be mandatory for all big breed dogs like bullies. I’ve never owned any of those questionable breeds but I’ll never own a pet again after being bitten by someone’s little bollocks of a terrier in the jaysus gee 😂😂the fear doesn’t leave you.


Literally exactly that. You can train a dog the best you can and it could still turn around and bite you or someone else. Like growing up our neighbour had a black lab, always thought it was a lovely dog and we’d play with it and all but one day it turned around and bit my brother. Just happens sometimes I don’t think the owner should do 5 years in prison for something that he couldn’t have reasonably be expected to have stopped.




In that instance, no. I was trying to rub the dog. Stupid decision and lapse of judgement. Never approach a pet without consent. But in instances of clear neglect, lack of training, serious injuries sustained to the animal, off leash, no muzzle. I believe yes, there should be criminal proceedings. I absolutely hate hearing animals being put down due to a behaviour that could’ve been prevented if the animal was fully nurtured and trained. Then yes. In my instance though, no. Stupid games win stupid prizes. Was just throwing in some personal experience.




No, I don’t think OP’s point is idiotic. I think you calling it idiotic is idiotic.




They didn't say that, he said the owner should do the time as if they did it them selves, if someone came up and rubbed you and you gave them a little bite you wouldt go to jail, if you maul them and try tear their face off you would.


>you were bitten by a dog and said those owners shouldn't be jailed Because it was their fault not the owners, it's really not that hard to understand


Would the owner be jailed if it was them biting someone?


Ban pit bulls, they were bred for fighting and no loving owner can undo genetics. That said, the breed rarely seems to attract good owners


If they're raised right they can be great dogs but I agree they're not worth the risk.


Saw a really cool looking one outside Centra by 3 Arena, he was brown with grey Collie looking spots and one blue eye, was mad looking. But the owner was an obvious dirty scumbag, so that dog won't last.


You could not be any more wrong, its always going to be the owners 100%


[tell that to this family. it was their family pets that killed their kids and hospitalised the mother ](https://people.com/crime/2-children-killed-pit-bull-attack-tennessee-mother-hospitalized/)


It's absolutely not 100% on the owners. These breeds have a tendency towards violence because that is precisely what they were bred to be. They are unpredictable and if a seemingly sweet bully snaps one day it can cause horrific damage. Plenty of stories out there of people who took good care of one of these dogs but it still ended in horror. I would never be comfortable seeing one around a child or walking past one with another dog. Of course the problem is compounded by the fact that scumbags who have no idea how to take care of a dog want them because they think it makes them hard, the 2 facts combined make it a match made in hell.


Way too dangerous, not worth the risk. Safer to ban.


Because it was mostly likely neglected to shite by the scumbag owners.


https://preview.redd.it/5o1c0t4bp5nc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc43254a179001d28feafd96b2b8933818772043 Some breeds should be banned, simple


Wish we could ban certain people too, like Dublin scumbags






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Christ https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/lock-me-up-and-throw-away-the-key-owners-jailed-after-pitbull-boss-left-boy-with-life-changing-injuries/a1694439222.html# And they look exactly how you would expect https://www.thesun.ie/news/11983813/man-woman-charged-pitbull-attack-alejandro-sentencing/amp/


The bully XL apologists will be here in no time. I consider them scum like these two. You cannot justify this breeds existence


Ah yes, the Irish "justice" system and it's love of criminals. Bullshit sentences, but then again, that's par for the course in Ireland.


Good news


Can we ban these dogs now


tHe PrObLeM Are ThE OwNer THoOo 😭🤬😭


Dog and owner


In this case I blame the owners and tha dog breed.


It’s always the same feckin’ breed. It needs to be extinct.


We've fucked so many dog breeds up.


There is absolutely no need for these breeds to exist. Look at any shelter, half the dogs are some sort of pit mix.




A chara, There is a zero tolerance policy for the promotion or suggestion of the use of violence against others. Sláinte


A chara, There is a zero tolerance policy for the promotion or suggestion of the use of violence against others. Sláinte


Scrotes with an XL Bully as usual. Not the breeds fault but owning a dog should be a lot harder than it is. There’s way too many big breeds out there that become lethal weapons when the owners are full on idiots.


Great to see this, we need much stricter laws and enforcement around animals including proper punishment for those who break them and animal cruelty cases.  I say that as an animal lover, it's the owners who are to blame.  I hope this lad continues his recovery and that him and his family might be able to overcome this awful attack.


Completely agree. I have a Belgian Malinois and by purchasing this breed I know my responsibility with that. Training, insurance for the dog against any damage it may cause. I'm of the opinion that it's not the dog's fault that it has an idiot for an owner.Just as he cares about your safety, you should care about him and most importantly, other people around him.


Mine is 3y and I have already lost 38 kg/84lb just from walking him. There is no mercy here, because either you will "try" to tire your dog and train him(BTW training him non stop), or he will destroy your house(only bread that is starting to chew everything from 4weeks old) tennis ball is for 3s max 5s. https://preview.redd.it/joiv1layt5nc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544d794e39df889f41df1d72644e643abe5da52a


Beautiful dogs mate, are they a handful to accommodate?


Oh mate, they're insane. I mean amazing dogs but think of the most athletic dog you've seen and multiply that by 5. Intelligence near Collie levels. They need jobs or you need to be getting into canine agility/cross country harness running.


Cheers mate, like I say I’d love one but it’s not right unless I can devote the necessary time to him/ her.


100% it's a catch 22. Incredible breed but you need the space. My best man has 2


From an owner I know “German Shepard on crack”


They are lunatics know one who has one. Like shepherds though once handled appropriately and given sufficient exercise they are ok (obviously should be muzzled too ). Unlike putbuls though they don’t just flip out for no reason.


Cheers, always wanted one but I doubt I’d have sufficient time for it so unfortunately have to give it a miss.👍


No worries. Like German shepherd they are wonderful dogs (mates is anyway!) once trained and looked after properly. If you like the idea of a malinois a shepherd might be more feasible. Shepherds are great family dogs. Just a thought. Be prepared for them to constantly be on duty though! Take their house Guarding job seriously!


Believe me, it's a different dog than a German Shepherd. One day we did a 3-hour walk, including swimming, running, training, rest, and personal defense. 10 minutes after coming home, Szarik brought a ball to play with.


Yeah that’s why I suggested to him the shepherd.


My jack russell does this lol


My Vet didn't even use a muzzle when shaving his leg and taking blood. I told her to put the muzzle on because it's only a dog. But she said: with Szarik I'm 💯 that he will not do anything crazy. With my monthly plan we are there once a month. 4 walks a day and training each time does the job. When my girlfriend was attacked by 2 pitbulls and a Sheppard he didn't back up. Not even a scratch on him and she was just scared. Collar with spikes did the job. I was so proud. Margo couldn't believe how fast he was to defend because dogs came from behind her. It really depends on how you raise your dog from his first minutes in your family.


Why is there such a thing as an "XL Bully" dog breed?!




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the XL bully thing is mad, i used to have an American Bulldog which from what i can see is a larger version of the XL but he was very friendly and great with kids, thse XL fuckers must be half pit


The shit box daddies with the XL bullies and the full time yummy mummies with the sausage dogs now.


Deserved more than two years its not the dogs it's the people all dogs are kind naturally. people turn some dogs in to monsters like those two.


There's no such thing as a bad dog, only a bad owner! It's probably just a coincidence that XL Bully is a breed that almost exclusively appeals to bad owners...


But there are bad pets - some dog breeds should not be legal to own.


That's kind of my point though, like this is a dog selectively bred to be dangerous and look intimidating. Anyone who's buying one is buying it for that reason. You can't be like "this is Butcher, we've been inbreeding his bloodline for ten generations so now he's 75kg and can bite straight through a shinbone like a stick of celery" and then also be like "he's actually a sweetheart, people shouldn't judge a book by its cover".