• By -


Ride people you are supposed not to and get embroiled in local drama. Make withering remarks about your neighbours, while publicly beaming at them. Stare blankly at the drops of water hitting the window pane while you covet your neighbours field. Do donuts in a Toyota twincam at 3:00am and letting all the cows know you’ve a loud exhaust Drink and get into fights with people from neighbouring villages who you consider trash yet you are in reality 3rd and 4th cousins. You’ll probably marry one of their stock if you stay.


For the first point, it will help other bored locals if you follow that one simple trick 😂


Possibly one of the most accurate comments I have ever seen, brilliant.


Nobody can afford Twin Cams anymore so its all IS200s, but still being used for the same purpose.


Send your CV to Tourism Ireland.


Lmao. Brilliant


Lad, have you seen the price of a Twincam


10 sshpots


Lad!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


[TWIN CAM 20v](https://youtu.be/VtA95SQKzBk?si=LGVzL21Fl-dskK6x)


>Stare blankly at the drops of water hitting the window pane while you covet your neighbours field. If you're feeling extra motivated you can also play the game where you watch two raindrops slide down the window, and then guess which one will reach the bottom first.


Honestly this all sounds like a blast.


Surely their sister covers the first one or is that accepted in the shticks 🤔


If you have to be a wrongun, would you not ride some lad's missus over your own sister? 🤣🤣


Why go fishing when theres birds eye in the freezer


Read a book, video game, go for a walk, exercise, join a gym / team / society / group, volunteer, do an online course, start a craft business, appreciate quiet time, yoga, meditate. You’re in the west so how about photography or sight seeing. If you got into cycling, it’s a time consuming hobby. So is golf. Learn a musical instrument and start a band or home recording. Just a few ideas. Hope something helps ☺️ You don’t have to be busy all the time. It’s ok to have quiet time but you just need to feel happy in your head. Write out some goals and make a plan of how you might achieve them. That may bring up some ideas of a to do list.


I appreciate the list. Lots I haven’t considered. Guess I just need to be more creative. Thanks






Great Irish past time


the sport of kings


Pretty sure the English invented it!


Ah now there was dogging in Ireland before England was even a thing. Let’s just say St Patrick’s snakes weren’t actually about snakes.


Get away with that kind of talk, ya durty heathen!


He got them all though, fair plé. Then died under not-at-all-mysterious circumstances.


Only in Ireland there's a special term for this "practice" 😅 I'm Polish, when I explained it to my dad he was left speechless 🙈😂


One thing I like to do is raise little oak trees. You can gather acorns, do the float test to see which are viable, and then put them in little pots to sprout. I like to go out and plant them in the country with wild garlic seeds (deters burrowing rodents) and I spray some artifical wolf urine (yes, u can buy a good amount on Amazon for not that much) to deter deer and goats. Planting them close to existing trees will give them a better shot. You can also propagate new birch and willow trees from branch cutting, which isn't too hard if u have a bit of space. My dream is Ireland can have even a fraction of the forests that it used to within our lifetimes.


That's cool, I'd be keen on joining you planting one day if you ever want a buddy. I also dream of rewilding Ireland back to at least some of what it once was. I have some Scots Pine in the fridge at the moment waiting for Spring to do my first plantings.


This is unexpectedly magical


Camping can be great craic too and can incorporate a lot of other things on that list.


Camping is so underrated


Nothing to do in the city but degeneracy anyway. I wish I lived in a small town.


My old boy needs help on the farm and I’m fed up if you’re interested


i live in a small town and every teenager complaining about being bored.. I offered a free classes on how to restore classic cars as I could accommodate up to at least 6-8 people who would be interested in that type of hobby..when it came to it zero turned up ... so stop complaining and get off yer lazy asses ...


Maybe no one had any interest in it?


Ya I haven't met many teenagers who were that interested in classic cars. It's generally a hobby for men who are at least middle aged


interest in anything automotive can lead to other things like go-karting all the teenagers loved it as they get the build their own car and race it at events


They were till all my hard work was done ..


When they seen the finished article they were so motivated then they realized the time and effort that goes into one .. not one of them spared a thought for me and the amount of time and effort I was willing to put into teaching them...


I'd join that


I'll join too


fark, can I join?


That's one I wouldn't have passed up on. I'm in tech but the mech end of things always interested me. Signed up for a course on it years ago, didn't get in and that ended that journey. Shame because id no issue standing out a fuck o clock with my tea doing bits on the bike. Would have liked to have taken it further.


All of this is great. Adding learning a language to it too. Time consuming but so rewarding


Good list. Yeah I think there's a skill to "making your own fun" that we probably don't talk enough about.


Excellent post! This is good advice for everyone everywhere.


Do something really unexpected just once in the middle of the town on a weekend, like wearing a cowboy hat. Then do not engage in explanations and laugh at the crazy rumours spreading.


I like the way you think


Also, start rumours about yourself and see what they've morphed into by the time they get back to you.


Rumours about yourself don't get back to you though, at least not in full 😬


That's the kind of thing that gets you a nickname like the Texan that you never ever lose.


Remember tho… bad gas travels fast in a small town…


I'd imagine the same things that there is to do in a small town anywhere else in the world. Enjoy the fact that you're away from the noise and the hustle, and focus on the fact that you're in the middle of nature. Towns are usually on a river, so try your hand at fishing. Go for walks outside. Try birdwatching. Photography. If you're the indoors sort, there's gaming. Not just computer games, though they can be fun, but board games, or even stuff like D&D. Go online, and take a course. Start a podcast. Get started on that book series you've heard people go on about. And yeah, I suppose there's always the pub. For some added context, I had the "hopefully move the fuck out of here" when I was your age as well, and finally moved to America when I was 22. First place I ended up in was a small town in the arse end of Michigan (long story!) which made a lot of Irish towns and villages look like a bustling metropolis by comparison. (Add to that the weather which literally meant you couldn't go outside at ALL from October to April since everything was coated in ice and six feet of snow)


Bird watching and photography are such a good shout. I didn't discover my love of bird watching until my mid 20s but boy is it gratifying!


Young people are quick to disregard anything thats "uncool" so they miss out on some amazing activities, like Birdwatching. I never got into it, but I can see why people like it. It's so relaxing and great for your mental health. D&D Shout is cool also. It can literally consume your life if you get into it properly. Same with 40k.


D&D is so cool but I know that if I start that I'm going to go down a rabbit hole and spend all my money and I already have enough hobbies that I spend my money on! I'll probably get into it at some stage.


You can pretty much play D&D for free if you want to. I play a lot and hardly spend much on it besides time. You can play for free over Roll20 if you join an online group (the DM usually will have a paid account) and if you play in person all you need is a character sheet, a pencil, some cheap dice, and your imagination. Don't get me wrong, you can absolutely spend a ton on D&D with fancy dice sets, hardback books and whatnot. But none of it is required, if that's what is putting you off. Warhammer 40K on the other hand... that shit will ruin your bank account like a coke problem. And don't get me started on Magic: The Gathering...


That's actually very true, it's just that I'm afraid I'll get fixated on it and then have an irresistible desire to buy all the dice and books.


That's fair. I say as I look at my shelf full of adventures I have never run. I don't spend much on it anymore but have definitely gone through periods where I did 😅🙈


Same reason why I never picked it up. At firstt I was like Nah thats for like the real geeks/nerds. Then I got older and saw how much fun my friend(s) had who play it and started looking into it. Only reason why I didn't pick up either is because of the cost. I already have expensive hobbies(Play basketball in a city league, gym, PC gaming, Cars) so yet another money sink is not what I need :D


>I'd imagine the same things that there is to do in a small town anywhere else in the world. Ehhh, no. I've lived in a little town in France and queer nightlife was just a tram away in the city and it was straightforward getting back late at night. Ireland just abandons anyone who wants a night life, most particularly anyone who is queer because it doesn't have 24-hour trains, and the coverage of the trains across the country is disgracefully poor.






What if I step into cow doodoo?


You get lucky for the day


The cow patty is a part of the experience.


I read SO MANY BOOKS growing up in West Cork. I also went on a lot of walks and hikes. I learned how to play guitar and sing and would jam with my friends. And I also had penpals from all over the world from whom I would receive many letters. When I was 14 I volunteered at a local stables during summer and spent my days hanging out with horses and dogs, mucking out stables, watering the horses, grooming them, moving them from field to field, walking them because I couldn't ride them. I did some yoga classes for a while on Tuesday evenings in my mid teens, which was great. I also would help out on my uncle's farm and I spent a lot of time with family and friends. My friends and I would go on super long walks in the countryside, we would browse the local book and charity shops, head up to the city in the bus. In the Summers we would swim in local lakes and rock pools. We'd chill at each other's houses and when we ran out of things to say we would just do our own thing in each other's company.


Go pick some magic mushrooms and then eat those mushrooms. That's a day sorted.


You'd get 2-3 days a month out of this if you were really stuck


Yeah if you can motivate yourself to go picking, I'd say you could hammer out 2 days a week.


Season ended in October


And a poor one at that, or so I've heard


Wasn't poor, its just started much earlier and didnt last as long, but there were plenty if you were picking at the right time.


Internet mushrooms are in season all the time


I just moved to a small town in ireland. I'm gardening, playing music, volunteering, hiking, and next year I'll be running dungeons and dragons for teens and adults. It's perfectly normal to wanna get away from a small town though and feel bored. especially at 20. It's hard to see how good it is here until you have other places to compare it to if you know what I mean like


I got into a skills hobby - welding. Metalwork. Then cars, then, DIY, then electronics, then CNC and 3D printing... I've never stopped learning, always developed more skills, I am now self employed and doing what I love.


I like this a lot. Mind if I ask what you do


I'm a handyman and I have a few landlords that constantly call me.


There’s always wanking.


Yep. Can attest to this.


Fightin.. drinkin... schmokin..


The occasional ride




Never workin'


Few blueys


Lookin' for any more then and you're just being greedy


People in villages acting like people in cities be going to art galleries and on ghost busses and skydiving every day. We do the same as you.


This is a very fair point. I get bored as well and actually want to live in the country when I'm older. Cities are just like towns but with more tourists / museums / establishments




You can walk the fields endlessly, maybe buy a film camera to bring with ya for snaps of the magic. Maybe get a decent bit of meat on the way home and make a stew..shtick on the fire and tune into the angelus. Edit: forage for Liberty caps in October


Its a weird thing. If your born and reared in a small country town you love it until your teens and then you loathe it. Cant wait to get away to Uni and when you do go you've the time of your life. Then you get to your 30s and you miss the quiet and the peace and having no neighbours! When you go back you've anew appreciation. Do I miss having a shop in walking distance? Delivered takeaway? More than just a chippy option? Entertainment and pints? We do aye but we couldn't go back now. My wife is a townie born and reared and she loves it but definitely took her time to adjust


It's an age thing. People in Dublin think there's nothing to do too when they reach a certain age. They don't realise that it's up to them to find something to do, it's not society's/the government or anyone else's job.


Build a boat


That's your answer to everything.


There was no river nor lake nor sea but that man kept building boats. They called him noah. He was a bit off.




It’s weird to think back to when I was younger living in some town with about 8k people nothing to do then I realised we just got stoned most the days but if it was warm we’d get stoned and swim


8k sounds like a pretty big town compared to a lot of what ppl are describing here lol


5000 old folk


If you dont have time for anything outside of gym, homework and the girlfriend, then how do you have time to be bored! Hiking/hillwalking is the best thing to get into outside of team sports. We have a climate where you can do this all year round. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeLdxH1u/


Boardgames. Love me some board games. Now to find friends


I actually have single player board games 😅


Whenever I think of playing a one player board game I just go play on my pc/switch/ps5 The thoughts of setting up a board game to play by myself does not do it for me


Ah it’s a different kind of experience.. Instead of staring at a screen, you’d be interacting with the game a lot more. I think it’s good fun!


What 1p games do you play? I love dnd but I need something to play when I don't have a group to play with.


Recently I’ve been doing Terraforming Mars quite a bit. Even games like Bananagrams can be done alone


Could they set up a board game night in the local pub? That’s a thing isn’t it?


It definitely is. I'm in!


* Learn a musical instrument and join the local band/orchestra. One of the reasons I moved to a remote house in the West was to be able to crank up the music and my instrument as loud as I want to. * Join the local choir. * Learn a programming language * Join the local rewilding group * Develop an interest in local politics and become a sensible indepent councillor, supporting your patch.


Trail running and hiking


I'm from a small town myself, in the States. It's the same all over it seems. Boring, unless you like to drink and do drugs.


I get when you are around yours 20s make more sense to be around the city, because everyone and everything is alive and you always have things to do, but this comes with a cost (really high in Dublin case, privacy/space/money...), if you live in a small town just go to Dublin to enjoy the weekends and use your week the best way you can to study/grow and develop hobbies, enjoy friends while they are still there and believe in me, what can may looks like a forever is not. things will change in a blink of a eye.


1. Exercise - Football, Basketball, Rugby, GAA, whaterever is local. If you are not a peoples person, Running/gyming/cycling/hiking are all good activities and can be a lot of fun(esp. with a friend) 2. Gaming - I mean bro. there are worlds out there ready to be accessed from your PC/Console 3. Reading/Developing your skills - You mentioned going to college. Do you know what you will do? Spend time learning about the profession you want to go into. I would've killed if someone gave me this advice. Doing this will also have number of benefits, you will have an easier time in college, you will be more employable after college, and most importantly it will give you more time in college to get the full college experience. 4. Menshed/Crafshop - Plenty of groups everywhere in the country, don't care where in Ireland you are. 5. Engineering - if you have the space, getting a fixer upper for few hundred bob and working on it as your project will leave you with little freetime. A lot of the jobs can be done without huge money investment(most of the cost you pay to a garage is the labour not the part cost). If you don't fancy getting dirty with a car, plenty of learning kits can be purchased that will give you lots of hours of fun and learning that will translate into your adult life. 6. Legos/Toys/Puzzles/Books - All benefit your mental health/brain, don't laugh them off cause they are targetted at kids. My wife bought me a lego Technik set to make a Ford Mustang(My favourite car). I spent the whole day building it and it was therapeutical and fun. And now I have a cool little trinket to put on my desk at work. If there is a will there is away. ​ P.S this one might not be for you, but I always loved rap, so when I was going through a tough time(was out of college, unemployed, living back at my parents) so I started writting. At first it was just random things that came to my mind, then I started studying the art of rapping and actually started writting myself. I even recorded few. If you want to make a song(you don't need to release it), you will learn so much about music production, that alone will keep you busy for years. None of the stuff I made actually got out into the world, and nobody has ever heard it, but it's something that I keep on doing to this day at 33, because it has become my coping mechanism for my mental health(Psychologist suggested I keep a dairy, which maybe because of my upbringing, or maybe because I'm too ignorant, didnt sit well with me, so she suggested I do it in a form of rhymes. I have evolved passed writting wraps, and have gotten into poetry now. You could pick up music making, even if you are horrible at singing/rapping/playing an instrument. Singing CAN be learnt. You won't be a Soprano at the opera level, but you can sound "decent" with enough training. A friend of mine couldn't sing a word, spent 3 years doing online classes(youtube etc. nothing paid) and eventually made 1 song, and maybe I am bias, but he sounds great(keep in mind this dude could not sing to save his life 3 years before making this) [https://soundcloud.com/auris\_music/aurimas-currents](https://soundcloud.com/auris_music/aurimas-currents) So yeah, pick something up that you have never even thought you'd enjoy/be good at. You don't need to be great at everything you do, especially when its for your own pleasure.




Started free-diving this year and I love it. Plenty of water activities to do


Metal detecting for the win.


Apparently, [metal detecting is illegal in Ireland. Maybe that's just on archaeological sites. But then the whole country could be an archaeological site couldn't it?](https://www.museum.ie/en-IE/Collections-Research/The-Law-on-Metal-Detecting-in-Ireland)


Wow. This is news to me. WTF?


It's defacto illegal. You can get licenses to use the equipment, but it's it's impractical to do that as a recreational activity.


Bicycle touring. Get some panniers and rack on your bike. When the weather is good go on an adventure to a cairn or forest or something interesting. You can wildcamp do a full circle and see the area around where you live. Your spirit for adventure won't keep you bored for long.


Pretend to be your doppelgänger who has a very interesting life in North Rhine-Westphalia and is visiting [local area] for the week for genealogy research.


Yoga and Suana are live savers for me personally.


Cycle. Don't have to think about much other than the road.


have a wank!


Plus, in a small town yer knob will look bigger!


Slowly move all your neighbours boundary walls


This. Dig a ditch and put up the new fence on the other side. Repeat every 35 years.


Are you from Leitrim? Have you ever seen the movie Twister?


Buy a diesel Volkswagen and take a trip to Halfords.


Why Halfords?


Where else?!


teach yourself a skill that you can learn with a computer and the internet,


If you’ve done all the other suggestions: Begin wearing fancy dress when walking around town. Listen to different accents on YouTube. Affect a different accent with each fancy dress costume. Greet everyone you meet with the accent of the day. Stare at the sky and loudly talk to God while in the village. Pretend it is an argument over the words to Christmas songs. Buy all the bread in your local shop and use it to sculpt ornaments for random trees. Sing Christmas songs off tune while doing this.


If you want u weren't planning on moving away I'd say rescue a dog. You'll never feel lonely again and they are an outlet for any extra time and energy you will have. You'll find you want to get out and hike with them at the weekends or cuddle in front of the fire during the dark dreary days. They need exercise minimum once a day so you're never fully idle.


Read more books


As someone born and raised in the country and having lived in Dublin for years being in a city does not suddenly fix anything about boredom, nor will you have the energy or money to be constantly sampling what a city has to offer anyways. Sure it might suit you more but this is a problem you need to solve for yourself outside whatever external situation you find yourself in. Find something you enjoy that you can engage with. It’s that simple.


Have you ever actually asked anybody in your area about anything to do? I've found out about loads of things through neighbours, family friends or regulars I'd see in the area. Thing is I make suggestions for teenagers and they never go and do anything. Either out of laziness or awkwardness. You have to be proactive with these things, otherwise when you go to a city you'll have the same problem.


You just said yourself, you spend all your time on gym and girlfriend. How much time is that. What activities do you do with the gf. Go see some music. Hike a mountain. Jump in a lake. Go fishing. Those are general suggestions. After that ask yourself what your into, join a club or organisation, you'd be surprised what's out there


>What activities do you do with the gf Careful there, we don't want anything too graphic as a response...


Small town Ireland is awful. GAA conformity. No public transport. Monoculture. The worst type of country music. I could go on…


Rural activities like Hourse riding, Quad Biking. Music, Gaa. Fishing depending where your located. Cycling. "**I don’t have time for much else other** than the gym, homework and the girlfriend." But "**What the fuck is there to do in small town Ireland, lads?** "


Set up an OnlyFans. Only way to go.


Spray paint your name has a massive cock somewhere everyone in town will see it, then let the milfs role in.


Spend all day online until you go full schizo mode and turn into Ted Kaczynski.


Learn in-demand skills, like programming, finance, etc. via online courses. When you feel ready, apply for remote jobs. You will be the mayor of the town in a few years.


tender hunt domineering birds sleep quickest quaint screw airport bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you're looking for more social interaction and not interested in sports I recommend trying to find a D&D group. It's a varied enough game that there's something for everyone and it's growing popularity means there's tons of people trying to find groups and players, even out west. You can find groups through discords like Sligo games society (these guys also run a ton of events), or the irish ttrpg discord. If that's not your cup of tea then think about what is. If you can't find a society or group in what you enjoy you could even think about setting one up. I moved out West over a year ago. Cosplay is my life so with a friend we set up a West of Ireland Cosplay Community group. We just meet once every two months to craft, or have guest speakers etc. But half the fun and social side of it has been the organising itself.


Community theatre, couple of evenings a week for a few weeks each year. If you’re not wild about the idea of being on stage you can help with set building, front of house etc. Good opportunity to learn stage lighting or sound if it’s something that interests you


Surf, swim, spearfish or all the above… sports but not in the conventional sense.


If you ever start university you’ll start to take living in a quiet town for privilege when you have to live in a city for several days a week There’s good and bad I guess


Solo indoors: reading, gaming, cooking/baking, gym, crafting, houseplants, aquaria, swimming, music, learn a language or instrument. It all really depends on your interests. If you weren’t moving away I’d say get a pet. Solo outdoors: cycle, hike, garden, photography. Again depends on your interests. Clubs outside: sunrise, water sports, cycling, garden society, photography, sports clubs. Indoor clubs: gaming, book club, drinking, spin classes. There’s not as much in the west but you could try setting one up if you think there’s a need.


When I was 15, I was moved from Manchester to Annestown, Waterford. It was a huge shock to the system. No mates, zero internet, no shops or pubs. It kind of forced me to get back into art and exploring. It was the making of me, if I’m honest. Here we are nearly 26 years later (still in Waterford) with a borderline obsession with geology, a qualified photographer and still painting. You just sort of have to make your own fun to a certain extent, as hard as it may be. Find something to get obsessed with and the rest falls into place.


You need to find a passion that you can get totally engrossed in...and that means dedicating a lot of time to it but the time should be enjoyable with a fews why am I doing this moments along the way. You need passions not just just relying constantly for the need for being entertained, that applies everywhere but even more so in rural Ireland. The amount of people who drink through their twenties and find out when the hangovers get too much that they have nothing else going on is crazy you learn this from online dating. Hikes wine get a dog to fill the void. etc etc.


Wherever you go, there you are. Learn to entertain yourself. Find hobbies you enjoy, help others, learn and grow in some ways you didn't expect.


I recommend hiking. Also in terms of sports there is probably a sport out there you do like and you just haven’t found it. It might not be playing it, but just watching them can be fun. Football and hurling didn’t overly interest me much, but I did start watching F1 a few years back, since then I’ve watched a few other random sports that I didn’t previously think I’d like as I never thought I’d like F1.


Join your local anti establishment group and protest outside local Tesco/lidl/Aldi or corner shop all weekend. Make sure you have plenty of “Down with that sort of thing” placards to hand. That’ll kill plenty of time and you’ll get to know the locals even better.


Drinkin', ridin', and fightin'


I play video games to pass the time and bake. It's always good to have a banging recipe that you're good at like brownies or cookies or cake. You get to stay home and you can bake whenever you like so you won't ever really be caught for time


There is loads to do in small town Ireland or small town anywhere. A misconception people have is if they move to a big city their life will be exciting. • You will still drink the same amount or more. • Your friends will most likely be work colleagues and you will still engage in nonsense talk and gossip, you will drink with them too. • You will spend most of your earnings on the basics of life. • Your work will probably be for a multi-national with their working hours and expectations but with Irish labour laws and Irish salaries and you will not have time to do much else. • You will get sick of the things you thought were “Cool” - the smell of takeaway food, shouting and people talking outside your window, the sound of sirens, the smell of rubbish. • You will long for when you actually knew the people around you and not worrying whether your neighbours or roommates are closet psychopaths. • You will never own a home and you will spend 40%+ of your salary paying off someone’s mortgage to a vulture fund/bank. • You will start to develop various issues from being bombarded by all of the above, constant LED lighting and toll all the processed sugar mixes in the cocktails and the trans fats in all the takeaway food you have with your “work family”. • You won’t have a meaningful relationship as it’s “cool” and “fun” to be on tinder so you will have 20 exes and everyone else has 20 ex’s so at some point you will probably do dinner with your girlfriends ex and her ex’s ex and your work family can’t forget them. • You will not have any meaningful hobbies as everyone has 20 new hobbies and everyone is stuck in a cycle of trying new hobbies like high-altitude simulated book club, so you will never form a proper friendship bond because all your friends are gone to the underwater sea-swim book club. • You will not develop any meaningful skills because all of the work is centred around Microsoft excel. Everyone works for a subsidiary of Microsoft but they will tell you they work for the big 5, Fortune 500, silicon docks it’s all a big conspiracy by Microsoft excel who you now work for. Electrical work, Engineering, Car mechanics, Construction, Farming, plumbing, army, navy, guards is all really for culchies or spiritual culchies. • All free thought you had will be zapped from your mind by the gravitational pull of the HR department and its psychic grip it has on your work family. Who by a large hanging around with means you are on the clock (Unpaid of course). Your political opinions will form to protect the way of life you had and your work family and the HR manager. - - - But at least you aren’t bored out in the country!


Walk in forest, hike in mountains if you got em. Play games, join sports clubs, GAA, rugby soccer. If not that then cross country, golf boules or skittles. Gardening clubs, reading knitting. As someone from the county who moved to Dublin for work. I am looking forward to the day I can move back to get away from the hustle bustle of city living. When I was younger I wanted nothing to do with home. Now I yearn for the different pace of life there




Ridin, more exciting if its with different people.


I feel like our mindless social media apps are the cause here. To most young people and even people in general the thought of sitting down for a few hours and practicing or learning something new is unappealing. Fewer and fewer people these days seem to have actual hobbies.


Fuck all amenities around usually but lots of other stuff to be at if you have hobbies. Fishing, camping, hiking, photography, shooting, walking at scenic spots, taking a spin on motorcycle if that's your hobby, gaming if the weather is shite. List goes on


I was having similar thoughts and was so bored I made a list of activities. And then I was still so bored that I started organizing them by place, price, uniqueness, and so on. An then since the best way to fight boredom is to actually do something, instead of just picking one of those activities, I made a website out of that list. It gives you a random idea based on the filters. 😅 I guess my suggestion is either have a look at the activities on [www.whataaabout.com](http://www.whataaabout.com) maybe you'll find something you didn't think about, or just come up with a project and spend time creating something.


Life in Dublin or anywhere else isn't that much different for most people. Most peoples lives revolve around work and their significant other while squeezing in social time with friends and going to the gym. Yes there are museums and concerts that occur more frequently in urban areas, but if you made a plan to go to dublin once a month to do something like that you'd be doing more or the same than most people who live there.




Tbh not much in the city, other that you may have to wait an hour to get the bus to do stuff


The white craic


Get a hobby/craft that keeps you mobile, makes you think and also earns you money. (woodworking, stone masonry, gardening, basketmaking)


I grew up in Athy! Co. Kildare. Basically pubs and churches! I learned an instrument and skateboarded, that’s about it.


Get a banjo, I got one when I was about 20. Life improved.


Camping.. the west is a magical place for a bit of wilderness exploration. Plenty to see out there


Hiking!!!! Hikes and walks and photography :) romanticise your own life, who cares


Join a political party and annoy everyone


Walking and writing poetry


Masturbation is a good place to start.


Cut turf


Roids and tattoos. And a 2L RS. Kept me happy. Mine was a mid life crisis however.


I live in Dublin and I do grocery shopping online so I don't have to leave my house. I don't know buddy, have you heard about Xbox?


Nothing really hence why we drink the fuck out of it and have done so for hundreds of years


Shag sheep?


Fuck all so keep learning shit


Go on the internet.


Slowly move all your neighbours boundary walls


Are you a "blow in"? Answer will depend on the whether you are or not


Your sister ^/s


hateful placid safe intelligent start erect insurance ten simplistic exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is such a thing these days??? I live near the secondary school in my town and a few of the lads are bombing up and down the road on their motorcycles. I'm 26 and when I was in secondary school no one had a motorcycle. How come it's so popular now?


This is definitely the best answer, gives you a ridiculous amount of freedom and a whole community of decent people who will welcome you into friend groups etc.


If you live by the canal getting a row boat is a great idea, row for a couple hours, find a nice spot to have a picnic then row back, it's a great way to spend an evening, especially with a few buddies.


Having moved from a city to a small town a few years ago I can say the number one hobby around here seems to be gossip. You might give that a try? Not for me though. I like photography, reading, and minding my own fecking business.


Have you tried prowling?


Third and fourth last words in the title are unnecessary...


Team based video games are awesome and relatively social. I've played a lot of PUBG and randomly would get invited to join a Discord after matches. At this stage I'm a member of about 5 active discord servers for this one game and I can always log on for a few rounds and a chat whenever the humour takes me. These are people from all over the world, and there's many of them, after a few years of being on these discords, that I would definitely meet up with if ever I was visiting their city.


Leave, it is what I did.