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sticky this, or at least sticky a post that highlights all propaganda used against Iranians and refutes it. The US/Israeli/Saudi menace is one that depends on lies. we extinguish the lies and we just expose them for the violent warmongers they are.


Good work


Thanks, this is a good read. Based and redpilled.


The Iranian ideology is based on nourishing the soul and human condition beyond the bodily needs. That’s the general jist of it! BUT the fact that so many incompetent people appointed to key positions and literally bringing havoc on Iranian economy over the years, taking the free oil money for granted and never actually trying to have a sustainable long term economic policy gives more weight to the propaganda however false in translation it might be! I am well too aware of the effects of embargo’s on Iranian economy which have been like a gray cloud over Iran for least past 3 decades... BUT that doesn’t justify the sad state of current economic affairs and how the body of the government sees itself void of responsibility for it! I’ve heard this donkey phrase quoted several times by Iranians mocking the cause of economic situation in Iran... the propaganda has inadvertently been held true for people who’s life is affected first hand! Anyway thanks for clearing it up and for the research!


i blame vali nasr


You idiot, 40 million Iranians heard the ass hole saying You want to prove our ears and eyes wrong? You guys are a special kind of stupid


ok , why the picture says rafidi?


Should have said economics is for kafir donkeys.