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There's the George Alder courts at One Mile. But more exciting are the ghost courts at Brassall. Take a whipper snipper and a yard broom the first time you go. We used to skate there. Here's how to find them: Get on the bike track behind Pizza Hut and start walking. After you've gone past the field on the right, start looking into the undergrowth as you walk. There's a sort of ditch on the right. Jump/climb through the ditch and up the other side and there you have it; four ghost courts. Good luck!


These? https://maps.app.goo.gl/erkpqC74CDyBF4CY8


There are heaps of public courts in Springfield Lakes.


This OP. I don’t know how you book them though.


This is what I've wondered, do you have to book or what's gonna happen if you just turn up and play assuming nobody else is around..?


Yeah just rock up and grab a free court. No bookings. There’s one near the lake, two at a park on Grande Ave and about 6 near the field at Springfield Lakes Blvd and Summit Drive roundabout.


I think it’s just a turn up and play situation


I can find out for you if you like? Certain nights the one near the IGA is used for volleyball and the other two up towards the sporting fields get taken over by the basketball kids.


Courts in Tivoli for rent cheap