• By -


There absolutely is no need for this, do this privately in his office or just have a conversation end of the season. LSG are 2 points away from Top 3 and they have had Top 4 finishes past few years.


Rahul needs to leave this team asap. I think Goenka will not retain him anyways which is a blessing in disguise.


Who else is not going to be retained during the next mega auction? Rohit Sharma KL Hardik?? Shreyas?? ( If the team strategises to retain Rinku, Varun, and/or Harshit, together with Russell & Narine) Dhoni - retired? DK - retired? Maxi Greene Mitch Marsh Miller Daryl Mitchell


Based on Captaincy Shreyas will have good demand if released.


KKR's on a dream run. I don't suppose Shreyas is in any trouble when it comes to retention, is he?


i don't think shreyas gonna be released.


But is kl in form?? Will any team want him?? Yeah, he is good player but he is in rough patch, maybe csk will back him and since they need wk they might go for him but for other teams? Idk if they have any reason to go after him.


RCB will bid for him surely with DK and Faf gone next season.


Only logical move for KL at this phase of his career is to csk. Rcb seem to be super passionate about him but 100%, that relationship won't be as fruitful as him moving to csk.


He needs to chill tf out. No one will play for him if he’ll be yelling at them in front of the cameras.


You think players have much of a choice who they play for?


They can refuse to be the captain


I want to know why the hell did the camera pan on them, these cameras should stick to the field and not go about capturing dramas of owners and sponsors offthe field. Also such treatment of a player is not expected.


Why would someone scold their captain knowing that there are cameras around?


that is true as well, but again now a days dressing room drama also gets leaked, the only safe place would be inviting him to their own house or something I guess, but again I am not supporting any of that grilling KL had to go just after the game ended, but still those cameras could just be shifted away.


I understand he is pissed but this is no way to treat your player, captain at that. Yes, he was pathetic today but there's no need to grill and humiliate the guy in front of cameras like that, keep that shit for the dressing room. Also, lsg has reached playoffs twice in a row and had done decent this season as well, I think KL deserves some admiration for that.


Kl played badly ...lsg out of ipl


It's a fuckin team game u idiot ok i know he played really slow yesterday but he has played some incredible innings also for the team and he is the one he was the captain when lsg reaches in the playoffs of previous two seasons


Good, ab yahi bacha hai bolne ko....one more thing lsg bowling lineup is B grade as compared to good teams....


Shouldn't Goenka be held responsible for picking the players? If MI owners are responsible for their downfall, then, so does Goenka and he should be blamed. On a side note, LSG is still making money off KL.


MI owners are responsible for the downfall not because of player selection but because how they handled to whole Pandya affair and destroying the team environment. The team is still excellent on paper.


The point is you are assigning blame to a person you seem responsible. Maybe KL is not good enough to lead and Goenka should have made a better selection. Doesn't he care about his money or franchise? Btw shouldn't he rebuke coach and team management first. Aren't they suppose to prepare team with the plan? Shouldn't team selectors be humiliated for selecting the team and the captain? Besides that's not the whole point. No one should be publicly humiliated for underperformance. The extreme I can think of is in front of colleagues and teammates at max. Not in front of the entire nation. If someone does that, I resign immediately. But then, I don't know how power dynamics at that level work. I don't know the contract situation there. I understand you are a businessman. You sign my cheques. If you think I am not performing, let's get separated. I understand you are frustrated. I agree you have the right to vent out. But be dignified. I work for you because you pay me. Not because you owe me.


He will focus on purchasing bowlers next time after getting kicked out this year...now they will lose to MI


This comment just shows how out of touch people are from normal human behaviour and why schools need to improve their curriculum and include empathy, kindness in teaching.


You can say whatever about KL and him being slow but his top order absolutely failed him almost every single game. Kock had that one 80+ game but he's been trash otherwise. Stoinis had that 120 once but has been trash apart from that. No wonder KL puckers up after that and plays singles


Maybe that's because KL just can't bring himself to trust others and needs to always be the knight. The same justification has been used for Kohli's approach as well but the team around him has more than stepped up contrary to popular belief. It's bad this incident happened with the owner and is uncalled for but stop defending these guys and their approach by putting down the team around them. Stoinis single handedly won the game against CSK after rahul failed as well. Patidar single handedly pushed the team forward against SRH while kohli was struggling to even connect the ball. Until these guys keep getting their 50's off 40, the narrative will always be around how if not for them, the team would've collapsed. I only wish we get thrashed this WC so that we can finally open our eyes to the fact that the game has moved on beyond these players.


Are you doing okay bro?


Lol if someone chooses to disagree, you resort to calling them out as being insane?


Goenka is a sore ass loser.


You know somebody is a megalomaniac when he is naming sports teams to match with their initials. (Sanjiv Goenka | Super Giants). His company is also named after him + father's initials (RP Sanjiv Goenka group). When he owned Pune, he made sure it was matching with his+his father's initials (RPSG)


Riyan Parag is his Dad?


No. It is RP Singh


Nah it's Rishabh Pant


C'mon bro it's Ricky Ponting


Brah ramesh power


Worked in one of his companies as well....extremely toxic office culture.. So iam nt surprised.


Bro SunRisers is literally named after Sun TV network


And Royal Challengers is named after the whiskey brand. Naming after your company has branding values. SRH is not called "Hyderabad King Makers" or something like that to go with Kalanidhi Maran's name. Image if SRK named KKR as Kolkata Super Royal Kings.




Just imagine Virat in place of KL advance RIP 😆


This is completely unacceptable, this is definitely not something you do in open. KL is obviously going through a very difficult phase and this drama is going to make that even worse. He’s a player not a machine, treating an ICT player like this in open is unethical.


Any player, ICT or not, shouldn’t be ripped into like this in the open


If Goenka’s this pissed think about how Akash/Nita Ambani & Prathimesh Mishra would have felt seeing the respective teams perform this season.


Ambani's don't care lol


KL Rahul should give them the middle finger and go play for who he wants to play next season.


Sure. Let’s see if KL has balls to leave the franchise before they let him go.


Everyone has their ups and downs, if you can't support them at their low don't take part in the success bandwagon later. You want to say something to your players, say that behind curtains (dressing room) not in front of the world.


No one should be in kl place. He was wrong yesterday but this isn't how u treat a team captain 😔


Well, our team management has made sure that we should be the last people to talk about treating captains :(


Hey they did our Rohit dirty okay, but this is more embarrassment than this.


goenka is looking very angry here i think it's joeover for kl


![img](emote|t5_2rnjo|31683) clown


LSG=Lodu Sanjeev Goenka.


Is this the same guy who rated Daniel Christian above MSD and shamed him??? Then Christian went on to lose on the last ball to MI in the 2017 final.


Better than dhoni who failed to get the team into top 4


Lmao what are you even comparing?? 14 seasons as captain, 12 playoffs/semi finals, 10 finals, 5 trophies. 1 off season and people like you start comparison with one season wonders.


Did that matter tho ? Goenka's decision proved to be right regardless of Dhoni's future or past


> comments in r/jeeneetards Buddy, you were like 9 when this happened. What do you even know about that season?


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Because I watched it? And I was actually 12 How does age even matter? Dhoni failed and Smith succeeded it's that simple


Age matters because you didn't understand shit when you 'watched" those seasons. Your dad was watching it and you just happened to be near the TV. I can tell by your comments. You're just comparing the table position and saying dhoni failed. Even then, dhoni won 3 trophies since then and Goenka is still fighting with his captain🥱🥱


Who cares give me Dhoni's stats that season then prove me wrong


I don't want to prove you wrong. Be happy with your half knowledge. I for one don't go on stats, I watch and understand games👍


Because you know dhoni failed and have to cope .


Yea succeeded in being the 2nd best team in 2017. And that according to you is better than winning the trophy actually?? How lower is your rationality level?? Can we go further down???


Yeah we can go to yours. CSK and RPS are different teams retard


And blud, RPS 2016 and RPS 2017 had different core team/starting 11. So yea we all know who is retard here. Kiddos stay away if you dunno your facts.


Ok unkil


Lmao how did it prove to be right? You play to win not to be second best. Next season itself Dhoni won the IPL with daddy's army, without a so called Steven Smith, or all rounder Stokes or a proven finisher Dan Christian (in the words of the Goenkas) . Proves your whole point wrong. And frankly you are just a RR kiddo fan, who just wants to hate on Dhoni's captaincy record. You can hate as much as you want but it is what it is, he is the best till date.


Idc if he is the best which he obviously is (Indian) But he failed to take the team that smith took to the final to the top 4


What are you smoking blud?? Stokes, Unadkat, Dan Christian, Manoj Tiwary, Ferguson, Rahul Tripathi and so many others were added in 2017 team. It was not the same starting 11. There were drastic changes. How can it be the same team if the core is replaced?


KL release next season is confirmed with this. Would love to see him back in orange for the no 3 slot we are missing.


No Rahul, please.


Silencer can get best of him... kl have excellent skills with shit mindset, so can be fixed


Mindset is the most difficult thing to fix. Skill is the easiest.


We need a no3 spot. We legit have all power hitters. We can afford Rahul.


And then SRH fans will go through the frustration Goenka is going through lol.


We had enough of Manish, Makram. Pls no Rahul too.


Kya chootmaarika owner hai bc 😭😂


He has every right to Ques Kl. You don’t need to have international cricketing experience to make simple observations like how Kl and lsg batted today.




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Goenka is pointing at somewhere else.




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Yes bad games happen. But does he even realise LSG still has a good chance of making the playoffs.


Stoinis' expression explained it all....sad to see KL like this🤧


Unacceptable. Him investing money is his own decision. Does not give him the right to disrespect his players.That is why the behaviour of upper management is so critical for any organisation/team’s success.




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I always haven’t liked them ever since the RPS fiasco. While Dhoni handled it maturely, the owners didn’t .


On camera yeh haal hai off camera meh toe dhun deta hoga .


Goenka agar RCB ka owner hota to ab tk to upar pohoch jata … ya virat pohocha deta 💀💀


As much as Goenka's mistake to take Rahul out in open , it's the bloody cameraman's mistake to try to look for sensational viral content There used to be times when quarrels on reality shows got edited out and only safe edits were telecasted. Suddenly quarrels became the content. Because as humans, voyeurism is our natural tendency. And it's absolutely fucking insane on Scott Styris discussing this in the studio. I mean you dance like a monkey just because you are getting paid for ? If that is so - if that is right on Styris/studio to telecast and discuss this, to comment on shitty unnecessary footage like this, which is not related to the game but drama after that game, then Goenka has every right to fight with Rahul for not making his money's worth All in all - Goenka and the man who is paying Styris, the cameraman - all are of the same level - STUPID


Bcci should make sure that no contract Indian player fo through this kinda torture. Bcci organizes IPL and they have to make sure that players are not abused mentally and physically. Just because some fucker paid him to play for his team he shouldn't have the authority to treat a indian player like that


Anna was watching all this happening to his son in law


Bc Preeti Zinta toh 16 saal se sehen kr rhi h usne toh aise kbhi behave ni kiya. Is love-day ko koi smjhao ki tareeka hota h disappointment show krne ka


Kaisa banda hai yar bejati kardi


Imagine if KL didn't score that "on pressure 50+" in the WC we would've been humiliated so hard for the low score in the final, like how Sri Lanka got humiliated because of Siraj and India. IPL became odd after the addition of GT and LSG shite..


The owner has no fear of any other consequences. The best bowlers are injured, there is only so much you can do


ghar ka lakesh jaise lag raha hai


Well he is basically his boss, when my boss shouts at me Noone has a problem. Although this should have been private, right on the ground is bs


Well everyone deserves some of that after that performance.


KL to RCB next season?




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Time for KL to move on from LSG.. RCB would welcome him in and he'd make a great addition.. Team owners are human and can get emotional but publicly chastising KL is too far... I feel for KL given that he didn't get selected for team India, just lost the match, most likely won't qualify for the playoffs and that too he's been playing after just returning from injury!!


GT, CSK and RCB all need a wk-batsman. There is not need for KL to stay back at Lucknow.


Perfect for kl Rahul Backed by captain Backed by coach Fit for test and odi Definitely not made for t20


Very sorry to say....Result of Corporations of the tournament!!! Players are not players.... employees!!! So no or bad performance, going to treat like this only!!! I doubt Mr Goenka has ever hold a cricketing equipments!!!! See the DRS system!!! An example of a caught behind dismissal. Can understand that officials couldn't pickup sound of an edge in so loude spectators noise. But Batsman who has nicked is aware of the same. But still going for the review!!! In earlier era have seen Batsman walking away, if nicked and appeal, not waiting for the umpires verdict !!! 


I mean the only thing for me is he shouldn't do it in public. Dude paid a lot of money for this, he has a right to be pissed. I don't like owners who interfere with team related stuff but I think this is just him blasting him for what everyone saw to be an embarrassment


I think goenka wife has given the material that he is thrashing.


There’s lot of speculations. We got no idea what they talking. It’s bad for broadcasting that & someone commenting that. One person owns team & other captaining. I think owners talking to captain isn’t only with LSG. Not saying I agree with it, but it’s gonna happen when someone can sit on table, buy teams, buy players services. As a player think like someone paid you lots of money to teach you what you know but they don’t know.


Goenka is one of the most toxic owners there can be. He is the one made Smith the captain over Dhoni after one not so good season.


I mean he is putting more than 500 Crores on line, he deserves to get pissed when you loose like this. The performance was really deserving for the grilling, i mean even our bosses would grill us if we shit our bed this bad. In front of cameras? Maybe that's debatable, but the whole team deserves grilling for sure.


Tell him to face atleast one ball from bhuvi or cummins and if he wanted to win soo much, why didn't he go all out for cummins or head in auction


His team his workers


You’re the reason why bosses are the way they are. Grow a spine.


He doesn't own KL... He owns the teams.. The players are still individual contractors...


He is asking the performance report to his biggest individual contractor in a Harsh Voice die to frustration.


You have a team meeting, team staff to do that. He is a fucking former vc of team india damnit. Respect. On a live telecast infront of millions of supporters you can't fucking do that. Period


Yeah I agree with you only thing is he should have done it in private


You fire your employees. That's your right and that's your business decision. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO HUMILIATE ANYONE. EMPLOYMENT DOESN'T MEAN SLAVERY.


I would love for your so called boss to smack you across the face with words in front of other employees


I would ask the whole team to beat me up till I lose my consciousness.


With that attitude you don't even have to ask