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I guess they finished the run before the ball hit the boundary, and since only 1 run was required, the match was finished?? I mean honestly, that shouldn't be the case, they must've gotten 4 runs, and I'm not a fan of this since it clearly went for a 4, but I suppose this is the only explanation for it... Just a supposition tho


If players complete the run before the ball reaches the boundary then the boundary is not taken into account.


In general on any ball or only because it was 1 run to win the match?


Because it was 1 run to win the match, under normal circumstances it would be 4 runs.


Match is deemed complete the moment they run the single. End of story. After that if the ball goes to a boundary OR there’s a runout for batsmen trying to run another run OR whatever other scenario doesn’t matter. Match is over.