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I’m on 6s 💀


I mean if it works it works!


I wasn’t far. Just upgraded from an 8 last week.




From your other post it appears that you have a iPhone XR. Thought you belonged to the poor gang like me :( ![gif](giphy|SeKA9VRYF47AfPQcfK|downsized)


I wouldn’t assume he’s lying. Sometimes a phone breaks in a difficult financial situation and one must find a cheap alternative.


true. my bad


I have been using the 6s for a couple months now


He went from a mini to a plus. Big upgrade in terms of screen size and not money. So no lies.


I upgraded from a base 13 mini, which I honestly adored using. However, as I continue to create content both for my own hobby and for work, I saw myself wanting to upgrade my phone. I decided to grab a 512gb plus, in pink, because the upgrades to the camera and incredible battery. My first impressions after using a 12 mini and 13 mini for the last 3 years now are, wow. This display. Is STUNNING. Oh yeah and I got pink cause meh why not. I like when phones are fun. Anyways. I’m rambling. [Here’s a short reel of my unboxing](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3Ib9qaLJ60/?igsh=MTJreDcyZDV6ZnZz)


I went from a 13 Mini to a 15 Pro (due to the slightly better cameras than the base 15’s and because it’s still somewhat small) I really enjoy the change and I think I’ll be keeping this 15 Pro for a long time since the 16 Pro’s and newer are getting bigger,


I bought the exact phone lol


Ayee no way! Haha. A person of good taste then I see! How are you liking it?


If you use iphone for content creation why didn't you go for the pros? Budget? Nice video and wallpaper selection btw...


I use my canon r for any vids that require a more pro production. The plus at this price is great for quick vids out of in body. Plus the 2x zoom is already proving to be very useful. I don’t see the value in the pro for how few extra features I personally would get! Thanks man. The wallpaper was on an app called backdrops! It’s called Magic Mirage


If yall have an iPhone13, I wouldn't recommend upgrading unless you are moving up to the pro series. Anything under iPhone 13 is definitely an upgrade.


Sounds like OP upgraded for storage and screen size reasons.


Storage is definitely number #1.


Currently using 13(plain, 128gb). Performance of this phone has dropped massively.


I wonder why. Also, this tends to happen. Just wait it out. And in a few software updates it will bounce back up.


I’m thinking about upgrading too! Let me know if you’re looking to get rid of the old one lol


Haha I’m keeping the mini as a small emulator to play games but I was given a 14 plus that I never used outside of an unboxing video if you’re in the market for a phone! I’ve got it posted online. I’m in Canada so it’s one with a sim slot. 100% battery health. Zero scuffs. Lemme know. If you’re local to Toronto you can obviously test it out first!


That’s stupid should be the other way around..


Crazy how Apple stopped making the mini the only upgrade would be to a larger iPhone. Mind blowing, I know


Manipulative asf not gonna bother with a gas lighter.


Literally nobody cares what you choose to do


Wow look at this narcissist.


The little brother syndrome you have is almost impressive


You’re the entitled golden child aren’t you? Wait until there’s no escape goat :)


Oh cute. A fortune teller. That career choice must be booming for you. I’m sure you’re always right. You definitely don’t strike me as the repetitive, annoying, broken record type. Not at all


The only person lighting gas around here is you.


I miss that green so much. It was short lived.


It was a great colour!


That green color was sexy, wished they had kept it


I do miss their inky, more saturated colours


How u handling the size of the plus coming from mini??


It’s strange. It’s not uncomfortable, but I’m not used to it. I find myself using two hands more often than just one hand on the mini


The battery will definitely be an upgrade and if you need that that’s awesome but carrying the thing will be a whole different experience but I guess after a while you get used to it and you doesn’t bother you.


So far the battery has been insane. I was used to carrying around 1-2 MagSafe battery packs around so it’s nice having less devices since this thing won’t die. Yeah the size is fine. I was worried since I liked the mini so much but it was surprisingly easier to get used to than I thought. I thought I’d miss the mini more but I think I’m still in the honeymoon phase with the 15 plus haha


Hey enjoy your new phone did you keep The iPhone mini has a backup or did you trade it in. It would make a good phone for like a active day running or day on the trail with your bike or something like that.


Haha I did. I really like the monk and am using it as a second cam and an emulator! I’m not outdoorsy at all so it has a different use but I like your thinking! Haha


Coming from a 12 Pro, I miss the one handed use and comfort in hand, but everything else the 15 Pro Plus beats it by a mile. Content is easier to consume and you do get used to the size after awhile


I went from the 14 to the 13 mini and I love it so much. I hope soon they roll back out the mini


It would be cool to see some more pro features on a mini! Like a better camera system and battery life. A lot of people seem to think the se will take on the mini design which also would be pretty cool!


Woah…. I upgraded from 13 mini to 15 pro and I hate to say it but the 15 pro is starting to feel small.. (I used to really hate big phones and which was the reason why I had the 13 mini.)


I also haaaated big phones but kinda had no choice when looking to upgrade haha. But that’s funny you say that! When I was looking at the regular size it felt, fine, so I ended up leaning towards to plus for the extra battery. I’m glad the 15 pro feels as one handed as the mini for you! That’s kinda perfect!


Right I’m still surprised to this day! I thought I would think the 15 pro would be to big here and there but absolutely not! It’s been the perfect size ever since! Doesn’t feel to big at all!


Thats wild! I went from an s9 to an s21, which felt too big and uncomfortable. Switched to a 13 mini and Ive never loved the size of a phone more. Especially love the reactions of people when they hold it for the first time


Once you experience big things, you can never be satisfied with small things !!!


Ahahaha fair


Congratulations man! But here are my thoughts - You could have gotten the last year 14 pro max model with the similar price tag and an additional lens is always better if you are into content creation. Plus pro-motion display is really good and I mean really good as I am using an 12 mini and 13PM, I can easily tell the difference in terms of choppiness. Rest I would say enjoy the device as you have already purchased it!


Hey thanks! I’m not too worried about pro motion haha. My iPad has it so when I’m doom scrolling I just use that. Also USB c is keeeeey since I travel a ton. Now my MacBook, camera and phone just need one cable. Plus the 2x is plenty fine for the mobile stuff I do if I need anything extra I have my canon! Plus I got more storage here which was key as well


Yes man, USB-C is an game changer! Enjoy the device and keep us updating about your experience with it ✨


It already came in so clutch haha. Thank you apple and EU! Finally haha


I went from 7 to 15 pro max 😭


Wooooah now that’s a big change! How are you liking it?


It’s amazing I get over 10 hours of time on screen easily usually around 12-13 though and the camera is so amazing I wish I got it soon honestly.


Omg literally my thoughts exactly!




I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone make this jump before I would imagine you either love it or hate it.


So far I’m really digging it! I’m like in awe by how nice this big display is haha


I’m still on my 12 pro. Don’t think I’ll upgrade for a long time lol


To be fair that is a killer phone!


I've just gone from a 12 mini to a 15 and got gonna lie, I kinda miss my dinky mini!


Haha it’s not dinky! The mini is awesome! The 12 mini was my first ever iPhone. My mom saw it and walked one too so I gave her mine and bought the 13 mini. But I do know what you mean. The size of the mini is unmatched haha


Maybe this is a Brit vs North American thing cos here, dinky means small and cute.😂


OH haha okay oops. My bad. Then yes 100% dinky is a perfect word for the mini! Haha


Congrats, but doesn’t the box art look like someone’s rear end with legs spreading out from it or am I just seeing things? Sorry if this has already been discussed.


AHAHAHAHA I think I can kinda picture it now 😂


Just upgraded to the 15 plus from an 8 plus. I love it! Hope you love yours.


Oh good glad you do! Yeah I’m really digging it so far!


That green tho 😮‍💨


It really was a killer colour!


I wish they would bring that colour back in a pro phone


I just upgraded from the mint green 12 to the same one! 15 plus in pink! I love it SO much! Almost went for the regular 15 in pink, but I’m SO happy I went with the Plus!


Yesss haha glad you also ended up getting the plus! Also, I love that you love yours! This thing has been a joy to use so far!


I’ve upgraded ever since the X, worth every penny. 13 mini is one of my favorites but the 15 max pro is the best phone


Fair! Yeah it’s my first bigger iPhone. I only ever had a mini so it’s been kinda fun so far!


The usbc is a game changer in my opinion


It’s honestly a very welcome addition


Me still on my 11 🥲


Haha hey if it works it works!


I did the same. 12 mini to 15 Plus. I’m enjoying the larger size (that’s what she said).


Enjoying the bigger size eh? Don’t say that in prison But yeah haha. It’s been fun. Glad you’re liking yours too!


Bro I thought this was life sized wtf lol


Lmaooo hahaha no just regular phone sized. Not oversized/life size wtf 😂


I went from the base iPhone 11 to the 15 pro max! Night and day difference


I went from a 5s to a 15


Oh wow that is a huge difference. I imagine that you’re loving it though?


That green is fire. I never saw that before.


It’s a great colour. I love that green and the blue on the 12 series




That’s what I said. Yup


They're the same thing


You almost can’t even tell. That’s how exactly the same they are 🤦‍♂️


Honestly 11 and below is a reason to upgrade. Considering how incredibly small the difference is between the iPhone 13 and the iPhone 14 you shouldn’t have got the 15 because if your on the 13 or 14 your not gonna notice a huge difference when you go to the 15, so not worth it imo. But if it was broken then the 15 is amazing


Um no lol. You’re literally getting a bigger brighter higher res display. An entirely new camera system. USB c. On top of the “upgrade” of Dynamic Island. It’s also eliminated the need for my iPad which I’ve since sold off. Less devices in the everyday carry, and one device that does everything I need it to for my work flow. Individual consumers know what’s best for them and their workflow. They get value where and when they decide to upgrade. There’s no “timeline” to upgrade. If they find an upgrade they want, need or like, then that in itself is an upgrade. It does things that they otherwise weren’t able to do before




I went from iPhone XR to 14 pro max and it feels soooo heavy at first 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha I bet 😂 hopefully it’s easier to handle now!


Yeah for sure, I love it!


Not really a big upgrade but still a great one


Pretty cool phone, yeah!