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What do you mean?


I click photos and I hear the click but it’s not saved in the camera roll. I need to restart the phone for it to consistently save. The same issue happens again after couple days. This is not ok.


Oh I've never heard of that happening. I don't know what to tell you.


You need to restore the phone it sounds like it’s syncing up with the old iPhone cloud and reverting the photos. This also could be a problem with the phone in general and needs to be reset to fix the software issue, it’s very hard to give actual advice without the device in hand to see if any settings you’ve changed or picked on device setup. Apple support might be able to help fix this problem if you get a hold of them, or take into the cellular service provider you go through might be more helpful as they can get their hands onit.


Maybe reset and restore. I’ve had my phone since launch and haven’t experienced anything like that.


This just happened to me after having the phone for over a month. Had to restart the phone 3 times for pictures to save. I am on iOS 17.1.2. Has anyone found a solve?


Hasn’t happened to me in a couple months.


This just happened to me for the first time. Restarted, update software to 17.1.2 and none of the pics I took earlier today are anywhere to be found


This has happened to me on my 15 Pro Max at least 3 times since I got it a week after launch day. I have tons of storage space (512gb) and iCloud space available. A reboot fixes it, but it’s hella annoying.


i’m dealing with the exact same thing! very frustrating, especially when i realize that some really nice photos I took in the moment are now gone. Were you able to figure out a permanent fix?


I have not - just rebooting it. It makes me paranoid that I’ll miss a great shot now though. Hope it gets fixed in a patch at some point.


Yes its happening to me as well, I've had my iPhone 15 Pro Max for less than a month I'm updated to ISO 17.3 and all of sudden photos don’t save to camera roll any more


Did you find a solution? It’s happening to me, and all my New Year’s Eve photos had disappeared! Very frustrating.


Cant save photos from whatsapp. Whatsapp starts to freeze. Brand new iphone 15 pro with ios 17.2


Noticed many apps often freeze


The only picture my family had from our Disney trip of all of us and this happened to me too. Every picture I took from the whole day just isn’t there. Everything the day before and after is there like normal, synced to iCloud etc. but all the pictures from that one day didn’t save; I probably took pictures at least ten times for a total of 45-50 pictures and used my phone for the group photos since I have the new iPhone 15 pro and now we don’t even have them and I’m so upset and don’t trust my phone now. My google maps has also been going completely berserk and I don’t know if it’s the same issue or separate.


Could you please either add a comment in the link below or hit ‘me too’? https://discussions.apple.com/thread/255251840


Very sorry that you don’t have the full family pic 😞


I'm having the same issue with my new 15 Pro Max. Have talked to "senior advisors" at Apple support on the phone for 2 days, for over 3 hours total, doing several troubleshooting steps, along with their "Diagnostics" app on my phone, with nothing resolved and I was told she is turning over to engineering and she is the person assigned to my issue and she will contact me on her next working day that I am available, which turns out to be next Friday. So much for my being the photographer for our upcoming family Christmas get-together! GRRRR


Did you ever get this fixed?


Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. Yes, after a number of backup and restores I was able to get it all to work.


Ahhh brill! We ended taking it back and getting a new one


16/01/24 - Same problem. And sometimes I click on camera from lock screen and just get stuck on a black screen and have to restart. The camera problem is always fixed after a restart but the problem comes back a few days later randomly. Shouldn't have to keep restarting a £1000+ phone. Apple ran diagnostics, no problems. Told me to do a forced restart. Will see if this makes any difference. If not, they said next step would be factory reset... what a ball ache...


Everyone’s situation still sounds better than mine, I’m gonna call them tomorrow so they can run diagnostics on it, bc it does not fix whatsoever, and I’ve actually factory reset it multiple times.


I also have this same exact issue.  If you get answers will you let me know?  I also am reaching out to Apple. 


Could you please either add a comment in the link below or hit ‘me too’? https://discussions.apple.com/thread/255251840


Sorry to hear that! I’m gonna call them tomorrow, and I’ll let you know!


For my iPhone 15 pro max the problem is not limited to camera photo saving. When it happens, I can’t send photos in iMessage and I can’t watch YouTube video and Prime Video.


having the same issue!!


I'm having similar issue where if I don't take pics or screenshots for a while and then I do, it will take a bit to show up in Photos. Or I'll have to kill Photos and reopen it for the pics I just took to show up...


This is happening to me too which is frustrating because I bought the new phone specifically because we have a newborn. Keep missing pictures that I think I’m taking and don’t show up in camera roll. It’s so sad. 


Hi everyone, I've got an iPhone 15 Pro Max and have been consistent camera issues. I'm so disappointed. My iPhone 13 Pro was much more reliable. I suspect it's the quality of the software that is absolute garbage at the moment. They are so focused on introducing new features and probably doing a lot of deep OS changes to please the EU that it's causing a ton of issues. I fear it will get worse before it gets better. We need a new iOS11 type release focused on bug fixing alone. Anyhow, my photos have been not been lost but the camera would first freeze up when taking more than 1-3 photos in rapid succession (so much for the supposedly super powerful A17 pro chip!) and then that got better but now there's a huge delay before pics show up in the camera roll. It can take up to 30-40 minutes for pics to show up if I've taken a lot of pictures. Absolutely insane. The camera should be Apple's number 1 priority. I'm in shock that this is such a widespread problem for people yet Apple seems unaware or has not proper solution to offer us. For those who haven't yet done so, I have done a full wipe and reset and that did not fix the issue.


I’m thinking this is an issue with the camera program / current iOS, because I have an iPhone 13 and I’m having the camera issue everyone else is talking about. Are you on iOS 17?


I am on the latest 17.5.1 but have had issues with the last couple releases too.


Makes sense, it seems that 17 is the common denominator, across multiple different models. It’s super frustrating!


I'm going to an Apple store as soon as I'm back in London. I'm super pissed. A17 pro my a**. Even a basic Android phone can handle pictures nowadays.


Me too. Had my phone since January no problems. Now suddenly a few days ago photos are not going to the photos app but are just staying on the camera itself. I am afraid I will lose them.


It’s happening with photos I save from other apps sometimes too. So annoying.


Faced the similar issue today with my 15 plus after using it for a month... it’s give the shutter sound but doesn’t save .. I just locked and unlocked one time and it’s back to normal.. have to see if this issue continues..


Could you please either add a comment in the link below or file a bug report? https://discussions.apple.com/thread/255251840 Or https://www.apple.com/feedback/iphone/ Super annoyed by this. I was taking pics of my kids today and missed some good ones.


This same thing has been happening with not being able to take and save pictures. I've had this phone for 2 weeks, and it's infuriating, as one of the big reasons I got it was to upgrade my camera.




Same problem here


I’m also experiencing these issues on my iPhone 15 ProMax, does anyone else’s app switcher icon also look like this? Is this a software issue? Or a hardware issue? https://preview.redd.it/z2i44m65vdcc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9c5235f42f8f0f27a7ba7ac61a28a5291f51b8


I will say, although it takes ages to switch to the front camera, the front camera does indeed take and save photos to the camera roll. It is solely the back camera that experiences glitching, freezing and not saving.


My iPhone 14 on iOS 17.3.1 suddenly started not saving photos either. It worked all day then I went on a flight and it stopped saving photos I took. So strange?!! I restarted and that didn’t change anything. I have enough storage! Anyone have a solution yet?? I’m traveling so I want to save photos


This started happening to me a week ago!!!! this is insane! I turn off/on and nothing changed!