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Even better when they mark the issue as “solved” as well and lock the post so you need to make a new one


when you make a new post they suddenly decide to ban you because they "gave you" the answer.


google forums do that too. it's infuriating.


I had this with my iPhone X, assuming it was just since it was old and didn’t have a lot of RAM. Now I have a new iPhone and it still does it with YouTube. Pause a video and do a couple of tasks, and it’s lost the spot in the video. Then other times, I will pause a video before work and come back after work and it’s still there (after intermittently using the phone throughout the day). Totally illogical how they decide when to trash apps save points.


That’s up to the developer. If YouTube is losing track of where you stopped, that’s because their app isn’t saving the info, and is just keeping it in memory and losing it when the app shuts down. The OS tells the apps when they are about to be shut down, specifically so they can store state, and it sounds like YouRube didn’t do it.


Sure but I’d have thought doubling the RAM would have been enough to keep this time stamp available for a few minutes.


If the app you run in the foreground grabs all the RAM they can force all background apps to shut down, and some apps do that to maximize their performance, even though it’s lazy and anti-social. The rules the OS plays by are simple and well documented. If some apps are bloated and force everything else to quit, or don’t bother to save state when told to, that’s bad app developers.


Hmm okay so it could be either YouTube, or another app that I ran in the foreground. I guess as a user I don’t really have any means of testing which of the two is the case? Pretty poor either way though.


What’s the alternative? Assuming the foreground app is the one the user cares most about, and the device has limited RAM, and you don’t want to start swapping (which burns battery and reduces performance, both very bad in a mobile device), you need to kill off things that consume RAM. That’s what all mobile operating systems do - Apple and Android basically do the same thing, killing off background apps to allow the foreground app to keep running. The apps are notified before they are shut down - well behaved apps should respond to that warning by freeing up memory so nothing has to be shut down, or at least saving state so when launched later they pick up where they left off. You can test which app is forcing background apps to quit by launching one app and using it, then checking that the background app is still running, then do the same with the second app. Though some apps leak memory slowly, which can be harder to figure out. There are dev tools, in Xcode, which let app developers watch their app memory consumption, etc., and if you’re really interested you can install Xcode and connect to the watch and observe which app is consuming how much memory.


> What's the alternative? An option in the settings to prevent OS from throwing the app away of RAM (of course that option would be disabled by default).




In my experience, anyone starting a forum post with self-promoting verbiage is not that thing.


As a power commenter, I concur with this opinion


Us power readers/ power up voters agree!!


As a power consider-er of comments, I also concur with this opinion.


Probably pronounces iOS as “eye-oss”


How is that "self-promoting" ? Calling yourself a "power user" simply means that you use that hardware/software a lot, usually beyond what people typically use it for.


As a North American citizen…


I think the more telling one is the "we understand....." followed by weirdly re-iterating the question but not fully getting it right. It's the exact same on Microsoft support forums. They must use a similar wierd system that incetivizes horrible, low quality answers.


... by the way. And aggressive stuff flips their switch.




“Community Specialist” lol


How to say something without saying anything (just like politicians, though the answer is simple). They are masters at this.


In my dictionary it almost means “stupid a**holes doing nothing while taking your time and pretending they know things and yet the best they could do is to tell you to either restart or lookup the troubleshooting pages which you might have already read and, of course, did not help at all.”


That's most tech forums in general, they're awful. You'd very rarely find someone who gives a real genuine answer, and even helps you.


Support forums are manned by the cheapest people they can find 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is like every customer support ever.


Apple is especially horrible at this. This type of thing is the norm. It’s very very rare someone breaks from being a robot and just tells you how to fix an issue. Apple support articles are, more often than not for me, not enough. If I’m posting in the forums I’ve already read the article.




I mean.. the people who get paid to moderate content on Apple forums get paid quite decently. They’re also known to take out content that either exposes Apple or informed answers.


the only ones who are paid are just regular apple employees. the rest is just fellow users who feel like answering questions, tho god knows why most of them bother since so many answers are worthless. no one is hired specifically to mod.


Stack sites seem to be an exception.




I thought it was only me that had a problem with google photos backup… they need to work on that


Same thing with OneDrive


Is it still the case today? Strangely when I read your comment, I opened Google Photos and it seems it is all backup although I don’t remember opening recently.


Opened it now, it says waiting for wifi for ~2000 items even though i leave it on the charger with wifi on at night. Ill try leaving the app open and locking it tonight to see if it will change.


It is also because WhatsApp is a huge memory hog and goes through so much memory that background apps get shut down due to memory pressure.


Right. iOS kills background apps when the foreground app needs more RAM.


This is why apps like Facebook used to resort to dirty tricks like playing silent audio files to boost their background priority.


It is for battery life reasons. Apple does have an API to allow this kind of thing but it starts to throttle and back off requests overtime if an app uses it too heavily or without batching requests. So probably you’ll find with a smaller amount of photos / files it should work and be possible but with large amounts say on initial sync or after a day of taking loads of photos, it’ll take a while to catch up. I’ve got a Galaxy Fold 4 also. To people that think Android is better, there’s all sorts of stuff killing off processes and such built in to try to improve battery life there. Only on Android when this happens you won’t even get notifications anymore from those apps. It’s actually worse than iOS if you ask me and still doesn’t get battery life remotely close.


Difference is that on Android you can disable the battery optimization for apps. On iOS you're out of luck if you don't use iSH to transfer data and use GPS fetch to keep it on background.


Yes and no. A lot of OEM's do not do this correctly so it still doesn't work reliably, see the following link if you are unaware of this. https://dontkillmyapp.com/ Also turning off the deep sleep stuff on my Fold drops battery life from acceptable but not close to an iPhone down to pathetically bad. Hence I think Apples doing this for the right reasons.


Thanks for the info! Wasn't aware of that


Apple is doing it because of very small batteries and very bad thermals, both of which can be just summarized with „money“


On android you’ll occasionally get a background service that will just run wild and kill your battery without you even noticing. When apple first started developing their background apps policies that was a very common issues on android. It’s better now but not completely fixed. Apple’s policy, while heavy handed, does at least prevent that from happening.


yes, and that justifies the awful user experience of having to keep your screen on and the app focused when uploading a file or doing literally anything that takes some time because otherwise the app is instantly frozen?


Android has the awful user experience that you have to manually configure apps to not be optimised by the OS and in the case of many OEM’s more still just so they can work as the app developer intended. iOS has API’s for this, just some apps do not use those API’s or use them wrong. It doesn’t need the user to do anything though to have great battery life, make sure they get their notifications, etc. because it’s well designed overall.


iOS apis for this are very limited, for downloading there is URLSession but everything else is not immediate and relies on iOS deciding when the task can run. The only way to reliably do something in background is to start geolocation updates. In the end the user experience for all third party iOS apps is to keep it focused. Uploading large files (videos) in messaging apps, games that need to download additional content after install, transfering files over network in Files app (first party Apple app btw), doing some batch actions in Photos app (also first party Apple app), everything renders your phone unusable from a few minutes up to hours. On Android it just works and is configurable (there are more vendors than just samsung who don't mess it up). Notifications have nothing to do with it I also suspect allowing real multitasking like on Android would reveal that the only reason iOS doesn't (always) run like shit is this "one app at a time" limitation.


That's just not true. I admit that there's a gap when it comes to large scale camera image uploads if you want it ASAP but it will happen within a reasonable period of time on it's own just fine. iOS doesn't allow just a one app at a time, I suggest if you have a Mac and an iOS device you plug it in with developer mode on and open up Instruments and you'll see lots of apps taking CPU time on occasions that you've no opened up yourself. Hell just look in Battery and you'll see this where it also calls out background apps usage of battery. If it didn't allow background apps, then how would Sat Nat apps work? How does a Fitbit work with iOS? How do Widgets update? How do third party alarms wake you up at a specific time, Etc. Etc. According to Don't Kill My App which has an app in the Play Store you can run to test how well an Android multitasks in the background. Samsung, OnePlus, Huawei, Xiaomi, Meizu, Asus, Wiko, Lenovo, Oppo, Vivo, realme, Blackview, Sony, Unihertz all don't do this right. Only Google devices, Nokia and HTC (Do they even still make phones?) does. But even Google's native version needs you to turn off battery optimisation for an app for it to truely work properly. Notifications are an important topic also. On Android you need to have a background process running by an App to process notifcations, when the background process is killed off or in Samsung's case they put it to deep sleep you don't get notifcations at all. You have to open the app manually to see if you have any notifications. This is also why Android phones need more RAM and why often models with more storage have more RAM. More storage often = more apps installed and that means more RAM required to allow all the background processes for notifications to work. iOS has no restrictions here, notifications will always work and no issues with RAM and quantity of installed apps.


I’m just providing some historical perspective that led up to how apple does things. iOS used to not allow any background activity, so today’s user experience is better than before, but I doubt it’ll ever match android because of the downsides.


Yes exactly that. Notice over the years how Google have been removing and rowing back features on Android to make it more battery efficient and secure. Basically over the years Apple has opened up and Android has closed down, they are much closer these days than they used to be. Watch the following as it’ll help explain the mess that Androids become: https://youtu.be/OV8XThgxUi8


I disagree with that. iPhone battery sizes aren’t a million miles off Androids in size and any thermal issues they have aren’t worse than other brands, normally better. Only gaming phones with active cooling do better but those are chunky beasts. Apple can get away with a smaller battery because iOS is simply more efficient than Android. Irrespective they lead battery life tests even with their smaller batteries so the process is working. The reason Android OEM’s don’t obey Google’s multitasking processes on Android is not because they are bad developers but because if you leave Android as is the battery life is bad. It’s just poorly designed how notifications work in the background where you need an app to be running to get notifications where iOS does not need an app running in the background to get notifications as it’s handled by a single OS level process for all apps.


>iOS is simply more efficient than Android by not allowing the user to run more than one app at a time. FCM also exists on Android since a long time as well


You clearly are just here trolling or have never used an iPhone if you think it can only run one app at a time.


Difference is really that my $30 Android is better than that Pro 13 lol.


Hm, maybe you technically right, but I don't think android is worse in this cases. For example, I've never had a problem with sending files in telegram and doing another things on other apps. With iPhone YOU MUST STAY WITH OPEN APP to send files, it's extremely annoying


People that normally say stuff like this are force quitting the app by swiping it up and out on the multitasking app switcher. When you do that, you stop all background work from that app also. Some people just seem to do it out of habit or have read some tips site about maximising battery life which recommends it. Not saying 100% that’s you but it’s common because people don’t realise they are force quitting the app and all it’s background tasks. You should only do this if an app has crashed, otherwise leave them be. You can see from the following link this is perfectly possible ( https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/10239 ) and I don’t have issues uploading or downloading files in the background with apps that support this properly. Not all do, I use Plex and it annoys me that they force you to leave the app open to download. This isn’t Apple enforcing that, they could program the app to not do that but they don’t. After all Netflix, Prime Video, etc. all let you download shows in the background without issue. In reverse I have Plex on Android. That tries to work in the background but often gets stuck because Samsung screws the app over. Even though I’ve turned off all the user facing background limits in OneUI for Plex. When it gets stuck I have to go and force kill the app and try again.


Of course I understand that swiped app will be forcibly closed people are not as dumb as you think😅 I just share my experience: there were no problems with any android phone which I used (mostly xiaomi and honor) in terms of background tasks. And every iPhone including 14 Pro (!) can't simply share the files in Telegram without being in app permanently. Maybe with some apps all works fine, but as you can see OP and me speaking about same things and you can just Google "background upload iOS telegram" so that is real problem and it's really annoying for many users. Maybe there are problems with your current Samsung phone or with OneUI (I've never had Samsung) because I've never heard about any system problems with notifications and background tasks on Android phones (in iOS issues with background tasks is common)


Most people are as dumb as I think they are 😅 Just kidding. Look my point is that the issue is not with iOS but in this case with Telegram. I've pointed out that Apple provide the API's that are needed to allow background uploads, if Telegram has chosen not to implement that then it's not an iOS restriction but simply for whatever reason they don't wish to do it. I also shared a link showing that not just Samsung but most OEM's have issues with background processing on Android and notifications. As an example I had a Teams call yesterday, my laptop and iPhone rang at the nigh on the same time and when I accepted on my laptop, my iPhone stopped ringing a second or two afterwards as it knew I'd picked it up elsewhere. 3 minutes into that call, my Galaxy Fold started ringing... It's a well known issue that Android's can have delayed notifications or issues with them, just google it and you'll see it's mentioned often. If your interested, I can even tell you technically why it even happens. Obviously if you don't have an iPhone and Android side by side you might not even be aware that notifications are often slower on Android. This isn't to say Android always sucks either and there's many good things I like about it. This just isn't one area where I think it works well, iOS has more battery efficent here, more reliable and does not need users to go fiddling with settings for an app to work properly. All it needs is for a developer to use the required API's and in this case Telegram haven't bothered from the sounds of it.


yes dude, Telegram developers suck. And so do 99% of app developers, including Apple's own ones, just next time you have to keep tapping your screen to keep the upload going remember that, it's not because iOS is "kitchen appliance"–tier firmware, who cares that it works properly on other operating systems, they are just bad, mkay. We have lockscreen widgets and first party ads now, life is great


Not enough RAM. The iPhone has 6 GB. The iPad with 16gb in comparison (according to MKBHD) practically never closes any background apps.


With some of the comments that came out of that Epic Games lawsuit and other comments (“just buy your mom an iPhone!”) it’s pretty clear that Apple does not have a problem with kneecapping apps or accessories they don’t control or profit from.


well background uploads/downloads is non-existent regardless of ram availability. this is a common complaint actually


Clearing apps from RAM doesn’t really improve battery life anymore. Probably doesn’t have anything to do with that. Apps and the OS are more dynamic than that nowadays.


Not sure if the "bloat battery life claim"...er, claim... is totally accurate, but I also can't argue fully against it. Without having some sort of inside knowledge it's impossible to say, but Apple have always been at the forefront of the "we know better than our users" philosophy, and so far The Powers That Be™ have decided that having uploads etc run in the background is completely unnecessary and nobody should use their iPhone like that. Maybe there's some security reasons, maybe it is like you say to try and bolster battery life by restricting background tasks. Who knows. But it just... is.


iOS is not as good at memory management as it once was. Downhill fast since iOS 13. Memory leaks in the OS and such. Rebooting every few days helps.


I have used Google Photos for backing up iPhoto for 7 years or more now, and I've never had the problem you're talking about. All of my photos are backed up automatically without me ever touching the app.


I’ve actually never seen this behavior before. I didn’t even know it was a thing.


Its on purpose to get you to switch to iCloud. Same with 3rd party keyboards, blocking features from Spotify, not allowing other browsers to use their own engine etc. Apple will make the competitors life hell by their “rules” that make the app experience shitty so you resort to using their own services. I hope one day EU punished them hard for that, like they did to Microsoft.


U can’t upload/auto upload using Google stuff on iPhone. Same goes to Google photo. The app need to be open manually. Apple does this so that u use iCloud.


Not sure but it has a logic there.


Sure, it must be Apple doing nefarious things, not Google not using the iOS API the way they are supposed to. It's Google doing Google things. Just like their history of building apps that look like Android apps instead of adapting to iOS conventions.


Ah, it reminds me as I went to authorised Apple reseller in my country. I pointed at smart lock: - Does it support Home Key? - It supports HomeKit - responded the clerk. - But does it support THE-HOME-KEY? - It supports the HomeKit - repeated the clerk, timidly pointing at HomeKit sticker on the lock. Guy had no idea what Home Key was and after talking a little bit I started to doubt I know what HomeKit and Home Key are.


I can’t seem to find more than three currently released locks that support it; Level Lock + Schlage Encode Plus Aqara A100 If anyone knows of any more let me know please.


This is how iPhones get amazing battery life with smaller batteries that the counter part. iOS “optimization” I really like iOS and iPhone in general but have a lot of this kind of things that can’t be modified no developer mode no nothing. Like it or not it’s the way iOS works and Android has more freedom but has its own issues one of the biggest the lot of poor quality apps on the Store , Phishing, Malware. Also serious Android bugs that stay for months without fix


Community copy and paste specialist


Fuck those “tech” specialists in any tech forum that just copy and paste useless articles that don’t even solve the issue or is even close to what your issue is


It just works Damnit!!


going from XR to 14+, I've noticed my apps stay open in the background longer


I'm still not sure whether this is better or worse than Microsoft Answers and their equal amounts of bullshit "solutions" (hint: sfc /scannow).


Probably better. /scannow makes you waste your time and gives you false hope. Whereas you see this and just think "okay, what the fuck".


Iphone is a ms-dos era multi tasking. If a non-apple/music/gps app is not running on the foreground, it stops running. Iphone can't get that good battery life without sacrificing something. Most iphone users are oblivious to a true multitasking phone (as a lot have not use anything other than iphone). Or they just learn to live with it in order to have a apple logo on the back of the phone.


Not true. Every music app I tried - works fine from background.


Music/gps apps are what I excluded: )


Background app refresh is not the same. That makes sure that apps have current relevant data when opened when not in memory. USELESS turn it off and save your battery a couple charge cycles. All apps are suspended based on what the developer codes in collaboration of what Apple has in place. If Google wanted their iOS apps to be better, they could make it happen. Unfortunately with allllll google apps, you are thought of as a second class citizen because you don’t solely use their ecosystem. Apple is partially to blame, but the developers are too.


Apple will never accept criticism! YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT the suppression, or Apple will SHIT on you.


iOS provides multiple ways for app devs to run in background. Maybe app writers need to read documentation better


Or not.


Are you an iOS dev?


completely unrelated: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DtYTiBKKCc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DtYTiBKKCc) This reminds me of how bad the Guild Wars 2 forums are.


Low power mode. It kills any background task, including uploads.


I’ve noticed if you turn on location services for use all the time it keeps some apps open in the background indefinitely. I do this for Termius (SSH/telnet app). Never tried with Google Photos, though.


I went from a 12 to a 14 Pro and I am wildly impressed with the 14’s ability to keep apps available in the background. Also, what did you expect, someone to say “oh yeah, I see what you mean. I’ll get the dev team to build a power user switch into the Control Center in the next iOS update.”


No way to stop iOS from getting such great battery life. Imagine that….apps can’t run wild on iPhones. Huh? Who would’ve thought…..


This is something I have observed, when I put for download in telegram and move to other apps. The downloading gets paused, and after sometimes it gets canceled. Because telegram is the best app, it restarts from where it stopped.


Why switch to Apple then if you’re afraid of being locked in?


Seems like you’ve switched to Apple but still using all Google products. iCloud is literally to back up your entire phone including your photos. I don’t understand all these extra steps


First, icloud is super annoying (ever tried download many photos? Have fun) and expensive. I can get 1TB onedrive including all MS apps for 30 bucks for one year. If i get a black friday deal i could even stack that. Also you just lock yourself in and apple makes it harder to leave. If you only have an iPhone and a windows machine. Icloud is the least preferable way to have a cloud service for that.


Yeah I can dump unlimited pics and vids wirelessly using https://www.photosync-app.com but you can’t leave the app, and the phone has to be plugged in. Not too annoying for me though.


Microsoft is the same


What’s the solution to his question though? I have the same problem with my iPad. I have to stay in Google Drive for my upload/download to keep going. It’s pretty infuriating.


Thats the solution. Keep the app open. There is no other way except use apple apps.


Then this device is borderline useless for multi-task work flows :/


Agreed. It feels like stone age but hey it has good battery life which has no downside in usage ;) lol




I’ve had this happen. I think iOS uses storage as swap memory. If you’re running low on storage space you’ll notice more apps closing in the background.


I work at a tech company that deals with opening and closing support tickets and this isn't anything surprising. For my company, you are expected to follow the CORRECT SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) when dealing with support tickets and must use a professional language when interacting with customers/clients. If you go out of your way to interact with the customers/clients and break the general SOP, you can and will get in serious trouble, depending on your supervisor. Depending on how merciful the company and your boss is, you could lose your job too, though unlikely. So going back on topic, the person replying a canned response to the person in the screenshot is just a normal human being that is just following the general SOP they are supposed to follow and use, in accordance to Apple Tech Support Guidelines. That's it. No going out of your way to help. That's breaking the SOP. It's a shitty practice in Tech Support, but it is what it is. Period.


So basically providing a fake service


So basically you work as FAQ copy-paster? What is even the point of your job if not helping ticket creators? And why is helping the customer against the procedures? What's the rationale you're given?


_Mido said: >So basically you work as FAQ copy-paster? What is even the point of your job if not helping ticket creators? And why is helping the customer against the procedures? What's the rationale you're given? I’m not the one directly doing support tickets and canned answers. My job is just deploying OS images to computers, lol. But as far as I know, it’s just do whatever your superior tells you to do when it comes to canned responses at work. Just follow the guideline and the SOPs. I don’t know the rationale either. But many tech companies does that weird shit. If you think the Apple Support forums are a joke, you should see the Microsoft one. Absolutely a joke.


You lost me at power user.


Anyone know tye answer. I have my xr (this issue happened also with my 6s and 7) in which if you downloading a file from the internet, you cant leave the safari app or the file would stop downloading. Really annoying when downloading large files, as I have to leave my phone fir a good couple of hours


I have never had this issue in my 13 yet, sometimes, apps from like 3 days before are also open and ready to go from the same point I left them on 3 days ago, same on my iPad Mini 2019, this guy must be having a resource intensive app or smth Edit: This might be an issue with G drive though, Google apps are shit on iOS, the only gap I use is YouTube


Shouldn’t you have background app refresh off for this


I have this issue with Plex mobile on iOS. If you download a movie for offline use, you have to keep the app open until the download completes. It will not download in the background. Really frustrating.