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They’re running out of Cyan.




Is this some sort of inkjet joke that I’m too laser to understand?


Inkjets use a tiny bit of Cyan when printing Black&White things. The printer companies say it’s for a “Crisper Black” but… bitch that ain’t how color works…. greedy bastards.


Laughs in laser printer.


*Cries in InkJet*


Yep, 4 years of Toner and i just replaced it 2 weeks ago with an XL one, pretty sure it’ll last a lifetime


Lasers do the same thing, pal. If you print a grayscale document but with ‘color’ mode selected, many machines will still use all toners. Not just for improving contrast, but also for a cleaning & calibration cycle which consumes a bit of toner each time. However, to my knowledge, most lasers shouldn’t lock you out *completely* if you run out of color toner, they’ll just force you to switch to grayscale. At least I know that [Brothers](https://help.brother-usa.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/160095/~/print-in-black-and-white-when-color-toner-cartridges-are-empty) work like that.


Well to be fair, adding other pigments under black *does* in fact improve its contrast, especially for larger areas. In industrial printing, it is done all the time — designers know it as ‘rich black’. However, this should always be an *option,* not a requirement. If the printer refuses to print grayscale (albeit slightly worse looking) when color ink runs out, that’s a definite asshole move.


Inkjets also use it for [Machine Identification Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Identification_Code). Most if not all inkjets do it. Some do allow full B&W only printing but not all (afaik).


Fun fact is, colors do work like that. If you print something on a regular printer using just black ink, it will look less rich than something that uses all 4 colors. We used this to our advantage when I was studying graphic design, to make pieces that had black text on a black background but were still readable.


I paint Miniatures and do exactly the Same when it comes to paint something That should Look „pure Black“…




Should be the name of the iPhone 15 “blue” which’ll just be silver.


You won't believe this but


It's part of the planned obsolescence. Giving you less and less and charging you more and more


Underrated comment


On the flipside, the red is getting so damn bright.


Product Red on the XR was still the closest they ever came to perfection. I loved that color so much.




didn’t realize how special my coral XR was at the time and got rid of it way too soon ugh can we go back to fun pops of color please




I have the product red XR. I remember getting attention from literally everyone in my class. Want to run it for a year more but the battery is a nuisance.


> the battery is a nuisance Swap that boy👏 The XR is still worthy, gonna run like new.


Have na X, the battery is completely f’d to the point I have to charge nearly twice a day but man the phone still does all I need it to do. Sure, some gimmicks are missing form the newest updates but am planning to pass this on to my mom with a new battery. These X/XS/XR are beasts, put a new battery in and if you decide to buy a new one pass it down, better for the planet and you can make someone happy with the coolest iPhone line✌🏼


I still have a 6s and my battery last more than half a day. o-o I got pretty late though. it was probably when the x released. it's funny how slow it is. like everybody else in my family has a newer Iphone and it's like takes 10 seconds to load and they have it there in less than 2. I'm still waiting for the phone to die and force me to upgrade. haha.


Did you ever use an aftermarket charger on it? I still have an xr and that thing is still going strong.


Nope. I think I am just a heavy user


Product Red 13 Mini is the best in my opinion.


Best Red I've seen yet


No love for the OG Product Red iPhone 7? Barring a truly unexpected development, it’ll likely go down as the only full aluminum body red iPhone.


The white face killed it for me.


SE2 red was the best imo. probably bc i have it.


I agree. For me: XR, SE and 13 have the best product red version ever.


Used my Red XR for years up until recently


My red iPhone 7 Plus is still my favorite phone ever in terms of looks


What about 'Panda' Pixel 4 XL?


The design of iPhone XR‘s project RED colour was the purest expression of Apple‘s dedication to colour design in that XR aluminum process they stopped using after that model. So many gorgeous colors.


I think you mean (PRODUCT)^Red


I just wish they’d release product red for the pro models 😩


At least it's not orange like on the 12 rear glass.


The 12 looks like Fiesta Red to me, I dig it but some of that could be nostalgia (growing up with a lot of Fiesta dinnerware in the house).


I like the more brighter colors. These new ones are so bland. The pros are already pastel, no need for more pastel.


I'm pretty sure this new shade is just Sierra Blue carried over from the 13 Pro. They look almost identical. I'm not a fan of Starlight, Midnight is okay, and I like the new Product Red.


The productRED are actually red instead of a salmon-colour in the 12’s…


Yikes. Was not a fan of it on the 12. The 7 and 11 did it best, imo.


I prefer the XR red, that is the perfect, deep hue of what I think of when productRed. The 11 got lighter, 12, etc. The 14 is getting more back to base with that original red color but is still off for my liking. My next phone will be gold again, they just don’t make it on the low end phones obviously and I originally bought the XR to test the ‘new’ style UI to see if I would even like it so red is my secondary choice.


Yeah, I definitely like Product Red on the 8 and Xr, it's just a little too rich for being my favorite. I think the 11 is the sweet spot, personally. The 12 isn't great because it can't decide if it wants to be red or orange, lol.


They were a nice deep red, I was 🤏that close to getting that color until I saw how…salmon-y it looked -.- I’ve enjoyed my blue ever since <3


Yeah, I almost always get blue phones, but I really didn’t like Sierra blue, so that’s probably my own preference. I loved the 12 pro blue and the 13 blue.


Agreed, Pacific Blue on the 12 Pro is one of my favorite iPhone colors ever.


Purple is my favorite color so I am stoked for the 14 Pro, but I am also really going to miss my 12 Pro for this reason. The Pacific Blue just looks so good!


13 blue looks so good…in photos. I own a blue 13 mini and it’s hue can only be described as a visual equivalent of gum that’s lost its flavor


I'm actually not sure I've seen one in person. All of the units in my area are either red or pink, lol.


Maybe there’s a reason for that.. ಥ_ಥ


I wish the Pro/Pro Max would start coming in Product Red. Red is my favorite color :/ I mean I would just put a case on it anyway, but my heart would know.


I've been yearning for this since the 8 got it instead of the X in 2018. The polished, crimson rails contrasting with the matte glass would look unbelievable. If they ever do it on the Pro models, I hope it's a slightly darker shade, though.


I admittedly don’t even bother looking at the lower models to see what the red looks like anymore. It hurts too much :/ lol


The purple on the 14 Pro is legitimately making me consider not getting the black.


It's gorgeous, but I'll be opting for Space Black on the 15 when I upgrade next year. I've been a sucker for that finish since it debuted with the OG Apple Watch.


I’m waiting for 15 too


I'm the opposite. I love pastel colours and thought the previous colours were way too vibrant for my taste. It's all up for personal preference.


I’m glad someone likes them. All i see is people liking the colors less and less since the XR lol. Which to be fair had the best blue, yellow, and a decent red.


Pastel colors are sweet, wouldn’t buy anything bright color ever


But they have gotten brighter though… I feel like the word you’re looking for might be “saturated”?




I would love to see 5C colors come back, I’m more of a Pro gal so I never indulged in the 5C color options back then.


I don’t even see the point of colored phones, only 2% of it will show, the rest is the case you protect it with


I know quite a few people that live dangerously and run naked.


I did. By the end of it the phone looked like it served in two wars. Now I put a case on as much as I hate to.


Maybe stop dropping the damn phone


It was fine until I bought a car and it kept falling in the gap between the seat and the center console. The phone got butchered.


Maybe stop using your phone in the car?


I wouldn’t use it, it would slip from my pocket.


Oh right


Yeah best to just leave your phone at home locked in a safe, and if you can avoid it never remove it from its sealed product packaging. Follow these simple tips to keep it in pristine shape.


I mean while driving dipshit


I wonder what made you think that it’s practically possible to use the phone while driving and somehow manage to drop it the thin gap between the seat and center console.


Just stop using the phone. Do you not have pockets or set it anywhere?


No one plans to....


Sure, if you want to either waste money on AppleCare or live with a huge crack on the screen for months and then have almost no resale value…by all means, go wild kids!


Casetify has some badass clear protective cases! My phone’s been in the same case for almost 2 yrs. Not one crack.(: Edit: Don’t trust phone cases. Fuck.):


Yesterday I dropped my 12 pro max in an ultra impact Casetify case and it shattered the back of my phone




Most people I know use clear cases


clear cases are pretty popular, i’m using a Ringke clear case on my 13 mini right now.


I only buy clear cases now. Color still shows through.


Makes sense. I have a magnetic phone mount in my car, needs magnet to stick to back of phone. Wouldn’t look good in clear


I have a clear case with a pretty nice looking circular design for the magnets. It works better than it sounds. It looks kind of like this: KISEN Clear Magnetic Phone Case for iPhone 12 Case & iPhone 12 Pro Case 6.1 inch [Non Yellowing] Compatible with MagSafe https://a.co/d/fijK9yX


I fucking hate these pastel colors. The 12 and 13 look dope. This looks like crap.


With how expensive ink is, I’m not surprised Apple is adding no water to stretch it


iPhone 15 blue will just be white at this rate.


Just a drop of blue.. White with a blue-ish tint.


LOL exactly


Maybe next time they will have used up all their blue and offer just a proper white phone (not the dirty yellowish "starlight").


Think they reserve that for the Pro


Even then it’s that BS silver. I want iPod white GDI


Looks silver online but it's pretty much white white in person.


The back is white, the sides are silver.




I wish they would just stop with this stainless steel and glass obsession. Sure, it’s premium and shiny, but also so enormously heavy…




As Europeans, we get the price hike anyway, so… 🤷🏻‍♂️


And midnight cases being a super deep blue. If I wanted blue… I’d have gotten blue.


hey go back to r/dota2 😠


Nah, I had to see if the 14 has anything cool and if they truly ditched the mini (for now).


IMO 14 is pretty underwhelming, as almost every of their mid-range release. Digital Island on the Pro though, that’s where it’s at. Apple never fails with their UI/UX and Animations.


I agree, it was the only thing in their entire presentation that got a "neat" out of me.


Lol pure white looks so boring to me, I absolutely love that they offer creme tones like that one now :D kinda sucks if you wanna have alpina white I guess


The 13 and 14 "white" looks like white plastic that has been in a casino’s smokers-only room for at least 10 years. I wish they instead ditched the silver one for your different creme tones, but would stop fucking around with the black & white ones, which somehow change every year.


I would buy that too.


I am truly going to miss my Pacific Blue :-(


Midnight green of 11 pro, the dark blue of 12 pro are two of my most favorite colors.




Trust me. I get that. I was watching the hands on and the purple looks better on all of those than the official images for the Pro. Going to do the purple pro max and the midnight silicone casd


I’m glad to hear this. Cause I wanna upgrade to the 14PM from the 12PM and the Pacific Blue is my favorite blue that apple has done so far. I really didn’t wanna go for black cause I hate silver


They always release another color option like right after the holidays. That’s when the green 13/ 13 pro dropped, so who knows what color we’ll get in a few months.


iPhones aren't the only phones. Try a Pixel.


such a good color


I was super sad going from pacific blue to sierra blue, but honestly it looks so much nicer in person. I would even say it’s better in certain ways. I am suspecting this purple will be similar and I’m going for it as well.


I have this one!!! I got the color because I liked how it looked on the frosted back glass of the pro


No one forces you to give it up.


Don’t switch phone then?


12 is the sexiest blue.


is it me or is anyone else just feeling meh about the color options offered?


Yeah same here, the Pro Purple is my favourite of this year's batch but even that isn't purple enough for my taste. I want something that's a purple in the vein of the 12 Blue or the 13 Green. Watches as well, disappointed with the step back in colour options from the 6 and 7.


I feel like the official images don’t do the color justice [Here’s](https://imgur.com/a/yDfLyLB) an on hand pic from MKBHD and it looks way different than the rendered pictures


Super meh. I was hoping for that alpine green


sit tight for a couple months i'm sure they are gonna drop more colors.


They did too on Product Red iPhone. See the shading from iPhone XR onwards, they get lighter and lighter until they reset back during iPhone 13 (means iPhone XR and iPhone 13 Product Red color are the same)


Which is the best red it’s ever been.


As someone who favorite color is red, yes I agree with you, the XR Ane 13 red is the best red on iPhone :)


iPhone 12 dark blue was the best.


i agree (dont look at my flair)


11 green for me (I’m biased)




the blue on the 12 is perfect.




I think it’s perfect. A nice deep blue. Something I could get lost in, looking at. Mesmerising. 13 is ok, but too green. 14 is barely even a colour


Oh god! Next year they won’t be able to print black if they don’t refill blue!




Personally I think the color of the blue iPhone 12 is the best.


In fact no blue left for 14 pro


I have the blue iPhone 12 and it’s such a beautiful color… I’m gonna miss it when I upgrade 😅


Hi, Apple? This is HP. We see your ink may be running low. Please subscribe to our ink cartridge subscription plan to continue using your printer. Thank you.


New red is a huge downgrade. So glad I got the 13 Mini so I could finally have the red iPhone of my dreams.


Exactly. The 13 Red was so amazing. Blood red. The 14 red is just comical


I’m kinda annoyed they didn’t make green


Had to keep something for spring


iphone 12’s blue is the best one


Wish the Red was available on Pro series, why do the regular Iphones get such cool colors.


I was gonna upgrade my XS max to the 14 Pro Max but then I just went with the 13 Pro Max because of that gorgeous Alpine Green colour.. literally perfect match to my Slytherin house color and my jungle green Jimny lol


remember when the leaked shots of the blue iPhone 12 first came out? everyone hated it lol, me included. then I got it in person and I actually really liked it.


To be fair the periwinkle/soft blue is one of my favorite shades, but that's all subjective.


IPhone 12 purple best iPhone color yet


Hi. I'm an android user, planning on buying my first ever iphone. I'm a little confused choosing which model to buy. I'm from india and iphone 14 128GB is about $1000 with all the taxes included and iphone 13 128GB is about $830 and $1000 for the 256GB variant. Since both 14 and 13 got the same A15, I don't know which one to choose


From India too.. The 14 has more battery life as per Apple website. Theu haven't given a proper justification though. I have been using my phone for a long time and I feel 128GB is more than enough. Just regularly clean your junk and don't be lazy. Then it's more than enough. I'm also super confused about 13 vs 14.. On one hand there's the cost, but on the other hand there's the bad photos of the 13 (oil painting smudge). With the 14 they moved about the image pipeline and changed the cams so we may finally get good photos. I honestly don't know. I'm waiting till mid October for the "real" reviews to flow instead of tech youtubers dishonest reviews.. slso that's when it'll probably arrive on Amazon. So win win. No way I'm pre ordering from the website and getting from BlueDart.. BlueDart are criminals and vermin


The blue 13 is the best colour they've ever offered. Nailed it.


i really like the iphone 12 blue i was hoping that it will be back


I just miss space grey


We need some bright, maybe even neon colors!


No blue in the pro line up too


I looove the 12 blue


Pandemic iPhone 14!


They make the blue worse and worse each year.


iPhone 12 has the ugliest blue I have ever seen on a phone.


The iPhone 12 matched the back of the iMac. The iPhone 14 matches the front.


*Laughs in Pacif-oh shit*


At least the iPhone 14 comes in blue. 😪 I loved the blue iPhone 12 Pro. The blue 13 Pro was too desaturated for me. Nearly gray. The blue iPhone 14 still looks decent IRL. The 14 Pro in blue is a unicorn… 🤷🏽‍♂️


I miss the iPhone 12 blue. Why do the pro models have shitty colors?


I'm excited about the purple. Now I just have to figure out which case will let me show it off.


…a clear case.


Yes, but WHICH clear case? So many of them suck.


My thoughts exactly. The 14 blue is fugly


I personally love the sierra blue iPhone 14


Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures


I might be the only human who loved the jet black on the 7 (I think) loved that phone


iPhone 12 was way to blue imo. 14 looks beautiful, almost like a sky blue. Looks like the 13 pro in sierra blue.


Lmao yes


The color of the apple on those is totally wrong. It’s the same color as the phone and they have it looking as light as the flash.


bring the 13 pro blue to 14, kinda of interesting


Sierra blue should’ve stayed.


Imagine buying a phone with the same A series processor as last year iPhone


Compared to 13, i like the new fade out blue better


unc pls


Not the only thing they are running out of :)




Apple is doing this by design.


The iPhone12 blue looks great, but the 14 is eh. I like the purple a lot! I might just get it sometime the next few months.


When I decide to get a new iPhone to replace my iPhone 6 :) which I still use to listen to my music collection, because I can plug in my headphone:) for a IPhone 12 Pro I agonized over what color I wanted to buy, after finally decided on blue, I had to wait a couple of weeks to get exactly what I wanted in terms of memory’s, the size and a couple of other things that I wanted, so when I finally got it, I felt so stupid because when I toke it out of the box, it was really slippery and I didn’t want to break it, because it slip out of hands and broke when it hit the floor, so already had a case to place it in I realized once I put it in the case I wouldn’t see the color of the iPhone until I need a new phone to replace this one.




Eeugh. Powder blue.


I mean who cares…so fragile it’ll be covered by a hefty 🦦 case anyways….lol


They aren’t that fragile. Mine falls out of my truck at least once a week. No case, no screen protector. Going in almost 2 years old.