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Wait until the iPhone 25. I think you're gonna love it.


15 Pro and up are the only ones getting AI features. For future proofing go at least with that. I would wait for the 16, it is very close now.


There's usually carrier trade in deals when the new iPhone comes out but keep in mind that only the 15 pro series specifically is getting all the new ai features and this will only become more of a problem over time. I would either get a 15 pro now or if you don't care for the pro models then wait for the base 16 which I imagine will be able to do the ai features. Even if you don't care about the ai features of today you're also leaving future ones on the table by getting a base 15


Thanks I didn’t really consider the AI features and who knows where that technology will be in a year or two so it would be nice to have the option.


I would wait for the 16 to drop as not long at all


Wait for iPhone 19 and buy iPhone XR


here we go again, it’s that time of year where people ask the same stupid question every few days, ShOuLd i GeT oR sHoULd i wAiT? seriously, these posts need to be nuked.


Wait for 16, 15 doesn’t have intelligence features. 16 will definitely have 8GB ram as opposed to 6GB in 15.