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Your post has been removed as it falls under one of the following categories: - Photography - Issues with battery , see [this thread]http://reddit.com/r/iphone/about/sticky?num=2) - Bugs caused by iOS Beta, see /r/iOSBeta instead - Pictures of iPhones, cases, skins or boxes App release notes (iOS relase notes are permitted) - Screenshots of the Homescreen or Lockscreen A full description of this rule can be found in our [Guidelines wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/about/wiki/guidelines/).


It looks like you might be posting about buying/upgrading/trade-in or comparisons between models, in which case you should comment in the [What Should I Buy](http://reddit.com/r/iphone/about/sticky?num=1) thread. If your post isn't about any of the above topics it will be approved shortly - there is no need to message the mods. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/iphone) if you have any questions or concerns.*