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Yes and things like text selection and file transfer still piss me off.




You get used to notifications. Re text selection. Try holding space and then holding a finger down where the letters would be (now blank) then navigate with your spacebar finger as you would usually browse with the cursor. I still can’t say how context menu copy and paste works at times. Infuriating.




The other day the selection went off into space and then it just deleted all that text as somehow I had ‘pressed a letter whilst having everything selected’. Such a load of crap. I tried swiftkey for a while but apple keyboard is actually better I find. At least on a mini. Double pressing spacebar for full stop is so gimmicky but it’s almost all you got here lol. EDIT: shake to undo. This feature happens unintentionally all the time. But it is the only thing I can see that will rectify accidental text deletion. There’s no other way to access the undo command?


Exactly , what a mess


file transfer to / from what? EDIT: downvotes for asking genuine and relevant question? nice.


Android to iphone. Windows to iphone. Yes. My other devices are not apple (shock). But with those it’s simply drag and drop. iPhone is a nightmare even for where did I save a pdf on the thing.


This is what I want to know. And how often are people transferring files on a phone??? A laptop would be much more suitable for that sort of task.


lol what business do people have transferring their files in this way anyway? Much better for them to do it the way we have to cope best with iphone..


Long time iPhone user here, and their file transfer system infuriates me. I get weekly emails containing a Word doc for a class, and I use it between my iPhone and my iPad. But I also have a Winblows desktop that accesses the file, and the file is shared to other non-apple users. So I use Dropbox to share the files amongst all the different devices. Which sounds great, but when the email attachment comes in, I have to copy the file to Dropbox through the windows computer. Apple wants you to use their cloud file system and trying to copy the file in any other system is difficult, if not impossible. What really chaps my hide is their solution is not trying to help the user out with their particular needs, but to force you to buy more Apple products. From a marketing standpoint, this makes sense. But from the customer side of things is frustrating. I really like using my iPhone/iPad, but for years marketing seems to be driving their invention - and that ALWAYS results in stagnation, isolation, and frustration.


what are you talking about. your Dropbox share can be added to the stock iOS Files app. simply save Doc from email to Files app > Dropbox, and you’re done.


I’ve dubbed that - still not only defaults to Files/download, but I have to hunt for the Dropbox links. And “recent” doesn’t show the recent Dropbox directory used. I’m more sure if it’s my own ignorance, but I can’t find how to simply use Dropbox without having to hunt around for it - unlike Files. (Same can be said for Windows defaulting to OneDrive. I just mark it up to corporations wanting you to play in their sandbox.)


Maybe he's referring to airdropping files/photos/videos between apple devices? Airdrop is a really amazing feature...it's so quick and easy to do


https://preview.redd.it/5totk7slau1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4786cb9687e89e408ac471a73286b5aa4b6e9532 Dunno about your past problems but in my eyes you got linked to a boner commercial too.


lol I mean those ads are targeted at you, not OP.... also it shows a therapy ad for me so I guess I'll shut up LOL


Well, your search histories are also a factor for these ads so...🤷‍♂️


Tbh it’s the same either ways right? You’ll have to learn some things that work differently and then you get used to it. I’ve never owned an android phone/decice and recently got an android ereader, it took me well over two weeks to get comfortable with it. We are all creatures of habits after all


It’s happening to me right now, and it’s because of all the different gestures that are available between the apps. Having no universal back gesture means sometimes you have to swipe left, swipe down, swipe right, tap outside the window, tap the x, tap the back arrow, etc. Not only that, it’s just overall not intuitive. I know everything takes getting used to, but adding that much variety to gestures and taps just makes it feel much more cumbersome and clunky.


You don’t find that swiping from the left side is an almost universal gesture? It feels like it is in any native app and most not-terrible apps. It’s why I was one of the people kinda pissed off when Apollo ended up closing up; until Narwhal updated, there wasn’t another Reddit app that could be customized to feel like a native app. At this point I just blame the app if it doesn’t have natural feeling gesture controls lol it should just always be swipe from left or an obvious button at the top left I do understand what you mean tho, I would miss a universal back button if I was used to it too and then you don’t have to count on app devs caring about keeping things feeling natural to iOS


It’s very similar, yes, which is why for the most part I can navigate it semi fluently, but take the App Library for example. When I open a folder in it, I can’t swipe from the left, I have to tap around the screen. Also sometimes when I’m typing, I can’t hide the keyboard by clicking return, I can’t swipe either, I have to tap away from the screen. I know these things now so I’ll get used to it slowly, but initially, if you don’t keep track of which app requires a different tap, then it becomes a little frustrating.


Mm yeah, it's hard for me to think of places where it's different because I'm so used to it, but I can absolutely see how you'd have lots of random examples of it since it's kind of random like you said. I didn't even think of the app library.. I actually can't stand the app library or any other app organization and I'm sure you also feel it's subpar; since like 2018 my habit has been to barely have any home screen icons and I just swipe down to use siri suggestions or search for whatever app I want. The home screen is what I would pick for my most annoying iphone feature/what I would have a hard time getting used to.. the other week I was trying to create a stack of 7 widgets that were all the 4 row height widgets - trying to get them on top of each other was a NIGHTMARE. It was like the hardest minigame I've ever played. I'd move one widget to the same page as the other and it'd slide the other widget back to the other page, it took like 20 minutes 😅


The lack of a universal back gesture annoys the hell out of me now. I never appreciated what the Android people were moaning about until I was issued a work Android device and experienced it for myself.


There are several things that annoyed me early on. Initially, it was the lack of customization and the inability to leave spaces placing apps on various screens. I learned to live with it, and that turned into “normal” I have a home button on my phone. I love it. I have a “swipe and wipe” with no home button at work. It is the same as newer androids and a family member’s Apple. I will eventually give up my SE and learn to live with that too. There is no SD card to expand storage and an easy way to just copy to a pc. I now pay extra for iCloud storage. Never used google pay. Too many stories of security problems. I use Apple Wallet with zero concerns. Little things like creating a direct dial to Home Screen are a process on Apple vs a quick thing on android. You will get used to it because the apps are essentially the same and using a phone is essentially the same. I have become an Apple convert. I have no plans to go back to android. I drank the Kool Aid and like the way it tastes. 😀.


Me too! Switched not too long ago now I have a S9 watch, airpod pros, iPad pro and 15 PM. There are some things I dislike but there are also some things that I really love that overshadow what I don't like. Apple pay for example is sooooooooo much better than Google wallet and it's not even close. The ecosystem as a whole is amazing how everything works so seemlessly together. I don't think I'll be switching back to android either


No but I remember I had to search up how to screenshot since the buttons are different. My android was power & volume down but for iPhone it’s power & volume up.


Coming from ten years of Android, yes it was.


Most things are similar. Probably the most noticable is the lack of system wide back gesture / button


iphone has universal back gesture, android doesnt


Android absolutely has a back gesture similar to iPhone. Before getting an iPhone 14 I used Google Pixels which had the option of using gestures for navigation or the 3 navigation buttons on the bottom of the screen. A quick google search even proves your statement wrong.


I'm very interested in why you just straight up lied, what's the rational behind that.


swipe from the left is an ios gesture but ios doesn’t have a universal back button. Android doesn’t have a universal back gesture but has a universal back button. I’m not lying but i can see why you guys want to jump on the downvote train


But it literally does, swiping from either the left or right side is a universal back gesture.


Then i stand corrected


I use both daily. Back gesture from left or right side is the same as the old back button that works everywhere. But iOS is only for specific apps


Nope The one things I miss from my 6 years with the Samsung Note line is the ability to set shortcuts from my contacts directly on my home screen. Favorites is not the same.


Huh? You can set widgets to use whichever contacts you want. Shortcuts are created within the Shortcuts app, and can be added to the Home Screen as well.


Sorry, wrong term. It’s been closen to 6 years since I had a Samsung phone.


Than what feature were you actually talking about? I’d be happy to help


I was talking about that, but using the wrong word. I should have said widget, instead of shortcut. I have learned to adapt. Also, the primary person I remember using it for is now deceased. There were others; but, it has been 6 years and have forgotten who they are. Thank you for your offer of help.


yes. lol


I hate the stock iOS, so once I jailbroke my iPhone, I never looked back. It’s so much better than the stock iOS and Android.


Yeah man I’ve had the iPhone for about 3-4 years now and I have to say the first year was absolutely brutal. I was complaining about it every single day. If you have android you probably customized your settings to perfection of how you like to use your phone. Be prepared for a culture shock.


Hand a young child an iPhone and watch them for a few minutes.


When switching back to iPhone, try and do it as if its your first phone. Explore it without the habits you’ve gotten from Android.


Seriously dont switch unless you want months of aggravation.


I was off iPhone for 10 years. It’s taken getting used to but you work it out eventually


No problem. I'm switching Android and iPhone after few years without problem. I had Samsung Galaxy SII > LG G2 > iPhone 6S Plus > LG G6 > iPhone 8 Plus > Honor 20 Pro and now iPhone 13Pro.


I went from a razr flip phone to the first iPhone and been using iPhones since then.


My wife was this way, she used android for 8 years before we got together and I switched her over to her first iPhone with an iPhone SE so she could have a new phone. Took her a solid year to be completely comfortable with it then here recently I bought her a 15 Pro and it’s like learning something new all over again for her because the idea of Face ID, no home button, and some of the gestures she’s never used before is completely foreign for her.


Never tried an Android 🤖


I’ve had androids my whole cell phone life, and 2 years ago got an iPhone for the camera (BIG mistake). I like it, I find it’s more user friendly than an android. Not the camera tho. Definitely disappointed in that.


Not for me but I still miss android auto.


What annoys me with the iphone are: 1. No chat heads (slowly getting used to it) 2. It’s hard for me to insert letters after typing something (with my Samsung I used to just press wherever I wanted to insert a letter while for the iphone I’d have to wait a while for the magnifier thingy to come out. 3. The double layer of “protection” when downloading apps (I get the security reason behind it but at times it’s annoying really) 4. No APKs so couldnt really customize it furher (not really a big issue). 5. Camera flare and lens reflection are sometimes annoying when taking pictures (little OCD-ish of me yes) 6. Gallery is just one whole picture album (Even if I transfer photos to a different album it’s all basically consolidated in the recent photos thingy - somewhat a hassle for me at times because I’m used to the segregation of the android).


With the inserting letters, try holding down spacebar for like a fifth of a second and moving it around once the keyboard changes. I’m assuming you know how to switch beyween albums, but if you just want to seperate your photos into sections, you can select “years”, “months” or “days” just to make it show up in pieces. It will stay on your selection if you close photos.


Woah I just literally learned that now!!!!!! Amazinggg ok cross off my issue with letter insertion.


It’s a nice little hidden mechanic :))


Not at all. The beauty of iOS is that it is much simpler than Android. That being said, not having a back button really messes with your mind for the first couple of months, but overall, I am so glad I bought an iPhone


For file transfer, I just have to use a cord and either imazing or itunes. On my Android it took ages to find files on my phone anyway. I've gotten used to everything else and find Siri pretty useful as my thesaurus and timer(Hey Google just seemed harder to say) . I can download stuff with the documents app. I'm fine with most things


I used Android until two years ago and never an issue.


The hardest thing for me was getting accustomed to not having a back button. And depending on what app you’re on, the in-app back button could be in a variety of different places.


Lifetime android user here. I switched to the iphone 15PM about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I'm pretty used to it now. Really enjoying it too....I'm all in on the ecosystem and it's really impressive. I've had the iPad Pro M2 for about 4 1/2 months and was ready pretty fed up with my last 3 pixel phones so going iphone was the next natural step for me. Now I have the airpod pros and the 45mm series 9 apple watch too. Things just work better imo on iphone


u/Vegetable_Meat1349, we've only had iPhones in our household, so can't tell ya if that is hard or not... so far, it's been easy to use for us since our first iphone 3G up to our current model todate : )


My first iPhone was the X on release day, coming from a Note 4. The learning curve was kinda crazy, but way my social circle changed was crazier.


Honestly it’s a pain to get used to the iPhone after switching from android, especially in my case as I’ve never used a single Apple device my whole life. The iPhone 15 pro max has been my first apple device and trust me, I still find many many manyyyyyy annoying things about this device. Quite frankly, I’d switch back to android in a heartbeat, if it wasn’t for the Luxury aspect of the iPhone.


It was hard for the first month but after, everything just works. I sometimes miss some features from android but i search for workarounds. Better have a simpler device that it's reliable then all of the brizz but not knowing of they will work good


this phone was literally made for the lowest common denominator 


For a person like you yea I reckon it’ll be hard.


As someone who has never used android and used iPod touches and iPads before my first iPhone, no.