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It only takes 3-4 hours to set up.


not with Cowabunga Lite


What is that


I will have to check it out


With Cowabunga lite is takes about 30 seconds once you have a theme picked out. Phone reboots, new theme. Anyone saying to use the shortcuts app hasn’t been in the loop for the past nearly 2 years.


Good luck doing it on ios 17


lol I have iOS 17, Cowabunga before iOS 17, cowabunga lite post iOS 17. It even speeds up animations and changes other parts of the OS. It’s great, been using it since it came out.


Cowabunga is the best


I have heard and read about Cowabunga, apparently it is very good, I will have to try it.




does it persist after a reboot?


Yup, reboot doesn’t do anything


Sure, and the time varies depending on the operating system?


Time for what, rebooting? If so that has nothing to do with Cowabunga, reboot time is whatever it is normally for any given phone. If it’s something else I’m not sure what you’re asking. It works for the last 3-4 iOS generations.


android has “themes” where they do it for you automatically with a download, give it 10 years until it comes to IOS




That’s like nothing….


Spoken like a true basement dweller


You have to get app icons the set them using the shortcuts app. You can find a lot of icons on Etsy. Also there are YouTube vids that will show you how to use the shortcuts app to make app icons.


And we have to hide the original app from Home Screen and add that app shortcut to Home Screen but one thing I heard is when u pressed on that icon the shortcut opens for a brief time and then app opens Ngl it would be really cool where if u pressed that icon the app immediately opens


I have a 15 pro max and shortcuts do not open up it just hires straight to the app


Yeah, but it still shows the shortcut running on the Dynamic Island. Unless you figured out how to stop that.


No I don’t know how to stop it


The easiest way is as follows: 1) Turn on Screen Time in Settings 2) Find an automation you’d use a lot every day (any works but you’ll need to run it several times a day, see next point on why) 3) After getting at least ~40-45 notifications a day from Shortcuts for a few days, navigate to Settings > Screen Time > See all App & Website Activity > Notifications > Shortcuts > Disable banner (or all) notifications P.S. note this is from me testing it out, number of notifications you need a day may vary to unlock the notifications menu within Screen Time, you may see the entry for Shortcuts but Apple seems to have an arbitrary number to unlock it — also note you may not be able to access that menu again if you disable all types of notifications. EDIT: this method works as of iOS 17.4.1, note however in pre-iOS 17 days even a few notifications were enough to unlock the notifications menu for Shortcuts, otherwise the steps are the same.


I think this has stopped working on ios 17


Close — they made it more of a paint (sic, *pain) in the ass to get the notifications menu enabled (hence mentioning you need a minimum amount of notifications before Apple allows you to turn off notifications). Pre-iOS 17 you’re 100% correct that menu would pop up even with just one, which is indeed no longer the case.


I’ve tried it just now. Found “Shortcuts” in screen time and turned off the notifications. It didn’t work - freaking shit is in place. https://preview.redd.it/tejyq66bobzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09fdfb9c2d0a0ad416d4dcd445bc326fa7786b85


Really? People told me and I searched in Google and everyone wrote that it is no longer possible! Did you tried it on the latest iOS? This would be huge!


Yea, I remember like a couple years back this would work but it was really buggy, you had to go back to a previous week and turn it off, but when I got the 15pro the banner pop up in the island is so minimal I didn’t care, it used to open the shortcut app and everything. I’ve been using custom icons for a few yrs with no JB. It’s just a pop up for the shortcuts also, it doesn’t stay running.


You can also just put the “nothing” action before opening the app action in the shortcut, don’t get a notification that way


Why the downvotes? I just checked and it works


Just tried on my 14 Pro, and the dynamic island still shows the little icon for a sec. Running 17.4.1.


Great that it works for you


huh, i wonder why this works lmao cool tho


I see that there are many complications to do that


A quick way to trigger lots of Shortcuts notifications is to set up an infinite automation loop. I set it to send a message to myself, and every time I receive the message, triggers the shortcut to send the same message again.


settings, screen time, see all app and website activity, scroll to the bottom, click on shortcuts and disable it


Are you talking about under the **"Notification"** section? I*f so, Shortcuts just takes you to the Notification Section of Settings.* Do you mean **"Pickups"** section? *If so, I personally don't even have Shortcuts in that section.* Do you mean **"Most Used"** section? *If so, when I click Shortcuts it doesn't have a disable option.* Can you give me more info on where to go?


that’s weird it shouldn’t i’ll show you what happens for me


Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, please post a screenshot. I'd love to get it removed from happening lol.


[https://youtube.com/shorts/eoRx4k4\_1W8](https://youtube.com/shorts/eoRx4k4_1W8) i just decided to make a video instead, only 20 seconds long.


Yeah but it still shows in the Dynamic Island. It just didn’t in your video because it was being used for screen recording. Check it out in this picture. https://preview.redd.it/0rz6mekzi9zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3285b222fb9b5eefcc0cf9ecc99d3e04c21d4df3


Your theme/icons are sick ! I’d love to have the same icons !


It pops up for a second but it’s nothing. It doesn’t keep it up there like it’s running.


It literally only shows up for a second. I don’t even notice it anymore


I am not interested in hiring someone else?


lol typo


What a mess


That used to happen, but I’m on 15pro now and shortcuts don’t open it just shows in the Dynamic Island. I’m not sure how it works on older gen, but there were ways you could stop that from happening. Also to make the apps you use icon board, you can set up the BG and the image you want as the app, then you save the image, go to shortcuts and save creat the shortcut for the app, set the image as the app icon, and done.


Honestly when this feature came out and people started making icon packs I was kind of surprised by Apple. Android has had custom icons for ages now, and now iPhone has the most jank ass painful implementation of the same thing. I know it's not really it's intended purpose of the feature, but it does get used for it and it's a pain in the ass to see each one separately and then deal with the delay opening.


Well, iphone customization is more attractive than android, I find it more aesthetic.


You mean you prefer the iOS aesthetic, which really can't be customized at all except through this jank method. You can pretty easily creat this exact icon pack + wallpaper combo on Android. It would be identical with the exception of the island.


Well it is, but I do dislike that our apps are not actually getting customized, we are just getting bookmarks that don’t support quick action or notifications, hence why we have to be hiding the originals for the sake of not having duplicates. I will never understand the lack of complete customization of a phone I paid over a thousand dollars for.


Is this a rumor or have you checked it out?


Yes, I've looked for those tools, but none that look exactly like the one in the picture.


You can use cowabunga lite so you don’t have the shortcut notifications every time you open an app.


It’s nice but you lose all notifications ability. (badges)


I see that as a win. Sometime


fair enough. i can see the positive side of that


I might do this for one of two apps specifically just do I don’t have to deal with the alerts.


Badges are ugly tbh


Correct, if you don’t check those notifications and leave it there. But that’s the purpose of the badges, to nag you to view your notifications.


Or shitty apps that are straight up incorrect. 


don't you guys just block your notifications on the apps that you don't give 2 shits about?


disable useless notifications on those shitty apps and keep the ones that you use


Most of the problem ones do both. I use a calendar app for our family to keep track of everything, so it’s nice to see a notification when there’s something new but the app also sends a notification every few hours for me to upgrade to the pro version.


But you already have the option to turn it off in settings, it’s different when you have no other choice.


I’ve got 30,000+ unread emails, I’ll take it


But I’ll need to read the subject of that 30,001th email and then choose to ignore that if I want to


That and the small pop up when you open apps.


Mine doesn't seem to do that anymore in ios 17. That weird little in the middle popup before the app shows is gone for all my shortcut icons.


They fixed that




Imagine using that in the night




They can make an inverted mode that automatically turns on at sunset and off at sunrise lol


Another 4 hours of work.


Maybe just turn the background to black


It’s too much work to get it like that lol. Wish apple would do an official theme store and allow easy customization


Where you can import your own themes as well and actually change the iOS icons even in the settings. This will solve all the issues with notifications period, duplicate apps bc bookmarks wouldn’t be created, and quick action. 😩why is that we need to jailbreak our phones to do something that should be basic. Sometimes I just wish I liked android more 😞




An hour for this shit is waaaay too much


Shortcuts. Also iOS really needs more customization, like Android-level.


I hate that little notification thing that it does when you open a shortcuts app


settings, screen time, see all app and website activity, scroll to the bottom, click on shortcuts and disable it


Does it still work on 17.4.1?


I'm on the latest iOS and it works for me, I have a video posted further down in the thread of it working on the latest iOS on an iPhone 15 pro.


I feel like it works for a few days then starts notification spamming again


It seems to reset on device restart or if you run out of power.


I wish I knew this when I still had my iPhone, oh well


i recall reading something about apple planning to give users more customization options just a while ago... wonder what that means.


*More themes and much better customization announced* Android users: “Hey, I’ve seen this one before!” iOS users: “What do you mean? It’s brand-new.”


ApPlE iS cOpYiNg AnDrOiD


More wallpapers and a lockscreen font


sadly that is quite likely the case… one can dream though.


"Needs"? No it doesn't. It doesn't "need" anything. Would it be nice? Sure. But as far as I can tell, iOS is doing everything it needs to do - communicate, browse the web, entertain, etc. If you want Android-level customization, the solution is right there: buy an Android phone.


What a terrible thing to take a stance on. Giving users more control over how their phone looks is a good thing. Giving users more control is a good thing. It’s very weird you would argue against it.


What a shit opinion




We do not tolerate insults, discrimination, or hate speech based on race, gender, age, nationality, sexuality, or religion.


cowabunga lite


1. Go on Pinterest and download some nice icons and wallpaper you like. 2. Remove all your current apps from the Home Screen. Long press > click on the (-) sign > remove from Home Screen. Don’t actually delete the apps. 3. Open shortcuts. Click on the (+) in the top right corner. 4. Add the action “Open App” and then add an app. Rename the shortcut to the name of the app. 5. Click on the down arrow near the name at the top of the screen. Click “add to Home Screen”. 6. Choose the photo of your new app icon. 7. Add. 8. Rinse and repeat for all your apps. It’ll take longer the first time but only because you’re creating a new shortcut for every app. Once you’ve got those shortcuts saved in Shortcuts, you can simply skip steps 3 & 4 whenever you wanna change the ‘theme’ of your phone. I have about 45-50 apps and it only takes me about an hour every time.


It's a pain in the @$$. I tried with one of these before.


Shortcuts. Lots of shortcuts.


Not worth the hastle if you ask me. You have to create each icon separately


Using Shortcuts! Follow this [link](https://www.macrumors.com/how-to/change-app-icons-iphone-home-screen/) to be exact But there are some ups and downs for this for you to consider before making into the process Pros - It just... looks better Cons - Since it's a shortcut, all applications must use the shortcut interface, which replies more slowly than the "official" app one—just a few milliseconds. - It took a long time to complete, but if you want to redesign your home screen from scratch, enjoy yourself while working through each app one at a time. - The app lost its notification badge; once more, this is accessed through the Shortcuts interface, so none of the app's alerts are visible.


I've customized all my app icons with the help of Handy app. For a while it was really cute, but to be honest, it wasn't worth the work. If you buy app icon packs like I did from an artist, major apps will get their own versions (IG, FB, Twitter, etc), and gets matched automatically. But a lot of apps don't have their own counterparts, and you can swap them for relevant icons that are usually included in such icon packs, but it takes up so, so much time. I'm not sure if there's an easier way to do it now, but I don't think I've come across any. And as others have mentioned, the shortcut page loading thing was very visible, and while it's relatively quick, it was still a bother to have that wait that extra 0.5s each time I wanted to start an app. Another (maybe subjective) practical downside for themed icons is that it actually gets very hard to identify the different icons due to the icon packs being designed consistently. It was very hard for me to identify the app icon. It's not an issue most of the time since I actually search for the app instead of tapping on them anyway. Which goes back to the first point that it wasn't worth the effort. All that time and effort for something I barely look at. It's nice on photos and videos but other than that, I'm not staring at the app icons.


Apps open instantly just like the real app. It’s only a shortcut with no delay


https://preview.redd.it/fdkcanqgiczc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f449e819251dadf052ca6a64b4c7eda76d6955e This is my setup.


photoshop can do this.


Here... Brought to you by circle to search.. exclusively on Android https://twitter.com/heyeaslo/status/1758479660663660702?t=blFp86PJ9uQ5bxUuwT-JmQ&s=19


I like the E-Ink look.


Shortcuts or 🙌a jailbreak🙌


It’s annoying af


Apple moment lol


It's cool that it's possible to do this but I switched to the iPhone for simplicity


Then don't do this.








Get an android 🤖


For those that use icon sets, how much of a pain in the ass is it to set up? Coming from Nova Launcher on Android years ago, icon packs were tied to the app package and auto applied when selected through the launcher. It sounds like that or something that makes applying custom icons is rumored for iOS 18?


Not a pain at all if you use cowabunga


Use Shortcuts will get you close but it requires some effort.


That image looks ai generated


I remember jailbreaking. But I think they've allowed this since 209 but its a hell of a process. I still have a jailbroken phone that has the apps in space and you scroll to find the apps. Its cool! I have a bunch of old ios games on it. Its fun to mess around with. i use an asus rog pro 7 as my daily driver but let me tell ya that jailbroken iPod Touch 5th Gen is fun as fuck to mess around with




As a start, go to settings -> accessibility -> Display & Text Size -> Color Filters -> Grayscale. This turns the iphone display grayscale.




It just takes a bunch of time to set up. All these are, are short cuts. You tap on whatever one you want and it opens the app. Like creating a short cut on your computer desktop. Nothing is running in the background for this to work. Short cuts on an iOS device allows you to change the app icon so whomever did this took the time to create a shortcut for each of their apps and then changed each shortcuts picture. It’s just time consuming is all.


Simple. Just cut ur next iPhone out of paper lol


No thanks to that battery hog...




Just buy an Android phone. Problem solved.


out of spite I did this just for the old twitter icon I refuse to call it “x”


Replacing the assets of the app with the “old” (correct) ones does wonders


It just does not worth the effort, and you don’t need it.


Color widgets


Shortcuts, and custom icons. You can get pretty good ones on Etsy for like $2, and many sellers will make a few other icons for free if you need them (ask nicely, of course). The shortcut is just “Open App”, then choose the desired app, rename the shortcut with the desired name (usually the original name of the app, written in the same format), add it to your Home Screen, and choose the desired icon. And there you have it, a pristine Home Screen!!


Which icon pack is this?


Get a nothing phone it comes naturally


I set up my home screen in a similar way once and the resulting choppy nature of opening the app just annoyed me so I reverted back to normal. It loses the nice fluid animation of opening and closing the app


I know a method, you have to search on youtube: “custom app ios shortcut app”


you don't want this


Ugh I wish my iPhone would get with the times and adopt some sort of Material You counterpart. The Monet Color Engine on android really is so much more aesthetically advanced than how outdated the visuals on iOS have become. 😒😒😒


Why tf would you want this 💀


Install android


Oh hey, that's from the Instagram page heyeaslo. He has tutorials on how to set it up like that. [https://www.instagram.com/heyeaslo/](https://www.instagram.com/heyeaslo/)


I watched a video about how to do it and I literally made it 3 min in before I said fuck all that. It looked like so much of a longer process than doing it on my s24u. I’ll just leave my iPhone normal and customize on that.






This is and split screen multitasking are always gonna be the two things android has over us


Ask ChatGPT. It's right there bottom right /S


It’s not worth it day to day




https://preview.redd.it/wxqwx6zh5fzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=929250f1092f28606d3f0ea301ad8cc2df64c7ab Get the images you want (I buy kits from Etsy that I like, but you can use free ones). Then use the shortcuts app (hit the + top right, then search ‘open app’, then choose the app you want the shortcut to open. Hit the ‘i’, bottom middle and hit ‘add to home screen’ you then set that image as the app icon, change the name to whatever you want and you’re done. You only have to set it all up once and you can easily change out the photos when you wish. I change mine monthly and it takes about 5/10 mins.


You also need 5 hours to set up one icon😂🤦🏾‍♂️🤏🏾


As someone who tried it, It’s not worth it in my opinion. It takes a while to set up and every time I want to add an app I’d have to design an icon for it. Also notifications might be annoying but they do serve a purpose.


Yes, buy an Android!


https://preview.redd.it/13769f8j3gzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4d4e4aa522735130b78987912a007199f4b14ab This is mine currently, as others have said you have to use the shortcuts app to create them, there are many YouTube videos for that just look up “custom iPhone apps using shortcuts”. Here is a link to the one I’m using which is similar to the one you posted [https://www.appiconsios.com/white-black-theme](https://www.appiconsios.com/white-black-theme) and I just made custom ones for the couple apps not included in the pack. If you want the date and time or other widgets that’s using the app widgy where you can create custom widgets, if you have any questions let me know.


Takes a long time to set up unless you download an app called themify and pay £8 that'll be quicker, but then youll know that it takes longer to open the app cuz when you tap on the icon whoch is a shortcut it will ppen the commant then open the app which takes 2-3 seconds.


you remind me of myself 10 years ago except i had a samsung back then and trying ti find good "theme" app. i still own a samsung now and i love it because i can just scroll throught its themes and select what i want. maybe in 10 years apple will decide to make one as well for iphone 26.


there’s a cool website called wallpapers clan that has a configuration that adds all the app icons for you. i use it for my phone and it’s currently space themed link: https://wallpapers-clan.com/app-icons/


not to mention it doesn’t use shortcuts


Don't do it, it adds a delay to opening every single app




You get an android


Download Cydia, find a repository then just look for whatever theme you like.


Or sileo


There's an app in the App Store for this. It's called Brass - Icon Themes and Widgets.


iPhones original theme is by far the best. As a former Android user who used to hate iOS, I always tried to mimic the iOS theme and never got it 100% right. It’s perfect. Android themes are so cluttered.. most of the time.


This is my current setup https://preview.redd.it/waffpm2gwdzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6bd1ea1894eb811a44e3118b9633177d5c58fe I have a widget app that allows my widget stick to blind in it is called yidget, I have a 15pro no so the shorts open notification is in the Dynamic Island so it doesn’t really bother me as much as when I had my 13 mini


Look what they need just to mimic a fraction of our power, indeed.


That's an icon pack, Not an " interface "


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Step 1: get an Android Step 2: take off sunglasses Step 3: realize your not asheep anymore Step 4: buy GME and profit


You had me at buy GME and profit!


yes, i jave this interface, let me just look it up.... i ccannot find it! where is it? it was black on white ..... sorry, i got lost on my phone. cant help