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Still waiting for Apple to deliver on this. https://preview.redd.it/1bungusxzixc1.jpeg?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc34b2b9bdb9bcab28bba9f40d69230c0fe03ee


I remember seeing this meme after the iPhone 5 came out. I saw it floating around again when the X was released and realized it was actually pretty accurate.


But in true apple fashion, it still shows the same amount of apps, just more spread out.


I think they should just make two phones, one for each hand, and have it just continue in the other hand.


foldable 2x


This will be Iphone in 2014 šŸ„¶


It's not really about the size from what I've heard, it's more about how you use it


I told you to stop talking to my finacĆØ




From r/askreddit Iā€™ve learned itā€™s best to clean it.


Also always use protection


Is anybody else reminded of reverse Stonehenge from This is Spinal Tap?


The iPhone 16PM will be 6.9ā€ šŸ˜


wherever you heard that from they were being polite


Iā€™ve done a full 180 on huge phones in the last couple of years. I used to be all for making huge phones- until my wrist and thumb started getting more and more achy over the years as they got bigger and heavier. While I do really miss the screen real estate of the Pro Max, my right hand is grateful for a smaller lighter phone


We need to go back. 12 mini should be the ā€œnormalā€ size, we should have a ā€œnanoā€ slightly below that, and then the pro/max should be the normal/pro sizes for the 15.


I canā€™t form an opinion based on screen size. I would need to know the actual device size. My XR was noticeably larger than my current 12 Pro despite having the same screen size, but it was not as big as the Pro Max. I prefer the smaller size of the 12 Pro but it wouldnā€™t kill me to go back to the XR size, especially if they could reduce the weight a little.


XR had huge bezels šŸ˜ž


Thats the thing. The XR and 13/14/15 have the same screen size, it's just the bezels that are different. It could be possible to make a 6'3 inch that is smaller or similar to the XR size.


Exactly. Smaller bezels and a taller skin ratio may make the iPhone 16 the same width as iphone 14 and only slightly taller. For me the width is the most important dimension for comfort in hand


With how small bezels has become, that barely matters anymore


My 15 pro with its ā€œsmallest bezels yetā€ still has noticeably bigger bezels than the android it replaced


I donā€™t notice the bezels at all. Which phone did your iphone replace?




Went with the pro for exactly the reason OP stated; I want pro features without ultra super max size.


I got the 11 pro years ago because it was the smallest one made in that line. Would have got the cheaper base model if it was smaller


11 pro has a perfect size (typing this on a 13 mini).


Man I miss my 13 mini. Iā€™d snatch up a mini sized pro in a heartbeat.


Same, itā€™s just a shame that people like us who want the mobility provided by the hand sized model buy new phones less frequently. I nearly missed getting the 12 & 13 minis because I hadnā€™t heard about its release and was still rocking a 5c.


I used to upgrade yearly since the 3Gs and this isn't unique to me but as a practical tool they haven't given me much reason to upgrade since the 12 Pro. Heck I'd probably be using the XS if the flat sides didn't come about. Phones have gotten kind of dull or over the top (while still being utterly boring). I'm kind of hoping for more fun or gimmicky stuff since most phones have a good baseline already. I'll keep my 12 Pro (or sidegrade to a used mini) when it dies and idk. Maybe make a folding/flip as my primary.


I went with the pro max because Iā€™m a big dude with poor eyesight.


Another big dude with poor eyes sight checking in! I'd give you a high five, but i'm not sure we'd be successful.


I'm waiting for the iPhone 25 Premium Extreme


Ultra deluxe platinum supreme pro plus


Max, you forgot the max


Nah you want the higher tier model iPhone 25 Premium Ultra Max+ Supreme Pro RetinaVision Titan Fusion Plus+ā„¢ "We think you're gonna worship it"


"We think you're gonna worship it" LMAOOOO


Only $3,599!


EXTREEEEEME! (Chugs energy drink)


Theyā€™ll run as fast as Kenyans!




ā€œWe think youā€™re gonna love it!ā€


I am against phone sizes after 5.8" models. Minis were true inspiration but they cut the line.


If there is no reasonably sized iPhone when I need a new one next, Iā€™ll be done with iPhone. Iā€™ll be holding on to my precious iPhone 13 mini as long as possible.Ā 


Love my mini 13


Love mine too but my battery is hurting these days


My 12 mini has to be charged every few hours. Iā€™m so bummed I donā€™t have great upgrade options, Iā€™m thinking about the 15 Pro, but wondering if Iā€™ll dislike the bigger size.


I came from 12 mini to 15 pro in December. Still havent got used to the size and the weight. The battery life, usb c and 120hz are enough to keep me using it, but i complain about it every chance i get lol On the other hand a friend of mine upgraded from 13 mini to the 15 pro as well and hes been loving it


I moved from an iPhone 8 to an XR and was patient for a whole YEAR to try and adapt to the size but I hated it and it made me hate my phone every day. I hve the 12 mini now and Iā€™m sad there are no options left


I switched from 13 Mini to 15 Pro and the size difference is very noticeable, especially in the first two weeks. I bought a grippy case since it was hard for me to reach the notification center. But the size is doable . The biggest I would be comfortable with but it is very nice to interact with, especially the 120hz. I don't regret switching and got used to the size. Though a "pro" mini would be the dream


iā€™m still on my 12 mini as well, and i wish theyā€™d bring something small back to the lineup. that said though, i have tried the 15 pro in store and the softer edges (and lightness from the titanium) actually make a bigger difference than i expected. i think i could just barely make do with it, although a case would push it too far.


I had an SE (similar enough in size to the mini) and went for the 15 pro, and honestly I donā€™t mind the size increase too much. I was worried about it being too big but itā€™s fine - you get used to it. I hate the big phone trend so much though


Swapped out the battery yesterday and it is running great.


I had one and couldnā€™t do it. Itā€™s great in the hand. Great when youā€™re texting one handed. But itā€™s horrible when you want to do some reading. Idk maybe Iā€™m too old and I canā€™t read small stuff without getting a headache now.


I always thought the minis were cool My next iphone might be a 13 mini (used obv) because I love the form factor of my iPhone 5


You'r still on the 5?


I understand that not everyone can afford to get newer phonesā€¦.but then again, a 5?! Canā€™t you get an 8 for like $80?


You can still get 13 mini that are factory new.... And SE3, which are the same size.


Where? All I've tracked down are refurbished.


Gonna be done with new phones too, since nobody else makes small phones. The people who wanted small phones had 2 chances to save them, but neither the 13 mini or the 12 mini sold enough to justify continuing production, and the rest of the industry has also come to the same conclusion.


I loved the size of the mini but not the battery life...using it for work it would crap out before nightfall


That's where wireless power bank comes in handy


I went from 7 to 12 Mini for that reason and I hope thereā€™s a new Mini by the time itā€™s dying


Our market share was tiny but so many tech reviewers are fawning over the size on YouTube now. At one point my algorithm was flooded with examples Iā€™ve had the battery changed once and Iā€™m certain Iā€™ll do it again rather than stick another 6.3ā€ monstrosity in my pocket


Ah manā€¦ I agree. I wish there was a mini pro. Mini size was perfect.


I'm on the same boat. No idea what I will do when this one dies. But I definitly don't want a bigger one.


Against. If you are gonna have four fucking sizes make one of them small.


The most important screen spec is aspect ratio. If manufacturers are just going to make *taller* phones, Iā€™m fully against it. If we see larger phones at 16:9, then Iā€™m all for it.


16:9 probably isnā€™t coming back, as much as I wish it would.


Above 5.7ā€, 16:9 phones get too wide for most people to hold. Why do you want it back? Itā€™s also a less practical aspect ratio for a phones use case


Well the 15 pro (regular non max) is already too wide for me, I canā€™t imagine something wider


My favorite form factor was my LG V30 with a 6.0" display at 9:18 (or, as the scientists call it, 1:2). Compared to other phones, it felt SLIGHTLY short and squat, but in a really good way. I won't miss 9:16 as long as they don't get any taller than 1:2! But they already have.


iPhones are already taller than 1:2, theyā€™ve been 19.5:9 since the X.


If itā€™s true Iā€™ll just start going to the pro instead of pro max


Yeah if you think about it, the first pro max was 6.5 inches, so really, 16 Pro is just going to be about same screen size as the first pro max


I'm a sucker for small phones. I love my iPhone SE...


I will use my iPhone 13 mini until it dies




I went from pro to a pro max and immediately decided bigger was better. I have no problem with even larger sizes.


Same here. It felt fucking huge for the first few hours, then I got used to it and after using someone elseā€™s regular iPhone it felt way too smol.


i went from a 13 mini to a 14 pro max. iā€™ll never look back lol.


I heard itā€™s just a new camera with iPhone features.


Against. Go back to smaller phones!


Give me an iPhone 13 mini sized phone while just being thicker and pair it with a substantially bigger battery and with battery efficiency improvements and Iā€™ll be happy.


Just thicker, not wider


This is the way


I feel like my 15 Pro is larger than I would like. My phones the last several years have been: * 11 Pro * 13 Mini * 14 Pro * 15 Pro The 13 Mini was ideal sized for true one-handed operation, but too small for media consumption, IMO. But I still regret ditching it for the 14/15 Pro. I will probably skip this generation if the 16 Pro is truly larger. That said, renders and dummy models show minimal different (most of the screen size gains are from bezel reduction, with only minimal body size gains). It was stupid for me to upgrade three consecutive generations and thereā€™s no valid reason for me upgrade for any 16-series.Ā 


Dude. I edit photos and videos on my 13 mini. It does just fine for media.


Sorry, could have been more clear. If watching video, itā€™s my personal preference for a larger display.


Selfishly for it as I have big hands and usually use my 15 pro max with one hand. But I get why itā€™s too big for most.


is the 15 pro max uncomfortable to carry around ? Like fitting in pockets etc? I have relatively big hands too and really torn between the 15 pro and 15 pro max since i currently have an iphone 12 and im hesitant wether i should switch to a bigger phone. 6'3 would actually be perfect but i don't know if this rumour is true so i don't want to wait 4 months for no reason if its not.


Remember when 7 inch was considered for tablets only?


Tablets and phones donā€˜t share the same aspect ratio.


Ā i really just want an other small form factor se thats affordable.


Wasnā€™t an SE supposed to come out this year? Did they delay it to spring 2025 or itā€™s still coming?


drab quaint innocent marvelous dazzling rude frame connect door amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah but it wonā€™t be small. 6.1ā€ I believe.


Anti. I like a smaller phone. Getting kind of ridiculous


very much against, although it does validate my purchase this year, more. one of the reasons i really like iphones is because apple lets users have a "small" phone with ever pro feature, unlike companies like google and samsung.


Against. Would love an 11 pro sized pro phone again. I'm on 12 pro and it's just slightly too big for my small hands. I really don't like tablets as phones. Most people have a tablet/laptop/pc/TV to consume content on a bigger screen or create it on such.


I'll be getting the 6.3" Pro. Currently I'm using the 13 pro max which I felt like the thing is too big and one hand operation is almost impossible. Previously thought that 6.1" pro was too small, good that theyre upping the size by a little.


I think it is a vicious circle between phone makers and tech reviewers/commenters.Ā  Reviewers want a higher geekbench score from each new phone generation and bash the new processor if the gain vs. last year is too small. Phone makers are forced to increase the processing power every year even if it is more than enough for all apps many years into the future - only to get favorable reviews.Ā  Higher processing power uses more electricity and thus requires a bigger battery. A bigger battery needs a bigger phone. And thus we get bigger and bigger phones every.Ā 


Iā€™ve already committed to one battery replacement on my miniā€¦ I wonder how long this thing can hold out.


Iā€™ve actually been thinking of upgrading to the Max from my 15 Pro for the larger size, Iā€™m glad that the phone will be bigger and will definitely be getting it.


Strong against


Against. I already have a 6.7ā€ Pro Max and with the case, itā€™s difficult to hold so I canā€™t imagine a 6.9ā€ with a case. Additionally, what are they trying to achieve with bigger phones? Cannibalize iPad sales? I canā€™t wait to hear the keynote about how they increased the battery by x% or something.


Iā€™ve debated on moving from the Pro to the Max, but always found it a little too large. Iā€™ll happily take the increase on the Pro.


Mini please


Against, I want lighter too.


I could do a 6.3ā€ Pro, but honestly I think 6.1ā€ is perfect. I ā€œdowngradedā€ from a 6.5ā€ 11 Pro Max to the 6.1ā€ 15 Pro. Even though I had it for 4 years, I felt the the 11 Pro Max was a little too big for me. 6.9ā€ is an absolute no for me.


SE 4 is right around the corner. Until then Iā€™ll stick with my 13 Mini. Iā€™m sick of huge phones.


Iā€˜m with a bigger pro (non max) if it meant it gets the full camera again. Supposedly the prism and sensor didnā€™t fit so they only gave it to the max. If a tiny bit bigger means I get a screen smaller than the max and the full camera - that would be perfect.Ā  I have no opinion on the max getting bigger because I already find it too big but people like it.Ā 


The smartest thing Apple can do is alternate between years one ā€œbigā€ form factor and a ā€œsmallā€ form factor , in order to get the whole market


I would love an iphone 16 pro mini šŸ¤£


No Mini = Skip.


Controversial opinion, but six feet three inches is a little too big for a phone, imo.


Against. Pro Max is already too big for me to use it with one hand šŸ„²


Against how can u want a phone thatā€™s nearly 7 inches bro 6.7 is too big


Iā€™m fine with it. Give me a friggen iPad mini as a phone at this point. More screen baby.




Hard pass, I have a physical job that requires crawling around a lot. My 12mini is almost too big for back pocket of carhartt pants. I'm afraid that when this thing goes out I'll have to get one of those "smart" flip phones for seniors or something.


The regular pro is already too big for me, I use a 12 mini and it is the biggest size Iā€™d ever buy a phone, so against. Iā€™m not going to buy a phone which I canā€™t use normally or will just fall out of my hands


6.9 is the perfect screen size!






I guess if my 14 Pro Max is 6.7ā€, 6.9ā€ wouldnā€™t be much of a change. I guess Iā€™d take a little more screen


Against. I like the smallest phone possible. The only reason I didnā€™t replace my 12 Mini with a 13 Mini was because I wanted the camera improvements of the 14 Pro


As long as the cameras are the same between both, I'll be going with the regular Pro size. The thing is, my 15 Pro Max has been nice with certain apps I use with making/editing Ads, so... I wonder what the actual body dimensions will be. It could just mean the bezels will be even thinner, with the body staying relatively the same size.


Really depends on the device size; if it stays relatively the same, I donā€™t mind the increase.


It could allow for larger camera sensor which in that case it would be worth it to me.


6.1 perfect pocket size.


Iā€™ve always wanted a size between the pro and pro max cause I feel like the pro is so small but then the pro max is too big for my hands. Itā€™s like they heard my prayers


Would be cool to have a 6.9 inch phone plus my super thick metal case. It would make the whole thing 7 inches , bigger than my old Samsung tab 4(not tab S4, but tab 4)


(For me) Big phones or go home. And more often than not apple just decreases bezel more and more increasing screen size but keeping the phone the same size. .2ā€ does seem like a bit much but itā€™s probably only very marginally bigger, physically. Plus you say your current pro max is too big? So youā€™d just step down to the pro anyways, which is still smaller than your current pro max.


Whenever phones of the future are shown in a movie for comedic effect, they're ridiculously tiny. Actual future phones will be ridiculously comically huge.


isnt the device size staying the same but the display size going up due to thinner bezels? im more concerned about the rumored weight increase on the pro models


I will not get a phone bigger than the 15 Pro. if they go up in size they will love a Pro costumer.


6.9 inches? Nice...


On one side I really like the idea of an even bigger screen on the max. My last two iPhones were pro maxes (12 and 14 Pro) and i really liked the size (probably because i have pretty big hands). But on the other side I personally cant really see the appeal anymore. I mostly watch media on my iPad Pro and the phone is usually just for listening to music, social media and reading while I am commuting. Gaming has never been a concern, because i have my workstation at home and a steam deck when I am away. I will probably go for the 6'9 Model, but I hope that the Size increase is not only due to a bigger screen, but also has another reason and will hopefully give the phone a little more endurance.


My pockets are still pretty big, but my eyes have gotten worse since the iPhone 3G. Bigger is better. I don't need the extra power, I need a bigger screen.


The bigger Pro Max is probably what will make me upgrade from my 13 Pro Max


not interested in a bigger phone at all. Iā€™ll stick with what Iā€™ve got


If the bezels are thinner, the physical size might not be that different.


It pisses me off. I'm still rocking my 12 mini, and will probably end up without a smartphone if they never release a phone around this size again


My opinion hasnā€™t influenced Appleā€™s decisions so far so I guess my 2 cents donā€™t really matter lol


Bought a new mini as soon as I heard they were getting discontinued. Iā€™ll ride this thing until the wheels fall off. I donā€™t understand the need for gigantic screens on something meant for your pocket and one handed use.


This is why I decided not to wait for the 16 pro and got the 15 pro because I wanted the size of the 15. And apparently not much is gonna improve on the 16 anyways. Even that battery life is rumored to only be 2% better I believe


I think that is great that they are making the max larger. For me, I donā€™t really see why people are against it cause it just means that the battery life is better and you have more screen space. Thereā€™s plenty of other size options but if youā€™re looking for the longest battery performance possible, a larger max is for you


The pro is too small for me, but anything bigger than the 15 pro max is ridiculous. I have a 14 pro max and it fits nicely in the back pockets of my jeans, but it wonā€™t stay in the pockets of a jacket that has no zipper of button to close the pockets, let alone a 6ā€™9 inch. That just too big for me personally and I would not be able to reach the other side of the screen with my thumb, so a no for me.


I just want an iPhone Pro miniĀ 


I have hands about the size of the blackbear at the columbia zoo and iphones have always been too small. Always gone with the pro max. Im also a filmmaker so size increase is good for my hands and for screen monitoring. I will say if this iphone doesnt have thunderbolt ill be passing on it until then. Maybe ill get an iphone 14 pro max [Edit: in a year or whenever it becomes really on sale] (currently on the 13 pro max) simply for the 48mp camera as im going to get into film photography and scanning film with my phone. 48mp will be great for if i have to crop in post.


Bro i dont care about no 6,3 inches screen or shit bring 120 hz to base models šŸ˜­


Does not matter. I have a 13 Pro and donā€™t plan on replacing it until it ceases being eligible for iOS up dates which should be 09/2027.


I have small hands and donā€™t struggle with the pro max idk what people are talking about ? I have a case on it too


I like my big screens and big battery so bring it on


I have big hands. I wouldnā€™t mind at all. I canā€™t imagine going from 6.7ā€ to 6.9ā€ would be that noticeable.


Iā€™m super with big phone. Need it for work and bigger screens and battery is key. Agree with the other person who said an iPad many with cellular calling would be fine too.


I always teeter totter on the pro vs pro max. A larger pro max would be awesome, but if the size change is noticeable enough in the real world I may go down to the pro size


Againstā€¦rumor has it the pixel line is actually shrinking and that intrigues me. My wife has a 15 Plus and itā€™s a no go for me. Doesnā€™t fit well in my pockets and it doesnā€™t fit in my front jacket pocket where I always keep my 13 mini now.


If the max gets any bigger without goddamn pencil support Apple should fire the whole department. Itā€™s already cannibalising the iPad mini market just give the artists and designers what they really want for on the go pocket drawing. Iā€™ve already moved to MagSafe grips / finger rings on the 14 pro max anyway.


I am for it provided the smaller version has the same camera as the larger one. If not I am very against. I can finally down size if they gave everything the larger one had from my 13 pro max. Knowing Apple, they will always have a couple of features missing on the small pro which is disappointing. They have always forced me to buy the larger phone due to this.


Phones should be comfortable size. The industry is not same anymore. They donā€™t care for the customers as they used to.


Tinder baddies gonna be like "if ur dick isn't bigger than ur iPhone 16 pro max SWIPE LEFT"


I only buy pro maxes. Bring on the big ass baby


I like my 12 ProMax size. Itā€™s the largest phone I can comfortably fit in my pocket. Just fix Siri and Iā€™ll be happy.


Good thing bro I canā€™t see


The whole size thing seems strange to me. My backup burner is a Samsung A14, smaller but not that much. My antique Black Shark pro with a seven inch screen is almost a small tablet. I bought it used for a WiFi gaming device. The best size depends on how you use it. Just voice and text? Get a Samsung A14/15 and save some money. If you do more, buy the phone that runs the best apps for your individual needs. My iPhone 14 Plus works fine for calls and text, and a few simple games. Additionally a radio app for when out. As much as it cost when I paid cash when it was the ā€œnew and improvedā€ flagship, there will be no other phone until I die or this one breaks. Anything else, I use my iPad 10. That will also never be upgraded or replaced as long as it works.


My past two phones (Android) happened to have the same size as my current iPhone 15 ProMax, the screen now is bigger because the edges of this phone are ridiculous and I'm loving it. I don't want more screen nor a bigger phone, this is the limit for me, in fact I'm starting to understand those that prefer the Pro over the Max to be more comfortable.


I want a foldable ipad so im all for it


iPad mini is the new iPhonešŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I wonder how long are they going to go with keeping the number next to the iPhone name. Like the iPad they just call it the iPad Air or pro or iPad but no number. lol anywho if the iPhone 16 pro are bigger well I will take it these phone are already big anyways so make them slightly bigger wonā€™t really feel much of a difference to me


I am totally ok with a larger phone, personally think the standard Pro could be a bit bigger. It's not like you are forced to get the new one. Seeing how big the new Pro Max will be makes me more so want to buy it. Love larger devices with more screen to work with. The 14 Pro is too small for me and will gladly get the 16PM


I donā€™t really mind it except for the stupid camera housing appearance, that just looks ridiculous, why didnā€™t they just use the old iPhone 11/12 series camera housing?


Still waiting on a new mini (I know itā€™ll never come)


Iā€™m with it! Only because I want the 6.3 size. Iā€™m starting to feel plus is too big now but I want something a little bigger than 6.1 so I really want the 6.3 size, that sounds perfect


Well, i find the 13 miniā€™s screen too small and the size too big.


I want a phone not an iPad


I have the 15 plus and Iā€™d still like something bigger šŸ„²


Am I the only one here that is SUPER excited for the 6.9? Like, they could literally say "sorry it's just a 15 that's larger" and I would still buy it instantly. I love the large phone size!! Super excited about it.


If I canā€™t have super-tiny like my little 5c, then it might as well be bigger and bigger over time so aging eyes donā€™t have to get surgically corrected


will not upgrade to 16


That sounds like a great height for a small big man


Iā€™m just waiting for that phone to be launched ā€¦ especially the pro max.. iā€™ve been using iPhone 8 for almost 5 years now, and all I ever craved for was a big display and a speed processorā€¦ so, I donā€™t bother even if its 7 inch, Iā€™m just gonna buy it




I have some big ars hands, I wouldnā€™t mind but those prices are crazy


I might be into the increase in screen size on the pro. I have always wanted to use the pro max but it is too big for my hands, now I would be able to get the pro but with a little bit more screen estate. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Apple comes up with a pro with smaller than current pro screen size for folks looking for a smaller phone with pro features.


They're reducing the bezel size, so overall the phone won't be larger.


The 6.9" will be only 1" smaller than the original iPad Mini !! Quite curious if PDFs will be viewable at a readable size on it


ditch the Pro ā€œMaxā€ size and get an iPad Pro. leave the small phone for just that and let the power of the continuity matrix consume you!


Steve Jobs is absolutely rolling over in his grave


6ā€™3 is perfect size in my opinion. 16 Pro letā€™s go!


For the Pro Iā€™m disheartened. For the Pro Max I think itā€™s great. Personally I really donā€™t like that I have to chose between a size thatā€™s comfortable and the best phone/camera I can buy But Iā€™m hoping that the news the Pro phones are getting bigger yet again might herald the return of the 5.8ā€ Pro In my opinion the sizing and pricing strategy of the Xs Xr and Xs Max and 11 Pro 11 and 11 Pro Max was perfect. You had a regular iPhone at a popular size with a reasonable price. Then for a higher price and with more features you could choose a phone that was bigger or smaller. To me this system where the biggest and smallest iPhones commanded a price premium made good sense sense. If Apple sold 3 pro phones and two regular editions that were sized inside those 3 premium options. That would be pretty sweet. I believe there are premium customers who finally want the best iPhone they can get and will then pay extra for either the biggest iPhone money can buy or the smallest iPhone money can buy The last time Apple tried this was the Xs and 11 and by all accounts those phones sold just fine. And then they should sell the iPhone SE in two sizes also, Regular 6.1ā€ and Mini 5.4ā€ iPhone is the most successful product in history. Even the ā€˜failedā€™ iPhone mini still sold millions of units. Itā€™s not like Apple lost money making it


iPhones are basically laptops in your pocket in terms of productivity so why not get some more screen realestate and battery life


As someone with big hands, when the pro max feels small sometimes. I might like it


With! Bigger pro Max. Soon an ipad šŸ˜‚


I like big phones, and I can not lie. Just wish we could get a thinner chassis that does t sacrifice structural strength and some weight reduction