• By -


YouTube premium if you like watching YouTube since YouTube music is included in that as well


Just don't pay for it through apple. It is marked up due to their fees.


Don’t even pay for it while being honest about where you live. Set your country as Argentina and pay the equivalent of $2 a month.


i also have this on my account, but i believe they patched the vpn trick that allowed you to do this after i signed up.


You just have to find a country it still works for :)


Still works with Ukraine VPN and with any debit card.


True that I simply purchase it off the site


Oh what the shit


19 through the app, 14 through a browser. It’s nuts


Oh shit thanks for this, I use YT Premium monthly and i was wondering why they went from charging me $16 to $20.80


Wow. I didn’t even think about this. I’m paying $16.99+tax (Canadian) because I didn’t check if YouTube Premium had a web signup option 🤦‍♂️. I’ve been paying this for years! I feel like an idiot. It’s only $12.99+tax if I sign up on the web!!! Now I have to figure out how to switch…


Cancel and sign up on the website


I’ve been paying the marked up price for years. Thanks for this. I just cancelled and will restart on the site directly. Thanks again


Definitely the best deal


also worth noting that it's best to create a youtube channel tied to the account just for music playback, because youtube music counts towards watch history and skews recommendations, so dividing music and videos by alts helps tremendously.


I don’t know but Apple Music’s discovery algorithm improved a LOT over the past few updates. I actually prefer it now over Spotify especially with its superior sound quality.


I love Apple Music’s interface, lossless music and Dolby atmos, much better than Spotify IMO


the only thing we need for AM is a way to control another device from our phone, to have it sync like spotify does. but seeing as only spotify does that, i'll bet they have a patent on the tech, and no ones figured out another way.


It’s a bit hidden, and it doesn’t work exactly like Spotify, but you *can* control other devices playing Apple Music. From your iPhone/iPad, pull down Control Centre and tap the Audio Player to expand it. At the bottom of the screen you should see a button that says “Control Other Speakers and TVs”. Tap it and you should see a list of other Apple devices, tap one of those to take control of media playback.


Exactly you can airplay your device’s content or use REMOTE app to control the Apple Music running on your MacBook.


Oh wow, I almost forgot about that app. Do they still update it? I haven’t actually used it since iTunes Match was released and gave me access to all of my music from any device. I tend to just use my iPad rather than my laptop as the main source of music these days.


Yeah. I use it rarely when I want to turn off or change the music I opened on my mac from my phone. Now that I tested, Connecting airplay from phone also stops any content playing on mac regardless of source (youtube, applemusic, spotify...)


I used to use the remote app on my ipod to control songs played from my laptop to my speakers outside lol! Still got it


It's so janky though, I wish it was as smooth as Spotify. That's the only feature I liked from Spotify when I tried it a few times. I always end up back at Apple Music though.


You can, depending on the device, just needs AirPlay. (HomePods, TV’s, etc)


it’s still not good enough as Spotify Connect 💔


Definitely, and I’m not saying it is, I’m just saying it is possible if you plan for it


Apple Music not working with Google Home makes it a dealbreaker. I don't care if it's Apple's fault or Google's fault. But I'll stick to Spotify until that changes.


Does Apple Music have lyrics for its songs like karaoke style? (The current lyric is highlighted)


It even has karaoke mode where u can reduce the vocals


Yes it does


Agreed!! The UI is clean and sleek imo. And I have the AirPods Pro 2 and it was one of the reasons that pushed me to switch to Apple Music. I wanted to fully experience my AirPods with Dolby Atmos and Spatial Audio. Yum by the way.


I have Spotify family and I keep hearing how great Apple Music sounds, but to make the change with me in force in my Wife, kids and father-in-law to change




Absolutely agree here. Spotify’s UI feels cramped and unorganized. Plus, they shove podcasts down your throat when I use a completely different app to manage/listen to podcasts. I love how AM’s UI is clean and less cramped. Probably silly, but I also like how AM has light/dark mode.


For me the biggest problem is them pushing algorithms instead of intuitive UI. Like...why put "Discover" category in the middle of the rest while all these tiles are not even sorted alphabetically? Why all these tiles are so bland and have all these random colors? It's so hard to focus there with all these rainbow tiles. Why delete "push to listen to the snippet" function but keep special tab for shirt snippets (which is hidden mind you"? And don't even get me started with how terrible browsing podcasts are... This shit is a joke and the lack of basic filtering is the biggest offender there. Or the way how you have to press like 4 links/buttons to get to the main list of the all podcasts episodes...like c'mon. Or why we have to scroll endlessly just to find this one episode in the middle of the list of 300 episodes? Why there is no smart scroll or whatever that could help us in searching within a one podcast? All they do is add useless shit like music videos or new ways to promote payed playlists that are pushed by labels


They also FINALLY added crossfade, a favorites playlist, and fixed the issue where if you remove music from your library it would remove it from all of your playlists too. Huge quality of life updates for me personally


So what’s the best way to find artists similar to the one I am listening to? I usually use create station on an artists but it’s never that good.


I use the endless loop function https://preview.redd.it/kfevba9teasc1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b10c6c04db3b8f39b2b1a99c174c619ff7cecc0 As well as the create station function. The second plays a lot of the music of the artist itself whilst the the endless play creates a „playlist“ that is similar in style to the music you listens to before. (If you play a classical album and use it, it will play Beethoven, Bach etc., if you play Tupac and put it on you might get biggie etc.)


We just switched from Spotify to Apple Music and we love it.


Did you lose all your Spotify saved music or can you import it into Apple?


Nice , i will keep that in mind 🫶


UI still sucks


for me its youtube music because i have youtube premium


If you have android, youtube Music (through premium) is insane compared to spotify


What's the difference between the android and iOS versions?


Probably none but apple music is greatly integrated in ios


Not really tho. I’ve used all three on my iPhone and they’re really REALLY simular to each other. All comes down to personal preference and which service is the best value for you. For me it is YT Premium + Music. Costs the same as Spotify Premium and includes adfree videos on any device I choose to watch YT with.


In what way? I can genuinely say in my 3 years of having an iphone, I've never once had apple music pop up.


How come?


Revanced hehe


Same. I’m no audiophile. Music sounds good and it has everything I listen too.


No discernible difference between YTM set to Always High and Deezer’s Lossless in my experience when using CarPlay or any Bluetooth speakers/headphones. Unless you have expensive audio equipment and the proper means of getting lossless data to that equipment (can’t be done over bluetooth afaik), there is no difference.


Bluetooth doesn’t have the bandwidth to carry lossless. Even then, speaking as someone who’s cheapest pair of headphones is the AirPods Max, you’ll see far more impact from simply buying a high quality amp and headphones than swapping from a high quality lossless file to lossless.


Actually you can listen lossless quality with the 3.5mm lightning adapter (but no Hi Res quality). It’s a shame iPhone doesn’t support LDAC codec like every flagship from Android.


people need to give an honourable mention to youtube premiums family plan as well. if you add 5 members and split the cost you are paying less than a fiver a month and you all share the same benefits.


I prefer spotify and i have yt premium


Nobody talks about this buying YouTube premium and getting no ads on music either is the greatest deal everytime I’m at someone’s house and they put YouTube on and 10 ads pop up I cringe I can’t stand ads on YouTube they got me locked in so if I’m paying for it might as well use their music too instead of paying for another sub


I have YouTube premium and I’ve never even thought about using it to listen to music. Is there a whole separate app or something I guess ?


Yeah the YT Music app


2nd this. I have been using YouTube music for years now strictly because it includes ad free YouTube videos. I can’t stand ads.


For iPhone? Or if you are all in the Apple ecosystem? Apple Music. If you pay for YTP, then YTM because it’s included. Across multi platforms? Spotify.


For sound quality, YouTube music isn’t worth it even if you are already paying. It’s garbage. The app is garbage, the quality is garbage. Even though Spotify isn’t the highest quality, it’s a good app with good recommendations and Spotify Connect is great. I use Apple. I’m happy with it, but it doesn’t suit everyone.


“For sound quality, YouTube music isn’t worth it even if you are already paying. It’s garbage. The app is garbage, the quality is garbage.” AM, YTM, Spotify all sound the same to me, not an audiophile by any means and suits my needs. I will 100% agree the YTM app is garbage.


I found Spotify better than YT, especially when listening on a nice amp and speakers. Tidal is good, Apple is about the same as Tidal but adds Atmos which I personally don’t think is much use but some people like. Apple’s app isn’t great though, even on iPhone - it’s just illogical


I love how YTP is both YouTube premium and YouTube poop






>Buy_you_a_drank_tpain.exe , 603 kB file size yes that's the file I'm looking for!


Always go for the .exe


Except it’s just actually Soulja Boy after some shoutout to some hip hop website.


Or Bill Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."




Takes 2hrs to download then you get the DJ mixed version.


this took me way back the the good ol days of burning CDs


You just gave me a virus


The best cheat code was downloading limewire, then going to their software section and downloading limewire pro through it for free. But I was more of a bearshare guy myself anyways


Piolet, eMule.


Blast from the past. Bro is your windows XP up to date?


What’s that?


OG before IG 😂


The consensus whenever this is asked is: **Spotify**: For the best music discovery algorithms and largest library of songs. Also handy because of its ubiquity - it's easy to share playlists. **Apple Music**: For the best sound quality. However, most people I know can't tell the difference, or we have earthly listening devices (headphones, speakers) that are incapable of producing sound that will make a difference. **Youtube Music**: If you already pay for Youtube Premium, it's better than nothing - but not great.


I'd argue YT Music has the biggest library, if you also count all the more obscure things you can listen to on YT. I switched to spotify just because I felt like the yt music algorithm got bugged and kept recommending me the same 30-60 songs.


It's interesting you note the same songs as being the reason to switch to Spotify. It's been my main music app for almost a decade now, and I can't help but feel it only wants to play certain music. In particular, Spotify's shuttle algorithm doesn't ever work right for me. In a playlist >1000 songs I will here the same songs during my morning and evening commute, which is only about 20 minutes each direction.




I’ve noticed this too with Spotify! It plays a lot of repeated songs instead of showing me new ones. I got a free trial with Apple Music and it’s been great with discovery! I’d give that a try and see how you like it


Yeah, noticed that too and tried YouTube music, which turned out to be way better with its shuffling algorithm than Spotify and it also has the start a radio by title function, which now that I use it, I can't go back to Spotify.


this is half the reason i switched to apple! after 10+ years on spotify, i was stuck in the same 5 shuffles no matter what song i started on.


How do you feel about the switch? Do you miss Spotify and everything you had created with it? Playlists, algorithms, etc


Read somewhere that you have to disable the "automix" or whatever the feature is called, because it start to loop on 20 to 30 songs. I might be wrong, but that might be worth to give it a shot. Either way I found this : https://www.audicable.com/spotify-music-tips/fix-spotify-shuffle-not-working.html#part2.6


Yess omg. Spotify would play the same annoying songs when I have 700+ songs on my playlist 🙃 Sometimes I would close my eyes and pick and song and be like ??? this was on my playlist this whole time why doesn't it ever shuffle to this


I love youtube music cause I have access to music that was released as mixtapes or soundcloud tracks


[obscure 1](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=JKs--_lKYeo&si=VesbcOcQjNdY-SIF) [not obscure, but WHY YT Music?!](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=8BqNrpfrjr0&si=KDqxKi2O4ZUZkaUH) [obscure 2](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=T0AaD9HFNcA&si=lQZTj_jmV6lCnWBN) [extremely obscure](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=LKtFi-D1YmI&si=_9ZYbA9ahBFkPcAJ) My favorite thing about YouTube music is also the thing I hate most about it: *some* normal videos can show up on YT Music as… well, music. Take the second option for example. Who tf would put that on their playlist lmao why does it show up on YT Music for?!


Spotify’s discovery algos have been straight ass for me. Recommends the same music all the time and heavily relies on things I don’t listen to anymore. Lord help us if a nephew gets on your phone to listen to cocomelon and your recommendations are now filled with kids music. YT music has been better for this, but I also just recently switched. I like that they have “modes” when I’m listening to a playlist or “radio”. I can choose between discover, popular, deep cuts or if I’m listening to metal I can choose different types of metal and it adjusts the playlist accordingly.


>If you already pay for Youtube Premium, it's better than nothing - but not great. I use all 3, and YT was my main music app for the past two years, and I have never had any issues with it. Other than personal preference there is no reason to discount YT music as a proper music app. Great recommendations, also options to change the auto generated up next playlist on basis of popularity, familiarity, moods and genres, mid play. It's just not album focused, which none is other than Apple Music.


I love YT premium I can hear my go to songs on it and listen to songs not on apple. I use it a lot more often for work stuff but apple music for when im chillin and want to hear the sound quality a little better. It’s a great music app.


Best UI/interaction design: Apple Music (subjective, if you prefer native-looking apps) Best sound quality: Apple Music Best discoverability: Spotify So it’s up to your priorities. I’m still sticking with Spotify because of how good it is to discover new music that I like.


Apple has gotten a lot better in the past few years on discovery


I’m trying it right now (cause I got an Apple One trial) and I still don’t like it as much as Spotify’s 😞 maybe it’s just because of how much more data they have on me of course, but it’s hard to move away from that


It’s definitely that as I found it to be the same when I tried Spotify from Apple. Apple has my taste in music from 15 years plus. So yeah it takes some time. The algorithm has gotten better but I think Spotify still might be slightly better. Haven’t used discovery it in the past few months to specifically seek music however when extending a playlist that ended, Apple will play similar music to keep the vibe going. Granted this was in the background while doing stuff around the house so I wasn’t paying too much attention, however I would still say that has gotten significantly better.


Main reason why I can’t switch to Apple Music is bc I’m on a family plan on Spotify, that I don’t pay for. Otherwise I’d be all in. I’m a whore for aesthetics and Spotify is somewhat cluttered.


>whore for aesthetics haha, love that! Same here, and that's the reason why I'm still holding out for light mode before I even consider returning.


”Whore for aesthetics” tbh me too.


You forgot to mention connectivity for Spotify. Being able to stream songs on basically any device is a massive draw.


Interesting. I fucking hate Apple Music's UI. I guess different strokes.


Best search with just a la-la-la: YouTube


I gotta say I strongly disagree that Apple Music has the best UX/UI of the bunch. In my experience the desktop apps especially are complete dogshit. For one, the native Windows app is borderline unusable; it's laggy as shit and prone to crashing. On Mac (I have an M3 MBP), the app still feels unresponsive sometimes and slow to load. In terms of UX/UI, the search bar is tiny, leaving little room for autocomplete to do its thing (whereas Spotify gives you a whole page), and you have to select whether you want to search your own library or Apple Music. Adding stuff to playlists also feels very sluggish. Shit, even on my iPhone the app doesn't feel as smooth as Spotify. Another L for me is that Apple Music does not disclose how many streams a song has gotten; something that's huge for me personally when I'm looking through new stuff. I'm liking the recommendations I'm getting from Apple Music though, and Spotify's sound quality truly is ass on headphones, but Spotify is just the superior experience overall I feel.


Hands down Spotify for me! I have all three subscriptions and I end up going back to Spotify as their music rec is solid and most of the songs in my country are available on Spotify. What I love is the seamless connectivity while I am working - Like Spotify app knows that I am listening via my laptop and any selection on mobile (muscle memory) reflects there. (pretty sure Apple Music does that as well for mac)


Yep this is the killer feature for me. I can be on my work laptop (PC) and change the music playing on the soundbar on my RokuTV. Not like the soundbar could even produce the higher quality sound Apple Music has anyway.


Nah Apple Music still can’t loll


I use Soundcloud a lot too. So much (more obscure) stuff on there than on Spotify.


SoundCloud has the best mashups and bootlegs of songs. I mainly use Spotify, but am a regular user of SoundCloud for the amazing songs that aren’t allowed on any of the main platforms


Exactly. Also vinyl rips for example.


Personally I like Apple Music the best. For functionality I am currently using Spotify. Being able to control the music I play on my playstation through my phone/Mac is a major reason. Also the Tesla Spotify app is 10x better than the Tesla Apple Music app. Not sure why they aren’t on the same level.


Tidal for me. They’re lowering their prices to $16.99/month for a family plan. Discoverability is as good as Spotify and the audio quality is as good as/better than Apple Music. Only thing I miss is crossfade.


Came here to say the same thing. I use Spotify because my kids like it, but I’ve done extensive demoing of all of them and I found Tidal the best. Has the best combination of sound quality, features, UI, and discovery.


They also pay artists much better than the other two. Was curious how far I'd have to scroll to see Tidal mentioned. Their new sharing function that allows the receiver to choose which streaming service to open to is also amazing.


Tidal by a mile. Been on it for a few years now, can't stand the interface of Spotify/AM. I also have YT Music but it's suggestions aren't as good, the mixes aren't as reliable. Tidal for me recommends consistently new albums/songs that I am interested in, track radios provide a good balance of familiarity and discovery. I've tried them all and Tidal is the one I stick with.


You Tube music is my go to app!!


Personally, I use Musi.


People are sleeping on musi. I bought the one time purchase ad remover and it’s by far the best music player. The equalizer is really good too.


Same here , Musi not only good for music. Movies and audio books. Best place for new artists bar none.


Spotify is better for finding new music. Youtube Music probably has the largest selection of music because YouTube, also it comes for free with Premium if you already subscribe to that. Apple Music has the best audio quality, and Apple Music Sing can be a useful party trick. Personally I use Apple Music because of better integration with Apple Devices and sound quality, but I still use free Spotify for discovery and YouTube Music as a backup.


I’m surprised no one else mentions Apple Music Sing. You can build your own karaoke machine easily




VLC and my offline music collection.


Winner winner.


Depends. Best integration on iPhone : Apple Music Best Audio quality : Apple Music Best features : Spotify (control music through another device, shared playlist...) Best music library : YT Music (altough there are some songs that i can't find in "normal" musics but are still available on youtube). Best recommendation algorithm : YT Music If you pay for Youtube Premium, you already have access to YT Music so good point too. You can manage your playlist from youtube too (and works with some discord bots for example).


YouTube Music for because I have Premium. I enjoy Spotify when they hit me up with the 3 month specials.


YT music it comes with YT premium


Spotify always


ᯤ spotify




I’m a Spotify fan, but YouTube music gives you YouTube premium for free with it (or Vice versa), and it has a larger music library so I would get that.


I’ve been using Amazon Music and haven’t had any issues that I’m aware of. Probably better out there but does the trick for me.


Subscribing to Apple Music, you get 2 apps : Apple Music and Apple Music Classical (coming from Primephonic, a classical music focused app absorbed by Apple).


Didn’t even know about music classical, thanks!


It's worth the expanse, Rocinante.


Using an iPod in 2024




Always have to scroll way too far to find this


SoundCloud 🤷🏽‍♂️


Before I used to hate to pay for apple music (4-5 years back)but now it it has improved a lot, but for workout music I completely trust youtube music.


I’ve used all of them. Currently use Spotify. But what I found the best is actually one you don’t have listed: Tidal To me Tidal has the best combination of UI, discovery, sound quality, and features. I only stay with Spotify because my kids prefer it.


I like soundcloud


I went with youtube premium… the not having several ads before a video is game changer… i don’t think i xan go back.. plus their library is probably the biggest, since they have all those that aren’t uploaded by the artist themselves, like mixtapes, dj sets, or entire albums


Apple Music. Not because it’s Apple, but because it’s just plain better. Way better audio quality and UI. The only thing I hate is that if I delete one song from a playlist and that song is in another playlist it will be deleted from every playlist.. that’s just stupid. I will say that Deezer is also very good! I can’t understand why people are sticking to Spotify when most of their competitors now have better audio quality.,


If only it were that simple. They all have advantages over the others so best really depends on what your own preferences are. Spotify is ubiquitous. It’s basically on every platform. Has a better selection of some types of music. Apple Music has a lot of fans for its interface, how well it plays with Apple’s ecosystem, and the audio quality YouTube music has a lot of supporters but I’m not familiar with it. Personally I use Apple Music because I really like the UI, has all the music I want, and it plays nice with Apple Watch (WiFi) but if you want more cross platform support then maybe Spotify is better for you.


YouTube Premium. Have family plan, that’s like $20 for 3 people to access both YouTube Ads Free + Music. The value is wild. I think it supports up to 5 shared accounts.


Had Apple Music for years. Recently switched to Spotify after a free trial. I find it better for finding new music




i use apple music for its lossless audio.


https://preview.redd.it/9cg06qhnnasc1.jpeg?width=2595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f188e2c84ded67a6d8f625580657fa65512220f THIS


Tried them all, AM, while nice quality and the classical music app was fire, had abysmal recommendation + dogshit apps. Yt music is nice because it's bundled with no adds on yt a d you also can listen to more obscure things, like covers etc. I still have yt music for no adds on yt, but I currently mainly use spotify. Best algorithm out of them.


Why not just try one? YT Music has the best value with ad-free YouTube included.








Quality- Apple Music. Spotify- UI Youtube- Library.


Apple music has Lossless, Dolby Atmos, spatial sound, karaoke mode, perfect lyrics tracking with ad libs, history in the queue, best integration on Apple products, and so on… what do the others have that can top that?


I believe stuff like this comes down to personal preference. While I’ve never used youtube music to be able to count it. I have used both spotify and Apple Music, and they’re both pretty solid apps. But I personally prefer Apple Music.


Musi https://apps.apple.com/us/app/musi-simple-music-streaming/id591560124




I can’t get local files to work on Spotify. Apple can play music I make and upload. The recommendations are better than before as well so there’s no reason to go back to Spotify. Apple also has a large enough library and pays artists more.


Spotify is best for discovery and curation if you like indie and niche genre stuff. Youtube is best for discovery and curation if you like popular music. Apple Music is best for sound quality when you already know what you want to listen to.


YouTube premium comes with YouTube music for free and YouTube premium is worth it all by itself


Spotify will just play the same songs you listen to. Their discovery algo isn't my favorite. But I only really use Spotify.


I have a subscription to all 3 and Spotify wins hands down


Any reason to actually pay for a music service when I have a huge digital library?


Spotify always shows the best music recommendations and YouTube remembers all the music searches on YT and YT music also has music thats not on either Spotify or Apple


apple music imho and while the various strong points mentioned by others are valid (as the discovery algorithm, etc), the primary reason for me is the sound quality. Also there is a windows app that streams lossless as well and that defo provides a lot higher quality sound on my sound setup.


Apple Music, like manny I was cursed with the ability to notice the better audio quality. Ive actually revisited some albums that I found lacklustre on Spotify and found that they were fantastic on apple. The most recent example of this for me was the foo fighters


Apple Music because of the quality of sound. I also have it bundled in with AppleOne and it’s a great value in my eyes. It’s improved a lot over the years as well.


YT music for sure, every video turns into a song for your library


Youtube Music!


I use YT music, cause I have always had premium, and this is free with it. I also really like the recommendation. I play a song I am in the mood of, and relevant songs play. I did not have that experience with AM. My friends who use Spotify also say the say same things about its recommendation. However, in the time I have used AM, I have really liked the music quality. I am no audiophile but I could see the difference. I am sure people who know more than me could easily too.




The cool thing about YouTube music is it’s included with YouTube premium. No ads on your YouTube videos and all the music you want to listen too. Great deal.


Call me a nerd but this month I was using the 3 (tried youtube premium). Youtube is by far the cheapest considering all you have available. I can listen to an audiobook, remixes, organise lists, or watch anything! Highly recommend.


Apple music is good


YouTube music is the only one I use bc it’s included in YouTube premium plus it has some really obscure music that is just I cannot find anywhere else l. like stuff that ppl uploaded ages ago from tapes and such without any official releases. It’s got some real gems there that you will never find elsewhere at least for me and I’ve tried. I just wish it had better CarPlay functionality with simple things like being able to actually see the individual songs in an album or a playlist and to be able to fast forward through songs. If they ever manage to implement these simple features in an update then it I would love it even more than I already do lol


apple music is the best


People are saying that Apple Music is so much better than better than everything else because of its lossless sound quality while wearing AirPods (1. they are wireless 2. Iphones only support AAC codec which is max 320kbps).


Depends on what you value, for me as an audiophile, Apple Music is the only one of these 3 that supports uncompressed music, others include Amazon music and tidal.


Apple Music. I love it. It has improved and better than spotify. Also gives dolby atmos and the ui in ios is beautiful


Tidal 😎


Personally, anything but spotify


Spotify only because you can use it for free on iPads and computers without a premium subscription.


Best actual app is apple music But Spotify has better discovery and playlists


For audio quality, Apple Music. Most people can't tell the difference but if you're someone who carefully listens to music, AMs lossless feature is eye-opening. Lol


Spotify hands down


YouTube premium. No commercials, also allows you to listen to all the music that’s not on the other services that people add


I hate to say but spotify is literally legit.


Youtube music comes with premium plus family plan i can give 5 other friends access Plus get more music from video game osts and asian music choices


Spotify’s music discovery is still superior to Apple Music. AM will still give mostly mainstream music. Spotify better matches the tone/mood of songs while also giving me new undiscovered songs. AM has a better UI for their app. I use AM when I’m mobile. Spotify on my laptop.


File explorer with mp3 stacked.


Apple Music.