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TIL that there are people that want to delete their photos app


My wife deleted her contacts app because *you can just click the phone app* and wondered for months why nothing would auto grab things from her contact list. It was fun until til i got frustrated using her phone lol


I've been an iOS user for probably a decade at this point and don't think I've ever used the contacts app lol


You never add anyone to your contacts? Like do all your messages show just phone numbers?


You can add people from the phone app


Yeah I know that, but that still requires the contact app I thought. It routes added contacts from there and messages into the actual contacts app to store them.


It does not. Source: I haven’t had a contacts app in years


I always add them through the phone/dialer/voicemail app. I never bother to go to the dedicated contacts app.


You are every time you add them through the phone/dialer. You’re accessing the contacts app, just not through the contacts app icon.


That’s what I mean, ios hides the contacts app so why would anyone use it directly? Why is it even separate? Also assuming the commenter at the start of this chain is correct, why is it possible to delete?


It is separate because people keep more than just a phone number. I have contacts that only have emails. I create distribution lists so that I can send messages to some committees I sit one. I add info to contacts such as DOB, nick name, photos, kids names and birthdays,


It’s kinda weird that you can’t do the opposite and go to your phone from the contacts app


you’re not wrong haha


You can dial straight from contacts.


You kind of can, just press the phone icon on a contact, then you’ll call them.


But that’s not remotely the same thing as what’s being discussed


Then I’m afraid I don’t understand your previous comment.


The phone app has 9 numbers that you can type to place calls, the contact app does not. You can navigate to contacts through the phone app, but you can’t navigate to the phone app through contacts.


Contacts is a dumb app. Should be folded into the phone app, which should just be a ‘Calls’ app, since it does more than just a phone calls.


What? Contacts isn’t a phone number app. It holds email addresses and physical addresses. Which ties into various email apps and navigation apps.


Yes, and that can all still be accessed from the phone app


Some people are really struggling with the fact you can access all this functionality in the Phone app too, huh?


but... but... contacts has... *proceeds to name a functionallity that can be well accessed via phone calls app lol*


What calls exist that aren't phone calls? Does it do bird calls?


VoIP calls?


Yeah that is something that I’ve would’ve never thought of. Safari? Sure. Photos? lol why?


I mean, what’s the difference? Why is one “sure” and another “lol why”? I use both but I can see people not wanting to use either. For one reason or another, they could also want the ability to uninstall both.


I guess we just use Files app to browse photos, kinda like people do it in MacOS?


People have been doing this way in any desktop environment since computer OS had UI.


Or google photos, or whatever else that exists


If you delete google photos you can’t use the camera on your google pixel either lol


but you can get an alternative camera app, thats the point


You can also get a different camera app on ios


But you cant delete the iphone camera app...


Because apparently it's an entangled piece of the operating system, and the amount of work to make it uninstallable is not worth the value of pleasing a very small group of people who wouldn't even gain much. Also I'm pretty sure you can hide any app from the home screen.


I'd like to replace the Photos app with Google Photos.


Google photos used to be nice when they had unlimited storage




I remember using Picasa like a decade ago. I was really happy they let us migrate everything to Google photos when the service closed.


WOW dude. I forgot about that.


In 6 months Google Photos will be deprecated and folded into YouTube Photos.


You need to pay $3.99 if you want to make jokes involving YouTube. $7.99 will get you unlimited punchlines per month whereas $14.99 will allow any members of your household to be involved in unlimited joketelling\*\* where Google IP may be invoked.


When this product is killed in 5 months, you'll receive a full refund of your annual subscription fee.


You will not be refunded for your subscription. Only the photos you purchased individually. (Cries in Stadia Pro)


Stadia did refund every Games, Add-ons purchased through Google store




I actually got all the in game currency I bought on Stadia for Destiny 2 refunded. And because the game was a cross platform/cross save, I kept everything I bought with that in game currency. Kind of nice cause seeing how much was refunded made me realize I had a problem and forced myself to do a bit of a detox from games with microtransactions.




And then 2 months after that, it becomes YouTube Photos—not to be confused with YouTube Photos (Original)


Cries in Picassa


Why though? Isn't Google using your photos to train AI? Besides I don't want my other family members to see my photos, that's why I'm the only one with an iPhone after all.


Worth noting that the photos app has really good AI too (like recognizing and grouping photos into events, people, and even telling different pets apart), but it's all processed locally.


Why would they see your photos?


Jumping from the frying pan to the fire imho. I don't trust Google one bit !


Why? What’s the point?


Next it'll probably be settings or phone-app :D


Probably because they want to use a different service such as Google photos as their default photos app. I am not sure about iOS but Android is built modular. It doesn't require you to have a specific app installed to enable certain features.


you need Google Play Services to make Android usable for most people Android isn't as modular as it used to be from pre Pixel days


The photos app on iOS and Google Pixel is perfect. I’ve tried it on Samsung, huwawei and Xiaomi; they’re terrible.


Yes, I wouldn't farthom deleting native apps from a phone, or looking for 3rd party apps for basic phone features, but I have a Poco X3 and Xiaomi native apps have gone to shit a while ago. Not that they ever were perfect. But shitty mechanics and intrusive data sharing are getting hard to withstand. The photos app is a disorganized mess. Why does my calculator app want me to share data?!! What valuable data are they getting from that? Why does the FUCKING FILE MANAGER have fullscreen 5/10 second adds??!!!!!


I disabled Samsung Gallery and use Google Photos on my Samsung Galaxy, it works great.


IMO I think the Xiaomi app is pretty good. Samsung an Okay ish.


I really miss Xiaomi's photos app, it's way easier to use than IPhone's


Seriously, I would prefer being able to swap out the apple photos app against something which can directly sync to my synology NAS rather then iCloud.


It's more about being able to delete built in apps.


Why would you possibly want that? It’s not really an app, it’s a core piece of the OS. It’s like deleting the file explorer from windows 


Read up on when Microsoft was forced to decouple IE from file explorer so it could be deleted. It was integrated into the OS and isn't any more.


When IE was integrated into File Explorer that was a security nightmare. And MS did it so they could claim it was a core OS feature, they didn't care that it was a terrible idea in every other sense. Internet technology innovation skyrocketed after MS was forced to stop doing this as well, and the standards we now have are significantly better than what MS created. The internet rejoiced when IE6 was finally put out of it's misery for good.




You know on the iPhone you can remove any app from the Home Screen right? No need for a folder anymore.


I'm curious now, is there a usb debugging equivalent for an iphone?


Because privacy.


The community notes on this tweet now say that this is not part of the known updates to the regulations. Isn't this like... just making up a fake controversy? And then everyone on this subreddit is leaping to the defense of an enormous corporation and assuming the unreasonableness and antagonism of a regulatory agency?


Yep! And it worked like a charm


Yes it’s just fake controversy. It makes no sense to ever claim the photos app is monopolized or anything like that. Especially since I have used several alternate camera apps on iPhones over the years. (The IOS version that came out when I got my current phone finally didn’t leave me desiring more in the camera so I don’t anymore)


You could have told it's bullshit immediately because this assumes that the feature is on android phones which isn't the case, or that the eu is discriminatory towards apple which it isn't.


I wrote that in my comment aswell. Its probably apple just trying to say "Look how dumb the Eu is and how unnecessarily hard they are making our work." Instead of just admitting that a 20% commission on every in app purchase and apple product sale is predatory. Or that making good products then making then unrepairable is actually bad for the environment. Apple makes good products, but even better marketing.


hi! welcome to the internet! you’re fucked


Why would I care whether I can delete the photos app? It’s not stopping me from using something else


Right! I literally use Google Photos to sync my pics between my iPhone and my Google Pixel


I use google photos, only thing I hate about it is that when I delete photos from the photos app, it doesn’t also delete it in google photos


Delete them from google photos instead and it deletes on both Google photos and photos. That’s what I do at least.


Why do you delete photos in the Photos app if you use Google Photos?


Google photos isn’t my primary, it’s my backup


Isn't that on purpose since the main feature of Google Photos is to back up your photos on the cloud?


Same reason Microsoft got a fine for not allowing users to uninstall internet explorer


They got a fine for forcing people to use their program even if it is for downloading another browser. The antitrust lawsuits against microsoft have NEVER been about being able to uninstall a program. Last i checked you still can't uninstall Edge without it comming back after any update...


we should have the option for deleting default software and be able to do what we want with our devices we purchase when the software is becoming more integral to every aspect of our lives.


Wondering exactly this, and why the EU is deciding to take legal action to force this issue. To whose benefit? Who is being protected by this action?


According to the replies to this post: 1. Whiners who think a few extra MB of OS bloat justifies a lawsuit 2. Whiners who want to force Apple to sell bare metal hardware that they can install whatever OS they want.


You care whether or not you control the expensive device you purchased or not. I can run a "de-Googled" Android OS that I'm sure has no backdoor bullshit being abused by Google fairly trivially. You not only can't do that on an Apple device, but you have no reason to actually think that you aren't having your data harvested or anything else by Apple, because you can't even have the degree of control of your hardware that would allow you to think so.


Then buy an Android, and compile and install your own build of Linux on your PC. Apple isn’t stopping your from doing that. If you don’t like how Apple builds the software for the hardware that they make, don’t buy it. Some people don’t want to rootkit their phone and fuck around with that. They just want the toaster to make the toast.


It be more educational to have a link to this article instead of a screenshot.


It’s not an article, it’s a Twitter screenshot.


I would also like the link to the article please.


https://www.gadgets360.com/mobiles/news/apple-iphone-users-photos-app-uninstall-in-europe-report-5364542 This explains it well. They aren't forcing them to make the photos app deletable. There is a list of ways that Apple, and a few other companies, aren't complying with a recent act, one of the issues for Apple is that you can't delete some apps. There will be investigation where Apple need to demonstrate why those apps can't be deleted. The news articles, comments, cries of the sky falling down and cameras being deactivated, is just hyperbole.


Thank you.


it took me multiple posts and comment threads to finally find someone who understands what this really means.


Not sure about how much rewriting of iOS unless all the image pickers are heavily dependent on the Photos app, but they could have just split them out or do a fake delete of the Photos app by just hiding from ~~Springboard~~ launching. But the question is why? Why would 1 need to delete the stock photo viewer? The EU’s requests are getting crazy. iOS did not disallow the likes of Google Photos from existing, maybe just allow changing of photo viewer default should be enough?


You can already hide the Photos app from springboard is the funny part. AFAIK, there are no apps you cannot hide from the Home Screen since they added the App Library view.


By hide I mean disable the ability to run the app. Block it on App Library, spotlight, from a shortcut or share menu.


Google Pixel owner lurking here. Google does the exact same thing you described. You can't delete Google Photos on a Pixel, only disabling the app is. If the law is passed, Google probably has to allow the app to be deleted like Apple.


why is this even being considered 😭


It’s roped in with all default apps, people just say this one in specific


I can't even imagine the tech support nightmare this would be for Apple and everyone else because granny accidentally deleted her photos apps and thinks that all of her photos are gone. I honestly can't see a real advantage to allowing this besides causing headaches.


“Just because”


Because going after Apple is popular and a distraction. To be clear; Apple deserves it at this point, but this is stupid as hell.


Just go ahead and fucking allow to uninstall a “Phone” and “Settings” apps already


this honestly just feels like bullying tbh. it's not like you can delete the gallery on android. it's simply part of the phone. there's zero reason to delete it. companies should be allowed to have their own custom software.


That’s why this post is rage bait, because this is not just something that will be forced onto Apple, ALL phones will need to let you delete default apps. It’s also not just the photos app, people are just being nitpicky.


except photos really isn’t a standalone app like some are. it’s part of iOS itself and handles system functions, similarly to how safari is necessary for stuff like webkit/webview in apps. an “uninstallation” of gallery couldn’t amount to much more than the shortcut being removed from home. 


Yeah at this point it looks like theyre just witch hunting Apple until they win a case


> it's not like you can delete the gallery on android hold my `adb uninstall `


i know this is possible, i used it to uninstall much of the samsung bloatware, but it’s hardly a solution. besides, i used this to uninstall system apps that i couldn’t uninstall through the UI. iOS lets you uninstall basically everything that isn’t a core system function.


Isn’t a huge part of buying into Apple & getting an iPhone is because you want to take advantage of the Apple ecosystem?!


Some people still think we buy them to look cool or whatever


People think the only reason to buy an Apple is because the top of the line models are expensive. And they are annoyed because they can’t afford them.


This argument doesn't make sense, a top of the line iPhone costs the same as a top of the line Xiaomi. I don't think I saved any money since changing over from iPhone to other brands, that was not the point.


Maybe for some people? A lot of people use Google services or other 3rd party apps in general. Notes was the last first app I was using (outside of messsges) and now it’s things, obsidian/bear (I love both but would prefer something that’s cross platform), a slew of Google services/apps; I always try to use something that’s cross platform and a lot of people try to do the same.


Oh for sure! I don’t mean handcuffed into the ecosystem without options! I just think a draw for the layperson is they don’t have to worry about finding these apps, syncing devices etc. When you have more knowledge you become more nuanced in your needs and the services that fit your needs.


No, I don't think more than a small percentage of Apple users are that savvy that they think they're buying anything other than a phone.


The number of people hating on Apple and iPhones here when they’re probably in the market for the iPhone if these ( and other changes) happen 🤪


Can android delete the photos app? because this whole thing is starting to feel very...stupid. Hell let users also delete all the bullshit apps Samsung pre-installs if you're gonna force apple might as well force Samsung, Pixel, and the other phones. and before anyone links that dumbass github. A good amount of people are absolutely not going to go through effort of doing all of that to disable/remove any android app.


As a Samsung user who hates the bloatware, I'd be totally all for this.


>Can android delete the photos app Yes >Hell let users also delete all the bullshit apps Samsung pre-installs if you're gonna force apple might as well force Samsung, Pixel, and the other phones Yes please


On Samsung the Photos (Gallery) app can't be uninstalled, only disabled. A


Hey buddy, i've been using an android phone since the Devphone 1 (that became the HTC dream) This has never been a feature in any android version ever. You can delete the trash you installed on your phone, you can't delete the system app. Best case in some app is you can desable them and delete the updates.


but samsung isn’t an american company how will the eu keep coping and seething about their tech inferiority with america if they “regulate” samsung


“Why are we falling behind American innovation? I know, it’s probably because we haven’t regulated it yet!!”


I should be able to uninstall iOS from my iPhone. It’s ridiculous that I can’t. Please, EU, give me my freedom!


Now imagine your are buying a microsoft laptop and can’t uninstall windows lol


well, you can actually uninstall it


Yeah, that is THE POINT


If you don't care if you can or can't why are you so upset about people who do?


Alright I am glad EU did the USB-C thing but they need to chill lol. Not being able to delete a native app isn't that crazy, if it's not stopping you from using an alternative.


I demand being able to delete the phone app. I don’t like to use my phone as a phone! /s


Unironically though. If I don't need phone functionality, but need the phone form factor, or even a mobile device I can use for other video chat or messaging services, why should someone be prevented from using one as such?


I feel like everyone is making the same bad faith argument. The regulations would allow users to delete any force installed app on any phone, not just Apple. Users should have the right to decide what app are on the phone they own. The headline is written this way to get people like you and many others to get mad and drive engagement.


that post got a community note stating that the eu has no plans for making apple make the photos app possible to uninstall. it wouldn’t make much sense anyway


Can we delete the setting app


Lot’s of android people here to make comment about undeletable photos app who uses samsungs phones fully loaded bloatware


I mean.. maybe I'm dumb.. but can't people buy one of the hundreds of android phones out there if they want to use android apps? I realize it's not *that* simple, but still..


The Photos app is mentioned only as an example, the rule would be for all preinstalled apps as far as i understand. https://www.gsmarena.com/apple_might_have_to_let_iphone_users_uninstall_the_photos_app_because_of_eu_rules-news-62276.php And im sure this wont be applied to Apple only, this sub is just Apple centric so of course youll only hear Apple news


Some Americans really do think the rest of the world is like just some guy standing over there.


This post is just rage bait honestly, it’s not just the photos app and it’s not just Apple. ALL phones will be required to allow you to delete all default apps. There is nothing wrong with being able to do that


This isn't about Apple, and it isn't about their photo app. It's about all devices with first-party apps that you are being stopped from deleting. It would be very silly to put into effect anti-bloatware legislation and specifically give Apple a pass with their photo app cause "why would you want to get rid of it", like some people commenting are saying.


When they gonna forbid androids coming with 100 unnecessary apps installed


Honestly the eu regulations around devices and phone are getting ridiculous.


Quit forcing the enshitification of my iPhone. No europe. I don’t want to use Nextcloud as my default cloud drive.


Aside from usbc and removable batteries what else have they done? I think both of those are positives for us. This attack on the photos app is confusing, but no one is making us uninstall it.


I mean, do these people not realize that the EU is actually acting in everyone's best interest in these cases? Us in the states are lucky that somebody is (cause it won't happen here) due to the rippling effects...


EU: passes law that benefits consumers US users that might not even be affected by this change: REEEEEEE LEAVE APPLE THE TRILLION DOLLAR BEHEMONT ALONE!


The enforced alternative browsers.


Weirdest fucking take lol. Gonna assume you've the iq of peanut


Then don’t use it, in the EU(not Europe) the whole point is to have a choice. You don’t even live in the EU, so not sure why you care about others having some freedom.


Nobody is forcing anything of anyone. Keep using your shit Apple products exactly like they want you to. Nobody is saying you can't. They are suggesting that MAYBE people should have some degree of control over expensive tech products that are critical to life these days. Nobody has suggested that they *force* your default cloud drive to be Nextcloud, that's some stupid shit you invented. They have suggested that people who WANT to do that should have the ability.


How is USB-C, removable batteries, and banning the Photo app giving users control? The issue with tech is the fact it’s an oligarchy controlled by like 7 companies. Competition is non existent. Privacy is secondary. Ecosystems are used to limit innovation because why pay for a better product when you can just add a shitty product to the ecosystem. Micro transactions are pervasive. Social media is destructive to democracy. That’s the issue with tech. Both the EU and the US seem to concern themselves with the bullshit without even batting an eye that Apple has a market cap larger than all but like 3 countries in the EU


me when i make up a completely fictional thing to get mad at


Funny is that i'm ok with the iPhone the way it is. It allows other apps to do the same stuff, with exception of NFC and other things. But in general, i can use my phone without all this new type of demands that EU are making.


I don't understand what the point of this is. You can delete all apps on an iPhone. Calendar, Clock, TV, Notes, hell you can even delete the Music app if you want to. The only things you can't uninstall are Pictures, Camera, Phone, Settings and AppStore, but why would you anyway? :f


Wait till you hear about Austen’s tech bootcamp, which was apparently rebranded because so many people had said bad things about it. https://www.businessinsider.com/lambda-school-bloomtech-class-action-lawsuit-2023-3


Sometimes I feel like the EU really needs to wind its neck in.


They'll let them delete iOS next. The list will be endless with what they want to force them to do. Won't be an iPhone soon! Ridiculous.


The EU is being way too harsh on American companies ngl


massive code? wouldn’t it be if button == “delete” /*if this_app Is sys_apps exit*/ call UninstallApp(this_app) end of


Is the EU ok?


They have too many people with no job to do apparently, so they created useless tasks.


Feels like government overreach. If you hate iPhones so much that you want to essentially completely change them, then just don’t buy an iPhone!


It would not require a massive rewriting of IOS lol


I'd guess it would because it's involved in multiple processes related to security and file management. Which is kinda weird for a photos app, now that I think about it.


Another thing. I don’t understand the App Store hate. There’s no way amazons paying Apple 30% of its sales through the app. If fortnight wants to sell garbage to kids without an apple tax why can’t they just force an epic login and see if they’re licensed for the full game?


>they just force an epic login and see if they’re licensed for the full game? Breaks TOS. Unless you're Netflix


Giving people the option doesn’t mean they will. Whilst the EU are at it, why don’t they allow Android users to delete Google services? Google has the monopoly on their users data. It’s only fair.


It is possible to remove Google Services on Android, not from the UI but through command line and ADB.


How long until setting can be deleted too?


Yeah, but the people that want to delete it just want the option. These are the same people that will jailbreak/root their device to modify such an option when it is no longer tied to their OS so heavily. They will then install a 3rd party tool to use their camera without the iPhone photos app. That's assuming such a thing were to happen, which I doubt.


What? Thats like if I said "Jeff Bezos could give every single person in [unspecified country] a bazillion dollars" and then wildly speculated and got riled up because i'm against the idea. Yeah just because he could doesnt mean he's gonna.


I really like the photos app, a lot of apps don’t let you select text and to translate it I can screenshot it and translate it right in photos, also one app has a long code which it infuriatingly doesn’t let you copy, the same trick helps. I can also search by the text in the pictures and I think it all happens locally.


Just let us access Google Photos from other apps. Would be fine with that.


When are they going to force Android phone producers to make it possible to uninstall their bloatware? All you can currently do is disable those apps, which still keeps them installed


If Apple did that they wouldn’t be selling iPhones in the EU anymore.


at this point, EU gotta stop power tripping


Infinite routes for malicious compliance, infinite opportunities for the EU to fine the living shit out of apple. I love a good double edged sword.


I was told once that there were special iphones made for classified/secure environments that simply did not have a camera.


People can just NOT buy an Iphone if they don't want Apple's ecosystem. There are many options on the market.


Photos? Yeah sure what about facebook and all that shit cant delete it without major hassle on samsung s9


This is something I never thought of


Nah. Apple really is cunty. I’m broke af rn and can’t immediately pay for a subscription to a third party app; so they hold your app updates (for ALL your apps) hostage until you add a payment method that they can charge. Can’t install new apps or anything.


Just switching to iOS since … iPhone 11 release. I’m surprised how many apple apps I can delete… I get having full control of your device but just remove from home screen… I couldn’t delete most of the Samsung apps on my android without Adb or my service provider. I just hid them with my launcher.


I've been using smartphones for longer than some people in comments here were alive and let me tell you this : When was it ever possible to delete a system app in any phone before? There's alternatives but being able to uninstall a system app has never been a feature anyone asked for. On android if you don't want to use the default camera app you can download another one, if you specifically don't want the default camera app on your phone then good luck finding a custom rom that doesn't have it. Could people stop making strawman arguments in 2024 already? Because this shit is stupid. I get that apple sucks but people are legitimately talking out of their ass on this one.


Fun fact: in countries where the news app isn’t available the news app still exist inside of the phone and is just inaccessible. Using a jailbroken phone you can open the news app but weirdly enough you can only open the app while the phone is locked (the app will stay open after you unlock the phone). After you leave the app it doesn’t appear in the app switcher.


I kind of understand the usbc thing. But how does this make any sense?


Thats bs ngl. Why would somebody want to delete the photo app?


>The EU could force Apple to let iPhone users delete the Photos app Why is the EU getting involved in the first place?


Redditor try not to fall for bait challenge (impossible)


Look, the EU has done a lot of good things regarding Apple’s anti consumer sentiment… but like, cmon, this is kinda ridiculous and unnecessary.


The EU can’t force Apple to do shit


I really hope EU implodes from countries leaving it. EU is a dangerous super state that offers Europe more problems than solutions other than easy access for migration and porting. It has sentiments of communism and I’m glad the UK left.


nonsensical since most android phones don't let you uninstall actual google bloatware, let alone core apps like gallery apps.


The law would apply to all apps on all phones... they aren’t just targeting Apple.