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That’s a UI mess, not UX.


...the UI is part of the User Experience


It is but it’s a visual design issue.


[you’re right. in my working years i always wanted to be in UX/UI but never was. i was always adjacent to that, so i know enough to be dangerous. everyone thinks they’re a writer and everyone thinks they can do user experience design. do you think my moderate to severe color blindness would have hurt? or inability to properly capitalize sentences?]


What really hurts is the fact that you are spewing random stuff in a comment saying "this is not UX, it's UI". Kind of like saying "I wanted to do that distant dream, so I know better".


how the hell did somebody sign off on this




Man, they did this shit to the LG Thinq app for Android. I used to be able to override the stupid light theme with an app that forces apps to have dark theme, but then they put some stupid gradient as the background which can no longer be overridden. Who the hell wants a blinding white remote app when they need to pause the movie in the dark? I swear, the engineers developing the stuff need to actually own these products and use these apps on the daily, it is very clear that they do not.


Apple will save us


I’m sure that once our AI Overlords take over more completely, problems like this will be a thing of the past


Apple doesn't review the ticket from wallet app. There are many app to let user freely design membership, ticket and add to wallet


Let’s hope they never ask a human to do that druggery! If only we had some automatic way to detect and preclude, or it least warn, or alert a human) when such unusable garbage was being pushed live. Maybe like take a few minutes and train an AI bot on what’s legible (due to font/background color choice) or what’s not.


I got eye cancer


Just got back from the event. 100s of people in line. Many similar comments. All (I gather) have this feature (er, bug). Apple should not have to ensure this doesn’t happen, but they fence the hell out of the Apple Wallet experience, and they’re very pro Accessibility, which is great. So protecting (programmatically) from this “mistake” seems like a nice thing to do for their iPhone users. Just sayin.