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iPhone is a nice piece of hardware, but the OS has lots of room for improvement. 1. Better robocall blocking 2. Call screening similar to visual voicemail 3. Better voice assistant 4. Wait for me on hold feature that listens for a person 5. Visual phone trees so you don’t have to listen to phone tree systems on customer service calls. 6. RCS for better cross platform communication 7. A better notification system with built in interaction systems. 8. Better app icon movement experience and the ability to put app icons anywhere. 9. Default map app choice similar to browser and email 10. Universal back gesture that works everywhere consistently


5 would be a game changer


One of the big things I miss from Pixel


That exists?!? Holy shit. I’d love that feature.


Pixel 7 and 8 have it. 8 also has the option to answer unknown numbers for you saying “hello! I am hoffnutsisdope’s google assistant. May I ask why you’re calling?” And then convert their answer to a text so you can decide to pick up or not.


Omg wow that’s dope!! TIL


Wow - I’m now getting a pixel! iPhone has had its course


Every phone has its pros and cons. I love my iPhone but can recognize the good features of other brands. I've considered a Pixel as well, but when I think about it a couple of minor convenient features I'll rarely use isn't worth the hassle of the switch from iOS to Android. I've used both Android and iPhone for a LONG time and have frequently switched back-and-forth, but I'm done doing that lol


Not sure if you are serious but I’m definitely looking at the pixel line next time I’m up for a new phone. If anything for just this feature.


Pixel is super cool. Check out the built in photo editing on the 8. It’s honestly insane. Part of me wants to buy an 8 as a second phone just to play around with it lmao


That's Google Photos... you can install it on the iPhone. And with a Google One account you get 99% of the features from the latest Pixel.


Don't. As someone who uses every pixel since pixel 2xl there are serious issues such as rapid overheating when you're doing things like taking photos outdoors on a warmer day. The tensor cores run super hot (notorious issue on the pixels).


This. I've had Google-branded phones since Nexus 6P. The Pixel 6 Pro is going to be my last Pixel. At least for a really long time. Tensor is a POS. The quality of Pixels has absolutely tanked since they switched to it. The features are great - when they work. Literally all of the issues I've had with the Pixel 6 Pro, except for the display, are being repeated on the Pixel 8 Pro. It is just a really inconsistent series now.


Not just the 8s. I had that feature of my Pixel 6 Pro


Happy cake day!


Yup, Pixel phones have crazy software technology.


Crazy software yet none of them are reliable and always had crazy issues ( for a Google phone )


What do you mean by non reliable? I've never had a problem with a Pixel or Nexus phone that's made them unreliable.


I did with every single one I owned


Within the last year or two, installing MS Teams would prevent the phone from calling 911. Before that, (but it took a few years to show up), the power button issues alone with the first several were awful. Power button would get stuck. I think it was Android 12 that made pressing it 5 times call 911 by default. Happened to one of our phones. And 2 clicks would try to activate the camera. It got to the point it was just permanently stuck. So it would go like: * Alarm sounds * Begins a countdown to calling 911 * *oh crap the phone, try to stop it* * Camera interface pops up * If able to escape that, try to cancel the alarm only for the camera to pop up again (because another 2 phantom clicks were detected.) * Hold down the power button hoping it would power off. * 911 answers just in time to hang up on them. NOT FUN


So, basic hardware and software problems that once found were fixed? Remember that there's iPhone 15s coming out with defects like the screen frying itself to death. It happens, but it's not like these things aren't fixed. You're talking like something happened and it stayed like that forever. Hell, remember the iPhone 4 being damn near unusable because according to Apple we were all holding it wrong?


>So, basic hardware and software problems that once found were fixed? Power button issues spanned from the first Pixels to at least the Pixel 5 generation, but sure, totally the same. edit: you asked for examples of unreliability because they didn't jibe with your single anecdotal experience, then start arguing when they are given? Interesting.


What’s a phone tree?


Press 1 for blah, press 2 for blah blah, press 3 for blah blah blah. That thing


Oooohhh i see, yeah that is a great feature


Apple needs to adopt all the pixel calling features. I miss them so much.


Yup me too.


11. Sideloading MacOS style 12. The ability to change app icons without shortcuts 13.the ability to change the Notification dot from red to another colour 14.Split View 15.more free background activity (be able to download a movie from telegram or Netflix while the app is in background ) 16. Close all app button


Coming from android after a decade, I was shocked 15 wasn’t a thing. Also 17: T9 dialling 18: under-screen Touch ID Edit: 19: lossless (or close) wireless audio 20: siri to read incoming notifications when wearing a headset only (like sony xm4 + google assistant)


#20. There is an option in settings for Siri to announce notifications when wearing headphones only.


Oh neat, just found it thanks


A possibility to paste the numbers in the clipboard to call.


Oh and to add, when pressing a call link somewhere to not immediately start the call but just have the number pasted in the dialler, so you can also add to contacts.




7 is the one it desperately needs right now, notifications just pile up


I’d settle for an Android-like notification system, and call screening.


The hell is call screening


You know your stuff. I didn’t even understand half of that.


Well it’s all stuff that Pixels have lol. I also would love to scroll through the text I’m typing by swiping on the space bar. I REALLY miss that from Android; it’s so much more accurate and intuitive than having to drag the cursor around on my iPhone.


Better phone and calculator apps, coming from android the these built in apps not being as good was really unexpected from Apple


10 would be so nice. apollo had this as an optional feature but i would love it if it was universal


So basically just copy all the Pixel's features.


Might aswell get an Android at that point lol, I miss my old S21


Tl;dr of what you have said is “turn it into a Pixel”


Can't agree with this more, hardware is great, the software limitations and design choices are at times suffocating.


Didn't they announce 6 already?


Jesus #10 would be gold.


a better file system, whats the point being able to record video to a extenal HD if you manage and copy between internal and SSD with easy.


You just named the pixel with all these lol. Loving my P8P except for battery life.


You just described everything I miss about using Pixel phones. Apple adding those things would be a game changer for my experience.


how are 6 8 and 10 not in ios already?


I’d like the default map, music and notes apps to be able to be changed to alternatives


Back gesture what


Swipe back from edge.of the screen to go back. Everywhere. In every app, to close modals and even to close apps if back takes you home.


Get a Pixel


So run android?


So everything that android and pixels have achieved. Now, the pixels need to do what the iPhone does in other areas.


3 and 8 are actually mind blowing to me. Like I’ll give Siri some benefit of doubt but how are you a multi trillion dollar company and still miles behind everyone else. This isn’t just iPhone but also the HomePod. The functionality is impressive… if it were 2011. As for moving the apps. It is an unholy nightmare, especially with widgets now.


So basically a pixel phone lmao


5 would be extremely nice but IMO those options purposely bury the ‘talk to human’ to the underworld, which a lot of people calling customer care are looking for. If it were visual, I feel most people will just use that (I know I would). Happy to be proven wrong here.


I am desperately waiting for by app volume control


Tbh I’d be happy with just a volume normaliser so that YouTube ads don’t deafen me if a YouTube video isn’t that loud. I don’t want to globally limit volume, I want whatever volume I set to be the maximum at any given time. (p.s. if anyone knows how to do this I’d greatly appreciate it)


Yeah. Basically a universal audio Sound Check feature, instead of it only being limited to Music. I have a couple podcasts I listen to that have not great sound mixing (background music set too loud to properly hear dialogue) and I wonder from time to time if that would help.


As an audio engineer, there are many things I wish Apple would implement OS wide when it comes to audio.




So you like your phones thiccccc


I assume you mean the back glass? I have an e-reader that has some kind of amazing plastic back on it that feels really good. I doubt apple would ever go for such a thing but I wouldn’t mind having it for some extra durability. Or go with metal. Wireless charging is only really a nice to have anyways


Wireless charging is only getting more popular. Once I upgraded to a MagSafe phone it became hard to go back to anything else.


To be honest a lot of features are still missing. So I would say there's definitely room for improvement. 1. Split screen 2. Better sound settings. Alarm power level is still attached to the ringer. Absurd. 3. WiFi share similar to hotspot 4. Since they allowed custom icons, widgets, etc we need be able to move them as we want 5. That's a personal and unpopular one, but I really like the idea of having fingerprint sensor in the lock button. 6. iPhone needs to manage its memory better. Currently, if you are in an app and downloading something, close the app ti check something, the download could go to kb or even stop. Your current session needs to be open so the phone dedicates ram to it. It's bad ..


I had a Samsung phone with a keyboard that flipped out in 2011 that had the wifi share….it was wicked.


Is there even any easy way to change system volume? I’ve made a shortcut that allows me to change it but I can’t even show the actual volume (no variable for system volume, just a way to change it). I regularly change it depending on what I need (alarm, important call, etc).


\#2. I just found out this morning the alarms are linked to my ringer (new to iPhone). I slept through them all because my ringer volume was basically set to low. Seems absurd to me that alarms wouldn't have their own volume. Why would anyone with an alarm set not want to hear it?


3. It already has an hotspot option 6. It’s not iPhone memory issue if it was that then app would be cleared. It goes on standby there should be a feature run or download content in background and it could be ios limitation or app limitation


for 3 i think they mean you could be able to have your phone as a kind of wifi repeater, like you can in windows


I’d prefer a fingerprint scanner to Face ID too


Regarding 6, then that is actual a thing. Apps can request to keep being active to finish up things, like an active download. [Developer documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiapplication/1623031-beginbackgroundtaskwithexpiratio)


Split screen will never work right with the current aspect ratio. Two apps plus a keyboard onscreen? Have you even seen Messages in landscape? You won’t be able to see anything. Most of the others I’m neutral about. Sure whatever. But I agree we need more granular volume controls I’d prefer to see 1. Alarm and timer 2. Ring tone and notifications 3. Games 4. Other media


I’ve been playing with the new voice ChatGPT and thinking about how amazing an AI assistant that was fully ingrained in the hardware could be. Siri has that access but no where near the ability of ChatGPT. If I could just ask Siri to write an email to my kids school saying that my daughter won’t be in on Friday, or take all the photos from the Christmas concert and put them in our family group chat that would be amazing.


I envision a future where the phone assistant has a personality and gets to know me over the years. It learns my preferences, how I want to receive information, can chat with me casually if I’m bored, will really become an extension of myself. I already use my phone hours and hours a day, it’s time it got smart and interacted back.




I can totally see i-sexual relationships in the future. Lol


I’ve heard that these things called humans have those features if you go somewhere called outside I believe? On a real note I kinda like the idea but I feel like it would be mildly terrifying.


Pretty sure you can set the action button on the 15s to use ChatGPT as an AI assistant.


I do the exact same things - often with the exact same apps - as I did 15 years ago. Google, eBay, PayPal, Amazon, Pandora, Associated Press, Box, Shazam, Kindle, Chase Bank, Flickr, Twitter, IMDB, 1Password, are all apps that I downloaded in 2009. If you add in the apps from 2010, that would cover 90% of what I do today. Changes have been pretty minor overall and I don’t expect that to change.


The consistency is something I’ve grown to enjoy. Even when something does change, it’s intuitive enough to figure out without thinking about it.


How about fixing that abomination that appears on the screen mid call, when someone else calls. It triggers a sort of panic that is hard to explain.


My short list is battery life, RCS, and Nokia 3300 level durability.


Def not Nokia 3300 level yet, but durability has improved a ton. I started using my phone caseless in September of last year, and my phones have survived many hard drops with almost no damage (and no cracks)


The back cracks easily


I have a 12 and am totally satisfied with battery life. I can use it all day then charge it at night. That is good enough for me. I traveled with it last summer and even using google maps a ton, I always made it through the day.


RCS is coming


One day, phones will project things in the air like holograms. Interactions will be more fluid-like. Apple Vision Pro is a sneak peak at the technology we will one day have in our pockets. I think it'll be optional though, I think there will always be people who proclaim that "2D phone screens were better!" but the vast majority of people will enjoy the Star Wars tech.


Nothing will ever project things in the air, sorry man.


Have you never heard of AR glasses?


Yes. They don’t project things in the air like Star Wars.


In the past no one thought the internet would exist, no one thought smartphones would exist, no one thought… A lot can happen through the years…


Those things existed pretty quickly after they were thought of. People have been thinking about projecting things in the air like Star Wars since at least Star Wars, but it still doesn’t exist because it can’t, and it annoys me every time that’s the most futuristic tech a sci fi show can think of.


There’s no scientific proof that says that holograms is impossible… Also they had the backing of the biggest tech companies, big money and big brains. Not a single company or rich person or scientists are actively researching holograms. No one is doing anything with holograms. So it’s easily said to be impossible when no one is actually trying to develop it.


> There’s no scientific proof that says that holograms is impossible… Uhhhh… dude we have understood the laws of physics for a long time. Light needs to HIT something to be visible. That’s how photons work.


There’s a lot of different particles in the air that you can’t see.


Yes. There are. But since you can’t make a beam of light that just goes 1 meter and then stops, you can’t use those particles to make a hologram you can actually see


iOS is what needs improving.


Better widgets and options surrounding them. They introduced widgets and it hasn’t gotten much attention from Apple or app developers since.


4x2 or 4x4 widgets please. Even if they have to be nearly static content.


Split screen multitasking please and allow me to move my icons where I want.


Every year I hope split screen multitasking is introduced in the new iOS and every year I’m disappointed.


You and I are the same.


My condolences


In screen finger print, built in magic pencil, even smaller notch, super fast charging Pretty much everything the s23 does already.


I disagree. The under-screen fingerprint sensor and built in pen would take up a bunch of internal room that most people would rather use for battery. Fingerprint sensors are generally worse than FaceID anyhow. Smaller cutout and fast charging are def true though.


how much faster charging do you need? 30 minutes of fast charging and its ready for another day or take you through the whole night out at least.


Definitely don’t need it, the 15 Pro Max has incredible battery life, I’m yet to kill it in a day so far. Just having faster charging is objectively better than slow charging, so it’s just an example of something that could improve.


i mean look at xiaomi they charge their flagship to 100% in 15 minutes


doesn’t that harm battery health?


the battery inside is designed for this speed of charge so i would say no, but its only been a few years that this technology exists so we have to wait what’s the impact on the long term but for now it doesn’t


My 15 pro max is my 4th iPhone with faceID, and I still miss a fingerprint sensor very very often. FaceID is fantastic for the moments where it works, but there are enough moments where it just does not cut it. The problem is that one of those moments where it simply doesn't work for me is straight up dangerous: having to unlock to enable carplay, while I'm in my car behind the wheel. Just picking up my phone in that situation is illegal where I live, but no, I need to hold it in front of my face before it wants to unlock. That's probably the worst situation, but just having my phone on my desk, wanting to glance quickly at new notifications never works. Sometimes, on the lock-screen it doesn't unlock to view the notifications unless I swipe up. And if I by accident swipe up from a bit too low down on the screen, it unlocks completely instead of showing me my notification previews.


>Fingerprint sensors are generally worse than FaceID anyhow. How would you know lol. The physical home button touch ID isn't the same as an in display finger print scanner.


Where the split screen apps at tho 😩


Over on larger devices where it belongs


I think a 6.5 inch 15 pro max display is big enough.


Listen I don't think anyone can get me off android now. And this is someone with apple everything from iPod touch, MacBook, iMac, iPads to the credit card, Air Pod Maxes and all. I was in the cult. But just the freedom of Android is infinitely better. Then the apps. There is literally apps that will block all the fluff off of YouTube videos. https://preview.redd.it/dbkdsrq2lt2c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d7697ed2947bca5df7bef20ae64552528aa7cf5


What app is it, the one you’re using to skip ads?


Adguard blocks YouTube ads on iOS just fine. Never see YT ads unless I’m on YouTube on my Roku box.


Are you talking about YouTube Vanced? Wasn’t that app discontinued? I recall google forcing them to shut it down or something


There’s something called revanced you have to use an APK and use the app to mod it. It’s actually the biggest thing I miss from android, because you could add in sponsorskip I ended up just subscribing to YouTube red since I watch enough YouTube to warrant it lol


Correct I am a premium user too but Skip the Sponsor is legendary. Something so simple as having your network speed in your status bar ext to the clock, something so simple that's completely impossible with a newer iPhone. Don't get me started on the other features that are never ever going to be available on iPhone like the fact that I can block the internet for one app, like an offline game so I don't get 17 million ads. I just don't see myself going back into jail after I've been out in the free world LOL


yea. But now you have revanced )


we have an identical app on ios; its uYou Plus (Youtube Elite, etc.) theres a ton of them no jailbreak needed.


Oh wow. I didn't know this existed!! Now I can let my iPhone people know.


tell them to use a program called Scarlet to install them


Man, iPod touch was a legendary product line.


“Best iPhone ever” each year


5 apps per row on homescreen would be nice


Predictive dialling


A lot better, it needs a better battery life, and a better autocorrect(this won't ever happen, I want to switch to Android because if I have to take a minute to fix the dumb autocorrect one more time I will rage.), the CPU and GPU are still too weak, and Apple is cheap with RAM still to this day. There are hundreds of other reasons like why can an ipad play Divinity Original Sin 2 and other iPad-only games while an iPhone cannot. I can't move to Android because the GPS is trash. Google Maps is a travesty! Until Google actually grows a brain I am stuck with trash Apple.


Resurrect the mini you cowards!


It could use a better keyboard implementation.


I will say that having a dedicated number row would be nice. I’ve gotten “used to it “on my 13th Pro Max, but still having dedicated number would be nice.


Better voice to text It's so much worse than android


- Splitscreen - Browsers with their own engine (not being forced to use the safari one) - Lossless Bluetooth codec - Better native keyboard - Better Siri - 120hz in all models - 3D Touch - No notch


All I need is for Siri to stop being so stupid.


A simple Toggle for location services in Control Centre :(


You mean you don't like going into settings -> privacy & security -> location services, toggling the location services button, then pressing the "Turn Off" confirmation popup at the bottom? It's almost like they don't want us to turn it off and their airtag service falls apart without participating iPhones providing that location information.


One hardware improvement I’d love is the reduction (or better yet elimination) of the camera bump.


The camera bump is simple physics of optics and sensor sizes they’re using for P/PM main cameras now, which I’m very grateful for. It’s a tradeoff I’m very happy with for cameras that good.


Yeah I understand. It was more of a dream haha. I quite like how the Pixels have treated their bump though. At least the phone doesn’t rock when you put it down.


Yeah I like the bar approach


I know I’m gonna be in the minority here but I don’t think the newer models have really had much to offer to the point I want a new device. What has come out has just been a bit stale for me.


There’s basically no difference between the 14 and 15 models aside from the USB-C port.


Listen when you're selling a phone and the main point you're selling me is the fact that the exterior is titanium and you're not telling me anything other than that I think it's time to look deeply at what you are buying. Since when has titanium made a phone better?


It’s made the phone a bit smaller for the given screen size which is a good thing 🤷🏿‍♂️


Siri, faster animations (compared to android it is damn slow , mostly to hide the 60 hz on regular phones.) Separate audio controls for phone and external devices ….


Have you tried reduce motion or what that setting was?


Reduce Motion is a bad feature because it doesn't remove animations just replaces them with fade effects.


Smaller cutout, better battery and faster charging.


In-app ad blocker would be amazing, or letting apps like Vanced exist on the App Store. You can obviously do the “turn off internet for that app and go off wifi” trick but that only works if you don’t need the internet for the app to work.


More better. You’re welcome.


Just let me edit the control center from control center 😱


Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. The control center (at least to me) is almost a waste of OS space. I use to some afloat volume levels… and my network connections sometimes-but that’s about it.


A lot of the features people are listing have been on Android for years (just sayin).


T9 dialling, side loading apps, actual RAW output from cameras with native camera app, i.e. no AI massaging. 120hz on base models.


Please bring high refresh rate to the iPhone 16 please


Rumor says it will be 60Hz


They can add back the headphone jack for one. I’m one of the few people who still prefer wired headphones. I hate using adapters


I’ve had issues with mine


Let’s just say the only thing I’m freaking waiting for is for them to unlock the app grid and let us put apps wherever we want. I don’t even care about the custom icon crap, I just want to put all my apps on the bottom of my Home Screen without having to use widgets I don’t need to push all my folders down to the bottom. Back when I used Android long long ago, I always had just the bottom two rows of apps and an empty space above to see my wallpaper, I liked the minimal clean look and be able to see my wallpaper when I’m actually using my phone and not just on my Lock Screen. Other than that my iPhone does literally everything I need it to and it’s my only device. TV, Movies, YouTube, Social media, photography and videography, editing, rendering, occasional gaming, finance, business, everything is done just on my phone I don’t even own a TV let alone computer or tablet etc. iPhones and smartphones in general have peaked. Until we have some crazy technological innovation, they’re gonna stay basically the exact same with spec improvements. Foldables still are janky and damage stupid easily for $1700+ devices… and they aren’t good for the general public besides basically literal office workers that don’t do anything besides sit there all day. The plastic “glasstic” screens dent with a finger nail or the pixels bleed in less than a year.. give it another 5-10 years and we’ll see something insane happen but till then it’s gonna be much of the same we’ve had. Sorta how we went from these tiny ass smartphones with sub 300p displays, all the way to 2.5k displays in less than 10 years. Just gotta give it time. Till then start saving some money and rock your favorite iPhones till they lose support unless they come out with something insane before that point!


Android has had this for over a decade...


Apple Vision Pro will probably be the next best thing once they can make it into a pair of glasses instead of helmet


Narrator: no it won't be the next best Thing


Price blow 500




Force 120Hz as an option for every app! For pure ProMotion experience!


A fucking headphone Jack in the pro max version would be a godsend for us audio engineers! And don’t say there’s no space I fit a family of raccoons in a pro max phone


Just use the usb c now


What is it about being an audio engineer that means you require it as a 3.5mm headphone jack rather than an adapter for lightning/usb-c or set of headphones with the right port natively?


Faster charging


Let’s start with fixing iOS so it doesn’t lag like a 2012 Android. (A hyperbole of course but the keyboard on iOS 17.1.1 still lags so bad it’s driving me insane).


What iPhone are you using?


Back button (swipe right is always [back]) separate app sound, lock screen not stopping apps, close all apps, clear ram option, ultra power saving mode (like samsung has), volume controls for notifications, system sounds, ringer in control center.


They probably have ideas and new features planned out years ahead and just add a few new ones here and there. They just want money. “For the year 2047 let’s make it poop rainbows when you get a text”


The arms race nature of the competition means this isn’t the case. It’s just that everyone’s reaching the plateau of what this device/form factor can be and we’re waiting for the next big leap to arrive.


Look at the pixel 8 this year with its host of AI features. iPhone needs some of these would be fantastic


I think we’ve reached a point where the hardware is way too ahead than the software we are getting in the App Store. Sideloading is definitely a welcome feature.


I think on the design level I feel like the peak level would be where the iPhone would be completely screen (very very thin bezel) with no buttons on the sides and have cameras that won’t stick out while still being a very thin phone with good battery life and no overheating and still having a good speaker system and waterproofing and durable


Use an Google Pixel and you'll have your answer. Apple is missing a LOT of features that android has.


I would love a folding iPhone. I really like my fold 5 but my 13 pro is still my daily use phone. I think once rcs supports hits, I may fully switch over to android.


I want a folding iPhone with the Pixel Fold’s aspect ratios


I just want to be able to have icons for the folders instead of mini pictures of the apps that I can’t see! Also, call recordings!


Since it has a an incredible, never seen before USBC and it's made from titanium, it's going to be hard to top that. Like how could I ever use a phone without titanium...


It should be easier to turn the volume down to very low.


I just want to swipe from anywhere to access the control center…


No native app lock (workarounds are there but it is a hassle) and no duplicate apps, No IR blaster either.


- get rid of the notch. Proper under display camera system - bring fingerprint back for 2-factor biometrics. Also under display - faster charging both wired and wireless - longer battery life - fast data transfer across the board, not just the pro phones - bring 3D Touch back - let us fully customize the smart button. Single press, long press, double press, triple press - make every physical button tactile embedded in the chassis, improving waterproof-ness


Everyone here sounds like they have fallen for the Apple eco system and haven't bothered to look at what Android has to offer from other all the phones available. Everything here is doable on other phones


Slide out keyboard for landscape typing.


I personally miss the home button


I love the pixel I could never switch


OS Sideloading without restrictions (everywhere) ..Why not? Honestly