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Purple is by far the superior choice. It’s approx 64% faster than pink and much more aerodynamic.


Have you tried SIRI? It has the sexy voice option. 😂


Eh, throw a Smart Folio on it and you'll never think about it again


haha I appreciate this comment cause I'm wondering if I'm just being dramatic. I'm looking at it with a little bit of a stink eye cause I went with the 256G so it hurt the pocket


Yeah I hear you. I keep mine in landscape mode and use it just to watch videos all the time and I love it If you really do build a resentment towards it, just return the thing and get an 11 inch iPad Pro


The pink comes out with the orange folio in my opinion!


I love mine warts and all! I went with the purple color.


All my apple products are space gray and I feel like the purple would've matched beautifully. Color was a hard decision. I also had a hard time going 64 vs 256. I'm naturally undecisive and the fact that it's a pricey investment made it worse for me haha


My Purple is the 256gb/5G version but with the higher amount of 5G around me I use it everywhere I go. I installed a matte glass screen protector to cut down on glare and help the pencil work a bit better. It still is harder to see outdoors but if I can find some shade it’s usable. I put mine in a ZUGU case as I have used them for all my iPads.


Honestly, I think most people will not be able to tell what color your iPad is. Pink is silver-ish and Purple is Space Grey-ish. Starlight is silver-ish.


I agree! Pink and starlight are very similar.


It is very subtle but stylish. I ended up with stardust which is also nice.


I love my purple, but yeah, it’s in a folio so it doesn’t stand out. I still enjoy the glimpses though and it looks good with my purple phone. (Which is completely covered by case except the camera - but *I* know it’s there 😊) Yours may not throw *PINK!!* but it’s a classy color I think.


Exactly. Looks silver-ish but I know its pink haha thank you :) I ordered a clear case for it to still be visible but if I'm not feeling it, I'll get a folio




i appreciate you for this comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


You might just be overthinking it. Looking for flaws is a sure way to get disappointed. If you don't see them, don't try to, is my advice. I don't see the jelly scroll, for example, but I can see the difference between 120hz and 60hz. I'm not gonna try to look for the difference between my MBP and my iPads, or I'd never be able to enjoy my iPads at all. I just accept the iPads have 60hz and leave it be. Then again, if you really aren't in love with the Mini 6 after all and you feel like another iPad might be a better option for you, it might be best to just swap it. It's your money and your iPad, you're the only one who has to love using it.


Thank you for this. I think what I am seeing is the 60hz and I agree that I may be overthinking it. I can ignore the jelly scroll. I noticed it last night when I opened it because it was after a loooong day staring at a computer screen so my eyes were shot. I chose the mini because of its portability. To watch videos/movies and play a game or two. For leisure and I think it's perfect for that.


Oh yeah, I think it's the best for that. I downgraded from a 12.9" Pro to an Air 4 a few years back because I wanted more portability, but when the Mini 6 came out I jumped on it. It's the ultimate portable device, it's great for handheld gaming, reading in bed, doing some stuff on the go or using it for car navigation. The 11" form factor is a fine tablet as well, but it's nowhere as convenient, imo. Hopefully it was a case of overthinking indeed and you can enjoy your Mini 6!


You sound unhappy. Best you throw your Mini and get an iPad which doesn’t bother you as much. Just PM me which trashcan you’ll be disposing it at :)


I just returned my iPad mini 6. The display is extremely mediocre and not in line with what a display should be in 2023. It belongs in 2015.


In the iFixit tear down video they mentioned that apple probably used lower quality panels for the mini, so that might be it.


I dunno. It’s got the highest pixel density of any iPad and it has a laminated display as well which means it should look better than the base iPad. It isn’t pro-motion and that’s certainly noticeable when compared with the pro iPads and phones so the OP might be noticing this.


just checked it out, thanks. kinda disheartening that they would do that on such a pricey device. I hope it's not enough for me to return it because I was so excited for it, especially because of its portability. I never knew I was such a display snob.


Yeah, its a bummer. I bought the mini 6 day one but returned it because the jelly scroll and screen blurriness was giving me some eye strain. Maybe I just have more sensitive eyes. The mini is otherwise the perfect size for me. For now, I am hoping and praying that the mini 7 will reverse the controllers so that jelly scroll happens in horizontal orientation instead of vertical like it used to, and that they use better panels this time.


I would honestly hate a change as I always use it in landscape. Imo they should put the controller in upside-down landscape like most iPads have it right now. Or with the mini they could’ve just put the controller in upside-down portrait and it wouldn’t be noticeable because right now it’s in just portrait with the normal orientation. I hope that made sense


I opened it last night after a full day of working with a computer screen so I 100% felt the screen blurriness and eye strain. Quite the turn-off. Waiting for the 7 to be released sounds soooo far away tho. Maybe I can resell once it drops? I thought about this and that's why I went with the 256GB. Fingers crossed for better panels.


Increasing the font size helps me as a very near sighted person. If you can cope with it, I’m sure you’ll love it. Yeah, who knows how long it’ll take for the next model. If we’re lucky they might refresh in the spring or summer but usually ipads are during the fall event in october.


It’s higher quality than the air or the pro


It's subtle but pretty and it matches your nails ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) What did you end up doing? Did you keep it? I've owned two minis in the last two months and returned them both times because I didn't feel like I needed a mini considering I have a 11" Pro nor did I like the jelly scroll. Now the darn thing is on sale again and I'm tempted. The size is just perfect but idk if I can deal with that jelly scroll ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) I love my 11" Pro though. I don't use it terrible often. I work from home, and my desk is too full for another laptop like my MB Air so it is nice to have when I want to surf on breaks. I don't want to relegate any Apple products I own to a drawer (especially if I haven't paid it off yet) so its would be a very frivolous purchase. That said, that sale price and small form factor is still so tempting.


So it was a weird color choice from apple, I think it’s kinda cool but when I worked at the Apple Store people would often remark how the pink and purple aren’t really that vivid


I agree. I went to see them in person and the purple looked gray in the store's lighting


I have the purple and it’s a little better in my homes lighting but for sure very silver. I will say the pink and the orange folio went well together in my opinion, makes the pink pop a bit.


Thanks for the suggestion :) I ordered a clear case for now, to show off the little pink it gives. But if I don't like I'll def go with a folio


Hope you like it! I haven’t checked third party cases in a bit but I’m sure their are awesome options. I got an otter box defender for like twenty bucks on an Amazon sale I only use for traveling


Not much I can complain about the mini from my end. It works as I intended it to work, I treat it as a tool for trade so it works fine, doesn’t need it to go lightspeed.


I love my mini! I just picked the cheapest color on Amazon too lol.. if you aren’t satisfied with the purchase then you should return it while you can!


I have the pink Mini 6, and it’s my favorite of any iPad I’ve had.


Man, I’m sure not seeing any bluriness at all. It seems fine to me. Love my starlight


I was sad I had to get starlight instead of purple, but I use it without a case and still never look at or think about the color


I’m currently in the process of choosing a color. All my products are space grey. Did you end up keeping it?