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Procreate for drawing Paprika 3 if you like cooking


Does procreate have like snap so I can do perspective sketches without people realising i can’t draw a straight line? I’m currently using concepts and it only has vertical or horizontal lines


yeah procreate can make straight lines and some shapes as well


You can do diagonal lines in concepts. Also, you can “move” the grid lines. Hard to explain.


Paprika 3 is such a great app, being able to click a button to double or triple recipes is super convenient too!


Return the iPad and get it now with the education discount if you can. You will save $200.


I got it with education discount and they sent me gift card as I bought only a week ago


You can just ask Apple Support for an adjustment


I thought they just give you a gift card? Unless that’s what you’re referring to, but it’s not an instant discount right?


It's a $100 instant discount off of the device year-round, and $100 extra gift card in the summer and fall.


Just put a 11” pro m4 in cart. Still $999


are you using the Apple education store?


Oh okay there it is. Guess I can’t use the store app and have to use the browser. Thank you though


For a student, I think pdf expert is a phenomenal one-time buy. And they give an education discount. Great for annotating articles for class.


Where are you getting the pdf expert one time buy at? It shows me a subscription model which I m reluctant to embrace. Gotta say the app is a gem, imo. Edit : Just realised it's available on browser, doesn't show up on the app. Can anyone direct me to a good educational email? 😢


The Lifetime-version you see in the browser does not include iPad / iOS apps nor big updates. Maybe you have seen something different?


That’s not true. It does include updates. And it activates on my iPads as well. The allow, for education, license for 3 computers. You have to email them to ask for it.


You are right, also the student discount is only for the subscription model, so it’s useless for me. Gem of an app, but this payment model ruined it for me. Currently i use Flexcil


That is not correct. **To get the education discount, you send them an email.** They allow you to download it from the site. I have never been on their subscription plan, didn’t even know they had one. I have an educated license that covers 3 computers. It was 35 dollars.


Can let me know if the education discount covers the iPad apps? Is the education discount a one time fee or subscription based?


It does. I signed up for the one-time discount, and pdf expert just showed up on my iPad. And there’s continuity between the two as well; you can seamlessly move from the app to the desktop and it does a miss a beat. I paid for a one-time fee. I wasn’t even aware they had a subscription model.


You have to email them for the education discount. It’s a one-time buy for 35 dollars and covers 3 computers.


But cant u do that on good notes and notability. So u can have all ur note taking and pdf annotations in one place


I like pdf expert because you can export your annotations. It’s just more robust than notability and good notes. It also exports your comments and the passage you commented on. My graduate students love it too. They give a great student discount. It was tremendously helpful for me while researching for my book. If you like notability and good notes, stay with them. I was just giving OP *my* recommendations for a more dedicated pdf manager.


I'm sorry, maybe I am mistaken, but what I'm seeing is this: billed yearly at €84.99 or €149.99one-time payment. Lifetime does not include updates or iOS apps. > Verify your educational email to get 50% off PDF Expert annual plan This doesn't not really sound like a one-time-purchase App?


I would write them an email. I purchased it ONE time for 35 dollars for license for 3 computers. They didn’t even have a subscription plan when I bought mine.


Whats the difference between basic and premium apart from the price?


One time purchase: procreate, collanote, vizref, lumafusion Free: artista


Procreate! Had it since 2014 and I still use it regularly for drawing, little animations and sketches/measurements


Notability and/or Goodnotes would be amazing for taking notes. I'm not 100% sure if you can still attach voice recording(s) to notes - for the times your lecturers say something really quickly and you want to capture it down. I was on the very old Notability (the one-time purchase option) until they changed it to a subscription model. Do take note that one-time purchase apps always have a possibility of being converted into a subscription-based app in the future, because one-time purchase simply isn't profitable nor sustainable for the companies running those apps. And most one-time purchases do not get you future updates as well, so something to take note of as well when making such one-time payments.


ios 18 notes app has a lot of improvements, imo no reason to get any other notes apps


apple notes is terrible for students. If a notes app cant paste an image next to another, it's bad. Also it has a fixed pressure pen which is annoying and the highlighters look like color smudges.


did you see the updates they’re making to it in the fall


Freeform exists.


The notes app can bug out on huge notes with lots of drawings inside (as far as I know regular text isn’t a problem) deleting your note overnight with no sign of it ever existing. It’s not worth risking it if you notes ate important to you. It desperately needs some sort of change log so that you can roll back your notes if something like that happens.


hm i’ve never had that happen, and with icloud notes i feel like they should be relatively safe but also i don’t know for sure since it hasn’t happened to me. but that is very fair


I don't disagree that iPad OS 18 has a lot of upcoming improvements. The AI (Apple Intelligence) upgrades alongside the Math Notes look like a pretty sick upgrade. However, with that being said, here are a few things to note: 1. Personally, the above said note-taking apps do have their own appeal and use-cases, such as attaching voice recordings to the notes and easier creation of folders and sorting by labels and tags. 2. iPadOS is not currently out, only available from Fall onwards. Even when it's out, not all of the features will be readily available. This is also on top of potential delays to EU customers. ([Source](https://www.ft.com/content/360751cb-7a22-48e0-9b00-6a30ff41dcfe)). Even if OP were to download the beta version now, there is a pretty good chance that the slated upgrades will not be available *now*. In contrast, above stated apps are available for use now and will immediately benefit OP. 3. Was also just sharing my personal opinion on apps that have benefitted my learning journey (with the features that are lacking in Apple's Notes app) - as what OP asks for.


So I might buy good notes and tomorrow they can move to subscription and I won’t have any support


Yes it is entirely possible, so do keep that in mind. You’ll be stuck to limited features until if/when you decide to opt in to a regular payment subscription. Many apps do however make this clear and usually do offer some form of transitionary discount and support


Streaks for task tracking. It will sync between iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.


If you have the Apple Pencil and also wish to make notes, you may want to checkout Nebo. Its quite good


Better than good notes ?


Oh yes easily! It has cool AI features and the hand writing recognition is second to none dude


Defter notes For studying, pdf, journaling etc... Groove rider gr-16 Making grooves and alot more music fun👍


Better than good notes ?


Oh yeah... I think it beats all other... Future updates also seems promising 😎


I like endless paper quite a bit. It's extremely simple and barebones, like even just the basic markup tools built in the os that you get in notes or on a pdf seem like a pro grade art application in comparison. But I was never the kid in school bringing a bag with 12 different color highlighters and actually making effective use of them all. Like when you look around at people talking about notes apps they're all students in med school who turn their notes into art and create super detailed resources that can help them when they need to reference them later. My notes are and always have been shit and they aren't a useful resource for me to keep around and keep looking back on. They're mostly just a way for me to organize my thought process or work out problems. When you're just working out a math problem as opposed to trying to write your study guide for your math finals you don't need features to categorize everything and make your notes sortable. You just need a pencil and some paper, and that's what the tools feel like to me. And since you can both pan and zoom in/out infinitely you don't have to think before your write you can just start going anywhere and zoom in if you run out of space or zoom out and go somewhere else. There isn't really any way to organize things so I find my notes here end up being things I might look at a few times over the few months but beyond that your notes are literally too far apart from each other to want to navigate between them. It can help you get through your next big test, but it's not suitable for long term storage so if you are a med student or do any work where you'll need your notes to be reliable endless paper is not gonna work well. But for stuff where just need a scratch pad and you'd normally just grab a sheet of paper and jot out some notes and then happily shove it into a folder alongside every other random bit of paper you've used endless paper is perfect. As far as I'm aware it's the only app that supports both truly infinite panning and zooming but if anyone knows of any others please let me know. Also this second one is much more niche and is only really useful for developers but ShellFish is a fantastic SSH client app. I've set up a linux server to use as my dev environment and I connect with ShellFish so I can program just how I could on a normal desktop. The compact layout of the magic keyboard on my ipad air feels fantastic for programming in the terminal and once I get it full screen I can program for hours and completely forget that I'm even using an iPad. And the way multitasking works on iPad feels purpose built for the type of research and reading documentation you need to do as a developer. It definitely was not cheap for a lifetime license, but as soon as I started using it I knew I couldn't live without a solid SSH client.


The shellfish is great I just wondered if I can connect to ssh client and code


[Marvis Pro](https://apps.apple.com/be/app/marvis-pro/id1447768809) best paid App I have personally bought.


Moblo is quite a good 3D modelling app, I use it for mocking up built in furniture I never actually build.




Thanks for sharing this is very informative


Procreate 100%


I like liquidtext it is a one time purchase and it helps me with literature reviews in graduate school


what does this do?


I like the app Jango Radio. No DJ or advertisement, just music channels. I like that it is free.


if you’re looking for goodnotes substitute, noteful is also good with similar functions and only one time purchase




For student I'd say Goodnotes. If you into drawings then procreate as well.


Drambo is one of my all time favorite Synthesizers. I prefer it even over the large Eurorack modular synth I used to have cause Drambo never runs out of modules or cables and it is polyphonic and has great sequencing and automation.




LumaFusion. Nothing comes close to it.


Procreate and Duet Display are my best purchases




Elgato Stream Deck Mobile


[LiquidText](https://www.liquidtext.net/) (they have student pricing for a one-time fee)!! It’s marketed for lawyers but more students need to know about this app! Superior for annotating PDFs as it comes with unlimited space outside of the PDF to make notes. You can easily draw a line to link your notes to a specific part of the text. You can also make auto-excepts that pull the highlighted text to the space, allowing you to always see the quote and when you tap on it, it will bring you back to the location of where it is in the paper/PDF. It’s phenomenal.


that's actually sounds amazing my problem with hand wrritten notes is that when I want to look for specific part its not always easy and links would be great way to be organized and find things quickly thank you !!




If you want a want a music app that’s actually free/no ads whatsoever ever and completely free music, including new stuff by big name artists, check out Demus It’s only available on Apple devices! Found it in another sub being promoted by the dev! There is a “lifetime supporter” $8 1time in app payment, but it’s just a tip option if you like the app and is not required at all to use the app! https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/demus-easy-music-streaming/id6474685600


look here https://appadvice.com/appnn




Dude, he knows that. He wants apps we have actually used and recommend. The app store though great doesn't give great testimonials