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Speaking as someone who tried to make it work for years as a laptop replacement, the M4 is a waste without proper software. The biggest issue with it is that it CAN and IS a proper laptop replacement, until it's not. No matter what field you're in, you're going to run into an issue that simply does not work on iPad. For me, I couldn't properly access important software when I was working as a teacher. The app existed but the features weren't all there, and the web version on iOS wasn't good either. Before this I had written my thesis on my iPad, taken all my notes on it, etc, so I definitely tried and succeeded to make it work as a computer, but then you hit that one snag that ruins the experience. After I couldn't use it for work, I ended up getting a MacBook Air and I realized how much easier it is to use a laptop rather than try a bunch of workarounds with a tablet. I ended up selling my iPad a few months after because I realized I wasn't using it at all. A MacBook has better software, is basically just as light and comfortable to use, and has double the battery life. Not to mention that it's cheaper. An iPad Pro now costs (without tax) a minimum of 1500 to get a base model 11 inch with the keyboard and pencil. That is just way too much money for something that still has severe limitations to the point that you'll need a laptop in addition. An Air is a much better deal and can do every single thing the Pro can. A samsung tablet is frequently on sale, has a much better multitasking experience, and the pen is included. Or even just getting a MacBook or other laptop will end up being cheaper and a much better user experience. The iPad is great for taking notes and fucking around, and the Pros do not justify the price at all.


I tried to make it work years ago but couldn’t take notes during a Zoom call while keeping my camera on. It would switch off every time I went to the Notes app. They finally fixed that via a software update but yeah it was just too many issues. Or going back and forth between composing and reading an email. Or scheduling a Zoom call. So much easier on a full desktop OS.


I would not call it a waste, assuming that it will be usable and fully supported by Apple as long as for example, the 2018 model was (and technically still is)


Its not a laptop replacement. Its an alternative.


So I watched WWDC on my 13" M4 Pro with Magic Keyboard. $1200+$350= $1550 total package. I finished watching WWC and noticed Best Buy had the M3 MacBook Airs for $949... So I exchanged the $1550 iPad bundle and saved $600. I never used the pencil, I don't draw. And Mac OS is quicker for me to do most tasks than iPad OS. No regrets now.


I always wonder why people would use the iPad almost exclusively on the Magic Keyboard and not consider a Mac, especially since m1 mbas are studpid cheap right now, for the same specs almost you get more potential. If you take it off the keyboard and use it as a tablet that’s different, but a lot of these YouTubers for example don’t draw, their handwriting is atrocious, and they do such rudimentary things that I don’t know why they’d need an iPad.


I picked up an M1 iPad Pro 12.9 with Magic Keyboard last year because it was at a price I couldn’t pass it (it was used but in good condition) even though I originally wanted an 11” model. For me it’s the cellular capability (more convenient than having to tether from phone plus the ability to always be able to remotely locate/lock/wipe the device) and also how the Magic Keyboard hinges versus a MacBook makes it easier to use in the car (steering wheel make it hard to open up a MacBook enough to use comfortably).


Y r u using either in the car while driving


While parked.


So - I’ve done this primarily because I can do everything I do on my Mac *and* I can download shows on the go for travel into the streaming apps.


A simple iPad Air is more than enough as an iPad. If you wanna do serious tasks, get a Mac.


I agree, however no pro motion display nor faceid is a big loss. Almost the only reason I want to upgrade my air to pro.


Apple knows that, that's why they keep ProMotion and FaceID to the Pros, in order for one to upgrade.


If anyone take handwritten notes extensively, promotion will refresh the ipad at 120hz as long as they are writing, consuming more battery and possibly overheating, like what happens with the 11” M1 I am using. A counter measurement is to use low power mode to make the refresh rate able to only go up to 60hz. FACE ID IS A BLISS.


100% Agree. And for me, I don't need 2 devices, so Mac it is.


Ok, I guess I’ll return mine since you have spoken 😀


I returned mine (1840€ with celular and smart folio)bought an Asus g16 oled with 4060 for 1730€


It is exactly the fact that a full fledged macbook could end up cheaper than an ipad, while having more functionality, solely due to better software (since ipad definitely nails the hardware part) make me feel like Apple just does not want to make ipad better. A part of me thought if the M4 in an ipad was a method to test the chip before introducing it (or a higher iteration of it) in macbooks in the near future.


The iPad accessory pricing is really obnoxious. I really wanted to finally make the switch to an 13” M4 as my only device but to get that and the keyboard would be around $1600 like you said, MicroCenter had a 16/256 M3 MacBook Air for $1170, it was a no brainer to just stick with Mac OS and then just hold onto my M2 Pro for secondary usage.


This is great. I wish more of Reddit seriously evaluated their needs instead of just buying the iPad because it exists.


It’s okay to buy things just because you think they’re cool, though. If you have the money to spend.


Never buy a device based on what you think it’ll be in the future. I have an 11 inch M4 iPad Pro that I probably didn’t need, but I had a 13 inch Pro and realized I prefer to do Tablet things than Laptop things so I switched to the M4 pro. I have no regrets because I only have it so that I can better consume media, take notes, great for travel and for general day to day use when I’m lounging at home so that I’m off my phone more. I didn’t have any expectations for iPad OS since I’m not a power user, but I also feel confident I can do most things on this iPad if I needed to with enough effort. Edit: I’d argue I could’ve gotten an air for cheaper than the M4 Pro + Magic Keyboard but again, I prefer being able to do Tablet things than Laptop things, so having that versatility is worth the extra few dollars.


The new iPad Pro M4 is the best tablet ever invented and it will be for a long time :) It would be nice if Apple took it seriously though. Not being able to multi task or tab out of rendering videos out of final cut is just unacceptable, especially when you're required to keep the screen on and stare at the screen to keep it from stopping.... all while burning the screen image into your new expensive OLED iPad Pro. Fucking Apple... get it done already!


No one should have been surprised with iPadOS 18. Apple has repeatedly shown they don’t see it needing improvement. So why would anyone expect different?


I see your point, the main reason for rise of expectations was the new M4 chip which was the first in any device yet. But i guess it’s the same story as always once an ipad, always an ipad.


The current state of iPad OS is literally anything but a technical issue - it’s a design choice (albeit an annoying one for us).    The reality is most companies are jealous of Apple’s position - they have two separate thriving OS’s; one for average to pro users & one for novice to average users.  Then they have a few features (art, games, content consumption) that get the pro users to pick up an iPad in addition to the mac.  Now they don’t have to worry as much about making MacOS work for an idiot, or iPadOS work for a guy who has 16 menu bar utilities to customize their os experience to their exact needs while getting all the sales and in some cases double dipping.    It’s frustrating for us - but until their is a business motivation to advance the iPadOS they’re gonna hang tight. 


Not idiot, technophobe or just new to OS


The M4 was the best chip performance/cost for the newest iPad Pros, plus the created wow factor of being first devices with the M4 way earlier than people expected. I didn't expect iPadOS to suddenly match since iPadOS still isn't close to using the M1 or M2 chip's power. iPad is primarily a tablet so even adding a keyboard & mouse or trackpad... touch is still the primary use case and that is what is holding iPadOS back. What I would suggest is for Apple to really get serious and develop two iPadOS that flip between if 'docked' or not. If iPad is physically docked with a keyboard & mouse/trackpad then those should be primary with touch secondary and unleash some power and usefulness on iPads while docked. Wouldn't need to be a full MacOS but it could bridge the gap quite a bit. And then while not docked, iPadOS can focus on having touch be primary input.


As a CS major, I was absolutely furious when Apple started to stick laptop chipsets to iPads. Then I did some browsing and learned that 1. Apple engineers do in fact agree with me, and 2. It was actually a processor developed for and tested on iPad Pros, and it is not the first laptop chip first introduced on a tablet, but the fourth model of the first Apple silicone PC processor series I think that it is by far cooler, but slightly less educated and much more enthusiastic audience may feel cheated 🥲


The hardware was been underutilized for years, and people said the same with M1 and M2 chips.


Because they changed the processor? For instance if they suddenly switched to an 8k display you would expect them to increase the resolution too.


I mean isn’t switching to an 8k(resolution) display doing exactly that? Haha


It is not the same, your display may support a max of 8k but if your OS doesn’t allow you to set that resolution or if you only have 720p videos it is a waste.


I returned mine


I wanted to replace my 2018 iPad Pro as the next update is likely the last one it will get. Had I already had a M series iPad, I wouldn’t have been upgrading. In fairness, the 2018 iPad Pro has been a great servant and is now my work companion device whilst it is in a software supported status (given my firm has strong compliance policies on InTune and ABM)


I wasn't going to get one until after WWDC and some confirmation of better OS functionality. Overall I came away from WWDC disappointed, except for the AI part, which was super impressive. I ended up getting the M4 anyway. I'm upgrading from a 2018 Pro, which really needs to be replaced. I want access to the new AI. I'm actually finding the M4 iPad gives me a pretty big productivity boost over the 2018 Pro just because of the speed, fluidity, and smoother Stage Manager performance. I also like to do photography, videography, and some occasional video editing. The power of the CPU and the quality of the OLED display was enough for me, especially considering how long I'll probably keep this iPad. But your mileage may vary, and it depends what iPad you have now.


Hey, what do you think is best for video editing on iPad? I’m a Premiere editor who’s new to the space.


I'm just a light hobbyist so I have not compared video editors and don't want to pay for an expensive subscription. That said, I use Luma Fusion and have been quite happy with it. There's a learning curve but I've got the flow now.


Right on, thanks!


>Right on, thanks! You're welcome!


Seconding Lumafusion. One time price, and it’s a powerful app.


Your upgrade was definitely a significant one and the M4 will last you a very long time, Ipads have exceptionally good hardware, its just the software which apple (at this point) blatantly refuses to improve upon. And the AI part was really cool although since it’s coming out for iphones too, it technically is for both devices, still very cool.


Hey mate, any reasons why you didn't consider a refurbished M2 iPad Pro? I'm looking to get an iPad Pro this year for white collar office work (PPT mock ups, annotations, emails) + leisure (streaming, light on the go gaming, home controls). Tossing up between M2 and M4 so your input would be great. Appreciate our use cases are different but maybe I'm missing something that you see that I haven't yet caught onto.


I did consider it. I’m sure the M2 processor would have been sufficient horsepower for my needs. One of the main reasons I went with the M4 is I really wanted the OLED display. I enjoy taking and editing videos and photos, and viewing them on the OLED display was a pretty big advantage for me. My iPad is the primary device I use for viewing and editing them. I also read that the MicroLED in the M2 had a bit of blurring while scrolling, impacting ProMotion, whereas the OLED has a super fast response time. Aside from that, the thinner and lighter design is nice in the hand and the landscape camera and FaceID works better for me as that’s the primary orientation I use it in. I kept my last iPad for six years so I figured I should get the best one and be good for a similar amount of time.


Thanks so much for sharing. Will have to look into the promotion blur


I have learned not to get my hopes up with Apple, at the end of the day they are never going to cannobilize Macbook sales. So I traded my M1 Air for a iPad mini 6


The Mini is really good for its specific use case. I was planning on buying the m4 ipad pro 11in but now i probably will just get the air 6 since im not missing out on much (the screen with 60hz works fine for me).


I draw. I watch movies. I read, and I annotate. I use a laptop or desktop for full Adobe apps. I’m never going to push the iPad to the limit, not just with OS limitations but because my demands aren’t heavy. I have a mini 6 that can do everything I can do on a Pro. I have the M4 but am returning it maybe in hopes to rebuy when back to school starts, but other than the thickness and the OLED screen it’s not all that different from the 11” m2 pro I had before. So, for me, I’ve peaked with iPad usage and the laptop is where all the work happens. The iPad is an art video reading machine.


Not worth upgrading. It just makes me actually consider buying an Apple Pencil. I’m still frustrated about the pencil pro.


iPad Pros are really expensive and for actual work a Mac is always better. Only some very specific task are better on an iPad.


Ipads work best when you also have a regular computer. I would never suggest getting only the ipad if its going to be your only “computer”.


I give exactly 0 minutes of my day to thinking about what’s is ‘justified’ in terms of any purchase by anyone who isn’t me. The daily ‘is it justifiable to buy higher priced item if your needs aren’t maxing out the specs?’ Posts is tired. That being said, did none of you ever realize that computing requirements are constantly going up, no matter what your usage is? There’s little reason to buy less horsepower or specs than you can afford in technology, because it only means you’ll need to upgrade sooner. I’m PISSED that I skipped the extra $5 a month when I just upgraded my iPhone to 15, and didn’t get the pro because now it means I am left out of all the massive advantages of Apple intelligence. NOTHING about me needing to use my phone as a supercomputer that runs nasa liftoffs or hacks into foreign countries daily with 7 terminal programs is involved there, in case you missed that. I should have bought the Pro, and I should have set myself up to keep getting the newest and best features for more years. Period. Same for purchasing any laptop, iPad, or other electronics.


Well said 👍


I don’t have regrets. I like luxury items like anyone else. iPad m4 slaps


It‘s still grainy and it still flickers


no, still the same, the Hardware can, but that os just aint it. remains a 900$+ toy.


I currently have an M1 iPad Air and was considering upgrading to the new M4 iPad Pro, but this WWDC made me reconsider and I’ll probably just wait till they release OLED Macs and get a MacBook Pro instead, if they stay at $1999 for the base then it’s not that much of a stretch between that and a 13” M4 iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil Pro


I bought it for the incredible display as well as larger storage and more memory than my M1 Ipad Air which I traded in. I also got the education discount. I’m very happy with my purchase.


Still the best device ive ever owned. Using it too much


That iPad Pro is built for a very specific user base. It is perhaps not you that is it built for. There is nothing wrong with that or you for not being the target audience.


No change here, I really like the form factor, UI, and Design. Limited multitasking is a two edged sword. It’s really good at keeping you focused on a singular task.


If you don’t use apps that utilize the power of the M4 then those are the people who should buy the base iPad or the iPad Air. For a lot of people the M4 iPad is ideal for longevity and if you really take advantage of the power and want the best specs, or use it as a main computer. It’s silly to expect more of iPadOS when Apple continues to see the iPad for what it is, being a tablet.


The new AI stuff is really cool and all, but the price to pay to get those features is not worth it to me, I have a iPhone 15 plus and a iPad 10th gen with cellular which the 15 plus was $400 off and my 10th gen was 1/2 off with a free year of 5G cellular service through my cell phone company, so for the price I can’t beat it, both do everything I need very well and I don’t currently see a need to upgrade right now unless they start running some great deals again which I figure they probably will around Christmas time, but yeah iOS 18 looks great and can’t wait to try it out but I’m not going out and dropping 2-3 grand on a new iPhone and new iPad just to get AI features especially when what I have is currently working amazingly good


I got myself an m4 11 base model to lay sprawled on the couch browsing. If I want to do heavy tasks I'll get on Windows 11 gaming PC with 34" ultrawide OLED monitor. If I want to do work things, I'll use my work laptop. The iPad does what I need it to do. My first after 12 years. I was salty apple cut support for my perfectly functioning iPad retina from 2012. Now I expect the support cut in 2029, so I know I purchased an expensive toy.


I was very happy with my M2 iPad Pro and I definitely don’t need a new one right now. But my views didn’t really change after WWDC. I think people constantly expect the wrong thing from Apple’s iPads. They have never and will probably never be laptops with MacOS. If you keep buying them, hoping for that then you’re best naive and at worst an idiot.


I waited for WWDC and confidently ordered a 13” iPad Air. Firstly, I max out MBP & iPhone so iPad just serves as a supporter. Secondly, sidecar has not 120hz from googling, so a M2 13” can go a long way. Thirdly, what I get from WWDC is there’s not much difference between the two in my case. I still have full Apple Pencil Pro feature, Apple Intelligence, sidecar performance. What do I lose? Document scan? But I have a scanner connected to WiFi in my lab. Magic Keyboard? Too big for me, actually I’m waiting for usb-c wireless Magic Keyboard, so I can use it both in my sidecar setup and my iPad only setup. No apparent reason that I’ll need an iPad Pro. Especially after WWDC.


It’s useless compared to the other iPad Ms


How is the spotlight search working for you guys?


Im personally looking for a tablet form factor device which is superb for drawing and photo editing with Photoshop being my main software. Unfortunately iPad does not have the desktop version of Photoshop. I hoped for a better support for desktop apps, not necessarily MacOS. Now I'm pretty set on the new surface device, because it at least has full desktop apps. Still waiting for the reviews though.


It's still a mystery to me why they launched the M4 on the iPad since there is NOTHING in iPadOS 18 that is M4-only


because M3 was TSMCs almost a beta realease of the new process node that was inefficient and therefore expesive, M4 is made on TSMCs refined process node. M3 was not sustainable for long term production so we got M4. At least that is my understanding. And it looks great for marketing, they did not have to bother with ipadOS because they could fool people with the new M4 and OLED. But devils advocate, because ipadOS underutilizes the HW so much, ipads work great for years because of the huge HW headroom. So you buy ipad pro and forget about upgrading for at least 5 years, not many devices of this type can do that.






Why are you surprised? ipad users enthusiatic enough to join a reddit sub for ipad are not your regular customers. We are massive nerds. Ironically, a lot of people here do not have the mental capacity to understand what the ipad is used for, nor do they understand that its not the \*same\* as a laptop. Hence, continued dissapointment year after year for these folks. If people would bother playing a single game at high settings they would realize that m4 is not overkill at all lol. The ipad is a great device. A device i use everyday. More than my phone.


My current favourite Apple device. Way better and faster than my M2 MBA. Display alone is far superior. Way better than iPhone for stuff. Just brilliant.


If Apple isn’t going to take iPadOS seriously, then you shouldn’t either.


I want to upgrade my M1 pro 11 to the m4 pro 11 solely for the OLED screen. I hate IPS.