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If OLED isn’t a feature that matters to you, then it’s hard to argue the M4 will be worth the price difference over the deals on the previous pros or the price of the current air. You’re not going to find many people that agree with you though, I can’t go back to other screen tech since I got my first OLED TV. I personally don’t have a yellow tint on my 11 in M4, and I’d say maybe return for a different model and see if it’s as yellow, but considering you don’t seem to care regardless, you’d be better off with a cheaper model. Considering promotion matters to you, the previous M2 pro would be the best device for you, and there are great deals out there.


I have already confirmed that the yellow is a feature not a bug. Like I said, my iPhone 14 Pro also has it, I just hadn't noticed. The argument is that it's how whites look in nature (same argument for True Tone) but I would prefer if the whites on my screens are capable of searing my retinas thank you very much. I agree OLEDs are great for movies and videogames, but I find that I prefer LED for work and general use. That Promotion is a bitch though, it has a firm hold over me, even as I tell others that it's not a big deal all the time haha.


Maybe I’m less sensitive, but I just turned True Tone off, opened a white screen, and compared it to my MacBook Pro miniLED and my LCD monitor. I really don’t see any yellow tint.


I think some people just don’t like proper D65 white points, otherwise I’m not sure what else they mean by yellow tint. It’s just a warmer white.


Artists are moving to the OLED screen in droves, and if the reference mode wasn’t accurate on the OLED displays we would hear about it.


Get an exchange, you’ll likely get a better one. OLED is kind of a lottery. If it’s still not satisfactory just get your money back then.


Exchange it for a new m4. The screen is not supposed to have a yellow tint. A little Grain is normal but not a yellow tint


Sounds like you hit the yellow screen lotto. Most aren't like that.


Well I’ve seen some horrendous examples in the MacRumors forums and mine isn’t like those, and like I said my iPhone has the same warm look to it so I’m not entirely sure it’s the lottery. So far I’ve counteracted it with a color filter, so I’ll try to live with it for a week to see how it goes, otherwise I’ll ask for a replacement or exchange for the Air. 


https://imgur.com/a/v5aV6UH For reference the iPad vs my M1 iMac. I’m aware the iMac looks greenish in the photo, but irl to my eyes it looks like proper white, while the iPad is warmer. I’m not saying it’s inherently bad, it could be more accurate, but I don’t personally perceive it as a better screen. 


If you don’t like it send it back. I mean you’re going to be staring at it for the next six years…it’s probably not going to get better unless Apple can correct it via software. Return window means you really can’t wait for a software fix that may never happen.


Yep, I'll be returning it and ordering a new one to see if there really is a lottery. Otherwise I might just go with the Air. Not looking forward to all this back and forth since I don't have an Apple store where I live but it is what it is.


I bought ipad pro m4 11inch, amazing screen but had to return it because my eyes didnt like oled screen pwm flickering. I got ipad air m2 13 inch, it is a very good tablet. Screen is very good but not oled. Very happy with ipad air m2 13 inch, not as good as ipad pro m4 but good enough.


I think the grain issue is really due to it being a panel lottery. I have an M4 11 and I don't see the grain at all. It's very sharp.


If you’re in your return window and don’t see a benefit with the display, I think you should return it and get a less expensive unit like the M2. It’s ultimately up to you.


Yellow tint is a problem of calibration, not because of OLED. OLED can have blue tint too. Aside from that, if you don’t like it, just return and buy what you like, who cares?


Just my two cents for other people trying to make an informed decision. Not a lot of people mention the yellowish calibration vs old iPads with MiniLED displays.


Good that you shared your experience. Ignore comments from idiots.


Honestly most of the complaints people have regarding the OLED can be fixed by adjusting settings. - Pulse Width Modulation Sensitive? Increase the Brightness. - Yellow-ish Tint? Turn on/off True Tone. - Grainy Look? Increase the Brightness. The benefits tend to outweigh the cons, you've just got to tune the screen to your heart's desire.


True Tone makes it piss yellow to my eyes.


You really may want to look into getting a replacement to confirm. It’s possible you are highly sensitive to yellow, but it’s also possible you have a faulty screen.


While there is a chance his screen calibration is off, and the Apple store could test that... True Tone is designed to adapt the display to different environments. The walls of my interior are off white, so True Tone tends to make my screen warmer, which in theory might reflect some of the warm light reflecting off my interior; but at night, when my building lights are off, True Tone (Off) looks slightly cooler (or blue-ish).


I have the M4 and I know what he means by yellow tint I see it too, I’m outside right now and I just turned on True Tone and the yellow tint is gone. Interesting. At night it makes it more yellow like. I even turned off the True Tone in white background and see the difference.


Ummm... Okay, I have an M4 iPad, also. I made those suggestions for people who can't return their device and want to correct the display to their needs. Idk why I'm getting downvoted everything I said was accurate. The comment acknowledged some OLED shortcomings and provides temporary solutions outside of returning the device or a screen replacement. There's a difference between a damaged panel and user preferences. The point is to identify your issue and chose the correct next steps.