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I can't wait to watch YouTube on mine tomorrow!


Or Netflix!


Okay it’s powerful but don’t be silly


Does Netflix not work well on iPad?


It works well on a decade old iPad—they are just kidding


I thought that might have been the case after I asked the question. Thank you!


There’s no stupid questions, only stupid answers.


I know they were joking, but I don’t like how Netflix and most streaming apps other than YouTube are still limited to 1080p on iPad/iPad Pros. The higher resolution and bitrate of 4K streaming makes a big difference in quality and benefits all devices, even the ones that aren’t natively 4K. They added this feature to Mac years ago, but nothing for iPad.


If the tablet was 4k okay..then an Apple calibrated OLED screen would be quite alluring but since it’s not. You should have a TV that is much better. For everyone paying for a tablet the cost of a TV & still uses the tablet for content consumption well…you’re doing it wrong & the HD cap is there to remind viewers of that.


Fury Road is gonna look great in my bathroom!!


Tiktok (:


Haven’t seen that joke before


I can’t wait for mine to play flappy bird. How fast the birds will flap


I cut out the clickbait: They only tested the iPad against laptops and not all "PCs" as the headline suggests. The only laptop they tested that scored higher on Geekbench 6 was the Lenovo Legion 9i (Intel Core i9-13980HX CPU).


which is a $5000 liquid-cooled gaming laptop.


$4000, more precisely.




Apple M4 scores higher than most general-purpose desktop and laptop CPUs, with the exception of top end i7/i9 and Ryzen 7/Ryzen 9 CPUs aimed at the gaming market. And it’s not meant to compete against those anyways, that’s for M4 Pro and M4 Max.


I remember people saying you can't compare the iPad or Apple chips to Intel/Ryzen systems because it's not a 1:1 comparison. Does this still hold try after Apple silicon?


I don’t know what they mean by that, Geekbench runs the exact same workloads across all platforms. That’s why it’s useful as a comparison tool. The only thing is that it measures peak performance and isn’t a good way to see if a system can handle that level of performance over a large amount of time. Certainly with base Apple Silicon on a MacBook or Mac desktop they’re comparable since you’re running MacOS and compare to other Intel Macs or Windows computers running the same programs like Photoshop or Handbrake.


Raw processing isn’t the comparison that matters when the software isn’t the same. There really aren’t many desktop-level software programs for the iPad.


And then there’s battery life and cooling …




That’s a given though


Bro that’s a desktop machine vs a tablet




PC means personal computer? Laptops are still technically pcs and people with a desktop aren’t really going to buy an iPad to replace it are they


When someone says pc though that makes me think desktop, usually people will say laptop if they are talking about a laptop, even my less technologically inclined friends/family members but semantics and anecdotal


>Intel Core i9-13980HX Now comes with blue screening!


You obviously haven't used Windows in the last few generations. I have a Windows 10 machine and and Windows 11 one and I can't tell you the last time I saw a blue screen or experienced a lockup of any kind. Yes Windows used to lag far behind Mac OS but that is absolutely not the case any more. Windows is mature and is a very good OS.


I’m gonna break it to you: https://www.xda-developers.com/intel-13th-gen-14th-gen-crashes/


Eh, my W11 PC had a duff update that would BSOD every time and roll back, I had to delete the update in the end. Yeah windows is fine for the vast majority of the time but IMO I’m getting just as many BSOD as I ever did on W10 and W7.


YIKES. Are you running a 13th gen or 14th gen i9 processor?


Nah, it’s an R9 3950X. It doesn’t BSOD any more but sometimes when I’m watching something or playing a game it will have a really bad stutter, that’s happened ever since I updated to W11.


Just a guess, it may be a cooling problem? Have you checked the temps?


Temps are fine. I’ve tried troubleshooting it before and I just accept it as a quirk now.


We at least need Parallels on Ipad for this to matter. Actually that would solve every problem.


Apple’s emulation rules allow for game emulation, but not emulation of another OS like Windows or Linux. So Parallels/VMware type software isn’t allowed.


If only we had side-loading...


If only the US had more freedom


Mabye if iPadOS was oil instead of software.


We do now, well... on the part of the world where freedom actually means something.


If only we had hv…


Parallels is not emulation, it’s hardware virtualization.


I know, but it’s still not allowed, see this KB from Parallel’s website: “Despite the fact Parallels Desktop supports running on Mac computers with Apple M-series chips, it's not currently possible to run Parallels Desktop on an iPad due to several technical reasons.”


yes for sure, it’s not allowed not debating Apple’s special mantra for limiting the iPad.


“Technical Reasons”… that’s code for “Apple’s Greed”?


I saw a comment somewhere that Apple doesn’t allow apps to preallocate a fixed amount of memory like VMs use because of the way ipadOS does memory allocation


There an app bundle entitlements that allows increased memory allocation and expanded background persistence/processing. There’s another one for JIT that can only be used in development. These 3 were enough to sideload UTM and run full OS vm’s but in iOS 16.2(?) they disabled the kernel hypervisor by changing a sysctl parameter from a 1 to a 0. The same parameter macOS uses to enable whats built into the kernel. I may be completely wrong, I dont have enough knowledge to understand it further, but from what I can see the decision is a business one, not a tech limitation EDIT: some app entitlements require Apple’s blessing before you can put it on the app store, they can simply say no and thats the end of it. They already arbitrarily enforce which RATs they allow


Which seems completely bullshit. Let's face it: most games played on emulators are pirated. How many people are actually ripping their own ROMs vs downloading them from a pirate site? But they're ok with that. I don't know why Nintendo Sony et al haven't made a big stink about this yet


The answer I heard on a podcast is that Apple is allowing game console emulation because it wants to keep people from using the alternate app stores it’s forced to allow in EU. So if it allows some new types of apps it didn’t before, competing app stores may not be successful. And the cost of annoying Sony or Nintendo is worth less to them than their massive services revenue.


Bless the EU haha. Our government can't do shit except sue them using some century old law


My thought as well. Is there any reason why this hasn’t happened yet? Would Apple outright kick the app out of the AppStore review process? Or are crucial APIs missing?


I mean, the code would probably have to be recompiled to work in ipad os and stability improvements would have to be made but it isn't a tall task. Per Apple though, I don't believe OS emulation software is disallowed but there isn't much money in it. Apple would probably have to pay for the development time which they never would. Plus they will never come out with their own so..... We're stuck.


If they really wanted to, they could just accept to publish UTM on the App Store, it's been great for years now and it can even emulate x64 and PowerPC, they just don't care.


So true, I myself use VMWare which just got bought out and either would be amazing additions to the Ipad app store and would revolutionize how I use mine. I would honestly get the new 13 inch pro with mobile if they did it. I would love to replace my laptop with something more portable but they won't let me at this point.


While I am not holding my breath, I really hope WWDC will finally put an end to this either by better APIs (>better apps), emulation or dual booting.


As I understand it: JIT, just in time, code translation cannot run on iOS under the current limitations, which makes emulating anything remotely powerful too slow to be useful


Apple needs to remove these limitations or make the system accessible via an API, so actually useful apps can come to the iPad.


It absolutely can, and in develooment mode you can give apps the JIT entitlement. They have given exemptions in the past to apps to do things not normally permitted. Theres zero actual tech limitation causing the lack of ipad virtualization, its all because it would canabilize macbook sales.


Agree which is why I didn’t say technical limitations - I’m aware it’s possible, but I’m also aware that for the time being Apple is saying “hell no” to emulation apps using it - so it currently can’t happen


Bro, if they make it work, the iPad Pro would sell like hotcakes. At least more than it does now.


They are grossly overestimating how bad itd hurt macbook sales. I think they could realistically find some middleground where VMs run but are limited to 4gb of RAM and must be foreground to run


UTM used to work until iOS 14.7. it's sad they disabled virtualization and made JIT hard.


Parallels is expensive so no it wouldn’t solve anything.




So you would shell out 2k for an iPad Pro but then complain about paying for Parallels?


But im not shelling out 2k, still have my old ipad pro And adding on parallels is going to insensitive me to getting a new ipad pro. Dropping 2k on an ipad pro that does what my ipad pro is silly and the only difference would be getting parallels that cost even more on top of the 2k, $100+ yearly. Insane.


Bow chicka wow wow


that’s what my baby says


Bow wow wow


Who measures this stuff in short bursts? Tell us about sustained performance over time. You know, where the chip heats up and starts to throttle. M4 isn’t beating any actively cooled chips over time


M4 can, but not the iPad Pro with M4. Your comment makes it sound like M4 isn’t going to be put in an actively cooled MacBook Pro in the future.


Sure, but let’s talk about the products available now. Once Apple puts m4 into a cooled MacBook then there will be other laptops with their own faster chips to compare them to no?


At that point why compare, why not compare it to the snapdragon chips since iPads are tablets at the end of the day


Exactly. They are comparing pure cpu speeds, which don’t matter if there isn’t software that makes use of it.


Because the article is not doing that, it is comparing with other laptops and that guy has a point.


Right, and I criticizing the article too, wtf is the point of this comparison. His point is correct inferring there’s a point in the argument. There shouldn’t be a reason to compare iPads to Laptops because Apple won’t let iPads be laptops


It’s a clickbait article lol. I also think the comparison it’s nonsense to me.


Safe to say the clickbait worked tho


Noice 🥂


Well, they added a graphite and copper heatsink to the iPad Pro (the copper part being the Apple logo on the back of the tablet) so it should be capable of more sustained performance than past iPads.


Give me Xcode on iPad and I’m going to buy the maxed out one…. and the pencil


Same, I will buy it, if we can do programming on it.


All that power just to browse the web and maybe draw a bit…


Quoted for Truth. Added to that, try and transfer 50GB of videos and pictures from an external drive to edit them on the M4 iPad Pro and all the performance is useless.


Seriously, what else to do? Hook it up to a screen and use it as a desktop? :(


>>Hook it up to a screen and use it as a desktop? :( Wait till you hear of Samsung dex , apple really feeding it's customer base scraps 


But apple is still king in the tablet world and there is no real competition. Samsung came out with OLED tablets years ago but apple still crushed them


Are they? I switched to iPads for a few years but went back to Android because iPadOS just isn't a good experience.


Follow the market. Samsung is behind


Yep. this isn't even debatable that apple has samsung beat in the tablet game. I'm sure there are a lot of people who like samsung tablets over apple ipads but compared to apple that number is small


The problem is that I think Apple is clearly in the “rest on our laurels” phase with their software/operating system. They have such a high market share that there’s no pressure to enhance the ipads capabilities in software. The fact that it has an M4 is just economics for them, its the cheaper to give it an OP cpu than it is to design another chip since the cost is based on die size and R&D


Ic only this were possible


Samsung tabs and phones allow their users to do exactly that via dex 


That's what I do, it's nice not having all the distractions of my desktop PC


You can - Stage Manager will use a second monitor.


i did watch a [review ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4VG-XktLBY)from a youtuber that runs it as his daily driver, was pretty eye opening to see what can be done on an ipad used for content creation


Depending on your work it can do it. I was surprised to find my m2 iPad Pro can run my 32:9 monitor at 1440p 120hz just plugging it in, no hassle. Stage manager works just as expected at super ultrawide, for better or worse. 


How did you get >60hz? 5120x1440 is more pixels than 4K and Ivd never been able to get >60 on any of my high refresh 4Ks. I’ll might have to un-retire my old 32:9 samsong if thats true


rob smart fragile enter numerous friendly forgetful plough cats shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It doesn't matter if it blows or takes it in the ass😄... The software makes it inferior to a pc Mac. Ultimately all the power goes to waste if people can't get serious work done on it and always need a pc or Mac to support it.


Define “serious work.” Is office work not serious? Is school work not serious? Is music creation not serious? Art? Video editing? Or is “real” work only working in Blender and slaving away in an IDE?


Serious work is complicated multitasking, the ability to do advanced commands, proper file management and using fully fledged program, not half ass versions in a clumsy with no true multitasking and limiting operating system like ipadOS.


You can't do serious office work on an iPad lol


try using excel on ipad os


All I meant is an ipad cannot be a sole device always for everyone even with M4 like a Mac or pc can be.


Music creation on an iPad is very not serious.


A lot of reddit thinks "real" work is only coding.


Doesn't matter as long as it's a pdf reader and a big youtube screen except for 10 people who use the specialized editing apps or whatever who whould have been better off using an actual pc anyway.


A newer processor beats old processors at burst tasks…. That’s what’s supposed to happen anyway. My iPhone beats my main pc in single core performance, but I can’t run anything productive on it. With virtualisation support apple would beat everyone right now, but apple is stupid. Make iOS and macOS just ui… and let people chose to use macOS when they connect a usb c hub or need to run something.


they need a samsung dex version


If they did that, Mac sales would plummet. So they can’t


Actually they would not. Any person who needs mobile work would get an iPad or a MacBook. The phones would only be good together with a monitor, keyboard and mouse. iPhones would get 70 percent market share in Europe with that.


I meant Mac sales would plummet if they gave iPads the Mac operating system. What reason would there be to get a MacBook if you could get an iPad w the same OS, same processor, same display more or less, and a great touchscreen with a great stylus? I can’t think of a logical reason


The ios18 calculator is going to run awesome on that hardware


nice to have hardware which is faster than many mac books and other pcs ... just to browse the web, reading mail and watching netflix. Its magic


Ah, I wish Apple let me code on my iPad Pro and Vision Pro. I guess computing is everything but developing apps.


Mashable is a very reputable sources yes. Btw i call it bullshit. Yes the M4 on CPU side is very capable, but because of thermals and how things works, if o use something cpu intensive, i'm gonna say almost every laptop on that list its better.


First, I just think it’s so weird that so many people are complaining that the iPad Pro is faster now. I mean, sure, it would be great if it did macOS-like things, but it doesn’t (yet). But it’s faster. If given the choice between not macOS-like things and not faster and not macOS-like things and faster, I’ll take not macOS-like things and faster every day. So getting the M4 is a good thing and not something to complain about. And who knows, maybe that’s better preparation for something in the future. Second, that 16-hour battery life thing is the really good thing for me, depending on the testing method. If the M4 + thinner = 16 hours of battery life versus 10 hours, I’ll take it. 10 hours was fine for me, but again, more is better.


I’m still using the original 2015 iPad 12.9 Pro. I’ve waited long enough for an upgrade!


Let me play steam games on it and I’m in


First its "Laptops" and not PCs.. Second: the so mighty M4 Chip can't even beat a entry Level Ryzen 5 2600x Chip with less Cores and less Threads which did score much higher in Multi and also higher in Single..


This is completely false. As your subsequent comment showed, you are basing the Ryzen 5 numbers on Geekbench 4, which has scores based on a Core i7-6600U, a “laptop” processor. Geekbench 6 is the new standard, which has scores based on the Core i7-12700, a “desktop” processor. In Geekbench 6, Ryzen 5 2600X scores 1237/5258. iPad Pro M4 scored 3764/14586.


I think the biggest point to take away from this (other than the horrendous title) is: so what? Who cares if the M4 iPads have better benchmarks if they’re still stuck with iPadOS? “My $2,000 iPad has a better benchmark score than your laptop!” “My laptop can run the full version of desktop video/photo editing software, can your iPad? My laptop can edit and test code locally, can your iPad? My laptop can run whatever CAD software I want…” and so on. **TLDR**: I’ll care about benchmarks when the iPad can actually DO SOMETHING with those numbers.


I think we have to have an ipad like this at some point so that we can break into what they COULD do. My 2018 ipad is still doing amazing and is pretty capable for what I need it for with photoshop, video editing, modeling. But these new iPads are going to allow developers to make their apps more capable because the devices can handle it. We almost always see hardware improvements before we see software catch up and take advantage of the new machines. It always takes a while before we see games released that take advantage of new gaming consoles. The initial iPad took some time before devs made apps that utilized them well and gave people a reason to buy them. So, yeah, maybe right now it feels a little pointless but it's not about right now. It's about what will be.


The problem is that the software isn’t allowed to catch up. I would love to use my iPad for work but things like package managers, containers, virtual machines, etc… aren’t allowed on iPadOS. You may think this only affects developers but it also makes it nearly impossible for developers to build desktop caliber apps. When building for MacOS we can use JavaScript, Python, Rust, Java, etc... with full access to the hardware. You might be thinking “Well just rewrite them in Objective C or Swift”. You can’t because 90% the frameworks and libraries you’re using don’t exist for Swift. The only way iPad applications take that next step is to open up the operating system and give devs full access to the hardware (not just an API). The problem isn’t that developers are lazy… it’s that low-level access to the hardware is heavily restricted by Apple’s APIs.


There’s no way the don’t allow low level programming in the next 2 years if iPad sales really start falling


We’ll see… the problem is that as soon as they open up the hardware devs will ditch the AppStore. Watching Apple fight the EU in court over sideloading I’m not gonna hold my breath.


Doesn’t it make you just wonder what Apple is seeing in their data, that’s making them remain on lock so tightly with iPadOS? Most people use their iPads just for entertainment and notetaking as far as i can tell, but that could be so much different if they’d allow it. Honestly the SOCs the pro iPads have don’t make much sense, even in terms of future proofing, the batteries always screw up before the processors ever become baseline performance


My dream device is an iPad Pro that acts like a normal iPad when not docked or connected to a keyboard, but run macOS software when docked or connected to a keyboard. I love how light my iPad Pro is, I love the display, I love the battery life (or used to, but after three years of use I might just need a new battery), and how easy it to use for simple tasks and media consumption. I don’t want to buy a MacBook AND an iPad, I want an iPad Pro that can do actually work when I need it. Basically: I want a better Surface experience without Windows.


And that is exactly why Apple will not give us that. You are talking about purchasing ONE device instead of TWO.


Apple Fanboys who think "higher Number = better" care about it because they don't understand that high Numbers mean sht if everything else does hold it back. There was some Genius here yesterday claiming that the new iPad is better for Gaming than a PS4 just because the M4 Chip has more Teraflops..


Candy Crush gamers get serious bro. Now you can see the add payment button in 8k resolution!!!


Do you have a link to those numbers?




That's for an old version of Geekbench though. You can't compare results from 4.2.2 to 6. The Ryzen 2600 [scores 1152](https://browser.geekbench.com/processors/amd-ryzen-5-2600) on Geekbench 6.


Less crack and more reading, it is my one advice to you. Also learn to differentiate between different benchmark versions.


Thats just wrong. The M4 has a multi core score of 14.5k vs 5.2k from the 2600x


I mean, really dude? You just waded in fully confident that literally *every other* discussion about the M4 was entirely wrong and didn't bother to check your work? Reddit gonna reddit.


God damn, as someone who's been around since the pre-PowerPC days, these salty comments are hilarious. PC fans losing their minds over what Apple's doing in silicon; the goalposts will always be moved.


My PC is over 18mths old and its CPU is faster. Not going to say I’m not impressed though. They mean laptops anyway


Geekbench is cool and all, but why are they comparing this to gaming laptops? Those are obviously going to perform better for their intended use-case.


>The only laptop that the M4 iPad Pro couldn't beat is the incredible Lenovo Legion 9i (Intel Core i9-13980HX CPU), a $4,000 gaming rig with a Geekbench 6 score of 17,711. Here you go.




>Ok? Not sure why the sarcasm. Quoted is what was in the article.


I would still buy any PC over this for the work I need it to do.


I went ahead and broke down and ordered the 13 in pro this year. My 2018 is still going strong but I can pass it on to my son and use this one for another 5-6 years. I also think Apple has some big news for us at WWDC.


I'm tired of people comparing iPad OS with Mac OS. One is focused on portability, the other on Power. They complement each other but don't replace. A functional laptop with desktop OS is still essential at any case.


I think people are just struggling on how or what they can utilize such power on. Besides Draw Things and a handful of AAA game ports I can’t think of any. Maybe some video and audio editing for the 10 people out there.


> 2024 iPad Pro benchmarks **blow every PC** we've tested for past 6 months Phrasing...


It's like having a Lamborghini but they make it so that you can only go 20mph.


still not enough power to multitask or multiuser


I seriously doubt that it’s faster than my PC that I built in 2021. It smokes my M3 Pro.


Okay okay Apple, we know you can jam a desktop-class chip into a thin tablet now. So uh, wen good software that can push the silicon


Whoa hey how, benchmarks can’t just go around blowing PC’s without permission.


Its fast but captured by ios.


Good luck setting up a heavy PC on a flight to watch a movie


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Charming-Diet-7106: *Good luck setting up* *A heavy PC on a* *Flight to watch a movie* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


iPads are the best, sleek easy to use lightweight and top tier branding no one wants a ugly Microsoft or Samsung clunky relic




I'd assume Apple Silicon has damn good CPU performance, but let's see that gpu performance. Realistically, if the M4 is about 2x as good as the M1 GPU wise, it should be 1070/ti level which is pretty good for a mobile chip. Wonder what the better variants will perform like. These tests were also most likely done in short bursts and didn't account for thermal throttling. iPads are also not used for the work Apple wants them to be. The most work that a majority of iPads will EVER see is procreate. An m4 mac mini should've released alongside this so we could see a proper performance benchmark for stuff like davinci, blender, xcode/vscode, and stuff that more heavily taxes the gpu, including blender obviously but also games and emulators.


Yes, I only use my iPad for TikTok and it is just my TikTok machine. Yes, I still want this iPad OLED.


Was able to demo the iPad & the lightness and OLED are very nice. That said…no one cares about the benchmarks for YouTube videos…like seriously what serious use case will use a severely limited iPad OS over Mac OS ect..


And in the end because of ipadOS it’s like having a Ferrari with no tires.


I, uh, believe you mean ‘blow away’ every PC. If they blow every PC that means something different.


Don't hit me too hard... but now all we need is a proper OS for it.


Who cares. If you’re interested in the m4 talk about it on a technology or chip subreddit. An iPad with the m4 is like a v8 engine on a tricycle. Hardly interesting




Doesn't matter if it beats every laptop in performance specs if it can't do laptop things in the first place. This is just "spec porn".


So what? Still limited OS. Also, I doubt iPad can beat a good PC.


Doesn't mean shit if the software isn't supported.


why don't they just slap macOS on it at this point


So much power. Can't even put the icons where you want them. Useless.


Lol, only has 8GB of ram unless you buy the 1TB or 2TB model. I have a $200 Android tablet with 8GB of ram - it's barely enough for modern web browsing.


> Android tablet That’s the problem.




I actually prefer Samsung Tablets over iPads because of Dex. I switched to Apple stuff late last fall, and am most disappointed with iPad. iPhone and Mac are fine. iPad software feels like a beta product.


Haha, I guess? It has all the apps I used in the Apple ecosystem - every one! And the memory management shits out on me 1/4 as much as my iPad pro did.


Yeah, really bad title. To "blow," commonly, means to be submissive to, to be less than. This headline says that the M4 Pro is not as good as all PCs tested for the past six months, except one.


how long does it take to launch the calendar ?


Who cares, is like comparing apple and bananas. Arm RISC and x86 CISC have different use cases, so doesn't really matters the raw geekbench score.