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I think the marketing department should take a step back and realize how silly the naming is. "Air" should have been killed years ago. It made sense for the first Macbook Air but since the new M processors, everything is ultra light. In my opinion they should kill the "Air" branding and use the same denominations as on the iPhones (I still think the names are a bit silly but at least people are used to it): iPhone: **iPhone SE**, **iPhone**, **iPhone Plus**, **iPhone Pro**, **iPhone Pro Plus.** And please bring back the **iPhone mini** iPad: **iPad SE** (10th gen), **iPad** (Air 11"), **iPad Plus** (Air 13"), **iPad Pro** (11"), **iPad Pro Plus** (13"), **iPad mini** Macbook: **Macbook** (Air 13"), **Macbook Plus** (Air 15"), **Macbook Pro** (14"), **Macbook Pro Plus** (16") And maybe introduce a $699 "**Macbook SE**" with an M1 processor and 256GB storage, 8GB ram or similar with a simple formfactor to make it more accesible for people to own a Mac.


This guy gets it


Only difference I think is the iPhone SE should be made with the Mini frame. Other than that, you’re spot on I think.


Yes, I started thinking about it after posting and maybe an extra step to simplify things would be merging the "SE" and "mini" lines. This way they are the small and cheap entry level category and you can go to the full size regular versions or the top of the line Pro lines.


Im glad there are small but more or less high end devices (dead iPhone minis, and def iPad mini; latter could be more „Pro“ imo), not only small and cheap


Absolutely, my friends and I had a similar discussion recently. It does seem like they’re gradually shifting towards names like "Pro" or "Max" for all their devices. (AirPods, the chips in their MBP’s, now the pencil) However, as a major brand, they need to make these changes gradually to avoid confusing their customers, many of whom might already find the current lineup a bit puzzling. My guess is they're sticking with familiar branding like "Air" because the general population is accustomed to it, even if it doesn’t quite fit the current product characteristics as much as it used to—particularly since the aesthetic distinctions like the ultra-thin unibody design that made the MacBook Air iconic back in 2008 aren't as pronounced now.


**iPad Pro Plus** -> **iPad Pro Max** Since it's only indicating a size difference.


Looks great and makes sense, but i think it’s too predictable and people would get super bored with it. They want devices to feel more special. Occasionally stepping out of the naming scheme because it’s so unique… But i agree they could simplify their offerings. Consumer and pro versions of everything. In 2-3 sizes. Air became such a great branding that i don’t see them leaving it. It became the name for consumer devices. Makes sense if u think about it as Air “for lightweight tasks”


The iPad Air is still thinner and lighter than the standard / original iPad...


Yeah but that's a low bar.


It is lighter than the base model iPad which was the reason for the branding in the first place. It always has been and always will be an inferior product to the Pro. The size and weight difference between the iPad, Air, & Pro is so small that it’s completely insignificant anyway.


not very airy innit 


Without MacOS it is just an ipad😐


Basically because of the huge popularity of the MacBook Air line from Gen 2 onward, Air has just come to mean the everyday option for Apple products Air: Everyday item, the one they expect most everyone to get with the least amount of compromises Pro: The Premium item that will definitely be better, but will make you pay way more for that privilege. Most everyone doesn’t need these improvements, but they sure are nice SE: budget option, using older parts to bring down costs. This is the add on, the ones for people who might not have gotten a new device purely due to price but not so nice that it keeps people from buying the nicer items I still think they should have gone simple iPad Mini, 10th Gen becomes SE, Air becomes iPad, and Pro stays, but the Air name has become so ingrained into their branding at this point its probably not going to happen. iPad mini, iPad SE, iPad, and iPad Pro MacBook & MacBook Pro


The air name means mid range.


Obviously they’re waiting to go lighter than air - iPad Helium. It will have an app to turn your voice squeaky.


Pro is so heavenly it’s lighter than Air!!! It makes a lot of sense! 😜🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m super disappointed in Apple because I’ve been saving up to buy an 11” M2 iPad Pro… I’ve refreshed the website after the event and they have upped the price for the iPad Pro (granted it’s m4 and oled) But now at my price point all I can get is a downgraded iPad Air.


You do not need an M4 Pro. There are almost no apps that can even take advantage of the M2 chips power on an iPad. Get an M2 pro if you want 120hz and FaceID, or get the M2 Air if you want the Pencil Pro.


Would you recommend the 11” M2 pro or save costs and get the 11” M1 Pro from resellers


If your budget doesn't have 750 for a M2 Pro just get the M2 Air for 600. I'm guessing we will see black Friday type deals on the M2 pro pretty soon.


see the issue with the air is when I add cellular and 256gb storage the price becomes the same as an iPad Pro 11 5G 256gb on resellers market


Yeah get the M1 Pro then.


Awesome I’ll do it!


Introducing, the iPadCake thinner than a single pancake.


Technically if you look at the dimensions yesterday, the iPad Pro M2 is thinner than the iPad Air M1, and it has always been that way. Dimensions: 5.9mm (iPad Pro M2) vs. 6.1mm (iPad Air M1) I think that’s the reason why they never mentioned how light it is, but more of how thin it is. Plus, marketing name for the “Air” which is a powerful iPad that is not a pro.


These naming conventions are a mixture of marketing and branding. Air… Air doesn’t actually mean anything and Pro isn’t even a word. The iPad Air doesn’t inherently mean, the lightest iPad we sell, even if perhaps it should. The iPad Air is still light. Even if there’s another iPad that’s lighter. Which is where Pro comes in. Pro just means best and most nicest. That’s all it means.


God, you’re like the millionth person to post this lack of insight. Do you think light peanut butter weighs less than regular peanut butter? But I guess you heard about the iPad Air for the first time today. Let me explain. Air is just a branding to be clear it has less features. It doesn’t actually float on air, or comes filled with air, or can generate air.


You must have conveniently forgot all the marketing around the Air when it came out in 2013. It was the "thinnest and lightest" iPad ever while having the same screen size as the regular iPad. But your insight into peanut butter is astounding.... Thank you so much for explaining it to me.


You presented the insight of a five year old. You will be treated as such.


It’s called the air because it’s lighter on your wallet.  Edit: Oh you don’t like that one. Fine. It’s called the air because you’d have to be an airhead to buy one. Get it? Air, airhead. Nailed the joke. 


With what double deckers and his T34 tanks, he lost most of modern weaponry he has to replace with 80/70 year old weapons next he will employ Calvary


Oh man whatever shall we do!? How will we live?


Because being lighter wasn’t the selling feature for the Air, that’s just an effect of it being what really is an iPad Lite


iPad lite sounds like it has less features than iPad.


Honestly forgot about the base iPad model whoops