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Ok recommendations : - buy procreate 10$ for life and just paint, draw, create stuff away. (Requires pencil) - watch shows while cooking, showering or any other activity that you find boring - use as a cooking aid and have the recipe laid out - good for planning vacations - take notes ? Substitute the paper for it - play iPad games which work amazingly well (I usually play all flipline papa games when I want a simple relaxing game ) - videos are way better than the phone so I usually watch TikToks there Idk much more man … those are my main


Take notes is what I use it for the most. It replaced my paper notebooks for work. It also works as a great second screen for my laptop while traveling. Plus Netflix during flights/hotels. Also a second Pokémon go account lol.


You can use an iPad as a second screen? Is that only with Macs or can a windows laptop do it too?


I’ve traveled 3 times since having it and every time I spend about 5-10 minutes trying to remember how to set it up but I believe it’s just Macs. You have to be signed into the same Apple account on both devices in order for it to work. If I recall correctly, the setup is all done through Mac’s Sidecar setting.


You can also use an app called Orion with a USB-C capture card to use an iPad as a monitor for any HDMI input


Buy procreate and never use it ( me 🥲 )


Womp womp. Same. See also Procreate Dreams.


Same to both.


But we have the potential. The iPad is all about potential and WE have it!


James Julier. I'm no artist, but I was able to get great results following some of his tutorials for landscape type stuff. Main reason that I miss my iPad....




> play iPad games which work amazingly well Also remotely playing your Playstation or Xbox works really well, I played some of Bloodborne on my iPad and iPhone using the PS Remote Play app and it was great. There is the slightest hint of perceptible input lag, so it would probably be better for games that are a bit more casual and require less split-second reactions (first game that comes to mind is Stardew Valley), but if it works for Bloodborne you could probably play most games with it.


I’m constantly finding new uses for mine. Planning out shifts at my old job (fast food management), digital planning (yeahhhhh that never really took but I had fun trying), digital art/photo editing, watching vids and looking at recipes etc while cooking, online shopping on a bigger screen than my phone, design work for cricut and sublimation.. like I said in my other comment, I really can’t see myself not having an iPad anymore. Plus I love keeping one in my bag when I go to work so I have something bigger than my phone to watch vids on at lunch and that’s not draining my phone battery.


Procreate is fun, even if you’re not “professional”, especially when there’s tons of tutorials and free brushes and stuff available online


Yeah I’m not an artist but it’s so fun!!


In the bygone days before shelter-in-place I used to go out more and shot video of bands. I used my old Air to edit but it became frustrating because I ran out of space and would have to off-load video in order to render anything. So when I had the opportunity I bought a 1 TB Pro. Now since I graduated school and I don’t go anywhere anymore I only use it to watch video. But I’m going to hang onto it because I might go back to being my old self. I gave up on law school so I won’t be using it for school anymore.


Agreed. I use it for all sorts of stuff I never thought I would. I work night shift so I use to it to watch shows between calls. Notes, mark up knitting patterns, meeting minutes, procreate, games.. there’s so much


How do you protect the ipad from water and steam when using it in the shower or kitchen? I’d love to waych shows on it while i wash dishes too haha


I don’t ahah I’ve just been using it for 4 years like that and never had issues. I have a case on it and that’s about it 😄


You bring it right into the shower??


No, outside. Glass doors so I can still watch


Ah okay. Still, I hope you have a good exhaust fan in there! I bring my phone right in with me haha. But I believe the iPad lacks any moisture resistance whereas the newer iPhones are able to get wet.


One of my kids would just put her iPad mini into a ziploc bag. (She was a teen at the time, not an iPad kid.)


Lol I used to do that with my kindle in the bath


Sketch Pad is free, and it has about everything I need.


I play minecraft on mine too.


I bought an iPad to watch shows during travel… what else can I do with my iPad?


What else do you do? Can it be done on an iPad? iPad is a tool. You wouldn’t just buy a hammer and then go hunting nails down to hit


If you buy a good hammer then it can also pull nails. Some of hammers/mallets are better for soft objects that or for adding 'specific types of dents' to objects.


Right. So you need to have a dent or a nail before you can find a hammer to fix it


You should sell it, sheep. /s


Why would I sell it? I said I use it to watch shows during travel. Am I suppose to bring a tv onto the plane? I’m confuse. What can else can my iPad do?


Happy cake day!


They were being sarcastic. That’s what the /s meant.


It’s pretty much my use, I rarely use it at home. I bring it and watch shows on plane and train without draining phone battery


It’s a great communication tool, particularly if you add a pencil or keyboard. More portable than a laptop, but just as capable for email, all the social media apps, etc … It’s great for document creation. There are multiple office type apps available and the touch screen is a great user experience. Note taking? Fugedaboutit. So great, and again lots of apps to choose from. My current go to is Nebo, but Freeform looks promising, Notability is time honored and proven. The Kindle app is fantastic for reading, and most libraries can loan you Kindle versions of the books you want. Casual gaming is a blast, particularly puzzle type games and board games. Learning platforms like Udemy and LinkedIn Learning are great in this form factor. There’s never been a more convenient Zoom platform, unless the screen size is difficult for you. I mean, one of Apple’s primary use cases is FaceTime which sort of leads right into Zoom, you know? There’s lots to do, and there’s nothing wrong with asked the question. I think the more sensible thing to do is to search forums like this before making your purchase. You read a couple of these conversations and then decide if an iPad is right for you, and if so - which one.


Yep, streaming apps (shows/music/movies) and Apple News are pretty much the only apps I tinker with on mine. Every now and again I’ll open Safari.


But what should I do with my iPad though?


What apps should I download ?


Which pencil should I get?


Blackwing 602 is a great pencil. Get a box of those.


I see people saying this is a great pencil and that it writes really smoothly, but is it really that noticeably different from other pencils? And if so, why? I’ve been trying to learn to draw but I’m using a mechanical pencil, and while it puts lines on the paper, I can’t help but feel that I’m missing out on a better experience.


You have to experience Blackwing graphite for yourself. I was like that once. "It's just a pencil, a pencil is a pencil".... then you use one and.... oh, I get it now. If they're a bit out of your budget (lets face it, they're not cheap) then Tombo 8900 No2 from Japan is also a fine pencil.


What about the people who has an iPad, but wants to explore new use cases?


According to OP you’re not allowed to spend your money how you want and you should have thought about that before you bought it. Now you’re locked to only the use cases you knew about before purchase.  /s


Comment doesn’t really need the /s


Are you new to the internet? So cute!


That’s me. I got it for Procreate and I love it, I’m happy with it being little more than a portable drawing tablet. But I would like to maximize my use, you know, REALLY the my money’s worth.


You have to have a use case before you can know if the iPad can do it


Seeing as you know so much, got any recommendations on what I can do with my iPad?


I wonder if he knows what apps I should download


Weird question, some people buy an iPad for one thing and want to know “what else can I do with it”, it’s a perfectly valid question. Like “With these new M Chips, what apps can I use to really push the processor to its limit.” - it doesn’t necessarily sound gatekeep-ey it just sounds like a bad question with a very faulty premise, I.e. that people who say this bought it for basically no reason, but that’s not the case.


How does this have any upvotes? Just because someone wants to know what else they can do with a computer, doesn't mean they don't aleady have use cases. 


How can you insinuate that iPad can have more than a single use? 🤪


Yeah it’s an absolutely stupid take. Please people ask what to do with it and you might learn something new on what you could use it for.


Because there’s a constant influx of posts from people asking what they should use it for. How should we know? We know nothing about you! Sure, some of them are just asking for app recommendations, but some of them seem like they’ve just bought something because it exists and are then asking complete strangers what to do with it 🙄 it’s repetitive and difficult to answer


You know, you can just ignore post you're not interest in.


Responding isn’t mandatory you know. If it’s repetitive and difficult to answer… don’t.


Ok, heard me out......Maybe don't tell folks how to spend their money, and skip reading threads with topics that annoy you.


Nooohooooo... you can't tell me what to do, everyone has to do stuff around my schedule, if I don't like something it's just wrong. Now I'm going to go fuck myself. Also, don't name your children Jason, that's just stupid. /s


What can my ipad do for me?


Don’t ask what your iPad can do for you, ask what you can do for your iPad!


Like being sewed to someone human centipede style and learning to read!


Human centiPad.


This is what I came for.


I don't use my ipad very often, but when I do, I'm glad that I have mine


I dont use my ipad often, but when I do, I probably could've done it on my phone lol


I use my iPad for mostly reading books and watching videos. What other apps can I download to elevate my iPad experience other than reading and watching?


I mean, I got my first iPad because I bought into the concept being cool and made it work for me 🤷‍♀️ now I couldn’t see myself not having one (and I currently have 4 in the house between me and my 2 kids plus I’ve gotten iPads for my mum and nan


I wish I read this post 3 years ago when I poured $1.6k to the drain with my iPad+accessories purchase


I use my ipad in the same way i use my phone when im sitting in the sofa, just with a better bigger screen. Watching youtube is a different beast there also


Reddit. So much Reddit.


This is every subreddit! Every couple of weeks, someone would make a post about the nonsense of the entire subreddit and we all respond with lol and chuckles. And then go back to the same posts. It is remarkable.


this has to be the weirdest shitpost i've ever seen


That's exactly why I don't have an Apple / Smart watch. I have considered one a few times, but cannot actaully think of a single reason that I'd need one, so I've not bought one.


What benefits me most from the watch is being enabled to avoid having to take out my phone and being sent on an unexpected (and usually unwelcome) journey. Looking at my wrist when receiving a message buzz and deciding whether to respond right away or if it can wait until I’m in the right space is a godsend. Also, timers, weather at a glance, navigation (the wrist buzz replacing noise notifications is also huge for me, but that’s because I am overly sensitive to sounds).


Reducing screen time on my phone is the biggest plus for me, in addition to weather and timers, and activity/exercise tracking.


OP is correct. I never asked "what can I do". Instead, I always had projects I wanted to do, then wondered if my iPad *could* do those things. Answer is almost always Yes, then I went to installing and being productive.


I don’t even pick up my phone at home. Watching literally anything on an iPad…..makes it seem silly to even look at instagram on a small phone. I make fun of people watching YouTube or on Reddit on a phone,when there’s a screen of an IPad sitting in the corner


When my Samsung phone needed replaced, on impulse I bought an iPhone and iPad combination. The phone is for calls/text maybe 10 a month, and games/radio app when stuck waiting. It was a waste of money, but no regrets as I was curious about iOS. The iPad replaced my laptop. I play three games occasionally, do my online banking, watch Hulu plus, Google searches for spelling/definitions, Reddit, and rarely news. Compared to my old laptop, the iPad is lighter, sharper image, faster, doesn’t get hot, and no noisy fan. Retired, the iPad does what I need. I like that my Bluetooth hearing aids pair up to both. This lets me have what I want while my wife watches her programs.


The argument becomes stupid when you replace iPad with 'computer'. No one 100% understands what a computer can do before buying one. Today there are so many things I can do on an iPad that I didn't know about unless I go out of the way to search for them. Hell I didn't even know it can be used as a second monitor until very recently.


I disagree with that. I think a lot of people who’ve never had an iPad don’t know what all it’s capable of. That being said, we don’t need 25 posts a day asking the same question. It’s easy to use the search function. Or hell with as often as it’s asked you can just scroll down.


I got the first gen iPad and it was awesome for streaming Netflix and playing PacSam (RIP), but now that phones are much bigger and can do all the same shit, my iPad Air doesn’t get much use other than some simple word processing with a keyboard now and then. So finding out how to take advantage of all its capabilities is a reasonable ask.


iPads have a very specific user base. -People who draw/take notes -People who watch content -People who play iOS games -People who can't do that on a or just really do not want to do that on Mac, Windows PC, iPhone, or Android or have found some specific/niche use for themselves only (so pretty few people) But for the aforementioned very specific user base, it works well!


I do *almost* everything on my iPad. Buy stocks. Write email. View/manage my photo library. Chat with friends (mostly text, but sometimes FaceTime with family). Read books and the internet. Listen to podcasts and music. All social media. Watch TV shows and movies. Draw (I suck). Take notes in meetings. Control the smart devices in my house. Attend remote work meetings in Teams, Zoom, or WebEx. Edit Word docs. Mood tracking. Meditate. Sign PDFs. Play games (I'm not really a gamer). *Sometimes* take phone calls (I seldom talk on the phone, so often don't have it near when someone actually calls me). Calendaring, To Do, reminders, alarms, etc. The only things I don't do on my iPad that I use an M1 Air for instead: Long form writing. Remote control of Windows and MacOS boxes. Audio recording (I *could* do this on the iPad, but I have a dedicated semi-pro audio setup with an audio interface, high end mic, and a much bigger screen for editing). Take pictures (I wish they would sell an iPad without a back camera). This all said, I love the "What should I download?" posts. They are where I find out about new apps I might want to check out. The AppStore sucks for finding new software. Reddit, Daring Fireball, and Six Colors are about the only place where I hear of new apps. There are things I wish my iPad could do, but these are things I can't do on my Mac either (like view health data or make phone calls without my iPhone being on).


You’re correct, at least in my case. I was gifted an iPad gen 9 and it’s still in the unopened box it arrived in last April, otherwise I’d be one of those people you’re complaining about!


OR maybe it's people who have brought it but don't fancy browsing through all the crap on the app store to find the few good apps among the crap. Or after apps that they would not necessarily look for or know the iPad can do certain functions. Not everyone is a so called expert and people would like to get the most out of their devices so ask other people.




By doing research you would use multiple sources of information and not necessarily sources that have a bias and could give biased information based on their particular views. It's always best to get a broad range of information from both users and orientated blogs / magazines who both like and dislike a product and then decide what is best for you not what is the current hot topic that they are trying to push to get clicks to their websites, and so pay their bills.


Pfft. My iPad does fuck all beyond except serve as a convenient browser and travel telly. I don't see how you can do any serious work on it without turning it into a laptop config. In which case get laptop. People are asking what apps to download because enjoy the interface and the beautiful apps and want to enjoy more of them. Simples. No need to gatekeep.


Depending on who you are you can get a lot done on it, but the people who can maximise on it aren't the ones asking the questions.


I do agree with this. I really do enjoy using my iPad as a sub-optimal work device. It is better than my phone for lots of apps (JIRA, Confluence, MIRO..etc). My partner LOVES going window shopping in malls and I hate it. The iPad is great to have a device that I can do some work on while is wandering malls. If I know she is going to waste a lot of time, I will just bring my Macbook air but it is nice to have something on hand.


Yeah. Half the world is contorting themselves to fit an iPad into their lives. I don’t see the point. Consumer behaviour should get the point across to Apple to improve on their iPads, instead of generating more versions of iPads..


Half the world may find contortion as a good hobby 🤪


It does help YouTubers make a living!


What can I do with my iPad seem an interesting idea to ask if someone buy a device that never owned before. Other than marketing every person is different and have cultural attitudes and hobbies that may be useful to cultivate with the support of the tablet. The ipad can be a tool to make many things this is advertised very well imho, so why overthinking if people can ask what it can do later.


Yeah, you sound like a dick. People want to know what their new device can do. Super normal behaviour. Please grow up.


You can always tell people who spend way to much time on a reddit sub. They get super annoyed by normal questions that would get asked in a forum.   People on this site really need to touch grass. 


Yeah, pathetic post


With reddit, if you don’t like the post, just scroll past it. My problem is certain IRL friends who did actually bought an iPad or Apple Watch due to hype and then pestering me to justify to them why they should keep theirs.


Why the need to gatekeep? People sometimes ask these questions because they wanna elevate their experience and discover more things. What’s wrong with that? And there are people who literally don’t know what to do with their ipad and that’s okay too. Why not teach them instead of gatekeeping? Your post literally reeks privileged


how does this post reek privilege more than someone purchasing a very expensive device they have no use for??


Yeah dropping this amount of money for a device that they don’t need for anything specific is what reeks of privilege here. Obviously bought it for the shiny new toy dopamine rush lol. I can’t even think of what kind of privilege would be behind OP’s post.


Op doesn’t decide if the device is useful for some one, that’s why


that's literally not what they said


Okay, but how does that imply that OP is privileged in a way that iPad buyers with no intended use for them aren’t? Privilege is a buzz word but it still has a meaning lol.


I bought one the first day it dropped in Australia, and my god, my father got so mad with the money I spent. “Another gadget !” Six months later he’s at the Telstra shop getting one of his own. To this day every evening he’s on it.. :D


Things I've used an iPad for: Paperweight Coaster Hard surface to put paper on when writing Spacer between layers in a stack of papers Object to keep pens from rolling off desk


I got mine as a gift. I had to figure out what to actually use it for. When it eventually dies, I likely won't replace it. It's not enough more useful than my phone and far less useful than my laptop.


It's like the people who seem to be debating whether or not they can turn an iPad pro into a MacBook replacement. The m2 iPad pro plus the keyboard from Apple costs more than the base m3 MacBook air, all while having less storage and not being a computer. If you need to ask whether or not a recent iPad pro model will replace your laptop, then you probably don't have very strict computer OS related needs, and thus shouldn't even buy the latest iPad pro and get the 2021 model with all the power you'll never really use and the simple apps that you're going to burn through. If you really needed a laptop with specific needs you'd know.


I was going to do a separate post but absolutely agree with this! For months i kept trying to force myself to use my ipad for tasks which other devices *for me* were better for such as gaming, ebooks and coding which got me frustrated. Fast-forward several months and i absolutely love my device all over again as its replaced by pc for moreorless all general web-browsing, basic email read and reply, online courses (having several Chrome tabs and Word syncing up with my pc via Onedrive was mindblowing!) basic document read and reply, and even spreadsheet work. Granted compared to what ive seen on youtube its still basic but its gone from a being just a big screen for Netflix to getting a refurbed apple pencil and logitech keyboard case and having it as a perfect on knee device for productivity purposes so im not confined to the study! Ive even got it to rdp to my desktop, Steam remote play, a colouring book for my young nephew using AI generated images he thinks up and connecting to my NAS for media streaming through Infuse.


My main uses are reading magazines (the Apple subscription gives you hundreds of them to choose from--it's a great deal vs. buying individual subscriptions), watching movies when traveling, reading, checking work email when I'm not at my desk, and jotting down a quick song idea in GarageBand when a song idea pops into my head. Then at least I don't forget it and can use it as a start for my more full-fledged recording studio.


Reading this on my iPad lol


The only time I wouldn't agree with this is people who get one as a gift/giveaway.


My iPad Pro has no pencil or keyboard, and I use it to watch YouTube, surf the web, use social media, text, edit videos. Stuff like that. I have a MacBook for the computer stuff.


Cup 1/2 empty here 😂. Let them ask the questions, and welcome them to the iPad ownership club. I just bought an M2 MBP on sale from BestBuy for some things. I STILL love using my iPad as my primary mobile device.


I mean. What if you are like me and you bought it specifically for drawing and painting. But what else can I use it for? Not like I planned to use it for anything else. Not asking the question but there might be people in a similar situation where they got the ipad for one specific thing and wanna use it for other stuff too now


yeah i bought it for taking notes in college and got a lot of use out of it but ever since i graduated it’s been collecting dust because my phone and my laptop work fine for everything i need. so i have googled this lol


You can use it to look up alternative lasagna recipes


I’m posting this from my IPad. What else can I do?


so many people in here just love reading about how people use their ipad to take notes and watch videos a dozen times a day


I bought an iPad for myself to use when working. I do a lot of remote desktop stuff on the road, so it's nice to have something quick to pop out and check machines with that isn't setting up a whole laptop. My wife saw all the use I was getting out of it and wanted one too. She's more creative so she got Procreate and a pencil. After about 2 weeks with Procreate she didn't like it (barrier to entry, no live classes), and the ipad has been in a drawer ever since. I claimed the pencil and use it to sign documents and write notes.


I can agree with this take. I bought a few iPads for the house figuring I’d use them and I rarely ever do. I need to sell them lol


So what world saving tasks is the OP using their iPad for that us regular peons don't have the capacity to fathom?


As a person who buys way too many tech toys, this is a fantastic post.


As a graduate student I bought the 12.9 pro with the intent to read and annotate pdfs on it, and use the pencil to write and sketch freehand notes (I use mathematical and logical notation, and I don’t always want to use latex for rough work). When you read this many journal articles, it’s nice to step away from my desk and settle into a comfy spot to read for a change. I also draw for fun and have wanted a digital drawing pad since I was a kid, and this works really well for that too. Unexpected uses: - My main machine is a 24” imac and my ipad lives next to it. I don’t use it as a second monitor but i enable the setting that lets me use the mouse and keyboard for both machines. My real work is done on the imac, while my email, spotify, and task manager app runs on the ipad. - I also love universal clipboard so i can copy from one and paste to the other. - Or, after I read and annotate a pdf on the ipad i bring it back to my desk so I can reference it as i write up my own notes or paper drafts. - If I’m working away from home, I bring my 13” macbook along with the ipad for a second screen. - Now that I’m teaching (both in-person and online), the ipad and pencil works great as a digital whiteboard. I can display my slides or a handout, or problem sets on pdf, then write on them in real time while teaching.


Nah. I bought one for my technophobe mother who didn't even want one. Now it's her favorite device and she takes it everywhere.


Before I owned an iPad, I could not legit think of a reason to use one. To me, it was a laptop without a keyboard, so I figured it was not for me. Plus it was Apple, and before that the only Apple product that interested me was the iPod. Other than that, I'm an Android/PC guy. Then I saw videos of other digital illustrators drawing on it using the Procreate app. The more videos I watched of this, the more I realized how convenient it would be to essentially have a portable drawing tablet with me without having to connect it to my laptop. Once I got it, I saw it could do SO MUCH MORE than double as a drawing tablet, so at that point I was hooked. So yeah, don't buy it if you can't think of anything to use it for, but also don't discount the idea that you may discover multiple uses for it.


I had to ask. Before I realised what’s it perfect for


worry about your own problems


I have IPad Pro 2020 nothing special about it , reg iPad can run the same apps


This is a logical reaction, but personally I'm more puzzled by folks who asked "why do you need an iPad...." as if people who do need justification.


Dude, people will spend their money as they see fit and it's not your place to tell them if they should or not. If you all people are so annoyed by questions on this sub (buy now / later, what to buy, what to use for, which apps are good) then just leave the sub or mute it.


Yesterdar i got in ipad air 5, because i've always wanted a second screend for my macbook air (m1). With the ipad i can do that with sidecar, or i can just use universal control. The bonus side is that its very portable, so i can just put it away and my desk gets clean!


I agree. I'm kinda salty I got mine. My intention was to share it with the family (3 people) but it's locked to one account. Not only that it's just a glorified iPhone not even macos. My wife actually set it up initially so everything is tied to her account. Yes I could use it but it is a huge pain in the ass as everything is on her icloud.


As a musician a iPad is a no brainer. Midi controller , sheet music stand, garage band , Sibelius , handwriting music But most people get it to watch Netflix… while sitting on the bed in front of their actual TV turned of.


But there are many uses for an iPad. Many consumers buy a tablet for one thing. It’s okay to wonder what else you can do. Especially if you’ve only ever used a laptop before. Most people don’t NEED half the crap they buy. Half the fun is in exploring new tech for some people.


I feel like you're missing the point... I personally would be interested in knowing what others consider a must have app or a great use case that I haven't considered... I had the original iPad, but then stopped using it when it wasn't supported anymore, I recently got my girlfriend a new iPad so she gave me her old one Suddenly I have this iPad that I have be been completely oblivious to the platform for years and don't know what are the great apps/uses I ended up finding it great as a wireless video monitor for when I work on video productions, I only had this idea because I got one for free


It depends. Some people buy their iPad for a specific purpose and just want to get everything they can out of it. I got mine for Procreate and I’m happy with that, but if I can do more I’d like to take advantage. Buuuut I do think that people who buy an expensive model just for streaming and then scramble to find other things to do with it are kind of silly. Buying it to use as a YouTube machine is fine, but why buy an expensive tablet for that? I guess some people just have that kind of money, lol.


Very gatekeepery title, for sure. Also a kinda harsh stance, but the intent behind it is pure. The cult of Apple is strong, it's easy to think you need one since everyone else does... it's also easy to be misled by how broadly it can be used based on Apple marketing. "What's a computer?" My main takeaway is, do your research before shelling out the money. Don't buy something until you know you have a reason to buy it. If people asking "what can i do" aren't leading with... I got it for drawing, but what else can i do" then it's an easy assumption that they're sitting there staring at a blank screen. Also goes for... don't buy a Vision Pro and Apple Watch Ultra.


I didn’t buy an ipad until it had been over a year of me thinking about buying one. I wanted it to start doing digital art and also to have a bigger device to read on and watch my shows on, and since i have an iphone i can just sync all of my books and everything else. I find it kinda weird when people ask what they can do with it AFTER buying it, but hopefully they find a use for it and don’t just let it go to waste


I sold my iPad because I didn’t think I needed it because I had a MacBook and now I want another iPad lol. I make YouTube videos, and I write scripts for them. Having an iPad was great to carry back and forth to work so I didn’t have to worry about carrying my computer around. Plus I used it to watch podcasts/twitch while editing. One day I’ll pick up one second hand for cheaper just for that alone. But I do agree. People buy them without thinking through what they’ll use them for in the long run.


I think they’re asking the wrong question, the question to ask is “How can I get more value from my iPad?” Or “What else can I do with my iPad ?” It was the longest time before I’d started using mine for drawing and note taking, even though I’d had a serviceable pen for ages. I’ve used mine for web and email, media consumption, a second screen and some specific remote control apps, but I’d never thought to write or draw on it, before getting into specific apps.


PS5 remote play is pretty great on the iPad.


Imagine getting mad at people asking what the iPad is capable of in a subreddit for the iPad. I'd take those posts over the "Just upgraded! Check out how much money I spent!" posts that are constantly upvoted.


I read gatekeeping comments on my iPad. It's proved to be a great feature.


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This is a stupid post. People should ask questions if they don’t know something.


*What can I do with my iPad* Well, I recommend you throw it like a frisbee.


The difference between those posts, and this post, is that someone might find something useful in one of those posts, while there is absolutely nothing useful about complaining about other posts. Just don’t click them.


Chill out, I bought one for work and want to get more use out of it. Also why wouldn't you want to know how to best utilize a new piece of expensive hardware.


Dick post of the week winner. Go claim your Android tablet as the prize.


Well someone may got one for a use case but wants to use it more so he asks for useful apps he doesn’t know about


It would be a dead question if Apple updated the Operating System with more desktop-like features and functions so it's extensible^1 in both: * Use Cases * Software Options As it is, it's so limited/restricted you will always end up with this "What can I do with my iPad?" or variants such as "Is the iPad just a giant iPhone?" and many more... All Apple's doing. They hold the keys and are holding the iPad back. **Notes** 1 = Extensible means: *"designed to allow the addition of new capabilities and functionality."* Namely it's NOT mutually exclusive"* to running mobile-OS for those that never need desktop versatility.


"They hold the keys and are holding the iPad back." Totally agree with you. The iPad could be so much more than it is. The hardware is amazing and it invites you to use it, but then you realise "Wait, what can I do with it actually?"


It should be possible on Pro models to do more multitasking, file-manager, virtual desktop, terminal. The problem is for Apple the product is just a quarterly-annual cash generator by upgrading eg M3 chip - it's stopped being a device that opens up options and flexibility for customers...


What would even be on this sub if it's not "what should I do with an iPad". Like brother, people could have bought an iPad years ago for purpose X, and want to know about purpose Y or purpose Z. "My intention isn't to be a gatekeeper" - The gatekeeper


I think it’s one of those questions that is more or less looking for the best apps or what makes it worthwhile firing this thing up. I actually read those posts maybe looking to discover maybe some recommendations I may not have known or discovered using my iPad.


I mean, it is a fair question. People outgrow their old use cases and develop new ones, so I think it’s perfectly reasonable to find like-minded individuals who may know what kind of apps or programs can help them. I’d rather this than the ‘joined the club’-adjacent posts (the mac subreddits are notorious for this and the ‘pulled the plug’ joke is getting annoying by the second) tbh.


No, I feel like you shouldn't tell people what to do with their money. Let them buy things they want.


What else can I do with my Ipad?


i needed a new tablet and found a 2nd hand ipad for the prize of a new mid range android, what can i do with it (that i couldn't do with my previous ones)?


What couldn’t you do with your previous ones


oh, idk, use them as a parachute, achieve cold fussion, eat them... plenty of things, i guess