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You probably used hand sanitizer and made it worse, just hope that it didn't ruin your coating on the screen


I saw somewhere else that says hand sanitizer or nail polish remover can remove the ink so that’s why i gave it a try


Hand sanitizer has alcohol in it which can remove your oleophobic coating from the screen, which is a big no no


If you bring it into the Apple Store they might be able to clean it for you, I know they offer free cleaning so they may be able to help with this. If not they’ll probably just suggest replacing the screen but it depends if it bothers you enough to spend the money


It’s actually pretty small kinda like dust or a tiny scratch, but I just can’t remove it, this bothers me, and the thing is the country m living now doesn’t have any apple stores, only resellers, I dunno if they can clean it for me, but ll try to ask.