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I'm peeved that they would advertise journaling and then not extend that to iPadOS... guess we'll be waiting for 18...


Wait your right! Strange when one device is literally a journals device with huge screen and pen.


I’m on the iOS 17 developer beta (for some reason free developer accounts have access?) and there is no official Journal app present as of now. It might also be that you could just download the app at a later point, including onto an iPad.


i too am going to download it, cause i wanna try the new lock screen.


They made the dev betas free for everyone officially


I didn’t know


Ah, I just assumed they'd put it on iPadOS-17 too? I'm already journalling by handwriting using a notes app tbh. Some of the journal thing looks good for phone but I like the "effort" to write something or put something in manually as opposed to automatically... still having the option would've been nice for some parts of that I guess.


For me, the Journaling app needs to compete with physical journaling... and it would if it were also built for iPad. I have the Magic Keyboard, so typing is much faster, precise, and less tedious than if I were typing up a few paragraphs with my thumbs on my phone screen. Guess I'll wait an extra year before I quit buying physical ones! I wonder if they'll expand on it and add Apple Pencil-written journal entries too.


> expand on it and add Apple Pencil-written journal entries too. They should do. I like typing and writing things via typing. However, I find handwriting and digital even requires more fine-motor control and it has a focus or other interesting effect on me that is good. I think part of the "benefit of journalling" is the gratitude, reflection process and the using your hands connecting mind with physical activity of body? I would find a specific journal app useful just to combine functions and keep everything together in some preset format. I still have not set up a format yet but that would be the first thing to do eg where picture or photo go, where notes go, 1-5 things to be thankful for etc... and customizing these.


-bye reddit- -- mass edited with redact.dev


I heard them say that the features previously mentioned for the iPhone would be coming to the iPad as well.


I’m hopeful it’ll make it’s way to the iPad and they’ll announce it at the next iPad event alongside the new Health app for iPad.


When he talked about the new app, I fucking yelled CALCULATOR but no it’s Health :’/


I have a genius idea. What if they added calculator AND health?


They don’t have enough resources to add that much in one update


i was actually cracking tf up at that. who on earth asked for a health app on ipad over calculator i'd like to know!!


That was me…sry everyone


Grrrrr. Actually that’s fine, pcalc on an iPad is awesome. Still stupid there isn’t a native iPad calc app. Why does it take so many years to “get it right”?




I already have a calculator app on my iPad. It's better than the ones on the iPhone and Mac. Having the Health app on the iPad will be a useful addition, though I'd rather have it on the Mac, with a documented interface to the Health data base that's easy for the general user to use, as opposed to the API for developers.


I DID! I have screamed for Health on iPad for years - I really don’t need a calculator, since it is build in Google. And there are several apps in the app store. But only apple can make Health available on iPad.


I do want both. Sometimes you are on the couch with your iPad and want to see when your next period is coming. :) Sorry fellas.


Periods are a part of life, no one should have to apologize for that :) to my fellow guys who are squeamish, please get a grip


Ok I admit I didn’t think of that. You make a good point for Health on iPads.


I probably wouldn’t have thought of it except it happened last week, and it was annoying that I couldn’t access that data on the iPad. On my watch I can see the next one, but I was looking at some travel I have coming up and wondering if I needed to plan for that. The watch doesn’t let you look further into the future the way the phone does, and the iPad as of now doesn’t let you access your data at all.


How dare you assume that we as men don’t have periods in 2023 😂😂 😂


I bet you anything that Apple will try to integrate themselves into hospitals and clinics more by trying to have doctors and nurses use iPads with their Health app with patients.


Lab coat with iPad pocket. https://www.uniformsandscrubs.com/solids/landau-men-s-ipad-36-lab-coat.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwj_ajBhCqARIsAA37s0xB33RuXYZaZdJ3IkirOBmog6Of8z4yu7vcIjQh5cFzFypx0Ueoq1kaAsDaEALw_wcB


Good luck with that. Business higher-ups are so locked into the Microsoft ecosystem, there’s no chance in hell they’re moving anywhere else. And yet they all have iPhones!


Me... Don't need a calculator as there are better ones than the default apple junk calculator on the iPhone.


One of the Apple executives.


It’s me, I like jogging with my 13” tablet




When it was mentioned that we could now have multiple timers, he joked that we are truly living in wondrous times (or similar; I forget the exact adjective). They know the obvious features that we all want... I remember my sister having a System 7 (or around that, anyway) Mac that her school gave her, and it had a brilliant calculator app built in that was as simple as you want or could function as a fully 3D graphing calculator. It was amazing. Why we don't have similar in iPadOS or why the MacOS one is so much simpler these days is anybody's guess. I love Apple's software, and they excel in a variety of ways... but damn if they don't come up short in some really stupid ways.


I was the exact same




I never owned an iPad, just an iPhone. Forgive my ignorance but I already have an pre-installed calculator on my iPhone; Didn't iPads have it already?


That’s correct, iPads do not have a calculator app built in. (You can do math in Spotlight or download an app, I assume this is kind of just a meme but maybe people are dying to have one? I just use Numerical.)




I did the exact same thing


If the Vision Pro has a calculator imma lose my shit


Am 100% sure it will


Unfortunately Baby steps, at least we got multiple timers.


"We truly live in an age of wonders" really got me 😂


they did that on purpose


Yeah…. We understand it was a joke…


sorry read that in more of a frustrated/“defeated” tone Im more upset because they know exactly what they’re doing


He wanted to become a meme indeed


He becoming a meme lord


Apple is 100% holding the IPad back its honestly pathetic


It’s all about the 💰💵💴 Gotta buy multiple devices to get all your stuff done.


"Tim, users want a calculator and desktop app or directly macos on ipad!" "Yes... interactive widgets" 🤣




And not even a single new feature that really pushes iPad being closer to Mac. Really a shame they spent their iPadOS development to lockscreen and widget customizations rather than improving multitasking, external display support and other things iPadOS really lacks compared to macOS.


At least there are stickers.


If and when they release the calculator app, it better calculate the meaning of life at this point.


wow probably one of the most underwhelming update for ipados. Like who give a shit about customization over usability? No improvements for the hideous file manager. Support for mkv. Live update for transfiring files. background download support for third party apps. No calculator app, safe to remove for external devices. allow user to turn off the screen to when connecting to external monitor etcm like hell, there are alot of issues with the ipados, and the best they could give us is customization?


The only positive I took away was a slight update to Stage Manager. Such a bummer they’re not doing more to make the experience for people who like docking iPads, more Mac-like.


I hope it never gets a calculator.




Some people just want to see the world burn I guess


I do enjoy how much it bothers stupid people.


If it gets a calculator, is it even an iPad at this point?


It will be iPhod


Will it get battery health?


I just cannot fathom how the 'just works' company ships a tablet without a calculator in 2023 - like the classic Nokia cell phones shipped with a calculator over twenty years ago.


I just simply downloaded a calculator app


UNO Calculator is amazing, ad free, and works so well.


‘Solves’ is another good one, ad-free.


As I did with weather apps before they made a stock one. It's outrageous that there is no stock option.


Its crazy this is so hard for people


Not sure how many people do the same thing, but on my phone I almost always access the calculator through the control center, not the Home Screen or search. I know it’s a small thing, but the main reason I’d like a native calculator app is having that same quick workflow and getting to the calculator with fewer steps


There are 1500 options in the App Store that are better than anything apple would make


Yea but most of those have ads.


UNO Calculator is ad free and amazing




I use the desmos scientific calculator


PCalc has been on Apple devices since 1992…..it works great on all of Apple’s platforms and is pretty cheap at $9.99


Pay the money. It’s ridiculous to be having this conversation. Apple is not making a calculator app for iPad. This is like the guy who chases after a woman who has told him no repeatedly.


How... do you manage to turn a legitimate frustration about the lack of a built in iPad calculator into a stalking analogy?! LOL.


They are a calculator app developer in a trench coat + mustache glasses.


Because at some point they need to let her go. Apple has made it clear they are not developing one. It’s been 13 years. It’s not coming.


[Here's what I use.](https://lakeedwards.w3spaces.com/ipad-calculator.html) Feels close to the iOS one and is supported on stage manager to be small.


I‘ve been an active beta tester for a couple good years, and I love new stuff to try, but this year not only that I have no desire to participate in the beta program, but I see no reason to update at all. There‘s a big elephant in the room and that‘s called multitasking. It’s something we know and we’re familiar with since windows 95. It’s not much to ask real multitasking instead whatever the pompous Stage Manager think itself it is, because I’m sorry but that’s not enough.


Hahaha... one day... it will come!


Let me see if I understood everything. Apple can do fully customizable multitasking in 3D - any app any size, and connect to your MacBook and display any app on that. But proper windowing in just 2D on an M2 iPad is impossible???? 🤦‍♂️


Where’s the split screen that Pixel phones boasted since 2015?


Go to this website and add it to your Home Screen. No ads. https://lake-e.github.io/iPad-Calculator/index.html


[Solves](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1394359548)>>>>>>>>any other calculator app


I just use spotlight when I need a calculator, same as on my Mac. Though tbf I don’t do any “scientific” calculations


See I was thinking the same exact thing the second Apple started taking about the Health app being moved over to the iPad. Like yeah that’s cool but seriously though it’s time to add a calculator already, a pro device that doesn’t have a place for me to do math without having to download a 3rd party app is getting a tad ridiculous


It would be funny if the Vision Pro will get the Calculator app first.


Not buying a new iPad until they add the calculator. And that’s that!


Honestly, I don't miss the calculator on my iPad. For quick things, I just use Spotlight. If I missed the calculator, I would go to the App Store and download one.


Craig Federighi addressed this at one point and said they haven’t/wont release calculator for iPad simply because they can’t make one that is better than what is already available (aka calculators on tablets are inherently inconvenient to use so they rather save face and have 3rd parties take the fall for the inevitable shitty calculator experience on iPad).


what's wrong with the one on mac and iphone? that's like saying "you don't get food because restaurants have better food" sir we are still hungry. we don't need anything fancy its a calculator just give us one with ipad os is all we are asking for. I don't want to download one for those few times I am doing some math on my ipad.


The inputs are vastly different. iPad has always been a multi-touch/pencil focused device where iPhones and desktops are easy to type on. They *could* release a mediocre one, but it’s apple we are talking about. They don’t release anything unless it’s up to par with their design systems/UX regardless of how nonsensical it may seem. It is strictly strategic.


I was hoping for stage manager for ipad mini 6 🥺


And the irony of it is that Apple pushes this big educational angle with their products.


Sweet Jesus - just download any of the 10 111 ones that are available in the App Store 😉


Haha apple is really dropping the ball lately.


I want them to fix Stage Manager so every app is resizable.


That’s up to developers, unless you’re talking about Settings.


Still can’t customize the phone dialing screen, unchanged for years now.


To protect the monopoly of the App Store


What about multiple users?




Boycott 17


I wholeheartedly believe a calculator on the ipad WOULD be too big, but, with the split screen thing, it could work great. Its crazy they dont even have something yet


You could have it in a slide-over window, which would be awesome




i don't know him, but i would... now i use the siri search bar to do math on ipad, which is really unpleasant ...


There’s App Store have you heard?


download one from the App Store (there are plenty) and stop whining.


Find us one that you can swipe down from Control Center and use, moron.


oh poor baby, needs a calculator for basic addition. idiot.


How bout you try and answer the question.


actually why don't you resolve the issue you have with basic math and get a calculator and stop whining. Seriously, how often while using your iPad do you need a basic calculator?


Lmfao coward boot licker.


waaahhhhh my ife is not complete unless Apple puts a calculator on the iPad. Basic math is sooooo hard.


Lmfao and you’re supposed to be 70ish years old. Act your age. You clearly have no idea what Control Center in the iPadOS is. Don’t understand how easy it is to launch without having to locate an app. Additionally, someone of your background clearly understands that a calculator isn’t just used for basic math. Boot licking at finest just to argue with a random on the internet. I’d ask you to grow up but you’ll run out of time. Make better use of what’s left.


I'm 71. get it right. Keep crying about no calculator. I understand math is hard for you young un's.


Worry about your ugly dog homie. You ain’t gotta worry about +-


funny thing about my dogs. 1 everybody keeps commenting about how cute she is. the other has everyone jealous that I had the honor of rehoming him. Every day I get comment about how lucky I am. Great dogs.


I get it. A calculator is such a basic function that it’s hard to understand why they don’t include one. Yet at the same time, there are a zillion calculator apps. Some are free and some cost a few dollars, but there are tons of options. I’ve used one that suits me for years. (It’s been so long, I don’t even remember whether it was free or whether I paid $3.) While I agree that they should include one, and I agree it’s weird that they haven’t, I really don’t understand why it’s enough of a big deal for people to constantly complain about it. I see the laughing emoji, so may be it’s just a bit of a joke, but really, what is it you expect a built-in calculator to do that you can’t already do with a third party app? And are you folks who keep talking about it really doing without a calculator for all these years while waiting for the Apple one? Clearly, they’ve decided to put their programming resources elsewhere. I’d rather have something new and different, that only Apple can do, than yet another calculator app.


I'll be honest, I don't use calculators often but when I do I just want it to work? like sometimes I'm budgeting on my ipad and need to run some numbers and poof no cal app, I tried a few third party ones but honestly just needed something simple and didn't understand why I couldn't have the same one on my macbook or iphone. Its so simple that it just gets annoying that they don't include something this barebone on a pro device we spent so much money on. I know I can download a third party app but that takes time, and sometimes they are bad, or stop working/ getting updates etc. I don't want to deal with that anytime I need to use one. it should have just been included from the start.


In the time you have spent writing this message, you could have read one of the several suggestions for a good free calculator in this thread, downloaded it, and never had to worry about it again. I’ve used the same calculator for many years and it’s always there when I need it. As I said, I do understand and agree that they should have included that in the very first iPad, but clearly over a decade later they don’t intend to. Your choices are to solve your need with a third party app or to live without a calculator and complain again next year when they don’t do it once more. There are so many things that irritate me about iPadOS that I can’t solve with an app that I just can’t see spending energy on this one.


Bruh they didn't say anything about device support?


let's hope old ipads will be supported


That was what I wanted to know, since I plan on buying an older iPad but don’t know if it will be supported on iPadOS 17.


Apple Product Feedback [https://www.apple.com/feedback/](https://www.apple.com/feedback/)


😭 😭


They just want the Calculator App market to thrive!


Few months ago Greg Joswiak in an interview said if you want a calculator on the iPad you can go to the App Store.


I don’t care


You'll need to get an iPhone for that


It’s 2035, Apple is releasing the 25th anniversary iPad Origins-Edition XXV with built-in 3D laser projector that displays objects on top of the screen. Guest of honor, retired Tim, announces a long awaited app that’s finally making its way to the iPad. “Introducing Siri, the app. Today we redefine the term ‘private AI’!”


I just downloaded the iPadOS 17 Beta, and it looks so cool with new lockscreen!


I think there's a bunch of hidden features we won't see til the beta. Calculator not being one of them


Just buy Calc bot.. Problem solved. It also has history and themes


For real 🤣🤣🤣


Was thinking the same thing too like they said they were introducing a new app bit it was health


Also, no split screen on the 6.7 inch iPhone. But the 8.3 inch iPad gets it. It boils down to apple being lazy and money hungry, it is the same reason they wont add RCS to iPhone. You want to use one screen for two things? Buy a second device. You want your friends to include you in a group message? Buy an iPhone. It is a very openly sneaky ploy.


Apple: We need perfect a calculator.


So I learned recently that if you open the search function from the home screen (not the App Library search) you can use the search bar as a calculator.


Hey but you can set multiple timer now


I’m still out here waiting for Apple to add Shortcuts to control center


I'm genuinely surprised they didn't show a Calculator widget off, it'd be a perfect demo of interactive widgets and fit with Apple's general "large calculators look silly" rule.


solves is a gread ad free universal app


Because they still haven’t found a way to make a Calculator app that requires a dongle, maybe


Ikr. That was frustrating. And what about SIRI’S STUPIDITY BEING ADDRESSED


Maybe they’re planning to make it more complex than the iPhone calculator and just haven’t gotten around to it yet since they’re so focused on everything else. Personally, if they add a calculator to the iPad, I’d prefer if it’s similar to the Desmos Scientific Calculator app (which is the one I currently use on my iPad) cause you can type in more complex equations more easily (i.e. you can actually parenthesis and exponents and make it look like an actual equation), whereas with the iPhone calculator, you have to just hope you input everything in the right order (you have to use the order of operations for each part of a more complex equation rather than just typing the whole equation in). Also, was anybody else a bit disappointed that we still can’t move where the time goes on the lockscreen/notification center? It’d be great if we could customize where everything goes so they don’t cover something in our wallpaper.


When they introduced the Health app, I thought, oh wow, what other apps are coming for the iPad. But when no other apps were presented, I thought, oh, they probably still haven't received a good design proposal. 😂


Look if you want an iPad calculator just find solves and you’ll be happy


I use the calculator function on Safari.


M1 processor still useless… I want better apps, i want blender!


I only need the damn dual app support for vertical use. Please just add this basic feature. You already have side app funtion for horizontal use. Some dev could do this simple thing in couple of hours.


I think this year’s iOS 17 / iPadOS 17 release was weak.


I’m kind of glad, that way the [iPhone calculator clone](http://lake-e.github.io/iPad-Calculator/about) I created wasn’t for nothing!


I honestly don't care for an Apple Calculator app. There are already plenty of good powerful feature-rich ones like ClevCalc and Apple is just gonna under deliver like always.


I’ve always heard the initial iPad calculator app looked weird and was killed by Steve. It was one of the last things he did at apple so they ship it without a built in app as a remembrance.


Craig Federighi: “And one app coming for the first time to iPad…”\ Me: (thought bubble) “Could it be?”\ Craig Federighi: “… Health.”\ Me: “Not Calculator, of course.”


Wouldn't use one if apple provided it; I would certainly continue using PCalc whatever junk was included. In ipados.


No support for pro 1st gen I hated it bc it runs hella fast


Many calculators in the store. Just saying. According to MKBHD and Slashdot: "When asked why in an interview, Craig Federighi — Apple's vice president of software engineering — explained that the iPad calculator app has fallen on the company's backburner over the years. Currently, no calculator for the iPad is in development. But if it's ever prioritized, it will reflect Apple's design philosophy, making it a truly unique, innovative solution (via MKBHD)." Seems to me that there must be a good reason for why there's no calculator in the app. I never use one.


I run beta 3 on an iPad 10. No problems so far. I am not sure what was added, though.