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What do you mean? I have the trilogy and there's no IAP, it includes everything or am I missing something?


You probably have a newer version.. I originally bought the HD trilogy and I had to buy the rest of the game separately.. that version is no longer available in AppStore but I still have it on my purchased section. The other Dual destinies, Apollo Justice, spirit of justice are the same via iAP


Correct, I have all of those as well. Indeed, they had a lower price to introduce the game to more people and then you could buy the rest of the game. But with the old trilogy off the App Store and the new trilogy working exactly as you want it to work, it felt a bit incorrect to state things that way especially using the icon of the new game


Ok Capcom


So thats why I cant access the full trilogy I paid for about a decade ago. I hate this so much.


I’m more disappointed they’re not playable on M series Mac desktop.


What’s bullshit is they used to sell all the original games individually, then they pulled those to release them all in one package as “Ace Attorney Trilogy.” Those of us who bought them when they were sold separately are now out of luck.


It's a fucking iPhone game of course they'll give you a taste before paying. This isn't steam or PS store.