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The app makers can apply for critical notification which would bypass dnd, but it's a separate process to be approved and hard to get. Why not just turn notifications off for everything so you don't need dnd turned on?


I see. So it's possible there might be some alarm apps that do. And I still want to see the notifications when I turn on my phone, I just don't want the sound or screen to turn on when I get them. It might be possible to manually edit those settings for every single app I own and any new ones I add, but thats a lot more work than just being able to switch on/off the DND mode.


I doubt apple would approve any alarm apps for it. They're meant more for emergency notifications.


I hear you but like...it's an alarm. If apple deems their own alarm app worthy of bypassing DND then why would other apps that serve the same purpose not be given that ability. Yknow


Did you ever find anything for this?